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Position Paper Essay

Crafting a Position Paper Essay can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a combination of research,
critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty arises from the need to formulate
a clear and well-supported stance on a particular issue. This task involves delving into the nuances of
the topic, understanding various perspectives, and presenting a compelling argument that is both
logical and persuasive.

One of the primary challenges is the extensive research required to gather relevant information and
evidence to support your position. This process demands thorough exploration of scholarly articles,
reputable sources, and possibly even interviews to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the
subject matter. Sorting through the myriad of information available and determining the credibility
of sources can be time-consuming and intellectually demanding.

Moreover, constructing a coherent and structured essay is crucial. Organizing thoughts, ideas, and
evidence in a logical sequence while maintaining clarity and coherence poses an additional hurdle.
Striking a balance between being concise and thorough is essential, as overly complex language may
hinder understanding, while oversimplification may compromise the depth of the argument.

In addition, grappling with opposing viewpoints and counterarguments is an integral part of writing a
Position Paper Essay. Anticipating potential objections and effectively addressing them is essential to
strengthen your position and demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the topic. This requires the
ability to analyze and engage with diverse perspectives, showcasing a thoughtful and well-rounded
approach to the issue at hand.

In conclusion, writing a Position Paper Essay demands a combination of research skills, critical
thinking, and effective communication. It involves navigating through a sea of information,
structuring arguments coherently, and addressing opposing views to present a compelling and well-
supported position. While the process may be challenging, it is also an opportunity for intellectual
growth and the development of essential writing and analytical skills.

For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services available at . They provide support in various academic writing tasks, offering a helping hand
to those seeking guidance in navigating the complexities of essay writing.
Position Paper Essay Position Paper Essay
Why Bank Robberies Have Increased Since 1994
I found an article that conducted a study to find why bank robberies have increased
since 1994. The focus of the study was focused to the Chicago Police Department and
the Chicago Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) where the use of
statistics of bank robbers, interviewing bank robbers, and determining what kind of
security measures and security equipment was been used, the gathering of the
information was used to gain insight into bankrobbery(Carrol Loch, (1997).
The study first focused on basic information of bank robberies, by using records that the
FBI kept when investing bank robbery scenes. This information was very helpful in
determining the trends of bank robbers; the investigators gave suggestions to institutions
on how to create better security measures. The investigator took all the FBI reports and
placed them into a database for future reference (Carrol Loch, (1997).
The investigator wanted to learn what motivated bank robbers so they interviewed
offenders either in federal or local correctional institutes. They have currently
interviewed five offenders, varying from robbers who passed notes to armed single
robbers to a group or gang robberies. They found that robbers would avoid certain
banks do to security systems; investigator also learned how offenders planned robberies.
They found that all offenders interviewed would be deterred from robbing a bank if
there were uniformed security present. The offenders were aware of the dye packs and
Parking Lot Safety Issues at Impark
Impark 1700 7 Ave, Suite 106 Seattle, WA 98101 th Seattle Branch MEMORANDUM
TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Harold Delos, General Manager Azmeraw Tikuneh,
Loss Prevention Supervisor May 25, 2013 Parking Lot theft and Security Cameras at

Employee theft is one of the major problems in parking industry. In 2012, more than 10
employees have been fired in relation to theft at Imperial parking, Seattle branch. Parking
lots are potential feeding ground for thieves. The most common form of employee theft
at parking lots is stealing cash from the cash register. For instance, in 2012, three parking
attendants have been charged with stealing at least $400,000 in parking fees collected at
a parking lot for the Smithsonian Institutions, in ... Show more content on
Employee theft at parking and other companies is one of the big issues. One study
indicates that businesses are losing more money due to employee theft than from
shoplifters. The study explained that, On a per case average, these employees steal
approximately 5.9 times the amount stolen by shoplifters ($665.77 vs. $113.30).
Solutions for Enterprise Security Leaders, (2012). (P 1). Surveillance cameras will
provide a great benefit to parking garages. It can help to protect property, customers
and employees, helping the business remain competitive. According to Morton (2012),
not only can surveillance catch a crime in progress, but documentation of a vehicle
accidents, assault, or even a slip and fall incident can be valuable. (P 3) This research
proposal will cover data from Imperial parking audit department relevant to this research
paper. Particularly, 2012 audit findings about theft will be used. It will also cover
external literatures regarding employee theft, benefit of security cameras and criminal
activities at parking garages. This research paper discusses the following points:
Employee theft at parking lots, Importance of parking lot security cameras, How to
prevent employee theft, and Cost effective surveillance camera systems. Imperial parking
would benefit from this research paper. Preventing theft, assaults, vandalism, loitering,
and accidents are among others that Imperial parking would benefit
Absolutism And Conservatism
Conservatism is the political doctrine that justified the restoration of monarchies and the
previous ways of government and thinking before the Enlightenment, the French
Revolution, and Napoleon Bonaparte s rule (The Making of the West, 645). Traditions,
institutions, and privileges are key in conservatism. Conservatismappealed mostly to the
aristocrats. Liberalism, socialism, and nationalism do not work well with conservatism
because they want change and reform, while conservatism does not. On the contrary
conservatism goes well with romanticism. Edmund Burke and Klemens Von Metternich
were important conservatism writers. Metternich wrote Political Confession of Faith
(Sourcebook, 336). In this document, he says the French Revolutionwas evil because it
changed how the government... Show more content on ...
Liberalism is usually associated with liberty, laissez fair, reform, and progress. Liberalism
was all about change and making life better which is why it worked well with nationalism
and why it did not work well with conservatism, romanticism, and socialism. The
bourgeoisie liked liberalism the most. Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill wrote documents
that pertain to liberalism. Adam Smith s The Wealth of Nations, critiques mercantilism
and discusses different economic policies. Adam Smith, also known as the father of
economics, believed that the government should not be involved with the economic
system. He believed prices would rise and fall with the natural order of life. (Sourcebook,
265 69). John Stuart Mill, an English philosopher, wrote On Liberty. He believed that
everyone has liberty and the government should not interfere unless they are causing
harm to another human. Mill says that people should liberty of consciousness, thought,
feeling, and absolute freedom on opinions and scientific, moral or theological thoughts
Narrative Essay About A Car Accident
I used to read about people getting into car accidents. Finally one happened to me and
that was when I realized anything can happen at any moment.
It was Monday, June 6th, 2016. The sun was shining, and it was nice weather for an
adventure. This summer was the first summer that any of my friends had their
licenses, so adventures were always happening. Kayla, who has been my friend since I
can remember; Emily, who Kayla and I have known for around 7 years; and I were
always together. Today we were on our way to Wildwood Park. Wildwood Park has trails
for you to walk on, and a small bridge over a river. We call it That one shaky bridge
because it is not very sturdy when you walk across it. Kayla was driving, Emily in the
front seat, and I in the back; in her old blue car listening to music, using the GPS, on
our way to our destination. We were on Highway 14 going towards Mankato. Kayla
looks down at the GPS that is on her lap for a second, I start yelling Shit, shit, shit, shit.
CRASH. Our small blue car is now in the back of a large pickup truck. After this all had
happened, we ended up in the ditch on the other side of the road. I was feeling very
scared. Were my parents ever going to let me leave the house again? How much
trouble are we really going to get into? How will we get out of this mess? We all sat in
silence for like a minute, then Kayla started to freak out a little. She started crying,
thinking how disappointed her grandpa was going to be or what we was going
Harriet Jacobs Essay
My master had power and low on his side; I had determined will. There is might in

each a statement from Harriet Ann Jacobs reflecting her will to overcome the standards of

society (97). Harriet Jacobs life revolved around slavery from birth to death. Jacobs was a

mother of two with determination and insight to make choices to change the way of life

her children. Harriet Jacobs was the first African American women to have her slave

published retelling her life story exposing the years she spent escaping slavery and the

helping others escape (Andrews 2). The African American race experienced much

especially the women, but Harriet fought back and never gave up.

Harriet, born in the fall of 1813 in North Carolina, spent all of her early life in slave

hood. She did not fully realize that she was a slave until she was six and her first owner,

Horniblow, passed away and she was given to her niece Mary Matilda Norcom (Jacobs
11). This

was when her true struggle began because Mary was not old enough to own Harriet so
Mary s

father Dr. James Norcom became Harriet s de facto master. Dr. Norcom sexually abused

and this information remained secret until much later in Harriet s life (Andrews 1).
Harriet had

two children, a boy named Joseph and a girl named Louisa, by a white attorney named

Tredwell Sawyer (Smith 144). When Harriet was twenty she could no longer take the
abuse from

Dr. Norcom so she

Ear Lab Report
Kristen Rodriguez
Speech 1
October 4, 2015 Outline
Introduction: *demonstrate a sound*
Describe the structure of the ear. The Pinna is a ridged cartilage flap covered by skin.
The Meatus is made up of skin and bone. The Tympanic Membrane, is a concave
shaped layer of membrane with the visual of a flattened cone (AAC). The hammer
doesn t really live up to its name, it looks more like a golf club. The Anvil resembles a
snag tooth while the stirrup mirrors its name. The Cochlea is a membrane covered spiral
shaped tube. The Auditory nerve is made up of several tubes ending in terminals.
How sound makes its way through the parts of the ear. Sound travels through the outer
ear hitting the Pinna, traveling through the Outer Ear Canal. Vibration ... Show more
content on ...
Outer Ear: The Pinna gathers sound and sends it down the ear canal. The twists and
folds of the pinna enhance high frequency (pitched) sounds and also help us to
determine the direction of the sound source (AAC). Ear wax is developed by two
thirds of the ear s external canal, the remaining is bone. The Meatus or ear canal is a 2
3 cm of cartilage that strengthens the sound coming in. Middle Ear: The Tympanic
Membrane is hit by sound waves causing the eardrum to vibrate as such then
transferring that energy into mechanical energy. Out of the eardrum and onto three
bones, Malleus which is connected to the drum passing sounds on to the Incus that sits
on top of the hammer and collects vibrations. Ending with the Stapes which is
responsible for compression of the waves so they can travel through the inner ear. The
Cochlea is home to many nerve cells that are capable of damaging and are impossible to
grow back. The Cochlea s frequency selectivity refers to the ability of the auditory system
to identify tonal components in complex sound. It largely depends on the filtering ability
of the cochlea and its tuning properties are determine by the amplification mechanisms of
the cochlear outer hair cells (BioMedical Engineering). The Auditory Nerve sends all
electrical impulses to the brain, starting the process of

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