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Topics To Write A Persuasive Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Topics To Write A Persuasive Essay" can be quite challenging due to
the inherent meta-nature of the subject. The difficulty lies in navigating the broad spectrum of
persuasive essay topics and determining which ones are not only interesting but also conducive to
effective persuasion. It demands a thorough understanding of various subjects, as well as the ability
to critically assess and argue for or against them.

The challenge intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between creativity and practicality.
Crafting an essay that stands out requires more than just compiling a list of persuasive topics; it
necessitates the exploration of unique angles, compelling arguments, and the incorporation of
relevant examples or evidence.

Moreover, the task requires a keen awareness of the target audience. Different persuasive essay topics
may resonate differently with diverse readerships, making it essential to tailor the arguments to the
specific interests, beliefs, and values of the intended audience.

Research is another aspect that adds to the complexity. One must delve into each potential topic,
gathering information, statistics, and supporting evidence to construct a robust and convincing
argument. This demands time, effort, and a discerning eye for credible sources.

In conclusion, tackling the essay topic "Topics To Write A Persuasive Essay" requires a multifaceted
approach, blending creativity, critical thinking, and thorough research. It's an intricate task that
challenges a writer's ability to engage, persuade, and present a well-rounded perspective. If the
process becomes overwhelming, there are resources available to assist. Similar essays and much more
can be ordered on , where professional writers can provide valuable support in
navigating the complexities of persuasive essay writing.
Topics To Write A Persuasive EssayTopics To Write A Persuasive Essay
The Current Makeup Of The Texas Dream Act
The first policy alternative, the status quo, is to not repeal or change the current makeup
of the Texas Dream Act. Texas awards around $9 million in grants and scholarships,
which are paid from the appropriations made by the legislature every two years. This
might seem like a large amount but that cost is merely a fraction of the net profit the
states makes off of undocumented students paying tuition at universities across the state.
By not changing the policy Texaswould expect to attain $56.1 million in tuition revenue
from the undocumented students attending universities in Texas. Besides the tuition
revenue, Texas would expect to see another $65 billion from wages, salaries and business
earning by undocumented immigrants. The extra... Show more content on
On the other hand, US citizens from other states cannot pay in state tuition rates, so
that is unfair to them. A way to solve this issue perhaps would be to create a public
policy to allow US students to pay the same tuition rate across the US. In total,
alternative 1 scores 2.05 out of 3.0. The policy is of low cost to the state, brings in a
large amount of revenue, and is relatively fair to the parties involved and affected.

The second policy alternative received the lowest overall score for many reasons. Its
efficiency score is 0.5 although it does save the state $9 million every two years, but it
cost the states more maintain this population because without college education a large
portion of the students will find themselves incarcerated, with more health problems, and
having more children earlier in their lives. This policy is a means to an end, however the
end result puts the state in a worse situation than it currently is in. The cost benefit score
is 0.35 because without the education the students are not able to acquire the necessary
skills to attract big name employers such as Google, Accenture, and even Toyota who are
presently looking for top talent. Also, the state would lose an estimated $56.1 Billion
from the immigrant students and their parents, however that s not the only thing on the
line. Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich argues that immigrants are part of the
solution to
Theme Of Pride In The Stone Angel
Pride In Margaret Laurence s powerful novel The Stone Angel the theme pride often
displayed through the characters. Each figure had their own way of showing this
theme through both actions and words. The recurring theme is exhibited by the
behaviors of Brampton Shipley, Hagar Shipley, and her father, Jason Currie. Hagar
Shipley lived her life blind, with pride as her cane for guidance. There was many
situations throughout the novel where she made decisions solely based off of her
pride. The first example of this is when Hagar was just a little girl, scampering around
in her father s store. When she made a comment while Jason was talking with
Mrs.McVitie,a customer, he took a ruler to Hagar s hands. Despite the stinging pain,
she wouldn t cry in front of her father. She held back the tears until her father couldn t
see because that would show weakness and hurt her pride. Another example of Hagar
s pride was when her son, Marvin, went to war. When he comes to say goodbye, Hagar
states that I wanted all at once to hold him tightly, plead with him,against all reason
and reality, not to go. As most mothers would do such a thing, Hagar s pride kicks in
as she reconsiders her thinking, But I did not want to embarrass both of us, or have
him think I d taken leave of my senses. This shows how engraved pride is carved into
Hagar s head. Even though her son is going into war and may die, she can t even show
him that she will worry about him. Another example that
Black Boy Moral Dilemmas
In Black Boy, Richard Wright, the protagonist of the novel, faces many decisions that he
must make, but his moral dilemmas are the most important and make the biggest impact
on Richard s life. A moral dilemma is a situation requiring a choice between equally
undesirable alternatives that is also concerned with goodness or badness of character.
Richard s moral dilemmas often decide whether he will survive in the South or not
because they usually occur around conflict that can get Richard lynched. One moral
dilemma that Richard repeatedly faces is whether to stand up for himself against
oppression, and most of the time white people, or to stifle his emotions and let the
situation go. More specifically, Richard faces this type of moral dilemma after he breaks
his bike while he is out and is offered a ride to town by a small group of white boys....
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When addressed by one of the boys, Richard, in the heat of the moment, forgets to call
him sir which severely angers the white boy. All of a sudden, they smashed a bottle on
the back of Richard s head which causes him to fall off of the car. Although Richard is
dazed, he clenches his fists in preparation to fight. This is a serious moral dilemma that
Richard faces. He must decide whether it is worth it to defend himself against these
boys, or allow the situation to unfold and try to avoid conflict. The right thing to do is,
although he did not start the fight, to not carry on a fight, but it could also come down
to a matter of survival where Richard would have to fight these boys to not be killed
right there on the street. Luckily, one of the white boys stops another from continuing the
fight and beating Richard up any
The Composition Of Felony Criminal Trials For The Public...
During my time interning at the Public Defender s Office, I have observed that time is
one of the biggest issues. It has been shown that is quicker for an indigent individual to
plead guilty than it is for them to receive adequate legal representation. After obtaining
an attorney, it is a lengthy process when going through the different hearings and trials.
Often taking several months for cases to be fully resolved. The composition of felony
criminal trials in Lowndes County is very complex. There are several various steps
within the trialprocess. The first official step before conducting a trial is making an
arrest. An arrest can be made with or without a warrant; however, probable cause must
be present in both cases. Upon making an arrest, the detaining officer has forty eight
hours to appear before a judge with probable cause for the arrest, which is the sufficient
reason based on the facts that a crimehas been committed. Subsequently, after being
arraigned, if the individual cannot afford an attorney one is appointed to them from the
Public Defender s office. Next occurs the indictment. The District Attorney s office
receives the arrest warrant and then reviews the case, by dropping and adding charges if
necessary. They also have the discovery, which is the evidence the state has against the
defendant. The case then goes before a Grand Juryto determine if an indictment is ready.
The following month the first hearing to occur after a defendant is indicted is the
The Large Bathers
Art from the past has inspired future basically since the first art style was created.
Medieval art inspired Renaissance art, Renaissance art inspired Victorian era art, so
on and so forth. However, every now and again, an art style can not only inspire, but
actually help to birth a new style of art the same but also considerably different than
what it was originally. A perfect example of this is Paul Cézanne s, The Large Bathers.
Paul Cézanne s, The Large Bathers is a beautiful painting created in the year 1898 and
appears to show a group of women all preparing to either bathe together or taking turns
bathing. The painting is classified as both cubism and post impressionism. This is
very easy to see simply by looking at the way that the people are painted. They aren t
exactly cubed, but they certainly aren t realistic either. Matisse s Bonheur de Vivre
(Joy of Life) and Picasso s Les Demoiselles d Avignon are both clearly inspired by Paul
Cézanne s, The Large Bathers. Whilst these two paintings are a lot like The Large
Bathers, they are also vastly different.... Show more content on ...
The painting instantly draws you in and your eyes dart around the work of art, having
trouble focusing on simply one thing at once. This isn t a bad thing as the more you
look the painting over, the more things you will notice. At first, you might not notice
it, but in the background there appears to be a body of water, possibly an ocean. This
is important as this is what was inspired by Paul Cézanne s, The Large Bathers, at least
as far as I can tell. There are of course other parts that are inspired such as the way the
trees are painted and such, but overall, the painting is vastly different and shows the
beginning of a whole new art
Working from Home Essay
Working from home: the disadvantage Tina DiNunzio HRP7110 Human Resources
Management Jodi Smith October 23, 2014 Working from home can sound like a dream
come true. However, like any job situation there are many disadvantages to home
employment that may become apparent over time. For some, this can mean making a
few adjustments to make the situation more tolerable. For others, the disadvantages can
be so powerful that they can put an end to the home office (Provenzano). As technology,
apps and costs bring people to conclude that working from home would be the best
situation, it s very important to consider the disadvantages of working from home, as
these are often forgotten. These negative aspects can actually... Show more content on ...
The problem is that by working from home, you tend to take yourself out of the
running for promotions and work rewards (Turcotte). You will also find that in many
cases, the job that you would be promoted into can t be done from home so you simply
won t be considered for it. This is a non issue if you are content staying in the same
position for the duration of your career. If, however, you plan on getting ahead and
moving up in your career field, then working from home could be a problem
(Turcotte). Home employment is sometimes not taken seriously by prospective
employers, and it can be viewed as a gap in the resume (Provenzano). One of the main
reasons people tend to work onsite is because they love doing it with the goal of
getting promoted, so they can climb the corporate ladder. If you are a freelancer or if
you work from home, you might lose sight of these opportunities (Wall). If you do
freelance work, that means you are more of an independent contractor than a regular
employee. Sometimes people with home employment are often looked at as if they
don t do real work (Park). A large majority of the people working at home do not really
feel like professionals despite the size of the work load or opportunities. The main
factor here is that, when you re at home, you feel at home and you may be less
motivated to perform the same as you would in a
Themes In The Day Of The Locust
Hollywood is putting on an act in more than just the movie business in Nathanael West s
novel The Day of The Locust. Things that are apparent can actually be deceptive and
taking closer look at some of these will reveal truths hidden inside Hollywood. There are
signs losing their intended meaning throughout the noveland are used to represent, or
perform as, something entirely different and maybe even something ironic. There are
many examples of false representation in the characters, inanimate objects, and overall
themes in the novel and the main character, Tod Hackett, may be the only one to take
notice. The ability to separate living and acting is lost in the feigned glamour of
Hollywood. Perhaps the first and most glaring example of a performance, by people,
happens in the first chapter. Readers are introduced to the setting and right away, the
omniscient third person narrator points out the Hollywood residents choice of clothing.
None of the people that are surrounding and walking by... Show more content on ...
Their sweaters, knickers, slacks, blue flannel jackets with brass buttons were fancy dress.
The fat lady in the yachting cap was going shopping, not boating; the man in the Norfolk
jacket and Tyrolean hat was returning, not from a mountain, but an insurance office; and
the girl in slacks and sneaks with a bandanna around her head had just left a switchboard,
not a tennis court, (Chapter 1).
In the next paragraph, these people who are pretending to be something that they re
not are described as masquerades by the author. The people of Hollywood may not
even take a second look at anyone dressed this way, but Tod has a different perspective.
He takes notice right away; it could be because he has a preconceived expectation of
Hollywood. Or it could be because he has the perspective of someone from another part
of the country. From the beginning, the fallacy that is Hollywood is laid out

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