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IIT Delhi

Semester II 2023-24

CLL121 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Course Coordinator: Prof. Gaurav Goel (I-309; EPBAX: 1025;

Venue & Timing

Lecture: 8 AM – 9: 20 AM Mondays and Thursdays in LH310

Groups 1 & 4:
Groups 2 & 3:

Text book
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Smith J. M., Van Ness H. C.,
Abbott M. M., McGraw Hill, 6th Ed. 2001. (you can use any edition from 4th to 7th)

Course contents
Module Topic Hours* TB

1 Introduction to Thermodynamics and basics 2 Ch-1

3 Energy, conservation & First Law, Open and closed systems, 2.5 Ch-2
reversible & irreversible processes, Steady state processes, constant
PVT processes, Forms of energy
4 Phases, phase transitions, PVT behavior; Description of material 3.5 Ch-3
properties: EOS, Reduced conditions & corresponding states theories
5 Efficiency of heat engines, Carnot cycle, temperature scales, entropy 4 Ch-4 & 5
as a state property, reversible and irreversible processes, entropy of
an ideal gas, Second Law, process efficiency, Third Law
6 Thermodynamic property of fluids, Maxwell relations, 2-phase 4.5 Ch-6
systems, graphs and tables of thermodynamic properties
7 Thermodynamics of flows in ducts, pipes, piping fixtures, nozzles, 4 Ch-7, 9
compressors, pumps. Thermodynamic analysis of steam power plants
and refrigeration cycles.
8 Solution Thermodynamics, fundamental property relationships, free 6 Ch-10 &
energy and chemical potential, partial properties, fugacity and fugacity Ch-11
coefficient of pure species and species in solution, the ideal solution
and excess properties, thermodynamic properties of typical solutions
and relationship to molecular interactions
9 Liquid phase properties from VLE, Gibbs energy, heat effects and 4 Ch-12
property change on mixing Liquid phase properties from VLE, Gibbs
energy, heat effects and property change on mixing,
10 VLE at low to moderate pressures, phase rule & Duhem's theorem, 7.5 Ch-10,
graphical understanding of phase behavior of mixtures, activity Ch-12,
coefficient and its use in VLE, Raoult's and Henry's Law, Flash
calculations, Bubble and Dew point calculations, Properties of fluids and Ch-
from equations of state, Reaction Equilibria 13
11 Case Studies / Select applications of Solution Thermodynamics 4 -

COURSE TOTAL (14 times ‘L’) 42

* hours per topic are indicative and there might be some deviation

Reference book:

• Ch-1&2 of Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, Chandler D., Oxford

University Press, 1987.
• A Textbook of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, K. V. Narayanan, PHI, 2nd
Ed., 2013.

• Minor 1: 30%
• Major: 40%
• Quiz: 15%
• Coding Project: 15%

Attendance Policy:
- One grade penalty for low attendance (<75%)

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