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Essay On Christmas

Writing an essay on the topic of Christmas may seem like a straightforward task at first, considering
the abundance of festive cheer and cultural significance associated with this holiday. However,
delving into the intricacies of crafting a compelling and unique essay on Christmas presents its own
set of challenges.

One challenge is striking the right balance between conveying the historical and religious aspects of
Christmas while capturing the contemporary essence of the celebration. Balancing the traditional and
modern elements of Christmas requires meticulous research to ensure the essay resonates with a
diverse audience.

Moreover, navigating the fine line between sentimentality and objectivity poses another hurdle.
Christmas is deeply personal for many, laden with memories, emotions, and cultural traditions.
Articulating these sentiments in a way that engages readers without becoming overly sentimental or
clichéd requires a delicate touch.

The challenge is heightened when attempting to present a fresh perspective on a topic that has been
explored extensively. With countless essays, articles, and stories written about Christmas, finding a
unique angle demands creativity and originality. This requires thinking beyond the familiar tropes
and delving into lesser-explored facets of the holiday.

Additionally, crafting a well-structured and coherent essay on Christmas involves organizing a

myriad of themes, symbols, and historical context into a seamless narrative. Ensuring a smooth flow
of ideas while incorporating relevant details is crucial for keeping the reader engaged from start to

In conclusion, while the topic of Christmas may seem inviting due to its widespread popularity,
writing a captivating essay on the subject requires overcoming several challenges. Striking a balance
between tradition and modernity, navigating personal sentiments, offering a fresh perspective, and
ensuring a well-structured narrative are just a few of the obstacles one may encounter in this writing

For those seeking assistance with essays or other writing tasks, various resources are available, such as , where similar essays and more can be ordered to make the writing process more
Essay On Christmas Essay On Christmas
Positive Unified Behavior Support
Effects of Positive Unified Behavior Support on Instruction,
The International Journal on Student Disaffection, 2009

Nomi Kviat, November 19, 2016

Article Critique 1

How should an educator deal with behavioral disturbances? Effects of Positive Unified
Behavior Support on Instruction, written by Scott, White, Algozzine and Algozzine
(2009) discussed this topic. The article discussed teachers use of Positive Behavior
Support, PBS, as a means to help minimize behavior problems, as well as improve social
and learning outcomes. This study tested the effect of the PUBS system, which is a
school wide Positive Unified Behavior Support. The study consisted of 17 randomly
selected teachers from two schools, Willowette Elementary ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, the study focused on 34 randomly selected classrooms in an elementary school,
so the results of the study does not indicate what would occur in a middle school or
high school setting. Also, the study was not able to observe the exact use of corrective
instruction provided to the student and if the teacher always used the system
appropriately. Lastly, PUBS is a school unified system which includes all working
adults in the school to be involved. The study only focused on the teachers and inside
the classroom and did not observe actions by the adults outside the classroom and what
role they played. (p. 46) In conclusion, the outcome of the article, by Scott et al. (2009),
did support the study s original purpose. Importantly, the study showed that positive
behavior support and reinforcement can be effective in minimizing classroom behaviors,
and consequentially create a better environment for learning and social growth. Yet,
there are implications to this study as the field of research grows in this area. The effect
on academic growth needs to be further researched and directly linked. Also, the effect
on PUBS in middle or high school settings needs to be examined. (p.
Summary Of Lots Of Babies
Throughout development humans acquire motor, social, and cognitive skills. From the
video titled Lots of Babies , it can be observed that most of the children shown in the
video are children that have not strengthen their upper and lower extremities. Through
motor development the child will go through different stages in which she/he learns to
get around their environment using their body. For the first months of the child s life
they are learning how to control their posture and mobility. There is a particular example
of this in which an infantgirl is first laying on her back in a pronate position. As the
infant is on her back she tries to reach for her right leg. The mother then tries to get the
infant s attention with a small toy and instructing
Stay at Home Moms vs. Working Moms
Elisha Romine
English 101
March 13, 2011

Staying at Home Mom vs. Working Mom Many women have careers before they
began their family. But once the first child arrives, it is time to decide whether to be a
stay at home mom or to go back to work. There are many factors that go into this
decision and it is different for every family. Making a decision to stay at home with the
children or join the workforce can be a difficult process. I have been fortunate to
experience being a stay at home mom for three years. I ve come o realize the benefits
of becoming a stay at home mom versus a working mom is having more time with the
children, less stress, and it saves financially. One of the ... Show more content on ...
The best part of staying at home is setting my own schedule and getting to do fun things
with my kids. Each set of parents has an idea of how they want their children to be
raised. No one can raise children the way parents want except the parents themselves.
There is a special bonding and interaction that grows and takes place between parents and
children when either parent is able to stay at home. Sharing everyday life with kids,
seeing them growing on a daily basis and giving the love and attention the need can make
both parents and kids
Blue Beach Research Paper
Descriptive Essay Newport Beach California To start off with, getting out of the car
after a twelve hour car ride is the best feeling in world. When I got out of the car the
first thing I noticed where how many people there were and how salty it smelt. It s so
salty around the beach you could even taste the salt in the air. Newport Beach is one of
the most famous beaches around California so there s tons of people. Everyone is doing
something from swimming in the cold dark blue ocean, to getting a tan, or even playing
spikeball everyone is enjoying their day at the extremely hot beach. When wanting to
jump into the water you have to run across the hot gold metallic sand. Right before you
jump into the chilly water your parents make you apply
Augustus Caesar Research Paper
Augustus Caesar I chose to do my research paper on Augustus Caesar. The reason I
chose him is because there are few people in history to reach his level of dominance
and authority that he possessed. It was over two thousand years ago and his name is
still very well known in history. He left his mark on history like very few people that
have ever live. In this research paper, I will first write about his story to leadership and
how he abstained power. Following this will be an in depth breakdown of his leadership
style and how he chose to lead others. Before I get in depth into his history, you need to
understand that he holds many names: Octavius, Octavian, Augustus, and Augustus
Caesar. The name Octavius was given to him at birth, and his... Show more content on ...
While in his rein he implemented many incentives to build his army and to keep their
loyalty. He first began to pay his soldier, and doing this gave a reason to want to be a
part of his army. Then to gain respect and popularity within his city he began build up
the city itself to make it more beautiful. He also passed laws to help stabilize
marriages, and did things to make his people want have families. Doing this he raised
the population tremendously, and the result only benefited him and his power. He was
so serious about the laws he passed regarding marriage, he banished his own daughter
for committing adultery. Before Augustus rein, Julius ran a wrecked ship when it came
to politics. So when Augustus stepped into his role he saw the need to restore and gain
a foundation. Throughout his time as ruler he knew it was crucial to keep the respect of
his people and to keep intimidation in all of the close by rival rulers. He continued his
rule continuing to concur land each and every chance he
Anger And Anger Of Anger
Walking into a school, workplace, or home with a scowl on your face and it moping
around with your head hanging down and your eyes staring at the ground isn t anger.
Anger isn t serene or tranquility, its an outburst of frustration. Anger is holding your
breath till your face turns blue and not being able to breathe. Angeris a feeling of
resentmentand rage(DEFINITION). It s a feeling of hatred towards someone or
something. Anger can build and build inside of you for so long that one day you will
just snap. You will start hollering at everyone for something they didn t do and will
start punching, throwing, or tearing things up. Sometimes when people express their
anger they may become belligerent. Why do people get anger? Is it something that
inherited from generation to generation or is just a feeling built up inside for so long
that you just become annoyed with everything in life? Anger is an undesirable feeling
to have. You start to feel sick to your stomach or start to have a rush of adrenaline to
your head or heart. There are different ways people can cope with anger. People will
sob, scream, run away, tighten their jaw or clench their fists. The look on people s
faces when they get anger can go from pale to a bright red within a matter of a minute.
It s okay to express your way of anger but there are other times when it s not okay to
express it. Driving down the road, with cars going eighty miles an hour, a car starts to
slow down, what do most people do, they
Colossus Of Rhodes Research Paper
The Colossus of Rhodes

What makes the Colossus of Rhodes so noteworthy?

The Colossus of Rhodes is a very well known historical monument. It was a statue of the
Greek titan god of the sun Helios and was constructed in the city of Rhodes on a Greek
island, which was also named Rhodes, in 292 BC. The statue was constructed to
commemorate Rhodes s conquest over the leader of Cyprus. It was demolished during
the earthquake of 226 BC, and was never rebuilt. Although these are good reasons, there
must be more detailed reasons that make the Colossus significant to scientists,
archaeologists and the like. Some historians say that it s vastness that makes it so
intriguing whilst others believe that the revelations tied around it is the most interesting ...
Show more content on ...
The statues are approximately the same size and have many of the same features. For
example, Their both have crowns which are shaped quite like each others, their have
the same posture posture, facial expressions and etc. Not like the brazen giant of Greek
fame (Lazarus, 1883). Lazarus is comparing the colossus to Lady Liberty in this poem
and stating that they are not alike. The evidence suggests that this is not true but she
could be of speaking on internal terms. The Colossus is a lot like the Lady Liberty on
physical terms, but there is dispute over internal.

What makes the Colossus so noteworthy? Many things. There s it s vastness, which is
huge compared to most buildings, The way it tells about much more than just itself
which can help archaeologists and historians learn more about the past and the fact that it
resembles a modern day building which can also progress to greek architecture taking
over more buildings. But if there s one thing we know, it s that the Colossus of Rhodes is
a magnificent monument, and even though we have learnt so much from it, there is still
so much more that it can teach

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