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$-Matorial x PE: MARCH-2014 (ice MATHS-2A SECTION -A I. Answer ALL the following VSAQ: 10 x 2=20 1. Find the multiplicativ inverse of 7 +24i Express the | {3 in the modulus- amplitude form. 1 3. Ifx=cos6+isin®, then find x° + x 4. Find the maximum or minimum value of 2x-7-Sx? where xe R. 5. If=1, 2, @ are the roots of 2x3+x?-7x-6=0 then find a. 6. If"P4=1680 findn 7. If!5C5,_1=!5Cy.44 then findr 8. Find the number of terms in the expansion of (2x+3y+z)’. 9. Find the mean deviation about mean for the data 6,7,10,12,13,4,12,16 10. A poisson variable satisfies P(X=1)=P(X=2). Find P(X=5) SECTION-B Il. Answer any FIVE of the following SAQs: 5x4=20 geometrically the locus of z, satisfying the equation |2~3+i| = 4 . : 12. Ifx is real, prove that ———— lies between 1 and — x7 -5x+9 i 13. If the letters of the word 'PRISON' are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the rank of the word "PRISON" 14, Find the number of ways of selecting 11 member cricket team from 7 batsmen, 6 bowlers and 2 wicket keepers so that the team contains 2 wicket keepers and atleast 4 bowlers. 15. Resolve into partial fractions. Il. Ifz=xtiy and if the point P in the Argand plane represents z,then describe] [@P 6(10.3)] Ans-Page Index IoP 365.1)] IoP 5(7.1)] [oP 22(2)} [oP 43(9.2)] [oP 55(1.2)] VbOZ NON -Adl SNO|Aeld [oP 78(1.1)} [oP 79(2.6(a))] [oP 106(9)] [oP 140(1.1)] [oP 176(2.1)] [oP 46(15)] [oP 849.2) [oP 218(14)) Io P 128(1.10))] m {250} 16, A,B,C are three horses in a race. The probability of A to win the race is twice that of B, and: probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A,B, and C to win the race? 17. Suppose A and B are independent events with P(A)=0.6, P(B)=0.7 compute (i) P(AMB) (ii) P(AUB) (iii) P(B/A) (iv) P(ACABS) SECTION-C ILL. Answer any FIVE of the following LAQ: 5 18. If 0.,B are the roots of the equation x2-2x+4=0, then show that a" +B" 2""eoe) 19. Solve the equation 4x3~-24x2+23x+18=0 the roots being in A.P. x x" (+n a Co +C).=+C,; = 20. IFC, denotes "C, PT Co + C5 +o. “nal” (ele 1.13 13.5 ae + +28 2 46x= 21. Ifx 5° 5.10 5.10.15 , then find 3x? +6x=2. frequency distribution: x7=35 22. Calculate the variance and standard deviation of the following continuous Frequency 3 [2 12 | 15 8 | 3 Class interval ]30-40]40-50] 50-60 [60-70] 70-80 [80-90 = 2 23. State and prove addition theorem on Probability. 24. A random variable X has the following probability distribution. x | 1 [2 4 [5 POR) k [2 [3k 4k [5k Find the value of k and the mean and variance of X. [oP 163(20)} Jar P 160(8.2)) [oP 29%(13.2)] [oP 62(11(a))] [oP 11527)] IP 1196) [oP 1500.1] lo-P 16731) [oP 1774.1} a. SPECIAL NOTES *xMATHS-2A {251 } PE: MAY-2014 MATHS-2A woe y 3x47 . Resolve >> x SECTION-A Answer ALL the following VSAQ: 10 x 2=20 Write the conjugate of (3+-4i)(2-3i) Ifz,=-1, z:=i find ane 3] 2, If x=cos O+isin 8, then find X° + 7 Find the maximum or minimum value of x2-x+7 Find the monomic polynomial equation of the degree 3 whose roots are 2,3 and 6. Find the number of permutations that can be made by using all the letters of the word INTERMEDIATE If 9C5="Cg then find 3c, Find the number of terms in the expansion of (2x+3y+z)7. Find the mean deviation about mean for the data 3,6,10,4,9,10 A poisson variable satisfies P(X=1)=P(X=2). Find P(X=5) SECTION-B |. Answer any FIVE of the following SAQs: 5x4=20 _ Show that the four points in the Argand plane represented by the complex numbers 2+i, 4+3i, 2+5i, 3i are the vertices of a square. x7 +14x49 . Find the maximum value of the function —_———— over R. x? 42x43 Find the sum of all 4 digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 13,5,79. Find the number of ways of selecting a cricket team of 11 players from 7 batsmen and 6 bowlers such that there will be atleast 5 bowlers in the team. into partial fractions. 3x42 OP z <| 3 & 6 [oP 36.2) a [oP 568.1)) 3 2 XN [oP 22(2)] 8 B [oP 225(4)) lor P 56(5)) lor P 236(6)| la-P 236(7)] [oP 106(9)] Io 140(1.2)] IP 1762.1) [oP 1221.1) Io P 45(12)) [oP 93(27)| {oP 83(7.1)] [o P128(1.1aSPQ)] *MATHS-2A 16. Suppose A and B are independent events with P(A)=0.6, P(B)=0.7. [a P 160(8.2)| Compute (i) PAM) (ii) P(AUB) (iii) P(B/A) (iv) P(ASABE) . A,B,C are three horses in a race. The probability of A to win the race is laP 163(20)) twice that of B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A,B, and C to win the race? SECTION-C . Answer any FIVE of the following LAQ: 5x7=35 . ifn is a positive integer then show that (1-+i)?"+(1-i)29=20"*))cos(nm/2) | | [a-P 29(13.1)] . Solve the equation x4+2x3—5x2+6x+2=0 given that I+iis one of its roots. | [o-P67(19.2)] (4x1 [eP 11527) ntl (n+))x 2 . If C, denotes "C, P.T GHZ +O 1,13 13.5 . Ifx= +..09, then find 3x? +6x Io P 1196)] 5 5.10 5.10.15 Find the mean deviation about median for the following data: [oP 143(4.2)] 5 3 2. 5 4 4 9 [3-] 2 te 21 . State and prove addition theorem on Probability. IP 16731] . Arandom variable X has the following probability distribution. [oP 177(4.1)] xx; [1 [2 [3 [4 3 PEX=x;) | k 2k | 3k | 4k 5k Find the value of k and the mean and variance of X. a. SPECIAL NOTES * + MATHS-28 IPE: MARCH-2015(AP) 7 MATHS-2A 3. IfA,B,C are angles of a triangle such that x = then find the value of xyz. 4. For what values of x, the expression 15+4x—3x? is negative? for P 235(4)] Find the transformed equation whose roots are the negatives of the roots | [a P 56(3.1)] of x4+5x3+11x+3=0 isA,y=cisB,z=cisC, | Jar P 22(1)) 2 SECTION-A 3 e 1. Answer ALL the following VSAQ: 10 x 2=20 =| 5 " 5 1. Write the conjugate of complex number ad la P 33.3) 2 i 2. Express 1-i in modulas - amplitude form. [ar P 235(2 )} $ y 8 3 a iS 2 6. Find the number of 4 letter words that can be formed using the letters | [a-P 81.14) of the word PISTON, in which atleast one letter is repeated. If 10.9Cy=3.+DC;, find n. [oP 79(2.3)] Prove that Co#2.Cy+4.Cx#8.C3 +... tC, 9. Find the variance for an ungrouped data 5, [oP 124(45)] [oP 144(5.2)] 10, The probability that a person chosen at random is left handed [oP 175(1.3)] (in hand writing) is 0.1. What is the probability that in a group of 10 people, there is one who is left handed? SECTIO! II. Answer any FIVE of the following SAQs: 5x4=20 11. Show that the points in the Argand plane represented by the complex [oP 1221.2) ] 3,1 7 number ~2+7i-5 +54 4-3i,5(I+i) are the vertices of a Rhombus. 1 12, If x is real, prove that 3, 4) 1 TT Garvie si) doesnot lie [oP 47(16)] between I and 4. 13. If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and | [a-P 84(9.1(a))] the words thus formed are arranged in dictionary order, then find the rank of the word MASTER. 4905, 13.S...(4n=1) . Prove that “3c “T3502 3.(an-e la P 96(40)) 2x? 43x44 (x=1)(er + 2) Jo. If A,B,C are three events, then show that P(A BUC)=P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(AMB)-P(BAC) -P(CAA)+P(AMBAC) 17. A problem in calculas is given to two students A and B, whose chances 15. Resolve into partial fractions. eee of solving it are and > respectively. Find the probability of the problem being solved, if both of them try independently. SECTION-C IIL. Answer any FIVE of the following LAQs: 5x 7=35 18. If nis an integer, show that (I +i)" +(I- 19. Solve x4— 4x? + 8x + 35 =0, given that 24 {3 isa root 20. If the coefficient of rh, (r + 1)!" and (r + 2)"4 terms in the expansion of (1 + x)P are in A.P, then show that n2 ~ (4r +1)n + 412-2 =0 5.7 at 9° 22. Find the mean deviation from the mean for the following continuous sy then prove that 9x? + 24x = 11 frequency distribution. Number of Companies | 5 15 25 |. 30 | 20 5 Sales in Rs. thousand }40-50 | 50-60 | 60-70| 70-80 fe 190-100) 23. State and prove Baye's theorem. 123 24, The range of a random variable X is {0,1,2} Given that P(X = 0) =3C3. P(X = 1) = 4C ~ 10C2, P(X = (Find the value of C.—(i)P(X <1) (iii)P(1} 29. - A problem in calculus is given to two students A and B, whose chances tl 4 "spectively. Find the probability ofthe problem of solving it are being solved, if both of them try independently. . Answer any FIVE of the following LAQs: If nis positive integer, show that (PH), + (P-i0)n 2 +02) cost tan"! 3 Solve the equation : 6x°— 25x5 + 31x4 — 31x2 + 25x -6 = 0. f . Ifthe coefficient of x" in the expansion ors ) is equal to the ind the relation f 0 coefficient of x10 in the expansion of{ ax— a) between @ and b, where @ and b are real numbers. . 13 is ee ee x=3 N36 3.69 3.69.12 ind the mean deviation about the mean for the following data : . then prove that 9x2 + 24x = 11. Marks obtained 0-10 | 10-20]20-30 | 30-40 | 40-50 No. of students 5 8 15 16 6 State and prove Baye's theorem. A cubical die is thrown, Find the mean and variance of X, giving the number on the face that shows up. lo P 1375) for P 17242) [oP 15%(5)| [oP 30(13.4)) [oP 5918.3) [oP 109(18)] [oP 120(38)] oP 148(7.3)) lo P 167(32)] [oP 180(7.1)] * MATHS-20 1261 | IPE: MARCH-2016(AP)} MATHS-2A SECTION-A 1. If Arg 2 .Arg 22 are 1/5, 13 then find Arg(z,)+Arg (22) 2. If (V3 +i! = 2% (a + iby, show that a+b? = 4 3. IfA.B.C are angles of a triangle, x=cisA, y=cisB. Z=cisC. then find the value of xyz. 11 4. Ifo. are the roots of ax2+bx~c=0 then find —> + 5. If0.B,1 are the roots of x3-2x2-5x~6=9 then find «7. 6. If"P, =5040, ®C,=210 then find n and r. Find the number of positive divisors of 1080 8. If?2C, is the largest binomial coefficient in the expansion of (x) value of 3¢,. 9. Find the mean deviation about median for the following data 13, 17, 16, 11, 13, 10, 16, 11, 18, 12, 17 10. The mean and variance of a bionomial distribution are 4 and 3 respectively Find the distribution and find P(X21) SECTION-B II. Answer any FIVE of the following SAQ: Sx 4=20 1 © 1+cos0 +isind 1 1 x+1l GBx4+ID(x+D 11. If x +iy then, show that 4x? -1 =0 12. Prove that——— 3x+ if x is real. 13. If the letters of the word EAMCET are permuted in all possible ways and if the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, find the rank of the word EAMCET does not lie between 1 and 4, 4 M, (B81 14. Simplify Cs Cy r x?-3 . 15. Resolve ———>— into partial fractions. (x+2)(x° +1) 1. Answer ALL the following VSAQ: 10 x 2=20 S-Matertal * Ans-Page Index [oP «8.3)) [oP 7025) fo P 2201) [oP 414.2) [> P S515) [=P 792.4} Io P8216) j= P 106(7)] (dv) 9L0Z YURW “Adi SNO|ACd [oP 1412.3) {oP 1750.2) IP 11(20.1)} Io P 47(16) | [a P 85(9.3)} [oP 86(10.1)] ler QIap} * MATHS-2A 16. The probability for a contractor to get a road contract is 2/3 and to get a building contract is 5/9. The probability to get atleast one contract is 4/5. Find the probability that he gets both the contracts. 17. A speaks truth in 75% of the cases and B in 80% of the cases. What is the probability that their statements about an incident do not match. SECTION-C IIL. Answer any FIVE of the following LAQ: 5x 7=35 18. If cosa+cos+cosy=t cos?a+cos+cos?y=3/2=sin ina-+sinB+siny, then Show that 7cr+sin?B+sin”y. 19. Solve 2x54+x412x3-12x2+x+2=0 20. If P and Q are the sum of odd terms and the sum of even terms respectively, in the expansion of (x+a)" then prove that (i) P2-Q? = (x2—a2) (ji) 4PQ=(x + a)?9(x~a)2™ - - 7(,, 1,13 1 21. Find the sum to infinite series 2 1+ +421. St 10? 1.210% 22. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: Marks obtained 0-10 | 10-20 20.30 [30-40 40-50 No. of students 5 8 Is | 16 6 23. Three boxes numbered |, Il, III contains the balls as follows: ( White Black Red I 1 2 3 ii 2 1 1 sit 4 3 3 One box is randomly selected and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball is red, then find the probability that it is from box II. 24, A random variable X has the follovving probability distribution S-Material x ~ [oP 163(18)] [oP 159(7)] [oP 27(10.2)] [oP 598.2] [oP 11324) [oP 121(40)) Io P 148(7.3)) [oP 242(23)] lar P 178(4.3)) tT 2 P(X=x) | 0 k 2k 2k 3k | kK 2k? | Tk2HK fe 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 |7 Find (i) k (ii) the mean and (iii) P(O< * MATHS-2A {265} MATHS-2A rf = Answer ALL the following VSAQ: 10 x 2=20 Find the complex conjugate of (3+4i) (2-3i). 2. If Arg Z and Arg 2> are 1/5 and 73 respectively, then find: (Arg z,+Arg 2) IfA,B.C are angles of a triangle such that x=cisA, y find the value of xyz. . z=cisC, then 4. Find the nature of the roots of 3x2+7x+! 0 If @.,B,1 are the roots of x3-2x2+5x+6=0 then tind and B. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word INTERMEDIATE. Find the number of positive divisors of 1080 8. Find the 7" term in the expansion of: Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: 3,6,10,4,9, 10} 10. A poisson variable satisfies: P(X=1)=P(X=2), find P(X=5). SECTION-B Il. Answer any FIVE of the following SAQs: 5 x 4=20 1 TL atlye ee 'Y [+ cos0 + isind ; then, show that: 4x2 -1 =0. x+2 2. Find the range of 3-5 13. If the letters of the word EAMCET are permuted in all possible ways and if the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the rank of the word EAMCET 14, Find the number of ways of selecting a cricket team of 11 players from 7 batsmen and 6 bowlers such that there will be at least 5 bowlers in the team. 15. Resolve into partial fractions. (x +2)(x +1) 16. If A,B,C are three events, show that: P(AUBUC) = P(A)+P(B)+P(C}-P(AnB)-P(BAC) —P(CHA}+P(ARBOC) 17. IfA,B,C are three independent events of an experiment, such that: PAMBENC)=2, PAS BAC) =2,PAS BNC) = + 4 then find P(A), P(B) and P(C). Ans-Page Index [FP 3(3.2)] [FP 6(8.3)] [7 P 2200) [7 P 39(2.3)] [7 P 55(1.5)] 1 P_ 80(3.1bSPQ)]| [7 P 82(6) | (dv) 9102 AW -AdI SNOWAed [=P 104SPQ)] [=P 140(1.2)] [7 P 176(2.1)] [7 P 11(20.1) | [7 P 46(15SPO) } [=P 85(9.3) | [7 P 83(7.1) ] IP 133(2.1(4)) | {=P 167(31spq)} [=P 17189) } SECTION-C IIL. Answer any FIVE of the following LAQs: 18. Ifcosce+cosf-+cosy=0=sinc+-sinfs+siny, then Prove that:cos”atcos?Breosy=3/2. 19, Solve x5-5x449x3-9,245.-1=-9 20. If mis a positive integer and x is any non-zero real number, then prove that: 2 3 n+ xXx x x" _ (14x) Co +O.5 +0743 4c, 2 a a ET rT "n+l (n+Dx 13,135) 13.57 3.6 3.69" 3.69.12 Calculate the variance and standard deviation of the following continuous frequency distribution: Class interval re |40-50 ee [80-99] 90-100 -- then prove that 9x2+24x=11 + 7 12 | 15 8 [3] 2 Frequency | 3 State and prove Bayes’ theorem. . A random variable X has the following probability distribution X=x 0 273 [4]s5 [eo | 7 P(X=x) [0 ky 2k [2k | 3k Te YT ae ——1 Find (i) k (ii) the mean and (iii) P(O MATHS-2A0 {268 | PE: MARCH-2017 (AP) MATHS-2A SECILONA i 1. Answer ALL the following VSAQ: 10 x 2=20 g 6 1. Write the complex number (2-3i) (3 + 4i) in the form A+iB lo P 20.1} 5 m 2. Ifzy=—1 and z5=i, then find Arg} 2+ loP S(R.1)1 z ze 2 3. If 1,@,? are the cube roots of unity, prove that: Jar P23(6.11)} $ (a+b)(ao+bwo?)(aw2+beo)=a3+b3. 8 = 4. Find the values of m for which the equation x2~-15-m(2x-8)=0 lo Pas2y |N have equal roots. S 5. If the product of the roots of 4x34-16x2-9x-—a=0 is 9, then find a. Jor P55(1.4)} ed 6. _ Find the number of different chains that can be prepared using 7 different | {a-P81(3.10)| coloured beads. 7. If"P,=5040, °C, =210 then find n and r. Jo P79(2.4) 8. Find the set E of x for which the binomial expansion of (3-4x)/4 is valid. | [a-P 107(13.1)} 9. Find the mean deviation about median for the data 4, 6,9. 3. 10. 13.2 [oP 412.1) 10. The probability that a person chosen at random is left-handed (in hand writing)|_|a-P 175(1.3)] is 0.1. What is the probability that in a group of 10 people, there is one who is left-handed? SECTION-B Il. Answer any FIVE of the following SAQs: 5x 4=20 11. Ifthe point P denotes the complex number z=x+iy in the Argand plane and|_|[a-P 13(22.2)} if = 's a purely imaginary number, find the locus of P. hat — z does not lie between 1 and 4, P47 2 e that ——— + —— ———~ does not lie betwe 7 7 12, Prove that 55 +] Gag hat en 1 an [oP 47(16)) if x is real. 13 If the letters of the word 'PRISON' are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order, then find the rank of the word PRISON. 4 38-1 simplify “Cs +) OFPCy r=0 lo P 84(9.2)) [oP 86(10.1)] *MATHS-20 16. V7, 18, 19. 20. 18, Resolve — into partial fract a dyad ey Me Patil factions State and prove Addition theorem on Probability Suppose A and B are independent events with P(A)=0.6, P(B)=0.7 compute (i) P(AMB) (ii) P(AUB) (iii) P(B/A) (iv) PACA BE) SECTION-C Answer any FIVE of the following LAQs: 5x 7-35 If'n is a positive integer then show that (1 +cos@+isin®)"+(1+cos0—isin0)"=2"* !cos"(0/2)cos(n0/2) Solve 2x5+x4—12x312x24+x42=0, If the coefficients of 4 consecutive terms in the expansion of (1 +x)" are a a 2ay 1 83 2 aytag ay tay 4.89.83, respectively, then show that +43 xs ey .. then prove that 9x2+24x= I 3.6 3.69 3.69. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: Marks obtained | 0-10 | 10-20] 20-30] 30-40] 40-50 a ee No. of students | _5 Three ums have the following composition of balls unt | white, 2 black Urn It : 2 white, | black Um ll: 2 white, 2 black One of the urns is selected at random and a ball is drawn. It turns out to be white. Find the probability that it came from urn IIT The probability distribution ofa random variable X is given below xy [1 [2 +74 [s roxaxp[k [2k [3k [ak [5k Find the value of k and the mean and variance of X. S-Material * for P1382.Mayy} Jor P 1670319) for P:160(8.2)) far P 30(13.3 lor P 59(8.2 )] [or P 1021) lor P 120038) lar P 148(7.3)] Jar P 169(35)| le P 1774.1) *MATHS-2A 12. 13. 16. 11, IPE: MAY-2017 (AP) MATHS-2A Auswer ALL the following VSAQ: 10 x 2=20 Find a square root of -5 +12 Iz, = -1, 2 =i, then find Arg(z, 7) Ifx=cos6+isinO, then find *" +, If x2-15-m(2x-8)=0 has equal roots then find m If-1, 2, o are the roots of 2x3+x2-7x-6=0 then find ct. If "p, = 42."P,, find n, WC y44=!7C34_5 then find t Find the number of terms in the expansion of (2x+3y'+z)”, Find the mean deviation about mean for the data 6,7,10,12,13,4,12,16 The mean and variance of a binomial distribution are 4 and 3 respectively. Find the distribution and find P(X=1) . SECTION-B Answer any FIVE of the following SAQs: 5 x 4=20 If = —— ten, show that da 1 = XY Ty cosO+ising ‘em Show that 4x*— If x is real, prove that ——*— lies between 1 and —. 5x49 nl if the letters of the word MASTER are permutted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in dictionary order, then find the rank of the word MASTER. 34 simplify “Cs + $ (38-1) C4 r= 2x? +2x +1 . Resolve 5-5 into partial fractions, xo4K State and prove addition theorem on Probability. Suppose A and B are independent events with P(A)=0.6, P(B)=0 7 compute (i) P(AMB) (ii) P(AUB) (iii) P(B/A) (iv) PCAOB) Ans-Page Index la P A6.1SP-9)) lo P 5(8.2)) lor P 22(2)) [orP 41(5.2)) lo P 5501.21 lo P 7801.5) —{(dv) 2b0z Aew -adi snojaeig Jar P 74 2.6¢0)) lo P 19609); [oP 11(20.1)) [oP 46(15)) [oP 84(9.112))| Lar P 86(10.1)} Jar 130(1.2(e))! leh 1670) [oP 160(8.2)} SECTION-C IIL Answer any FIVE of the following LAQs: 5 x 7-35 18. If 1,8 are the roots of the equation x2-2x+4=0, *Heos| BE 3 19. Solve 8x3-36x2-18x+81=0 given that the roots are in A.P. 20. If n is a positive integer and x is any nonzero real number, then prove that then show that ©” +B" = x” (+xy"l-1 "atl (n+Dx +...09, then find 3x2 +6x. 22. Find the mean deviation about median for the following data: Age(years) | 20-25 |25-30 | 30-35 [35-40] 40-45 | 45-50]50-55 |55-60: No. of workers (f)} 120 |125 ]175 [160 [150 [140 [100 [30 23. Suppose that an urn B, contains 2 white and 3 black balls and another umn B, contains 3 white and 4 black balls. One umn is selected at random and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is found black, find the probability that the urn chosen was By 24, Arandom variable x has the following probability distribution ioP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 k 2k | 2k} 3k R 22 | Tk2+k Find (i) k (ii) the mean (iii) P(0 1). 5x4 =20 Short Answer Type questions, (i) Attempt any five questions, (ii) Each question carries four marks, ‘ i z I Ix +iy = Sos0 pian 6 then show that 4x? — 1 =0 és 12, TF ised prove that = lies between =f and 1, 13, IE the letes of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways andthe “ords ths formed are arranged in the dictionary onde, then find the rank of the word MASTER, 14, y MC#E eng, s as 15. Resolve: ——=____ >; uti fractions, we" @aineea) Mo Patial ' 16. (A, B, C are three horses in a race, The probability of A to win the race is twice that of B, and the probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A, B and C to win the race ? 17. vos eth in 157 pt i cates aera ig ots Whe 9 Soe ponenaity that their statements about an incident do not match. SECTION ~C Sx7=35 Long Answer Type questions: @ Attempt any five questions. (ii) Bach question caries seven marks, 18. If, ae the roots ofthe equation x? — deta = 0, then for any neN, show ~ (38 - Ng. r=0 a Resolve ——~——~___ into fiartial fractions. (x + ax? +) A, B, C are three horses in a race. The probability of A to win the race is twice that of B, and probability of B is twice that of C. What are the probabilities of A, B and C to win the race ? Three screws are drawn at random from a lot of 50 screws, 5 of which are defective. Find the probability of the event that all 3 screws are non-defective, assuming that the drawing is (a) with replacement (b) without replacement. SECTION - C Long Answer Type Questions. 5x7=35 (i) (ii) 18. Answer any five questions. Each question carries seven pst L If n is a positive integer, showgfhat : a n+2 (1492+ (1-92 =2 2 cos 22) [2 0f3] 266 2 a 9. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ® If n is a positive integer, show that. a i ae (P+ iQ)a + (P- igh = 2(p2 0°09] Lean] 3 n iF N Solve the equation 3x3— 26.2 +52x-—24=0, given that the roots are in G.P. Solve the equation x++2x3 - 16x2—22x+7=0, given that 2 -— J3 is one ofits roots, Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data : Marks Obtained[ 0 - 10 10 - 20 | 20-30 | 30-40 | 40-50 No. of Students | 5 8 15 16 6 Three Urns have the following composition of balls. UmI : 1 white, 2 black Um II i; 2 white, 1 black Um Ill : 2 white, 2 black! One of the Urns is selected at random and a ball is drawn. It turns out to be white. Find the probability that came from Urn III. X=x 7-2 = 0 1 2 3 P(X=x)| 0.1 K 0.2 2K 0.3 K is the probability distribution of a random variable X. Find the value of K and the variance of X. -000- 2044727 [3 of 3] 266 3 gy May 2022 ,., Ea coal ee eal OAONN0N00N00ENN pave = 4044761 MATHEMATICS - PAPER - II(A) (English Version) Total No. of Questions : 24 Total No. of Printed Pages : 3 9Zvr70b Max. Marks : 75 Note : This question paper consists of three Sections A, B and C. SECTION -A 1. Very Short Answer type questions. 10x2=20 (Answer all questions. (ii) Each question carries two marks. oS 3S > atib 1. Find the real and imaginary Barts of the complex number =p: g a 2. Write the conjugate of oer 3. If x=cis®, then find the value of x° + 4. Form a Quadratic equation whose roots are 7+2J/5 5. Leta, B, y be the roots of x3 + px?+qx+r=0, then find Sa? 6. If*DP,:"P,=3: 2, find ‘n’ MB 7. Find the number of ways eee the letters of the word INTERMEDIATE 8. _ Find the number of ways of ® lecting 4 boys and 3 girls from a group of 8 boys and 5 girls. Ess 9. Find the variance of the data 5, 12, 3, 18, 6, 8, 2, 10. 10. A Poisson variable satisfies P(X=1)=P(X=2). Find P(X=5). [1of3] 266 ie x [tr > - SECTION -B Il. Short AHsWEF type questions. 5x4=20 ) (ii) 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. Answer any five questions Each question carries four marks, Show that the four points in the Argand plane represented by the complex numbers 2+, 443i, 2+5i, 3/ are the vertices of a square. Determine the range of the following expression : rs xP txe] 2 axtl & N a aie If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and the word thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order then find the rank of the word MASTER. 4 Prove that 5Cq + >: 29 - "C3 = 3c. ft 2 —___*_ into partial fractions. (2x=1) (« +2) &—3) Resolve iv A speakes truth in 75% of the cases ang£B in 80% cases, what is the probability that their statements about an incident do not @atch ? 19, If A B, C are three independent events of an experiment such that Paansenct)=1, PIS BNC) ==, Prac net acty=5, then find P(A), P(8) and PCC). [20f3] 266 2 ML. Long Answer type questions. (i) (i) 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. 23. 24. * s LI | SECTION ac a ay 5x7=35 Answer any five questions. Each question carries seven marks. If nis an integer then show that 6) ...(n0 (2 +cos8 + ising)" + (1+ cos#— ising)" = 2"**cos" ($)cos(3) 8 1+sin= + icos™ ? Show that one value of aemerarailolsez

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