Describe Newbigin's Scheme of Floristic Regions of The World and Explain The Mediterranean Floristic Region. - Licchavi Lyceum

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1/25/24, 12:07 PM Describe Newbigin’s scheme of Floristic regions of the world and explain the Mediterranean Floristic region.

stic region. - Licchavi Lyceum

Describe Newbigin’s scheme of Floristic regions of the world and explain

the Mediterranean Floristic region.
September 14, 2023

Sir George Taylor’s scheme of floristic regions is a widely accepted

system for classifying the world’s flora based on shared plant species and
botanical characteristics. In this scheme, the Mediterranean Floristic
Region is one of the distinctive floristic regions, characterized by its
unique assemblage of plant species and ecological characteristics.

Mediterranean Floristic Region:


1. Climate: The Mediterranean Floristic Region is characterized by a

Mediterranean climate, which typically includes hot, dry summers
and mild, wet winters. This climate is influenced by the
Mediterranean Sea, and it often leads to a distinct pattern of plant
growth and adaptation.
2. Vegetation: The region is known for its diverse and iconic
vegetation types, including:
Mediterranean Scrubland (Chaparral): This includes
evergreen shrubs such as oaks, laurels, and heathers. These
plants have adaptations like small, leathery leaves to conserve
Mediterranean Forests: These include evergreen trees like
cork oaks, Aleppo pines, and holm oaks. They are adapted to
periodic fires.
Phrygana: A type of low-growing, drought-resistant vegetation
often found in rocky or disturbed areas.
Garigue: A plant community with low, aromatic shrubs and
herbs, adapted to nutrient-poor soils.
3. Biodiversity: The Mediterranean region is a global biodiversity
hotspot, with a high number of endemic species found nowhere
else. This is due to its complex geological history and climatic
variations, which have encouraged the evolution of unique flora. 1/3
1/25/24, 12:07 PM Describe Newbigin’s scheme of Floristic regions of the world and explain the Mediterranean Floristic region. - Licchavi Lyceum

4. Human Impact: Human activities, such as agriculture,

urbanization, and deforestation, have heavily impacted the
Mediterranean Floristic Region. Historical human settlements,
including ancient civilizations, have left their mark on the
5. Conservation: Due to its ecological significance and biodiversity,
the Mediterranean Floristic Region has been a focus of
conservation efforts. Protected areas, including national parks and
reserves, aim to preserve the unique flora and fauna of the region.
6. Crops and Agriculture: The Mediterranean region is known for its
cultivation of various crops, including olives, grapes, wheat, and
citrus fruits. These agricultural practices have shaped the
landscape and culture of the region for centuries.

The Mediterranean Floristic Region is of great ecological and cultural
significance for several reasons:

1. Biodiversity Hotspot: It is home to a remarkable diversity of plant

species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. This
diversity supports a range of wildlife and contributes to global
2. Cultural Heritage: The Mediterranean region has a rich cultural
history, with ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Romans
leaving behind a legacy of agriculture, art, and architecture.
3. Economic Importance: The region’s agricultural products,
particularly olives, grapes, and wine, play a significant role in the
global economy and trade.
4. Tourism: The natural beauty and historical sites of the
Mediterranean region attract millions of tourists each year,
contributing to the local economy.
5. Ecological Resilience: The unique flora of the Mediterranean has
adapted to the region’s challenging climate, making it a valuable
source of knowledge for researchers studying plant adaptations to
arid and semi-arid conditions. 2/3
1/25/24, 12:07 PM Describe Newbigin’s scheme of Floristic regions of the world and explain the Mediterranean Floristic region. - Licchavi Lyceum

In summary, the Mediterranean Floristic Region is a distinctive and

ecologically important part of the world, known for its unique plant species,
diverse ecosystems, and cultural significance. Efforts to conserve and
protect this region are vital for maintaining its ecological and cultural
heritage. 3/3

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