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Chapter IV



Santiago South Central School is good for all students who want to develop and
test their skills about teaching. Santiago South Central School will surely make your
work immersion days special and important. The Staffs and Teachers of the school give
respect and appreciation of every student's strength and weaknesses. They taught us
their strategies on how to handle the class properly and they taught us how to be a
good teacher and how to communicate to your pupils nicely. This school can show you
the importance of being attach of your students and for being loved by your students.
This school can give you information and knowledge that you want to know and that can
help you in your future career or job.


1. The Santiago South Central School must accept all the students that is willing
to work in the said school.

2. The teacher and staffs who's in the office should be approachable so that the
work immersionist should be able to do the task properly and with confident.

General Reflection

Nelson Mandella says that "Education is the most powerful weapon which we
can use to change the world!" The Santiago South Central School is the school that
though us to be serious in everything that can improve or help us in our career or future.
The 76 hours that we spend on this school brought us knowledge, inspiration,
motivations, learnings and it is very worth it. The students here is very love, especially
the class who was assign to us. Every time we enter the room, the children always hug
us and greets us and this will help us to strengthen our self-confidence to do our job
well. Our supervisor helps us a lot. They are the best one to advice and guide us on
how to do good things not only for our own but also for our families. The Teachers of
this school thought us on their strategies on how to manage the class properly and how
to teach the pupils nicely and with confidently. Our supervisor taught us to be patient
since we are assigned to the lower grades, we expect that the children are noisy and we
should spend more patience since we are handling and teaching children. Yes! They
are noisy but in fact, you need to do your job and this is a big responsibility. Some of the
staffs and teacher in the office is strict and not approachable sometimes, that's why we
feel nervous every time that we enter the office of Santiago South Central School but
we understand them for being like that maybe, because they've just being a
professional or something for our sake, but overall Santiago South Central School is
good and highly educated school and we are very thankful because we learned a lot
form this school and those experiences, insights that we gained, knowledge and
learnings will help us a lot in our next journey and this will be our guide as an aspiring
teacher someday.

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