Dreams Vocabulary Auction

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Dreams Vocabulary Auction

1. Eyeball:
The organ which allows you to see (including the part that is inside your head).

2. Epiphenomenon:

A primary process that occurs alongside or in parallel to a secondary phenomenon.

3. Mimic:

The act of using movements of your hands and body, and expressions on your face, without speech, to
communicate emotions and actions or to tell a story.

4. Sleep paralysis:

The feeling of being conscious or awake but being unable to move your muscles.

5. By-product:

Something that is produced as a result of making something else, or something unexpected that happens
as a result of something.

6. Ubiquitous:

Something that is not found, existing or present anywhere.

7. Rebound:

To recover in value, amount, or strength after a decrease or decline.

8. Shrapnel:

Enormous pieces of metal that fly through the air when a bomb or similar weapon explodes and are
intended to injure people.

9. REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement):

Being aware and even controlling your dreams

10. Inhibitor:

Something that stops or slows down a process.

"Going once, going twice, sold!" or "Going, going, gone!"

1. Correct

2. Incorrect. Secondary process!

3. Incorrect. This is the definition of Mime. Mimic: to copy the way in which a particular person usually speaks and
moves, usually in order to make people laugh.

4. Correct

5. Correct

6. Incorrect. Existing everywhere.

7. Correct From here try a silent auction

8. Incorrect. Small, not enormous.

9. Incorrect. Definition of lucid dreaming. Correct def. The stage during sleep in which we are dreaming.

10. Correct

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