Online Essay Proofreader

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Online Essay Proofreader

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Online Essay Proofreader" presents its own set of challenges.
Firstly, delving into the subject requires a comprehensive understanding of the role of proofreaders in
the digital realm. This involves exploring the evolution of proofreading from traditional methods to
the current online platforms, understanding the technological advancements that have shaped the

Next, the essay needs to address the significance of online essay proofreaders in the context of
modern writing standards. It requires an exploration of the benefits they offer in terms of efficiency,
accessibility, and the ability to cater to a global audience. Additionally, one must discuss the
potential drawbacks and controversies surrounding reliance on digital proofreading tools, touching
upon issues like over-reliance and potential limitations.

Moreover, navigating through the plethora of online proofreading tools and platforms demands
thorough research. Comparing various tools, discussing their features, and evaluating their
effectiveness pose another layer of complexity. Addressing the challenges faced by users, such as
potential errors, false positives, or privacy concerns, adds depth to the analysis.

The essay should also encompass the evolving nature of language and writing styles in the digital age
and how online proofreaders adapt to these changes. Discussing the future trends and innovations in
this field, like the integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, or natural language
processing, adds a forward-looking perspective.

Lastly, effective communication and coherence are paramount in presenting a well-rounded essay.
The challenge lies in seamlessly incorporating all the researched information, maintaining a logical
flow, and ensuring that the essay remains engaging for the reader.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Online Essay Proofreader" demands meticulous
research, critical analysis, and adept writing skills to navigate through the intricacies of the subject.
It's a task that requires not only a deep understanding of the topic but also the ability to communicate
complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, a resource like can be a valuable option. There, you can find professional help to tackle various
writing challenges and ensure the delivery of high-quality essays and academic content.
Online Essay Proofreader Online Essay Proofreader
The Figurative Language In Raymond Carver s Cathedral
Raymond Carver s Cathedral (1983), uses elements such as tone, which is the author s
attitude toward a subject and style, which describes the ways that the author uses
words the author s word choice, sentence structure, figurative language, and sentence
arrangement, to create a main character who inhabits all the qualities of an antihero, in
order to establish his ignorance towards a blind man whom he reluctantly welcomes
into his home. Carver initially presents the husband, who is also the narrator, as a
jealous, pity less man who is insecure in his relationship with his wife. The initial tone
of the story starts off as jarring and very insensitive, where the husband makes
prejudice assumptions about the blind man and his life. Carver develops the story and
his character progression through crafty language and a shift in tones throughout the
length of the story that drastically changes the entire feeling of the story. Cathedral
shows the development of a narrator who has been placed in what seems, at first to be
an awkward situation which ends up, instead, being a moment of true revelation.
Carver depicts the story in a rather strident tone, making the narrator, appear as the
antihero, though some may view his character as somewhat humorous, and
straightforward, his tone is initially very harsh and ignorant. Carver said himself that
the narrator albeit having many prejudices against blind people, he changes; he grows
out of those narrow minded ways. The story follows the lives of three main characters;
the narrator who lacks a name, his wife and his wife s blind friend, Robert. The
narrator is initially openly critical and uneducated towards the blind man and his
perception of the world, but towards the end of the story we see him becoming more
accepting of the man whom he once saw as strange and even pathetic for not ever
having seen his wife who died of cancer, he says, I m imagining now her last thought
maybe this: that he never even knew what she looked like, and she on an express to
the grave. Robert was left with a small insurance policy and half of a twenty peso
Mexican coin. The other half of the coin went into the box with her. Pathetic. (168) The
story s style itself is told in a very
Malal Teenage Activists
There many Activists you might even be one. In a different way then Malala. But
today I will tell you about two particular teen activists Malala Yousafzai, and Erica
Fernandes. These two young girls risked their lives for what they believe is right, one
more then the other. I am going to be telling you about what they did, and what they
changed to make the world a better place. But first you need to know who they are
Malala lived in Pakistanwere she was not supposed to go to school. Now she attends
school in England. But she wants to move back to Pakistan. Erica Fernandes is a activist
who works to raise awareness as to how youth can work with the government to help
improve the environment.

Malala lived in pakistan and was secretly speaking

Andrew Jackson Thesis Statement
During Andrew Jackson s time he managed to help America out of various wars.
Starting from nothing and ending up defeating enemies in many wars, and still went on
to be president. Through some of the darkest wars, Andrew Jackson had led America to
victory. You need an argument to start your thesis statement! Jackson was what? That is
your argument. Then follow this with three major accomplishments He had led America
out of the Battle of New Orleans, the battle of Horseshoe Bend, and the Battle of
Tippecanoe. You need to very briefly describe what he accomplished in each of these
The Even though the Treaty of Ghent had been approved and the war declared over,
news of the treaty did not reach all parts of the United States by what
Propranol Analysis
Recent discoveries have shown the possibility of using propranolol, a drug commonly
used to treat hypertension, to treat patients with autism. Inderal LA (propranolol
hydrochloride) is manufactured largely by ANI Pharmaceuticals Inc. (U. S. Food and
Drug Administration). The IUPAC name for propranolol is 1 naphthalen 1 yloxy 3
(propan 2 ylamino)propan 2 ol (National Center for Biotechnology Information). Figure 1
shows the structure of propranolol hydrochloride, which is the active component sold in
pharmaceutical the industry. Propranolol s use is to provide a reduction in resting heart
rate, cardiac output, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and reflex orthostatic
hypotension. Propranolol is able to do this because it competes... Show more content on ...
Starting from Naphthalene, the following synthetic strategy, Figure 5, was created
using techniques discovered by the national chemical laboratory. Step one is the
addition of an alcohol group to Naphthalene using Toluene and 4 monooxygenase
(Copley, S. D). Once 1 naphthanol is the starting material used by the nation chemical
laboratory to synthesis propranolol. The following synthetic strategy is used to create
propranolol from 1 naphthol: (a) 3 bromopropanol, 10% aq NaOH, reflux, 6 h, 67%;
(b) IBX, DMSO, rt, 2 h, 89%; (c) PhNO, L proline, CH3CN, 20 °C, 24 h then NaBH4,
MeOH, 20 °C, 0.5 h; (d) 10% Pd/C, MeOH, H2, rt, 6 h, for two steps 79%; (e) PPh3,
DIAD, reflux, 6 h, 67%; (f) isopropylamine, CH2Cl2, rt, 12 h, 83%; (g) Et2O, HCl gas,
1 h, 86% (Panchgalle, S. P.). Some of the important steps in this synthetic strategy is
using 1 naphthol because it is a cheap and readily available starting material. Also this
procedure produces high yields and is not harmful to the environment (Panchgalle, S. P.).
Figure 6 and 7 are mechanisms for the conversion of naphthalene to 1 naphthol by
toluene 4 monooxygenase, and the reaction labeled a in
Books And Paper Books
Did you know, Each year approximately 30 million trees are used to make books all over
the United States (Pollak). Americans have been exposed to books every day since we
were able to read. However, some people prefer paper books because they make them feel
excited to read, while others may not like the paper versions. Other people might be
turned on to the modern way of reading on an E book. Paper and E books depend on
natural resources, size, prices, and abilities. So, as a reader, what would you buy: the
modern or paper books? People never understood how making books kills the
environment, and each tree that goes down takes oxygen away from us. Every book a
person buys can be recycled, so new books can be made. This takes up less... Show more
content on ...
Books use lamps to have light to read in bed or dark, which is not very much; unless
you read all night. According to one person, Often a lamp is too bright for them in bed
because it effects how they sleep. While the E Book can dim down to the right light just
enough so they can see the words (Rubin). Each person is reading a book of their
choice and using resources, they are either saving tress or using electricity. Although,
each way of reading doesn t help the environment; packing books for trips is an easy
choice. Paper books depend on sizes like the thickness of the book likewise if it s hard
cover or paper back because people may not be able bring all the books on a trip. If
that person is going on a plane, their luggage might be taking up with books which
might cause them to exceed their weight limit for the luggage to go on the plane
(Literature and eBooks). Plane luggage is like a child having to carry a backpack
around school carrying three bulky textbooks, because weights hurts the plane with
being able to fly; then having a child walking around hurting their back. Unlike, paper
book, E books can hold million books in one gadget (McMaken). That device could be
tiny as a cell phone and biggest as an iPad. The weight of E book is smallest as 6 ounces
and biggest as 1.6 pounds unless it s a computer. That beats carrying three or four
books when people are on a trip. Plus, if a person finishes all the books they bought
before they left

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