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Grammar Reference UNITT Introduction to auxiliary verbs "There are three class of verbs in English, 1 The auliary verbs do, band have ‘These ae used to form tenses, and to show forms such a questions and negatives, 2 Modi axa verbs Must can, shoul, might, wll and would are examples of modal auuslary verbs They hep other verb, but unlike do, be, nd have they have their own meanings For example, must expreses obligztion and can expresses ability. (See Units 4 5,8, and 9.) 3. ll verbs “These reall he other verbs in the language, for example, ply rum, ep think, want, ee ‘Do, be, and hae ca also e used a fll verb with thei own, meanings do {do my washing on Saturdays ‘She does lot of business in astern Europe. What de you do? = Whats you abt (The fst d isan auxiliary, the second i ull Yer) be ‘Wi are in clas a the moment ‘They wore at home yeterday wan to bea teacher. have Helas 2 ot of problems ‘They have ve children Anote on haveand have got There ae tv forms ofthe verb have: have ll erb with safdostd for questions, negatives, and short answers and have got ‘where have an auxiliary. PP Workbook pB More information om have/have got Wet1 Tenses and auxiliary verbs When dob, and haven wed a8 airy vers, they ake diferent vet forms do In the Present Simple and the Past Simple there sno auailiary ver, s0 does, and did are used to make questions and negatives excep with be / have go Where do you work? She does ike her job Whar did you bay? Wedd by anything 134 Grammar Reference WI-12 ‘Be + eth + ings used to make continuous verb forms ‘Continuo vet forms describe activities in progres and temporary activites. ‘He's washing shar (Present Continuous) ‘They were going to work. (Past Continuous) ve been learning English fortwo ears, (Present Perfct Continuous) Ta ike to be walking along the beach right now. (Continuous inne) 2 Be past participles used to form the passive ‘Paper is made from wood. (Present Simple passive) ‘My car was stolen yesterday (Past Simple passive) The hows has been redecorate. (Present Perec passive) This homework needs tobe done tonight (Pasive infinitive) ‘There is an introduction to the passive on p137 have Have + past participle i wed to make perfect verb forms He has worked in seven diferent countries. (Preset Perfect) ‘She was rying because she had had some bad news, (Past Prfet) Tilket have met Napoleon (Perfect infinitive) Perfect means "befor; so Present Perfect means ‘before now (See Units 7 and 10) Past Perfect means ‘before s time inthe pas” (See Unit 3.) Wo 12 Negatives and auniliary verbs “To make a negative, ado the airy verb. there io auliagy ver, use dence. Positive Negative He working Het working ive thinking wa hiking We've seen the ploy. We haven't ee the play. She works in bank. She dacs’ work in bank. They ie sing They dow ite sing He went om hia. He didnt goon holiday. {tie possible to contract the auiiaies beand have and use the ‘uncontracted na. ‘es not playing foday. (= He in playing today.) Were mot going to ay afte ll (= We are going to aly.) ye not read hat bok yet. (= haven't ead the book et But ee Pm not working, NOT Famat working p13 Questions and ausiliary verbs 1 Tomakea question, invert the subject and the airy verb there is no auiiary verb, use ded Shérweningiams Woah wring? You are working Why arent you working? You were born in Puri, Where were you born? Peters been China. ‘Has Peter been to China? We have boon studying. Have you bon studying? Toyo Dot how your He wants icecream. What does he want? ‘They did't ont, Why aids tey gout? 2 Theres usually no do/does/did in subject questions. Compare: Who wants icecream? What favour ice-rea de you want? What happened o your eye? What dd you do to your ee? Whe broke the window? How did you beak the window? B14 Short answers and auxiliary verbs. Short answers are very common in spoken English, If you just say Yes (oF Nit can sound rude, We use short answers after Yes) No questions. ‘To make a short answer, repeat the auiiary verb Inthe Present and as Simple, use do/does/ du. Short ancwer Aveyou coming with ws? Yen, am. Have you had breaks? No haven ate lies walking [No she doce’ She atest Mary di phone es she did. You were out on forget wrt, Na Two UNIT 2 Be 21 Present Simple Form Positive and negative Question T 7 We | work we You | dont work yo They Where they tee He he swore. Se | an work toe | she Short answer eo you ive in Bristol? 1s wed Doe he havea cr? ‘Nahe docs Use ‘Te Present Simple used to express 1 an action that happens again and agin (a habit). 1 goto work by car, ‘She drinks ten eps of ofa day. Twas my bir twice a wk 2a act that always tre. Ronaldo comes from Brazil. ‘Some birds fly sh in winter. My dager has bron ees. 4 Fact that true for long ine (a stat). “He works in bank, ive lt nea the cet of tov prefer cof to tea Spelling of verb +-¢ 1 Most verbs ad -sto the base form of the verb, wants este helps drives 2 Addl esto verbs that end in s,s, chy -x and -o mises washes watches see goes 3 Verbs that end in a consonant + change the - 0 ~es carries les worries tres But verbs that end in a vowel + -y only add -« bays says phys exjors DP Workbook pit Pronunciation of -st the end of a word ‘Adverbs of frequency 1 We often use adverbs of frequency withthe Present Simple. ee aver rarely notoften sometimes often usually always 2 They go before the main ver, but after the verb be, Compare: usually start school a 9.00. Theyre usually ina hury in the smoming. 1 don't often got bed late. Tn no often late for schol ‘She mover eats mest et never late rarely ee Pete thee days. Were rarely at home atthe weatends. Grammar Reference 13-21 135 3. Sometimes an usually can also goat the beginning or the end. Sometimes we play football ‘We play fool sometimes ‘Usually go shopping with fends. Igo shopping with fiends, sual. Never aay, rarely and seldom cannot move inthis way NOT NeverFyo-to-themovis Aon hve caine monn 4 Bry dae goes a the ed He phones everynight p22 Present Continuous Form Positive and ne i else cating wertowrtey | Question wm [i what i" [har | doing ae_| weryuley Short anawer ‘reyou going by tant [YORAM Use ‘The Present Continuous i we to express 1 an activity that is happening now. Deni urn the TV of 'm watching it Yo can speak ro Lis, She's having bath, 2 anactvityor situation that is true now, but i not necessarily happening at the moment of speaking. Don’ tke that book. Jane's reading it Pm doing a French evening clasts yar 3 temporary activity Pater sa student he's working a a waiter dering he halidys Kvn with my parents until find a place of my own. 4 a planned fate arrangement haying lunch with Glenda tomorrow. ‘Were meeting at 1.00 ouside the resturant Spelingof ver + ing 1 Most verbs add ing to the base frm ofthe verb, ‘going wearing visiting eating 2. Verb that end in one -elose the. smoking coming hoping writing Verb that end in -ee dot drop an -« agresing sting Oe ing 136 Grammar Reference 22-23 3 Verbs of one slab, with one vowel and one consonant, ‘double the consonant stopping geting ronning planing jpging I the ina eonsonantis yo isnot doubled, playing showing Bp23 state verbs 1 There ate certain groups of verbs that are usually only used in the ‘resent Simpl, Ths x because their meanings are relied to states ‘orconditons that are fict and not activities, This ia feature ofthe ‘se ofthe Present Simple. The groups of verbs ate: Verbs of thinking and opinions bocleve think understand suppose expect. gee doi now fememnber forget ‘mcan imagine realize esrve peer {lieve yo Do you understand? "ow his face, bt 1 forget hs name, Verbs of emotions and feelings like love hate care hope wish want admit ke bck coffee Do you want to go out? don't care Verbs of having and being belong. own have possess contain cost sem appear rec depend on” weigh come from rewemble ‘This bok belongs to Jv How muce does cost Hehasa lot of money. Verbs of the senses Took ear taste smell fot The fod smells good. ‘We often use can when the subject sa person, Gan you smell something burning? Team hear someone crying. 2 Some ofthese vers can be used inthe Present Continuous, but ‘wth a change of meaning. In the continuous, the verb expresses an isnot a stat. Compare ‘youTeright. Were dhinking of going to the cinema. (opinion) (ental activity) Hehas alot of money. She's having abd day (possesion) (activity) Tee what you mean. Are you secing Nigel tomorrow? (understand) (eetivity) ‘The soup tastes anf, Po tasting the soup tose if it noe sale (sate) (cctvity) Introduction to the passive “The pases dealt with in Units 2,3, and Form to be past participle ‘The tense of the vr tobe changes to give iferent tenses inthe passive. Compare The annual company dinner is being held neet week. (Present Continuous passive) All the emplayes are invited every year. Present Simple passive) ‘ily members werent invited lst yen, bu his year they wore (Present Perfect passive) ‘Mou people would love tobe invited to the dinner (Pasi infinitive) Use 1 Pasive sentences move the foes from the subject to the abject of active sentences Aled Hitcck directed Psycho in 1360 Paycho, one ofthe clase rier of al time, was dected by Aled Hitcheoc. ‘The pase ino just another way of expressing these sentence in the active. We choose the active or the passive depending on what we ae more interested inn the First sentence, we are more interested in Alfred Hitchcock inthe second sentence, Pycho has moved 1 the begining ofthe sentence becase we ae mor ineeted inthe im. 2 Byand the agent are often oited in passive semtencs ifthe agent ~ is norknown. (My apartment was robbed ls night ~ isnot important ‘This ridge was ln 1886 ~ is obvious 1 as fined £100 for speeding 3 The pase isasocated with an impersonal, formal styl. soften used in notices and announcements Guster are requested to fin fim smoking. ‘hasbeen noticed tht reference Boks have been removed fom he rary. 4 In infrmal language we often use you, we and theo refer to people in general or to no person in particular In this way, We ea void wing the pase Yow can buy stamps in oof shops, nous the post oes ‘Theyre building a new department store in they conte. We speak English in his shop. © be carefill Many past participles ae wed as adjectives 1m very interested in modern art We were extremely woried aout you. Tm exhausted! Te been working hard all dy. Bip 24 Present simple and Present Continuous passive Present Simple Passive resent Continuous Passive antisare + past paticiple fantistare beng past participle MN | being | dea Ther] are being Use “The nes are the same in the passive as inthe active My aris serviced every ix months (habit) (Computers are wed inal areas fife and work. (Fact that i aways eve) Sor about the mess. The house being redecorated atthe moment. (ntivty happening now) UNIT 3 Introduction to past tenses ‘We use diferent past tenses o focus on diferent moments and periods of tie in the past. Look tthe diagram, Read the sentence, When Andrea arrived at work at 3.0 a.m... 830 930 10.00 er secretary opened the ost Her secretary was opening the post ir secretary had pened the pst. D2 Past simple Form “The form of the Pas Simpl isthe same for al persons. Positive 1 Hershett | fnised | yeserdy We No odode You the weeks ago. Ther erative Hi She finish | yesterday They | Met | heave | at3 otdock ee) Question fe" | sini he he | Sis he eport ‘When | did | they | get married? (ee Shortanswer Did you enjoy the meal | XSW i Use ‘The Past Simple i used to expres: 1 finished action in the past. ‘We mtn 200, went Manchester lst wee ‘hn left minutes ag. 2 actions that follow each other ina stor. ‘Mary walked into the room and stopped. She Tisened careful She heard a wie coming from behind the curtain, She drew the curtain open, and then she enw Grammar Reference 24-31 B 3. apatsituation or habit. When Tas. child, e lived i a small hou by the ea. Brey day f layed on the beach with my brother This use is often expressed with sed t. We set ive in sal house sed to walk for miles. Spelling of verb +e 1 Most vetbs add -edt the base form ofthe vb, worked wanted — helped ynched 2 When the verb endsin add. ‘ited wsod ated cared 3 Ifthe ver has only one sable, with one vowel +one consonant, double the consonant before adding stopped planned robbed But we write cook seated and moaned because there are two owes 4 The consonants not doubled fit layed showed 5. In mos two-sllable verbs, the end consonant i doubled the stress ison the sccond syllable, prefered ad’ mina But we wie ‘entered and "sited because the stress ison the fist sabe 6 Vers that end ina consonant + - change the -y oi cried hurried ured Bat we wit enjoyed, because it endsin a vowel + is-yor-m. ‘There are many common irregular verbs DD irregular verbs p87 Past Simple and time expressions Look atthe ime expressions that ae common with the Past Simple Jas night. two dayeago. esterday morning. in2001 when Ts young met him p32 Past Continuous Form Peaiveand negative ston 1 7 he | was ce ‘She | wasn’t we | he tt working. || What it | doing We ve You | wor |p They Shey Short anover Were you boing forme? ‘Yen Tran 6 wa Werte wating ude? thy wee they wee Ue ‘We often use the Past Continuous in sentences with the Past Simple “The Pas Continuous refers to longer, background activities, while the ast Simple refers to shorter, completed actions BB Grammar Reference 32-33 ‘The chitren were playing inthe garden. when ther grandparents rived “The Past Continuous is used: 1 to expres activites in progress before, and probably afer a particular ime in the pst ‘AC? ooo this moring was having my breaks walked post your house lat night. Thre as aa lot of oie, What were you doing? 2 far descriptions Ju loked beautiful. he was wearing a gren cotton des. Her ees ‘were shining in the light ofthe canes thar were burning nearby. {5 toexpres an intecruptd pat activity When the phone rang. Twas having a shower While we were plying tennis stared to rain 44 foexpresan incomplete activity inthe past in order fo contrast vith the Past Sinple that exprestes a completed activity. as reading a book during the flgh (1 dda ish ic) watched a film during the fight the whole film) Note ‘The Past Simple usually used to express arepeted past habit or situation. But the Past Continuous cam be used if the repeated habit Ibecomes longer setting for something. Compare: atudied Bali for te years ‘first met Harry while Twas studying Bnglh. P= Workbook p20. More information on whi during an for p33 Past Simple or Past Continuous? 1 Sometimes we can use the Pat Simple or the Past Continous The Past Simple focuses on ast action as simple fats. The Fast, ‘Continuous focuses on the duration of pat siteatione and scivities,Compare 1A Laid se you tthe meting lst night B Na T stayed at home and watched footal ‘A Lida’ se you atthe meeting lst night B No.1 was watching otal at home 2 Questions in the Past Simple and Past Continuous refer to diferent time period the Past Continuous asks abot activites befor; the ast Simple aks sbout what happened ater. Wher hs father died, Peter was studying medicine at medical col He decided that it was better ogo home to his mother and postpone Ais stdies, What was Peter doing when his fther ded? He was studying. What did Pater do when is ater dia? He went home his mother Doss raserertect Perfect mcans ‘befor; so Past Perfect refers wo an action in the pas ‘that was completed before another action in the pas Form ‘The form ofthe Past Perfect isthe sme or ll persons. Positiveand negative T fen sou | sen tindee we RG | er ca oo un = wtcrtad || sen ch Seem Tatiana | RE B Use 1 The Past Perfect is used to make clear that one ation in the past happened before another action inthe past Wher 1 gor home, found tha someone had broken into my ‘apartment and had stolen my DVD plays 5 cle the police. ist x ——»x x» now i Myovrlaewsstcen—Iartdbome eae the poe ‘Action I: Someone broke into my apartment and stole my DVD player. ‘Action 2:1 got home and called the police. Lai’ ont oot the cinersa with my fends because Pd sen the fim before ast —» x», > now { 1 es the ln Dy ends Sa the fl Acton 1: Hae the film. ‘Acton 2 My riends went to the cinema to ee the ln, 2 Notice the difference between the following sentences: Whe 1 gor to the ofce, Peter went home. (Fist arvved then Peter let) Whe eh ofc, et hai gone hone (= First Pater lef then I arcived) Bes Past tenses in the passive Form Past Simple Passive Past Continuous Passive Past Perfect Pasive Use ‘Te wses are the same inthe passive as inthe active ‘The bridge was builtin 1876 (finished action in the past) The bomb was being defused wien it explode. itercpted past activity) “The leter did't arrive because it had been sent my old addres (one sction before another action inthe pat) swt were + past participle ‘owe being past participle had been + past participle UNIT 4 Introduction to modal verbs “The modal eb arc, cod mays might mst wil, woul sould, tngir te Ticy are Known ar modal mary be ecu they ha ‘Shothor ve (Se auo Unit, 5,8, 5nd 9) peepee Doyo hint sould go? Form 1 There sno -+in the thi person singular ‘She cam sng, He must be ied. eomight rain. 2. There tno do/does/don'/does' i the question or negative. What should [o? Gam I elp you? You musta! Hecant svi. Iwonithea mine, ‘3 Modal ausiiry verbs ae followed bythe infinitive without 1. The exception i ought You must go TIhelp you. You ought to sze a decor 44 They have no infinitives and no -ing forms, Other expressions are ted intend, TA love 0 beable to sing That having getup am col, winter mornings 5 They don't wsly have past forms Instead, weean us them with perfect infiniives You should have tld me that you can’ swim. You might have drovmed! ‘ot we use other expresions: Thad to work hard in schoo Note Coulis wed with a past meaning to talk about a general ability. {could sin when 1 as i. (= general ability) ‘Total about silty on one specific oceasion, we use was able tf managed to “The prisoner was able tofmanaged to escape by dlibing onto the of ofthe prin. NOT couldsespe Use 1 Modal verbs express our attitudes, opinions and judgements of events, Compare “Who's hat Knocking om the door? “is Jon? (This isa fact.) “Who's thar knocking on the door” “ieeouldmay/oght/mustshould/eantl be Jolin (These all expres our attitude or opinion.) 2 Bach modal verb has at least two meanings. One use ofall of them is to express possibility or probability. (See Unit 9 p147.) must post this later (= obligation) Xo mua be tired! (~ deduction, probability) Gould you lp me? (= reques) ‘We cout got Spain for ou lid (= possibility) You may go horse no: (= permision) ‘Wheres Anna?” Tim not sure. She may be at work Grammar Reference 34-Unit4 139 ‘Modal verbs of obligation and permission 41 have (got) 0 Form iveand negative Tou! fave to WerThey | dont have to = work ard HefShe | doesn't have to Question T Do | you (ee) Ihave to work hard? Use Have te nota modal verb 1 Haye to expresses strong obligation ‘general obligation based ona law o ule, or based on ‘the authority of another person. tis impersonal hildren have ogo to school wut they are 16. (ala) _Mun sys you hae to clean your oom before you g0 ‘out (mother's order). 2 Have go 19s common in Brits English but tis ‘more informal than hav 10 {ve go to go now. See you! Dot go to bed late. Weve got to get up early ‘Goad dy your room? “Have I got to? “Yes you aval" 3 Have rocopresies a general repeated abligtion, aay have tll my parents where Ti going. “Have goto expresses an obligation on one particular Icexpresesa ve got to getup enry tomorrow to cate a tran (> can and be allowed to Form ‘AMfrmative and negative canveant Wow sreallowed 19 Wethey | aretaloved to | caveat ee Heise | isallowed to allowed to Question an | TpouTioe ae am_[t ‘Are [you | allowed wo | park here? & [he 40 Grammar Reference 41-42 Use Camis modal verb, Gan and be allowed 1 express permission. Canis more informal and usually spoken, Yu cam borrow my bike, but you enn’ have the ar ned it They ean’ come inher with those muddy shoes! You've allowed to get a driving licence when youre 17 Are we allowed to sea dictionary for this tes? He ert alowed to park here D> 42 should, ought to, and must Form ‘Should, eupht 0, and mus are modal vets. Toalshoakint WYouWerThey yan ht Fought not | work hd Use 1 Should and ough express mild obligation, suggestions, or advice. They expres the speaker’ opinion, isthe right or best thing to do, We often se them ido think ie always asking me for money. think you should spend lesz. Yow should’ sit 20 lone tothe television! I bad for your ees. iu ught to be more cared with your money. 2. Should Use/we.. is posible. We often use Do you think... ? ‘Should Try teat es? De you think Thou ee a doctor? 13 Musik have expresses strong obligation. Mus expresses an obligation that involves the speakers opinion. Its personal 1 must get my hair cut. (This me taking to me.) ou mast go aid vist your grandmother. (A parent talking toa chi, 4 Musi alkoassocited witha formal, writen styl All isto must show praper ID. (Sigh in the lobby ofan office building) ‘Books must be returned on or before the due date. (lnsteetions in a ibeary) ‘have to and must, don't have to and musti’t 1 Have toand must ate sometimes interchangeable. must be home by night. have to be home by midnight But have ois used more often than must Ifyou ae unsure which to wse its probably safer to use ave to. 2 Mast... Tis possible but question forms with have rare more common, Do have todo what you 9) or can Ido what | want? 3. Have asl forms; must doesnot. had to work util midnight lastnight. (Past) onl have study hard when you go college (Future) ‘She'sa millionaire She's never had todo any work (Present Perfect) ‘hate having to get upon col, winter mornings. (-ing form) Ifyou were muse, you would have to wear a uniform. (nine) 4 Don't have to and must ace completely diferent Don't have to expresses absence of obligation ~ you can but i ist necessary. Some people iron their socks, but you don’t have to. ink its a wast of time. ‘When you go into a shop, you dwt have to buy anything. You cam just ook. _Must'rexpresses negative obligation ~ iti ery important not do something Yo must sel other people's things. Is wrong ou matte if youre ied ou could ill someone! De 43 Making requests: can, could, wil, and would 1 There te many ways of making request in Engh. can Could help me plese? wilt” | ¥% | pass the sl, please? Would ‘Would you mind helping me, please Gan], | speak you, please? Could ale you a question? Do you mind if open the window? Would you mind if opened the window? (Can, coud, ill and would ae all modal verbs, 2 Couldisa ive more formal; ca isa ie more faa. Could 1a. 2and Col you ..?are very useful because they can be used in many diferent situations 3 Here are some ways of esponding to requests ‘A Bxeuse mel Could you help me? B Swe Ofcourse Welln afraid Ym afte busy right now. ‘A Would you mind iff opened the window? B Ne norat all ‘No tha’ fin Wel Tova te col, actually D441 Making offers: wil and shall/should 1 Willan sal should ae wed to expres offers. Tey re both rodal verbs 2 ‘The contracted form of willis used to express an intention, decison, orofer made atthe moment of speaking. Come over afer wark PU cok dinner for you. “its Jane’ bray today"? PH buy her some lowers? Give hin your sutcse, HEM cary it for you. Don't worry about catching the bs. Dave sve you aif Giveit back or wel call the poli! ‘In many languages, this idea is often expressed by a present tense, Dut in English this is wrong. {give you my number. NOT give yousny-number: ‘ear your suitease.. NOT Featryyoursltase (ther uses of willace dealt with in Unit 5. 5 Shall/Should..7is wed in questions with the frst person, Land vw. expresses an ofr, a suggestion, ora request for advice. ‘Shall carry your bag for you? That's ery Kind Thankyou! ‘Shall we go out fora meal tonight? "Mmm. love ‘What shall edo? We haven’ got any money” "We ould ask Dad? ‘We use should to make an informal suggestion. What should we have fr dinner? ‘What should we do tonight? UNITS Introduction to future forms “Thete sno futare tens in ngs as there is in many European languages However, English has several forms that can refer tothe fates Three ofthese ae wil going fo, andthe Present Continuous 1 se ou are wil) ‘Were going to see afl tonight Do you want 10 comet (gong o) [m setng the doctor tomorr evening, (Present Continuous) “The diference between them i not about near or distant ture, or bout certainty The speaker chooses a future form depending on how ‘the speakr sees the future event Is it pla an offer a prediction, oranarangement? This is the important, ‘question to ask when choosing afature form. There i moe about this fn Uae below. Np 51 will going to and the Present Continuous Form Positive and negative Hi 7 i vat They help you. Tmt not watch TV tonight shetiShe bat | goingto ‘We'e/We arent Tam not Hectic ist | catching the 10 o'ock ight YouteVou arent Question ‘ayn ay What are you going to ‘ae you meeting the manager? Note ‘We avoid saying song o come or going tog. Were coming tomorow. When are you going home? Use Plans, decisions, and intentions (will and going to) ‘modal auiliary verb to expres decision, intention, ‘or offer made at the moment of speaking. We sw this use in Unit 4 {See 4.4} Remember that you cat use the present tense fr this use. 1 have the tok plow, NOT Hhavedhesteak: Pilse you tomorrow. Bjel_ NOT breeyoertomorroe: Give mea call sometine, Well go ou for cof. ‘Jf thers someone atthe dor? ‘OK, Pg it Grammar Reference 43-51 141 going to Going tis used to expres future plan, decision or intention made before the moment of speaking, When I gro up m going to be a doctor: Jane an Peter are going o get mareed next month Were going to pat tis room be “The most common use of wii as an auxiliary ver to show future time Itexpresses a future factor prediction Ie cll the pute future orthe Future Simple Welt be aay for 0 weak. ‘Those lowers won't grow under the tv. Isao dark, (Ow friendship wit ast forever Youll be sick fou eat al hase sees! Witlor a prediction can be based more on aa opinion than a fact, don hare wit do ey wel in era Sh date ‘any work Tam convinced that infin wil fal thee percent nex ear, going to {Going 1 can alo express prediction, especially when itis based on 8 present fact. There is evideice now that something i certsin to happen, ‘She's going to have a bay (We can see she's pregnant.) ‘Our ta is going to win the math (ls four ni and there are only five minute lef to ply.) ‘Wat going to rain roy (Look a that beau Ble sky) Note Sometimes there is no diference between will ad going ta. will tart his course at university. Arrangements (Preset Continuous) ‘The Pret Continous ca be ed to expres fare arangement ‘etc pope say stot eae ke gn with rey igh. Fh hin harcore at are hinges “nko he hing you might pain your diary oremind ou of what yor dog ve he et fet daa wet Tse ete kindof ‘rei iat aon exe byte Peet Continuous othe Sue The vr expects dst or oem meting er nigh Teepe emi i: Pacing hector ea, Remember that you cat ete present tense for tis se, "ete going tener on Seti ecig Nor Were cc he 10 oe igh xor i What redoing is ere NOT “ierdoyoostverning Sometimes there isn diffrence between an agreed arrangement (resent Continuous) and an intention (gong) ‘Wee going to act ete geting ‘marced inthe sping. 142 Grammar Reference 61-62 Likecan he ave oa preposition. Like asa verb can be flowed by ~ng orf, sometimes with a change in meaning. like going out a the weaken (general enjoyment) like toi in hot bah and ead (habits and peesence) ‘ike as verb has persona the subject: ike modern art, 1 dan Tike the way he looks at me Do you like fs? Wink you ie a cafet Lie sa preposition hasan objectafter it: ‘She's weaving aha ke mine “He's mong lik is father. That sounds lke a plane Youre behaving ike children That nev Bg teacher of his Weer what... like? What darter. ee ed tak bout the permanent nature of people ad ings ass fora description or an impression or comparison What the heath sevice tik in your count? What are he ew dete? O de careft 1 With desertion ora impresion, we do ot we in the Wha ondon thet what’ elke? és quit big and iP ery intresting NOT it Wha’ Amana Uke? Shes tall, trative, al very fy. NOT Shesthedall— 2 With comparison, we can use ike in the answer ere ke means similar 0 the same as ‘What's London like? 1s ike New York, but without he all dling. fs similar) What's Amanda's daughter lke? “She's jus lke Amand. She the sie a.) DP Workbook p39 Likeand as De62 How...? 1 How. Fis sed to ask about the present condition of something that can change. How's work these day sere tha a yor “Hove was the tai this morning? twas worse than usual To ask about the weather, we can use both questions Hows the weather ‘What’ the weather ike _| Wire you aet 2. How .. ?is alo wed to ask about people's heath and happiness, Compare: How's Pete? He’ fine. What's Pete lke? Hes nice Hes qute tal has dr ha 3. How... Pisalso used to ask about people's reactions and feelings. How’ your meal? Hows your nes ob? Ye63 How... or What... like? Tike or How. but they aren’ the asks for Sometimes we can use What same. What. lke? asks for an objective description. How personal feelings. Compare How was the fim? It was great! What was the fli? Ie as very funny and had os of good 64 Verb + -ing or infinitive ‘Verb patterns piS8 Ds Relative clauses 1 Relative clauses are used to tell us which person or thing we ae talking about They make it posible ro ive more information about the person or thing being spoken about, ‘The boy has gone to the beach. (Which boy?) ‘The boy wha lives next door has gone othe Beach, ‘The book i very god. (Which book?) ‘The book that I bought yesterlay i very god, Thisis phot ofthe hotel. (Which hotel) This isa photo of he hate where we stayed. 2 We use who to refer to people (and we can also use that) ‘The book is about agit who marries milonaive. ‘We se that to ete to things (and we cam also we which), What was the name ofthe hose that won the race? 5 When who or tharis the abject of celative cause, ican be lft ut. The person you ned talk oi on holiday ‘The bok I bought yesterday is very good But when who or thai the subject fa rlative clause, it must be inched, ike people wh are Kind and considerate 1 vant a computer that is easy to we 4 Whi can be use to refer tothe whole previous sentence or ide, 1 pasied my driving test on my fist atemp, which surprised everyone. Sie can't come with us, which isa shame. 5. Weuse whose to refer to someone's possessions ‘That’ the woman whose bag was lost ‘Thats the man whose sou won the race. 6 Wecan use wheret refer to places ‘The hotel where we stayed was right on the beac, even back tothe place where we first met. » 66 Partciples Partkpes afer «noun define and identify in the same way a lative cause. ‘That person diving the red orci my consi. ‘The men seen oust ver probly the thieves. UNIT 7 Introduction to the Present Perfect ‘The sme form (have + past participle) exits in many Buropean languages, but the uses in English ae diferent. In English, the Present Perfect is essentially a presen tense, butit also expresses the effec of past actions and activities on the present Present Perfect means before now. The Present Pefet does not ‘express when an action happened. Ife say the exact time, we have to tee the Past Simple, In my life 1 have traveled tal seven continents Traveled around Africa in 1998. Be 71 The Present Perfect You | havent They lived in Rome. He She Question Howlonghave | we you _| known Peter? Howlonghas |i Short answer ave you sways lived in Budapest? | 261 PE. Use “The Preset Pest expres 1 anaction that began inthe past and stil continues (unfinished pas. ‘We've lived inthe same howe for 25 yous, Peters worked as a tencer since 2000 How long have you known each ater? ‘They've been marie for 20 years. Note Many languages express this idea with a present tense, but in English this is wrong Peter has been a tender for ten years. NOT Beteriratevcherfor ewgee “These time expressions are common with hi use. two years 1970 month the end ofthe class for |afewminutes since | August halfan hour Boldlock gee New Year ‘We use fr with a perio of time and since with a point in time Grammar Reference 63-71 143

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