Global War 1914 Errata

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Global War 1914 V 2.

0 Errata

4.22 Diplomacy: Nations may be Influenced through the Diplomatic Influence Process. The
Diplomatic Influence is conducted on the Diplomacy Chart. If a Nation Captures/Liberates an
Aligned Minor Power refer to; 9.9.1.

6.1 Seasons
Fall-Winter: During the Fall-Winter Turn, the following Rule changes are in effect:
· Land combat is limited to 1 Round, and Units may not Combat Move through
8.5.2 Blockade: 3 or more Surface Warships from the same Alliance in a Sea Zone
without Enemy Units Surface Warships automatically Blockades all Enemy Supply Paths
in that Sea Zone, and all Naval Facilities adjacent to that Sea Zone. Units may still be
built at a Blockaded Shipyard. You can’t Blockade a Nation’s Naval Facilities if you are
at Peace with that Nation.

9.9.2 Voluntary Return: If the Captured Land Zone is occupied, the Original Owner may
Declare War on the new Owner at any time. The New Owner may return the Captured Land
Zone to its Original Owner at any time. After returning it, they must move their Units from the
Land Zone to the nearest Land Zone in their Possession.
9.9.2 Liberating an Aligned Minor Power: If a Nation Captures/Liberates a Land Zone that
was Aligned to another Major Power of their Alliance through the Diplomacy process it must
immediately return it to the Major Power that had originally Aligned it.

Appendix A, Section 3.4

Balkan War 2- Resolution
If Greece holds its Home Territory and Macedonia: Britain advances 1 Stage in
Improved Logistics.

Spoils of the Balkan Wars:

● If Ottomans own any 1912 Mini-map starting Territories (except Thrace and
Constantinople): Ottomans advance Defense in Depth by 3 Stages and
Improved Logistics by 1 Stage.

Appendix B, Section 2.6

● Soviets will not Attack any Territory outside Russian Home Country except North

Appendix B
Russian Civil War
For some reason some of the text box on 1.1 Administer Russian collapse was lost when
converting the file to a PDF. Here is what was missing;
(h) Place the Soviet Capital Roundel on Moscow to signify it as the new Capital of
the Soviet Union.

(i) Remove all Russian Land and Air Units; count them up (count Militia and
Colonial Infantry together) and remove half of each type of Unit (fractions rounded
up; retain any Observation Balloons and Poison Gas Markers). The minimum
retention is 6 Militia, 14 Infantry, 3 Cavalry, 2 Cossacks, 3 Artillery, 1 Fighter
(contemporary with the Tech Chart), and 1 Armored Train. They are now Soviet

(j) Set up White Nations within Russia according to the Russian Civil War Set Up
· Mark each Territory with a White Russian Roundel and the Control Marker of
the Major Power that Controls them.
· A White or Allied Unit must be present in a Territory to be considered a White
· Remove the White roundel if the Territory is Unoccupied.
· Allied Japan may never Control the Whites.

(k) Allied Units located in Finland, Poland, or the Ukraine at the time of the
· Must choose to leave the Territory(s) or Declare War on that Minor Power:
· Any remaining Territories from the Minor Power will Align to their Controlling
Major Power.
· Allied Units may be relocated to the nearest Territory that Nation Possesses at
the end of the Round that the Collapse occurs. This relocation doesn't count as a
Movement for the following Turn.

(l) Minor Power Territories (outside Russian Home Country) previously Aligned to
or Captured by Russia:
· Become a Strict Neutral with one Militia.
· Allied Units located there at the time of the Collapse must choose to relocate to
the nearest Territory that Nation Possesses at end of the Round that the Collapse
occurs or Attack the Strict Neutral Militia for Possession of the Territory.

(m) North Persia is Annexed by Central Persia regardless of whether it is Neutral or

Aligned to any Major Power. Declaring War on one of the Territories has no
Diplomatic effect on the other Territory.
(n) Place Soviet Units in any unoccupied Russian Home Territory after the Whites
and Allies are set up. They may not set up in any Territories held by Central
Powers, Whites, Allies, or Independent Minor Powers.

(o) Replace the Russian Roundels with Soviet Roundels on the IPP Chart and the
Technology Chart.

(p) All Minor Powers in the Russian Segment of the Diplomacy Chart are moved to the
Neutral Position.

Random Events
Random Events Tables- Random events that involve a revolt are not limited to three rounds of
combat, roll until one side is victorious. If you are attacking a territory with a neutral unit and
they are successful in the combat, then the territory becomes a strict neutral minor power unless
otherwise stated in the Random Event.

Spring 1912 West. Berlin Conference Breakdown. Each side adds 6 IPP worth of units to Africa
in this order-Germany, Britain, Ottomans, France. Ignore Manpower and Supply Path
restrictions for this event.
Change Cavalry to Camel in Spanish Sahara.

Summer 1912 West. Berlin Conference Breakdown. Each side adds 6 IPP worth of units to
Africa in this order-Germany, Britain, Ottomans, France. Ignore Manpower and Supply Path
restrictions for this event.
Change Cavalry to Camel in Spanish Sahara.

Spring 1914 East 6. The Second Revolution. Add one Militia each to Tibet, Hainin Tsinghai,
Yunnan, and Suiyuan.

Summer 1914 West 4. Change Cavalry to Camel in Tripolitania.

Spring 1916 West 1. Place a damage marker on the railway in Armenia. Britain and Russia may
spend 1 IPP each to place an infantry in Armenia. If Armenia is enemy-owned then the infantry
must attack the other units in the territory.

Spring 1916 East 1. Add one attacking Cavalry and one attacking Infantry in Eastern Mexico.
Increase Germany one stage on the Diplomacy Chart.
If the Federals won the Revolution or you did not play the prequel place as attacking units.
If the Revolutionaries won the Revolution roll again.
Spring 1918 East. Central America. Central America moves 2 stages toward Germany. If it
moves to Neutral or pro-German then it will not align to the U.S. If Central America is already
aligned or controlled, then re-roll random event.

Summer 1918 East. Pro-Allied Central America. Central America moves 2 diplomatic stages
toward the U.S. Re-roll the event if the U.S. is already at war.
Place 1 free Attacking Neutral Infantry in Central America. Resolve combat immediately if
Central America is controlled or aligned by a Major Power.

Russian Civil War Card Deck

Ottomans Withdraw
The Ottomans must withdraw all units from Russian home territories and may no longer
lend-lease to controlled Whites. They may continue recruitment rolls and lend-lease unless
Transcaucasia is Soviet controlled.

U.S.A. Reference Sheet

Option C
A Peace Without Victory: U.S.A. may choose not to Declare War but impose
Diplomatic Solutions and exert U.S.A. moral authority.
· Wilson attempts to negotiate an end to the War. Make a Variable End Die Roll
each Turn at the start of the U.S.A. Turn that they reach 37 IPP; refer to 3.7.1
· Start rolling 1D6 at 1 and increase by 1 each Turn. Add +1 to the requirement
for every Major Power Capital that is Enemy-owned. Each time you fail,
U.S.A. pays 5 IPP to the Bank.
· No Nation may Blockade or Close Straits (they can Close Canals).
· All Submarines reduced to Raiding at +0 (prize rules).
· May Lend-lease to both Alliances.
· If the U.S.A. chooses Option C, do not use the Variable End Die Roll in 3.7 for
the rest of the game.

*This provides the best chance for the Neutrality Victory Objective.

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