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Institutional Group Guidance

Learning Evidence for Module 1

Journal on Mental Health and Communication

Name: _____Mary Rose T. Toralba_________________________ Date: _September 14, 2022_
Course / Year / Section: ______BABA 1-B_______ IGG Schedule: ___Mon, 3:30-4:30pm___

Instruction: Reflect on the question below and be able to answer it as sincerely as you can.

How do you communicate your state of mental wellness to others?

________I usually find it hard to share and communicate with other people, especially when it
comes to my mental state or wellness. I think that being able to reflect on my own mistakes
and problems, would be a much better way for me to be able to cope with it. There was a time
that I had shared a very important detail and unsugar-coated emotion with someone I ought
to trust, but then ended up hearing that story from other people. I was asked by a lot of
people if it was true, and started intriguing me about it, not thinking if I was comfortable
talking about it or not. My trust was broken and that led me to take in all of the challenges
and problems that I have on my own, without the help of anyone. And I can actually say that
being able to talk to God more during those times, is probably more relieving and comfortable
to do, than actually sharing it to people that I don’t really know if I can trust.
_______Today, I feel so lucky to actually have someone to share my emotions with. A couple
of people I know I can trust, and people I know wouldn’t judge me for the things that I did
before, or belittle the problems and challenges that I face now. I am well aware that as a
person, I am not perfect. I make mistakes. But as I grow and learn to be more mature. I
realized that choosing the right circle of friends is also a good thing to do. Being surrounded
by the right set of people, instead of being alone, isn’t actually that bad. These people made
me learn how to trust again. And through them, I can actually share and communicate my
state of mental wellness, knowing that there are people who truly care about me.
_______Before, I would usually go to my friend’s house or ask them to have a moment with
me if they have time, just so I could vent and release my emotions in a way of sharing, hearing
opinions, having advises, etc. This greatly helped my mental state and wellbeing when I am
going through tough times. But now, since were going on to different paths, one of my friends
now lives in Manila, and the other has already planned to fly to Germany to fulfill each of our
dreams, to study and be successful, I am slowly transitioning my communication to people
How do you communicate your state of mental wellness to others?
dreams, to study and be successful, I am slowly transitioning my communication to people
that I love and value, that’s present here with me., like my mother and my boyfriend.
_______I feel so lucky to actually have these people around me, and that I have learned
how to communicate my state of mental wellness to other people again with the help of
my ever-supportive partner who’s sensitive and knows how to genuinely take care of me,
and a mother who knows, treats and understands me well. That even though I have friends
to talk to with my feelings and thoughts, virtually, through video calls and chats. I still have
with me people whom I can talk to personally. People whom I know would listen and are
truly concerned. And most importantly, God, who never left by my side and never let me
go through all of these problems and challenges alone.

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