Sample Introduction Paragraph For Argumentative Essay

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Sample Introduction Paragraph For

Argumentative Essay
Writing an essay, especially crafting a compelling introduction paragraph for an argumentative essay,
can be a challenging task. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a clear and concise overview of
the topic but also in capturing the reader's attention and conveying the main argument effectively.
One must carefully choose words and phrases to set the tone, establish the context, and introduce the
thesis statement without giving away too much information. Striking the right balance between
being informative and intriguing is crucial, and it often requires multiple revisions to achieve

Moreover, the challenge extends to selecting relevant evidence, constructing logical arguments, and
addressing potential counterarguments, all of which contribute to the complexity of the writing
process. Additionally, the writer must be mindful of maintaining a coherent structure throughout the
essay, ensuring smooth transitions between paragraphs, and supporting each point with credible
sources. It demands a deep understanding of the subject matter, critical thinking skills, and the
ability to express ideas persuasively.

Despite these challenges, the process of essay writing is a valuable skill that enhances one's ability to
analyze information, think critically, and communicate effectively. However, for those seeking
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Sample Introduction Paragraph For Argumentative Essay Sample Introduction Paragraph For
Argumentative Essay
Public Service Motivated Behavior For The Design Of
Discuss the Implications of Public Service Motivated Behavior for the Design of Reward
Systems within Public Sector Organizations

Literature Review on managing successful rewards motivation among employees4
Involving Employees Contribution toward Reward Program Development5
Identify Individual Employee Interest in Specific Rewards5
Ensure To Develop Fair Reward Achieving Guidelines6
Provide Reasonable Performance Goals and Standards6
Interlink Rewards Determination to Performance Target Achievement7
Designing of different types of Reward Systems8
Financial Incentives9
Hobby and Skill Development9
In house entertainment10
Relaxation, Rest and Short Work Hours10
Excursions and Outing to Divert the Mind11


Employee motivation through the use of rewards systems has been used for a millennia
as people tend to be motivated to work harder when offered rewards for good work.
The 21st century has experienced major changes liked to motivation within the public
sector where professionals are today looking for a wider verity of motivators and not
limited to financial incentives (Sandhya Kumar 2011). This makes challenging for
managers and professional at work to coordinate and deliver high quality working
environments and facilities so as to ensure the company professional remain on the job.
Today a company workforce has become very choosy and they are becoming more
particular on
The Concept Of Information Systems
This paper seeks to define the concept of information systems and to establish why
Organisations need to plan and manage its information system in order to be successful,
it is pertinent to understand the concept of information systems .

Bee and Bee (1999), defined Information as what is required and what you need to know
to effectively manage a business and be successful in it. They stated that systems on the
other hand is ensuring the information is available when it is required. Information
systems involve gathering, storing and processing information in a structured way for an
organisation. Similarly, management information systems are information provided
electronically to enhance decision ... Show more content on ...
Organisations need to employ a good model/database system presented in an organized
manner which allows for accessibility, change, amendment and updating.
Some key reasons why the ability of an organisation to successfully plan and manage its
information systems include but are not limited to the following:
a)Adds value to a business by distinguishing it from other business and doing things
better than competitors which are a form of competitive advantage (for example,
customer satisfaction, improved products and designs).
b)It helps to understand the customer needs and how to satisfy them.
c)Improved decision making and business development.
d)Business survival to help retain records, resolve challenges and avoid repeating
e)Accessibility and ease of reference to information.
f)Data protection
Rockart (1979) developed an approach called the Critical Success Factors. This
approach speculates that each critical success factor is based on some belief and the
critical success factors should be monitored and support a conclusive set of decisions
(Curtis and Cobham, 2005). The critical success factors vary from one organisation to
another and are time consuming as well as time reliant. Also, they require a lot of
attention and should be frequently monitored to ensure effectiveness.
To help analyse business objectives to determine the needs of Information Systems,
Critical Success Factors should be incorporated in the business objectives of an
Moving Away at a Young Age Essay
Moving Away at a Young Age

Moving far away from family and friends can be tough on a child at a young age. It has
its pros and cons. One learns how to deal with moving away from the people they love
and also learn how to deal with adjusting to new ways of life. Everything seems so
different and at a young age one feels like they have just left the whole world behind
them. That was an experience that changed my life as a person. It taught me how to deal
with change and how to adjust. It developed me from a young boy into a mature young

The day I moved away, a lot of things were going through my young mind. As I took my
last look at my home, I remembered all the fun times I had with my family and friends
through out my ... Show more content on ...
So I thought being a funny or being a class clown would make the children accept me and
know me as the funny guy from Detroit. That had its ups and downs. I got in trouble
sometimes, but on the other hand I was making friend. As the years passed, I got more
comfortable with Virginia and my life as an individual. I started playing sports in
middle school and quickly became popular because of my athleticism. My adjustment to
my new lifestyle was a slow but patient and rewarding process.

My new lifestyle has changed me for the better. I have come outside of my shell, and
am happy with where I am in life. I have become more mature and I have learned to
just be myself, and people respect that. I probably wouldn?t be as successful in school
and sports. Making this adjustment from a violent and negative atmosphere to a
peaceful and positive setting to me was a good move for my family and I. I am now a
college student athlete at Old Dominion University, and life is treating me fair for now.

Many people go through the same situation that I went through when they are young. It
was a tough time in my life, and it has made me a much stronger human being,
physically and mentally. I feel stable and relaxed and I am comfortable with who I
associate with, and my adjustment to my new environment. I often visit Michigan, but
when I am there I feel homesick and want to go back to Virginia. My family supports
me on all levels and friends back home. My younger siblings and
The Relevance of Tourism on the Economic Development of...
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Vol. x(x), pp. xxx xxx, xxxxxxx 2011
Available online at
ISSN 2070 1845 2011 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
The relevance of tourism on the economic development of Cross River State, Nigeria
Ajake, Anim O. and Amalu, Titus E.*
Department of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Calabar, Calabar,
Accepted 21 December, 2011
This study investigated the relevance of tourism on the economic growth of Cross River
State, Nigeria. Special focus was on the difference in visitations over the years under
investigation to the various tourists attractions within the state. Information for the study
was basically ... Show more content on ...
More positively, Asia Pacific ( 5%) recorded growth in August, the Middle East ( 8%)
had positive numbers between June and September, while Africa had a 4% increase over
the eight months (UNWTO, 2010).
Tourism and hospitality are industries that heavily depend on human contact, with the
sheer volume of traffic and increasing spending power which has resulted to a rapid
economic boom and also boosted the business travel market (Joffres et. al (2004),.
Tourism appears to many developing countries a promising source of economic
development (Smith et. al, (2003). Adventure tourism, given its emphasis on pure and
pristine natural environments, lower barriers to entry for small business, and frequently
reduced requirements for new construction in particular, is promising for countries with
lower levels of capital investment and existing infrastructure. In some places, it is already
worth more, in terms of export revenues and share of GDP, than traditional commodity
based or manufacturing exports, and seems to offer opportunities for employment,
earning foreign exchange and encouraging investment and economic growth. Many
developing countries, therefore, are prioritizing attracting foreign direct investment ( FDI
) in their tourism sectors. However, this form of FDI is complex, and its dynamics and
impacts are not well understood.
Traditionally, tourism was placed below manufacturing or agriculture in terms of
In The Age Of Migration By Hasia R. Diner
While examining a culture, most people would typically think of the language, religion,
style of dress, and customs of that particular group, but some people fail to realize the
importance of that culture s food. During the late 1800s and early mid 1900s, many
various ethnic and cultural groups immigrated to the United Statesand brought with them
their cuisine. In the novel Hungering for America: Italian, Irish, and Jewish Foodways in
the Age of Migration by Hasia R. Diner, the ways of which American culture has shaped
the food culture of immigrants in the US and how their foods influenced American
cuisine. There were two prominent groups Italians and Irish that immigrated to the US
that were either greatly influenced and/or influenced by... Show more content on ...
Although the Irish food culture was not changed in the typical way that had occurred
with the Italians, it was still significantly altered. While food did not define Irish culture,
many Irishman changed their view of food after they came to America. Before
immigrating to the US, food was something they often lacked in Ireland. After being in
the US, the Irish realized that food no longer carried the same stigma of shame and want
(Diner 132). Many of the Irish slowly began to realize that food can represent one s
identity without being attached to a stigma. For instance, Irish bacon and greens became
a symbol of the Irish culture since bacon was not attached to shame unlike the potato.
With the influence of the American food culture, the Irish were finally able to embrace
their own food culture. At the same time, the Irish contributed in the changing and the
challenging of the American food culture. For instance, the Irish established a drinking
culture within America by opening salons. While there was already a presence of alcohol
in the US, the Irish helped to enhance it. Alcohol was something that heightened their
Irish identity (Diner 139) and aided the Irish in establishing themselves in America. The
Irish food culture did challenge American cultures due to the fact that many viewed the
Irish men
Database Management System For A Company
A research database management system (RDBMS) is the most used database
management system for a company. Its roots date back to 1970, created by E.F. Codd
at IBM. The database approach involves the storage of data involving tables. Attributes
of the tables involve rows, used as a record of an entity. Columns, also attributes of the
table, determine what will be recorded for that field. Within a table one primary key
will be found, this represents a unique column of the table. A table may also have a
foreign key, there can be more than one, and it identifies a primary key of another table.
Foreign keys allow for relationships between tables to be created.
The RDBMS is so widely used because of its simplicity to understand relationships
between data. The data can also be analyzed in many ways using queries, reports, etc. A
database management system covers all functions of the business and is essential for
businesses to be run efficiently. Since the introduction of this time of database
management system in 1970 it has triumphed many former types of widely used
databases and fended off new types of databases to remain the most common type.
Times have changed in the information technology world since 1970 when IBM was
running the show and leading the world with improving and introducing new technology.
I believe the top five most used RDBMS used in the market today are Oracle, Microsoft
SQL server, IBM DB2, MySQL and PostgreSQL. Oracle database had its first

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