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Socrates Apology Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Socrates Apology" can be quite challenging due to the
multifaceted nature of the subject. The task involves delving into the philosophical intricacies of
Socrates' defense during his trial, exploring the historical context, and understanding the underlying
philosophical principles at play. One must grapple with Socratic irony, examine the charges brought
against him, and evaluate the impact of his trial on subsequent philosophical thought.

Moreover, conveying a comprehensive understanding of Socrates' Apology requires a nuanced

analysis of his rhetorical strategies, the philosophical foundations of his arguments, and the
implications of his questioning method. Balancing historical accuracy with philosophical insight
poses an additional challenge, as it demands a deep dive into both the primary sources and the
broader philosophical discourse surrounding Socrates.

Furthermore, constructing a coherent and compelling narrative that captures the essence of Socrates'
defense while presenting a unique perspective requires a careful synthesis of various scholarly
perspectives. This task demands not only a thorough understanding of the historical and
philosophical context but also the ability to articulate complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the "Socrates Apology" is a formidable task that demands a
combination of historical acumen, philosophical insight, and effective communication skills.
However, for those seeking assistance, it's worth exploring resources like , where
similar essays and a plethora of other academic writing services can be accessed to simplify the
process and ensure a high-quality outcome.
Socrates Apology Essay Socrates Apology Essay
Pneumothorax Scenario
In this scenario, the subjective data is as follows:
18 year old male
Motor vehicle accident while drag racing, another car hit the driver side door of the car
he was driving.
Complaining of pain on the left side of his chest at an 8 out of 10 on the numeric pain
scale, especially when he tries to take a breath.

In this scenario the objective findings are as follows:

Heart rated elevated
Respirations elevated
Asymmetric expansion of the chest on inspiration
Coughing quite a bit
Lung sounds on the right side are clear
Lung sounds on the left side are diminished

With the subjective data and objective data, the patient could have one of the following
three things going on related to blunt force trauma:
Pneumothorax ... Show more content on ...
Nursing diagnosis for pneumothorax or hemothorax could include any of the following:
Impaired gas exchange related to decreased oxygen diffusion capacity
Ineffective breathing pattern related to decreased lung expansion
Risk of decreased cardiac output related to decreased preload (venous return)
Risk for infection related to chest tube insertion site and bacterial invasion
Risk for anxiety related to

Intervention can include any of the following:

Maintaining patient s airway, breathing and circulation
Most import intervention is re inflating the lung by evacuating the pleural air or blood
Maintain a closed chest drainage system; tape all connections and secure tubing carefully
at the insertion site with adhesive bandages
Regulate suction according to the chest tube system directions; generally suction does
not exceed 20 to 25cm H20 negative pressure
Use a sterile technique when changing the chest tube insertion site dressing
If the patient has a traumatic open pneumothorax it should be covered with a sterile
occlusive dressing because the occlusive dressing prevents are from escaping the lungs
Maintain aseptic technique, changing the chest tube insertion site dressing
Monitor tube insertion site for any signs of infection or
Health Exhibiting Behavior Analysis
1.My health inhibiting behavior is staying up late at nights to complete my homework.

2.The negative impacts of my behavior is a lack of energy in the morning, and since I
have a tendency have no more than six hours of sleep a night, I usually run out of
energy quicker than I would like.

3.My goal for achieving wellness is to focus more managing my time better. I always
feel like I m running out of time. For this reason, I typically have no more than six hours
of sleep. My poor time management skills have become detrimental to my health.
Therefore, having to make a premediated plan for my week is the only way for me to
change my maladaptive behavior. I can plan to designate time to do my homework, so
my homework does not conflict with ... Show more content on ...
The benefits to following this plan will be: having my homework and papers due to
time, become more responsible with my limited time, no wasting time on fruitless
activities, and most important of all, I believe my greatly reduced cortisol levels from
managing my time.

1.I displayed a great cardiorespiratory Fitness with a heart rate of 152, and a VO2 Max of
47.49. My fitness rating was good overall.

2.My Muscular fitness was superior compared to an average person. This did not come
as a surprise to me since I routinely to the gym to lifts weights.

3.For flexibly, I was disappointed at my performance. In high school I was able to my

leg behind my leg. During the flexibility test, I was struggling to push the box sit test 33
centimeters. Although I displayed an overall good flexibility, these flexibility test only
shows that I need to be stretching.

4.I displayed at excellent 23.5 BMI. However, I displayed a rather low body fat
percentage with a 6% body fat. I know that men need a 3% body fat minimum, but I am
more susceptible to illness, and cold weather due to my low body fat percentage.

1.My negative nutritional practices substituting whole meals for quick and easy junk
food such as, chewy bars, which are high in sugar, and sugary drinks, such as, Arizona
tea, which have high amounts of high fructose corn
Analyze The Changes Of The Renaissance Dbq
The Renaissance was a rebirth of Europe during the 1400s. It was a time period that
came after the Middle Ages, and people started thinking differently than how they were
thinking during the Middle Ages. The Bubonic Plague made many people question their
lives and also the churches and their religions which were a big part of life during the
Middle Ages. Instead, during the Renaissancemany ideas were taken from the ancient
Greeks and Romans, the laws on paintings became much more relaxed leading too many
artists creating detailed paintings, the printing press was created which made the creation
of books faster and increased quantity, and people became more educated in history,
reading and writing. Many of these changes such as education greatly... Show more
content on ...
One of these changes was the creation of the printing press. The printing press allowed
for the creation of books to be much quicker and for the quantity of books to be much
larger. In document 2 it says, Now a copy of 180 copies of the bible could be made in
2 years. This shows how over the span of 2 years a lot of bibles could be made for
more people to read. Another change during the Renaissance is the increase of
education during the Renaissance. In document 3 it says, Instead of being stuck as a
peasant on a manor, people moved to cities and learned to become skilled workers for
guilds. This shows one of the effects that education had on the Renaissance which
allowed people to do something else in their lives other than being stuck inside a manor.
Yet another change during the Renaissance is the increased interest in Medicine and
Science. This was important not only for understanding the body but also to understand
diseases. In document 5 it says, In the Renaissance, people started to learn where the
plague came from and how the human body worked. This shows how the knowledge on
the human body led people to learn about the plague which was a huge issue during the
The Cinematic Interpretations of The Lord of the Flies by...
The Cinematic Interpretations of The Lord of the Flies by William Golding

The two cinematic versions of William Golding s Lord of the Flies are very different.
They still both deal dramatically with the basic theme, of a group of boys who have
come from a strict and ordered background to becoming like savages, hunting, and
killing like blood thirsty animals. The book deals with issues which relate to the Cold
War between the United States of America and Russia which is better reflected in the
Brook version rather than the Harry Hook version. I generally think this is because at
the time when the Brook version was made, the world was under nuclear threat which
made it easier for people to ... Show more content on ...
One of the most basic and apparent themes is that society holds everyone together, and
without these conditions, our ideals, values and the basics of right and wrong are lost.
Without humanity s rigid rules, anarchy and savagery can come to light. Brook and
Hook are also showing as the book does that morals come directly from our
surroundings, and if there is no civilisation around us, we will then lose these values.

I personally as a young viewer see that Hook s version is more exciting to an audience
because it can be viewed with more technical advances to the film. Also in the Hook
version it is easy to see another theme which is not made that obvious in the Brook
version. The fear of the unknown (in this case the beast is unknown and is put into the
boy s heads by their imaginations) can be a powerful force, which can turn people to
either insight or hysteria. The boys end up killing Simon because the happenings which
have occurred have lead them to believe that there is a beast on the island with them,
when in fact it is just the pilot. However the black and white version does have some
advantages which the colour version does not have. These include benefits such as the
story, which is virtually the same as the book so you get the same idea that the book
gives you. An additional advantage of the Brook cinematic
Social Networking And Its Impact On The World
In 2011, Snapchat grasped the attention of millions of smartphone users across the
world. Consumers were ecstatic for the launch of the very first social networking
application that would allow people to send pictures and short videos, to a controlled
group of people, for a few seconds before they disappeared and never surfaced again.
Snapchat was the first application that established the idea of impermanent content,
which gave consumers a sense of securitywhen sending content to others. This was until
a group of hackers found a way to hack into Snapchat servers, leading to the company s
first breach by publically publishing userdata on the Internet.
Evan Spiegel, Reggie Brown, and Bobby Murphy, undergraduate students and Kappa
Sigma ... Show more content on ...
He found calmalty in college. At a young age Evan Spiegel established a passion in
developing and creating software. Evan developed a key talent for building
relationships easily, with the right people who would allow him to find better career
opportunities as a student at Stanford University. According to FORBES, some of
Spiegel s early career experience arouse from working with Intuit s CEO, Scott Cook
and developing a website with Murphy Brown a year before the launch of Snapchat.
The idea for Snapchat, formerly known as Picaboo, was developed as a product
development project for a university course and was brought to light while discussing
the topic of sexting with close friend, Frank Reginald (Reggie) Brown. In the summer of
2011, before the launch, the three fraternity brothers worked on the project at Spiegel s
father s home. Each member played an imperative role in the creation of Picaboo. Chief
Executive Officer, Evan Spiegel, designed the user interface and helped with many
aspects of developing Snapchat. The three decided that Evan would be the CEO based
on his previous experience. Chief Marketing Officer, Reggie Brown created the app s
ghost logo, Ghostface Chillah and came up with the initial idea of creating a disappearing
picture message application.
Calcific Aortic Valve Essay
The heart valves physiological purpose is to maintain unidirectional, non obstacle flow
of blood and mitral and aortic valves are in charge of pumping the blood, experiencing
intense pressure, and supporting higher biomechanical stress than pulmonary and
tricuspid. 5 Therefore, they are more affected by pathologies and degenerative processes
while alterations in pulmonary or tricuspid valves are less common and mainly related
with genetic or fetal defects.
Diseases of native aortic valves have been linked to mechanical factors, for example,
the sclerotic lesions that occur in calcific aortic valve disease occur preferentially in the
subendothelial space on the aortic side of the leaflet, a region that is exposed to low
shear stress and disturbed ... Show more content on ...
7 Calcific aortic valve stenosis is the most common valvular pathology requiring valve
replacement and showing some evidence of aortic valve thickening known as valvular
Recent studies demonstrate convincingly that aortic sclerosis is not a passive,
unregulated process, but rather is an active cell mediated process involving chronic
inflammation and active calcification 11 because relies on the activation of pro
osteogenic signaling cascades, such as bone morphogenetic protein and Wnt/b catenin,
for the induction and progression of disease (leads to valvular calcification)
Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a major health problem that results in substantial
morbidity and death worldwide. In developing countries, VHD is primarily caused by the
persistent burden of rheumatic fever rather than degenerative pathology, and tends to
affect younger individuals. 7
Several drugs can be used as short term therapies to improve the health and condition of
patients with severe valvular pathologies, however in most cases the best option for
correcting the problem is to proceed with valve repair surgery and/or

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