Senanayake Sasm

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The purpose of this essay is to study the effectiveness of traditional
construction materials used in Sri Lankan dry zone since the past. Historical and
sustainable practices, cultural significance, unique characteristics and
contemporary practices of traditional construction in the dry region using
materials such as dung, clay, wood, and straw are studied here.
The basic problem that is being studied here is that the sustainable use of
traditional building materials is dying out and modern construction materials are
being used in the dry zone of Sri Lanka.
The study area is a region with unique ecological characteristics of arid climate
and low rainfall fed by lake water. In this region, since ancient times, construction
has been done using locally available materials sustainably, adapting to the
challenging climatic conditions.
Studying the role of traditional materials in Sri Lankan dry zone is important
for several reasons. Studying these materials is essential for the transmission of
cultural practices, crafts and architectural traditions to future generations.
Traditional materials are very environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is very
important to understand the sustainable use of these traditional materials at a
time when the environment is greatly damaged due to construction activities. And
the current economic recession in Sri Lanka has hampered the construction work.
In such situations, the sustainable use of these locally sourced traditional
materials can provide solutions to many problems. Dry zone face heat and low
rainfall. These climates can be used to develop architectural solutions using
traditional materials to meet the challenges of natural insulation and ventilation.
It is also important to recognize the value of these materials to preserve the
cultural identity and traditional architectural knowledge systems embodied in the
use of local building materials. Community-based techniques and local knowledge
are often incorporated into the construction sector based on traditional materials.
Understanding the functionality of these traditional materials leads to increased
employment opportunities and sustainable development for local communities.
the study on the role of traditional materials in Sri Lankan dry zone architecture is
essential for preserving cultural heritage, promoting environmental sustainability,
and addressing contemporary challenges in architectural design.
This essay covers a significant area in the Northern, North Central, Eastern
and North Western provinces of Sri Lanka and most of the territory of Sri Lanka
belongs to this dry zone. For the study of this topic, reliable literary sources,
historical records are expected to be studied. Photographs, architectural plans and
reliable internet reports can also be used for the present work to analyze the
architectural aspect, aesthetic features and visual capture. The study is conducted
through careful observation, maps, plans and survey about the role of traditional
materials in dry zone of Sri Lanka.

A study of the colonial impact on Sri Lankan architecture

This essay discusses the colonial impact on sri lankan architecture. Here, focus
on profound influence that colonial including the Portuguese, Dutch, and British,
have had on the architectural of Sri Lanka. In this topic, it is hoped to study the
transformations of local architectural styles, building techniques during the
colonial period.
The Portuguese arrived in the early 16th century, followed by the Dutch in the
17th century, and the British in the 19th century to sri lanka. Each colonial power
brought its own architectural style and left a lasting legacy visible in the forts,
churches, mansions and public buildings scattered across the island. The study
area consists of a diverse range of architectural structures, from colonial-era forts
such as Galle Fort to colonial administrative buildings.
The architectural legacy left by colonial powers has played a significant role in
shaping the identity of modern Sri Lankan architecture. Studying colonial impacts
on Sri Lankan architecture is critical to understanding architectural evolution and
gaining insight into the complex interplay of cultural, social and economic forces.
Here, the complex interplay between local traditions and external influences is
also understood. And this helps to understand the evolution of architectural
styles and building techniques in Sri Lanaka. This important for the understand
the architectural changes brought about by colonial powers had social and
economic implications for the local population. Understanding these impacts is
essential for comprehending historical power dynamics, economic systems, and
social structures.
In this essay, Gall Fort, Colombo Fort, Jaffna Fort and such administrative
buildings and church built during the colonial period are to be studied. this study
focuses on the architectural changes caused by socio-religious ,political changes
due to colonization. Here ,it will use photographs to visually understand
architectural features and changes caused by colonization. The study is conducted
through careful observation, maps, plans and survey about colonial impact on sri
lankan architecture .And for this use exploration of credible archives for historical
records, maps, and documents related to colonial-era construction and analysis of
academic publications and architectural studies relevant to the colonial period in
Sri Lanka. The study is also conducted by gathering information from credible
online resources and reviewing pertinent literature concerning about colonial
impact on sri lankan architecture


This essay will study the relationship between architecture and human
psychology. As society becomes increasingly urbanized and complex, it is
important to study the psychological aspects of architecture to create an
environment that positively affects the mental health of humans and to improve
the overall quality of life. It studies how the form and spatial organization of a
built environment affects human behavior, emotions and well-being. It profoundly
affects human cognition, emotions, and social interactions. Architecture has the
power to evoke feelings of comfort, inspiration or tension, and has the ability to
influence the way people interact with the world around them.
It profoundly affects human cognition, emotions, and social interactions.
Understanding the psychological aspects of architecture enables us to take design
beyond purely aesthetic concerns to a more human-centered approach to
designing spaces that prioritize the needs and experiences of the people who
inhabit them. Architecture has the potential to positively or help control mental
health. Studying the psychological aspects of architecture enables the creation of
environments that support human psychological well-being, reduce stress, and
promote a psychological experience. Also, another objective of this study is to
increase the knowledge needed to improve the overall quality of life through
architecture. By understanding how architectural elements affect human
experience in everyday life, this study is important for designs that promote
comfort and joy in everyday life. It is essential for architects to have a deep
understanding of the psychological aspects of their designs. These psychological
aspects help to make any architectural design successful, so it is very important to
study this topic. By understanding how architectural elements affect human
experience in everyday life, this study is important for designs that promote
comfort and joy in everyday life. The mental well-being of man is related to the
environment and cultural elements in which he lives. Psychological responses to
constructs may vary across different cultures and contexts. These studies are
important to understand situations and respond to sensitive psychological needs
of human thoughts.
There are several methods that can be used to comprehensively understand
the psychological impact of built environments. A study of reliable literature
sources on architectural psychology and a review of psychological theories can be
done. Capable of capturing information about behavior, movement, and social
dynamics in space. Study of psychological principles used in residential,
commercial, educational, and public spaces using literature sources, previous
survey reports, and Internet sources.

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