Go Getter 2 Workbook

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Pearson O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 fers) Get started! Classmates Fun with food Skills Revision 182 Technology for all Big world - Skills Revision 384 Around town Just the job Going places Having fun Skills Revision 788 Exam Practice 1-4 Exam Practice 5-8 Get more on Science! Get more on Geography! Get more on Art! Get more on History! Answer key ~. Irregular verbs 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Amy cat Elena friends Lucas. red Spain Tom ws 1 Hi,I'm Lucas . I'm from 2 Hello. I'm I've got a 3 Hi.l'm . My favourite colour is 4 Hello. 'm - Ive got a lot of REAR ry sy Tim from Wales. | I'm not from England. You're Spanish. You aren't It He/She/I'sten, | He/She/it isnt thirteen, We/You/Theyre — We/You/They aren't friends, friends. 2 Are you from Wales? | Yes, ! am. No, 'm not. Is he twelve? ‘Yes, he is. / No, he isn’ fare they brothers? | Yes, they ore. No, they aren't. 2 Circle the correct answer. 1 Amy(&n'd/ aren't eleven. She 's / ‘re twelve. 2 A: Are/Is you from Wales? B: Yes, am/are. 3 We am not /arentt sisters. We 's/‘e friends. 4 A: Is/Are they Italian? B: No, they isn't/ aren't. 3 Complete the table with the words in ‘Argentinian August Chinese France Germany Italian July September Turkey Countries Nationalities Months Argentinian | es — Viou haven't got a sister. He/She/It's got He/She/It hasn't got acat. acat. We/You/They ve got | We/You/They haven't adog. | got adog. Z Have you got a dog? | Yes, Ihave./ No, I haven’ Has he/she /itgot Yes, he/shefit has. / book? No, he/she/it hasn't. Hove they got a cat? Yes, they hove. / No, they haven't. 4 Complete the sentences. Write the correct form of have got. 1 A: Hove you __got _ asister? B: No,! 2 He ‘a dog. Its name is Rex. 31 «a new bike. My bike is old. 4 she cat? B: No, she & 0.2 03 1 (EEEEIEDY) Look at the pictures. Circlethe 1 |= 1ET) what can you see in the picture? correct answer. Tick (V) for yes. 1 SS He can play football /ide a bike) > She can play the guitar / sing. o RR They can play football / run. OC armehair (2) desk — C) shower O bath O tridge C) sofa she 4 F You can skateboard / draw. O choir Oshebes CJ warcrobe ad 5 A He can speak Spanish / sing. = + = ce can cook se There's a wardrobe. | There isn’t a TV. “There are three | There aren't any clothes schoolbooks. in the wardrobe. . is + _ Is there @ TV in your | Yes, there is, / No, there - room? isn’t, Woucan sing. _| Ican't sing. | He/She/It can sing. He/She/It can't sing. We/You/They can | We/You/They can’t 2 Complete the text with the words in the box. sing. sing. 5 Are aren't there Is is isn't Can you sing? Yes, | can, / No, can't, aa aaa Ie gota small bedroom. There 's a bed and Gan he sing’ Yes, he can. / is a wardrobe in my bedroom, but No, he can't, there ® ‘a desk and there “ Can they sing? Yes, they can. / any chairs. * there any shoes? Yes, No, they can't, there are. They are under my bed. * there a cat? Yes, there is. My cat is on my bed! 2 Match 1-4 to a-d, 1 © Elena can play @ play football. 3 TESTTIES Look at the picture. Complete 2 C) tomcan tindsd bile? the phrases with prepositions of place. 3) Con Lucas © can't sing. 1 aball on the wardrobe 40) Amy d the guitar. 2 a skateboard _ the wardrobe © Answer the questions for you. 3 clothes __ the wardrobe 1 Can you swim? 4aguitor_ ___ __ 2 Can you cook? the wardrobe 3 Can your best friend draw? 4 Can your friends sing? 2 (IEEEEIIEINY Look ot the photo. What can you see? Tick (V) for yes. KM & (VV) dress O tshirt (J) jacket O coat O hat C) shoes OU hoodie OC) jumper O) trainers CO) jeans © trousers O skirt What's this? => (What are thes? They're trainers. What's thar? a} t's a hat. 3 Complete the questions with this, these, that or those. Then complete the answers. ahat. tennis balls. adog. my trainers. 1 REEERIERY) complete the adjectives. 1 Carlais ¢Jever and pr____ 2 Rocco is sm__l and sp__ty. ly ond fry. 3 Big Alis fr_ | LOOK! | + put the adjectives before the noun hat + adjectives are always singular | one new hat two new hats. + put very before the adjective The hat is very cool. T | L | 2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 got Ive a bike new . I've got a new bike. 2 helpful You're friend a. 3 hat a It's big . 4 old book is very The . 5 sister girl My is a pretty very . he his we our tomy you your she her = you your it its they their It’s Big Al's home. = It's his home 3 Circle the correct word. 1 This is my mum. Hen His name is Anna. 2 Tomis cool. Her / His hobby is football. 3 They're friends and their / our names are Rocco and Carla, 4 We're brothers and your / our hobby is sport. 5 Dave's / Dave best friend is John. 6 My dad's / dads name is Bill Vocabulary 1 Look at the photos. Circle the correct word. 0 €oad)/ jacket 1 armehair / sofa 2 trousers / hoodie 3 bath / shower 4 hat/ T-shirt 5 fridge / wardrobe 2 Circle the odd one out. 0 big small Ging) pretty 1 Argentina November Poland Italy 2 Chinese British Turkey Polish 3 play football funny swim cook 4 February Germany the UK the USA 5 skateboard helpful clever old ae Grammar 3 Complete the short answers. 0 A: Have you got a brother? B: Yes, have. 1 A: Has she got a dog? B: No, she he old? : No, he 3 A: Are you best friends? B: Yes, we . ‘an you cook? Yes,1 , : Can they draw? B: No, they 2 4 5 ore Check yourself! 4 Circle the correct word. 0 Hi. (p)/ Its name is Mark. 1 Look at Maria. Her / His hat is cool. 2 They can play football. t's his / their favourite hobby. 3 There is / are some shoes in the wardrobe. 4 There isn't / aren't a book on your desk. 5 A: What's that / those? B; It's my jacket. ae Communication 5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. England from Spanish is name October 4 Anna: Hi.\'m Anna. What's your *name ? Carlos: |'m Carlos. Where are you from? Anna: I'm ' the UK. What about you? Carlos: I'm * but I'm at school in When * Anna: your birthday, Carlos? Carlos: It's in § O Vocabulary (_}/! Grammar, Communication() Your total score / 25 —_—: 1 dictionary 5 2 6 3 7 7) ere 8 2 Find and circle eight school subjects. Then complete the sentences. PAGO) 1 paint pictures of flowers in Art. 2 We learn to say Bonjour in 3 Ilearn about different countries in i 4in we can use @ calculator for problems. 5 We do cool experiments in 6In we sing lots of songs. 7 This book about the past is for 8 Today's grammar lesson for . is!can, 3 Complete the words. 1 Ive gota new di ry for English. 2 Where are my t __s? We have PE. next. 3 There are ten laptops inthe C______r $_____s classroom. 4 A:|s there any green p___t? B: Yes, there's some in the art box. 5 My favourite subject is H_____) y because we learn about the past. 6 I ploy the piano in my M___c lesson. 7 Your m__ is good. Is it your Geography homework? 8 A: Where's my p____I c__e? Bi Is it in your bag? 4 Read about Karen and complete the information. My name is Karen. I'm 11 years old. My favourite subjects are PE. and Computer Studies. | have PE. ‘on Monday and Wednesday and Computer Studies on Friday. Name: Karen Age: Favourite subjects: 5 Complete the inform: about you. Then write. Name: Age: Favourite subjects: My name is -2 Wou/We/They He/She/It listens to music. 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. go goes like likes play plays 1 Mysister likes _ going to the cinema. 2 Frank to school with his sister. 3 Myparents reading. 4 We basketball at school. 51 to bed at 8 o'clock. 6 She computer games on Sunday. LOOK love loves eat eats play > plays do > does go> goes watch > watches wash > washes study > studies fly > flies 2 Rewrite the sentences about Amy and Tom. me 1 Thave breakfast at home. 2 I meet my friends before class. 3 | like my teachers. i Amy has breakfast at home. 1 2 3 4 love football ae 5 | bring my football to school. 4 et Unit 1, Video and Grammar é —__ wwwemyenglishlab.com Grammar 4t 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 1 The boys __do_ (do) their homework before dinner. 2 My dad (listen) to music in the car. 3 Tim and Mark (play) football at the weekend. 4 Mary and her sister (go) to the same school. 5 We all (have) lunch in the canteen. 61 (watch) a lot of films. 7 She (study) alot for tests. 8 Marie (help) me with my homework. always peel I never listen to music. often We sometimes watch TV. = sometimes never He is often late for school. 1am always happy. } = sosscursea! +4 Rewrite the sentences. Use the word in brackets. 1 My mum makes a cake. (often) My mum often makes a cake. 2 Dad works at home. (never) 3 lam |ate to school. (often) 4 She does her homework in the evening. (usually) 5 They play football in the park. (always) 6 My friends are noisy in class. (sometimes) 7 My friend's jokes are good. (usually) eae Preeti __—«#«,!, Grammar — WouMe/They | don't paint, He/She/It doesn't paint. don't = donot doesn't 1 Write negative sentences. 1 My sister has a hobby. My sister doesn't have a hobby. 2 They like my pictures. They my pictures. 3 David does karate. David karate. 4 My parents play tennis. My parents tennis. 5 She studies French at school. She French at school. 6 My grandad plays chess. ‘My grandad chess. Ea Dol/you/welthey | Yes, Vyou/we/they do. / paint? No, Vyou/we/they don't. Does he/she/it | Yes, he/she/it does. / paint? No, he/she/it doesn't. Where do you paint? When do they paint? How often does she paint? 2 Circle the correct word. Then answer for you. Use short answers. 19) Does you have a hobby? Yes, | do. / No, | don't. 2 Do/ Does your friend play sport? 3 Do/ Does your dad paint? 4 Do/ Does you like karate? 5 Do/ Does your friends play chess? 6 Do / Does you study English on Sundays? a 3 Lookat the table. Complete the questions with Do or Does. Then write short answers. play football like music paint pictures x v J - v x RK S| x play chess 1 Does Carla paint pictures? Yes, she does. Rocco paint pictures? 3 Rocco and Carla like music? 4 Rocco and Carla play football? 5 Rocco play chess? 6 Carla play chess? 4 (EERIE) Look at the photos. Circle the correct answers. 1 @oy play 4 pottery / chess 2 do/ play the piano / the drums 3 do/ play judo / ballet %5 Complete the dialogue with the correct forms. Bob: Hi. 'Do you have (you/have) a hobby? Jim: Yes, | 2 | paint pictures. 2 (you/like) my picture? It shows my sister. Bob: Yes, | * It's lovely. 5 (your sister/paint) too? Jim: No, she & She ? (not like) painting. Bob: What * (she/do)? Jim: She plays the drums! D | What's your name? How do you spell that? Where do you live? What's your email address? What's your phone number? 1 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. ae pes address day join spell start surname Karen: Good morning. Mr Tims: Good morning. Karen: I'dlike to '__join__ the chess club, please. Mr Tims: OK, Karen. What's your ? ? Karen: _ It’s Browne. MrTims: How do you ? that? Kate: it's with an E. B-R-O-W-N-E. Mr Tims: What's your email * 2 Karen: _ It's kbrowne@mymail.com. Mr Tims: Thanks. Koren: What © does the club meet? Mr Tims: It meets on Monday. Koren: What time does the club ¢ 2 Mr Tims: At 4 p.m. - Karen: Where does it meet? Mr Tims: It meets in Room 107. Communication 2 Read the dialogue in Exercise 1 again. Complete the information. After school club Nameof Club: *_Chess_ Club Day: * Time: * pm. ‘Where: Room * Student: Browne Student’semail: * Email addresses @="at" .com= “dot com’ Telephone numbers 0 = "oh" or “zero” 33 = “double three” LOOK 3 Complete the questions with one word in each What's your name? gap. do you spell that? ‘s ¥ ——— 3 do you live? se 4 's your email address? 5 's your phone number? 4 Match answers a-e to the questions in Exercise 3. 25 Star Street, Kingston. b LJ Tom Flynn. c¢ CO tts 08976 335214. d () t's tom.flynn@mymailcom. e LJ T-O-M F-LY-N-N. 5 Answer the questions in Exercise 3 for you. 1 2 3 4 5 Extra Online Cire Unit 1, Video and Communication www.myenglishlab.com 1, How many students have RE. every day for two hours? Not many? Well, | always have PE. from 2.30 to 4.30. I'm Steve and | want to tell you about my school. My day starts early. | usually get to schoo! at 8.00 but I'm sometimes late. Lessons stort ‘at 8.30. My favourite subject is Geography because I ike maps. | don't like Art because | don't paint good pictures. We have lunch at 12,00 and | often have chicken and chips. | never have fish and chips. In the afternoon we have PE. | love PE.! We usually play football or do karate. On Friday we play basketball. My favourite sport is football because | want to play for a big team. We finish school at 4.30. That's late for most schools. But | don't mind because | play sport every day! My sport school is great! 1 Read the text. What type of school is it about? Tick (). 2 Read the text agai acl i Lorre Tues Souicecooe Circle the correct answer. 3 Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1 What time does Steve usually get to school? 1 Does Steve sometimes get to school late? Yes, he does. ® 2 Why does he like Geography? 3 Does he paint good pictures? 4 What sports does he usually do? 2 Whats his favourite subject? 5 What does he do on Friday? & » © 6 Does he finish school before 4.007 o 4 ((EEEEIEN) match words 1-8 to definitions a-h. 3 What does Steve have for lunch? oe 4 Which sport do they do on Friday? ° 5 Does Steve like his school? 2 2 1 5 hol 2 ©) classroom 6 library ee 30 computerroom 7 () playground ~ 40 gym 8 L) staffroom @ This is ¢ special classroom with laptops. b Teachers relax and mark homework there. > & ¢ Youhave lunch there. d There are lots of books for extra study there. @ This is a very large room for PE. a) f Thisis a very large room for assembly. g You play outside in break time there. fh You have lessons at your desks there. Listening and Wi ing 4 1 ©) otisten to Mark. Write the days ofthe 4 Look at Ken's notes. Write a blog post about his week. favourite day. Monday Tuesday Wednesday name: Ker Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday | favourite day Friday French: "Tuesday |) getup: 700 Science: * and * meet friends: 730 about TV alk to sctool, always talk rings Computer Studies oftertaer PE. (favourite subjects!) mon dnnertioe: fish and chips (Love!) basketball 8 p.m. 2G) Uisten again. Circle T (true) or evening: play F (false). 1 Mark's favourite subject is French. ()/ F 2 Mark likes Science. TF 3 He likes History. TF 4 He plays football at schoo. TF 5 He always plays chess on Sunday. T/F My name is Ken and my favourite day is AT at9 o'clock, at the weekend, at lunchtime IN inthe morning ‘ON on Monday, on Friday morning, ona weekday 3 Read Blanca’s blog post. Circle the correct answer. My favourite day My favourite weekday is Tuesday. | get up *@B)/ on 7.30. | meet my friends Zat / in 8 o'clock and we get the bus to school. We often talk about our favourite singers 20n / In Tuesday, we have Music, Computer Studies and English. They are my favourite subjects! “At / In the morning, we have Music. We sometimes sing and | usually play the piano. I have pizza °at / on lunchtime. Tuesday is pizza day in the canteen! “In / At the evening, after school, | always do ballet. Check yourself! Vocabulary 4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 Match 0-5 to a-f. 0 are We never in class noisy . 0 (4) Doyouread We are never noisy in class. 1 © inMaths we can use 2 CL We write games on laptops 3 CJ Doyouneed a dictionary 4 CJ like Geography because 5 (_} His trainers are in his bag do | always ballet Monday on 2 walks to sometimes He school . a horry poten baote i exaust 3 | play never football schoo! before bb because he has PE. today. ee ¢ | think maps are very interesting, 4 have Do sandwich a you lunch for ? d a calculator for problems. € in our Computer Studies lesson, 5 she late How often is in morning the ? f for your French homework? 2 Choose the correct answer. Ou Commu 5 Write questions to these answers. 0 A: How old are you? B: 12, We've got PE. in the I'm Paul Harris. gym/ classroom next. 2A: B: H-A-R-R-I-S. 3. ____Let's meet for lunch BA: in the: canteen / Hira. 22 North Street, Oldtown. a 4h 4m) I'Gon'€ play (eo kewate: Br It’s 02461 431948. Th) 5A: : Pe B: It’s pharris@mymail.com in the staff room / hall. oe Oo Vocabulary(3)/0 Grammar Grammar()/ (19) 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form Communication /(3) of the verbs. Your total score / 25 0 You _listen__ (listen) to music on the bus. 1 (play) football at break time. 5 2 She (watch) TV before dinner. riko lmcmadecasnens 3 John ___ (not have) a new pencil. Unit 1, Language Revision 4 They (not go) to school on Sunday. www.myenglishlab.com 5 We (not do) pottery at school —_—_— ‘ Read Joe's blog to find out about his school. Word blog: My things Cool things in my school 1 This is our old school bell / instrument. 2 == This bell / instruments the school ao 3 ‘This is my science program / M esperiment. Check out my computer We've got French and Maths together. program / experiment. Can | use your 1d. yand your 3e. ? srton Mondayl Great way to start the Getimore\words) ‘week. We need blue and red *p. ts SE this Monday, so don’t forget! And wear he Be quiet, please! nu \ 44ers for PE! Ww Computer Studies this year at last! And we Pa Ls ail | have new 4 ps in the computer room! ‘The bookshop has new “p. 1 c. ‘es! And they are really cheap! Pens, 7p. Is, anuler, *s 8 and two rubbers inside! usually play the drums! | do ballet on Mondays. | play basketball at 4 p.m. We often play chess. | do karate on Mondays. | sometimes do pottery. _«< Fun with food 2 A Vocabulary | Match the photos to the food products. 3 Look at the picture. Complete the dialogue with one lbread _Al_ 6 potatoes 2cereal 7 salad ra. 3 cheese ___—8 yoghurt 4 chicken 9 orange juice 5 fish 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. biscuit cereal! fruit pasta sandwich tuna 1 Lusually have cerea! for breakfast. \ like corn flakes best. 2 Have we got any bread? | want to make @ ham. a 3 Llke «It's my favourite fish. 4 Can Ihave a chocolate with my tea? 5 Apples are good for you. They're my favourite : 6 Let's have for dinner. [hope you like spaghetti. 1 —_—_a word in each gap. Pam: That "salad looks nice. Do you want some? Rob: Yes, please. | love tomatoes. A ham ? for you? Pam: No, thank you, but can I have some * 2 Rob: Of course. Do you like * 2 There are some long ones in the hot dogs. Pam: Not really.| prefer § - It's my favourite meat. Rob: Any drinks? Orange * or? 2 Pam: Nothing at the moment, But | want to try those with lots of jam! 4 Circle the correct answer. Ihave RESID tinct ‘at 7 a.m. Hike 2fruit / vegetables so | always have an pple at school. | have dinner / lunch at 7 p.m. with my mum and dad. Mum often cooks chicken because it's our favourite “fish / meat. Today mum is busy so my dad is making cheese ‘bread / sandwiches for us. | sometimes have °a yoghurt / pasta afterwards. | put a banana 5 Complete the table with food words. Trememb, that! “ oO Fruit and vegetables apples | _cheese | Food from. animals can egg, « strawberry ‘two lemons a some sousages Some sugar, milk sugar, milk 1 What can you see in the picture? Tick (V). opple O butter O chocolate Oegg O four O jam O) lemon O mik © sausage O strawberry O sugar 2 Complete with the words in Exercise 1. q z Countable apple Uncountable 8 Circle the correct answer. My pancake recipe has 'a /an /- flour, *a /an/- egg, *a/an /- milk and *a/an/- butter, For the topping | ike $a /an/— banana and *a/an /- cream. Grammar 2 2 There are some —_| There is some milk. sausages. | There aren't any There isn't any milk, | sausages. =) Are there any 7 sausages? | Is there any milk? 4 Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 There aren't __any _ apples left. 2 There are biscuits in the cupboard. 3 There isn't yoghurt, but there is _____ ice cream. 4 There are strawberries in the fridge, but there isn't sugar. 5 Complete the questions and short answers. 1 _is_ there _any sugar? w _Yes, there is. 2____ there ___ apples?’ W 3 butter? x 4 bananas? x 5 tuna? v 2&6 Look at the shopping list. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. an any are aren't is some there titre milk butter chocolate 6 gs flour 4 bananas Tom: What's on the shopping list? Does mum want '_any _ chocolate? Matt: Yes! There are 2 bananas too. Tom: And * there any eggs on the list? Matt: Yes, ¢ ore. Tom: What about * ‘orange? Matt: No. There any oranges. Look! There 7 some butter on the list. It's @ list for pancakes! Extra Online Practice Unit 2, Video and Grammar www.myenglishlab.com ae Grammar How many apples How much water are there? is there? There are « lot of There is « lot of i apples. | water. | There are six apples. | There are four | bottles of water. 1 Complete the questions and answers. How _many_ bananas are there? There are_ five bananas. 2 ee How chicken __ there? @ lot of chicken. 3 ek How sausages ___ there? six sausages. 4 eHow rice __ there? = alot of rice. How sandwiches __ there? ‘SS a _____ two sandwiches. 2 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. a are lot many much much Im hungry. How !_much _ foodis there? here's a ? of food! Don't worry! Big Al: How * its are there? Rocco: There are * lot of biscuits. Big Al: And how $ chocolate is there? q six bars of chocolate. 3 (EEEEIEDY] complete the words. 1 bar 3cn Sir 2 bt 4citn 6 pckt 4 Complete the expressions with the words in Exercise 3. 1 a_bar of chocolate 2@ of jam 3@ of juice 4a of water 5 a of biscuits 60 ofcola 5 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. Lara: '_How much chocolate is there? Nick: There ? two ® of chocolate. Lara: How ¢ juice is there? Nick: * are two & of juice. Lara: OK. How ‘apples are there? Nick: Just one. Do you want it? Lara: No, thanks. There are a & of biscuits. Look at the picture. Write four sentences with There's and There are. @: Waiter/Waitress What would you lke? Wiould you like anything to drink? Anything else? Customer Can | have a vegetarian pizza, please? td e « lemonade, please. 1 Match 1-5 to a-e. What would a else? 2() Canthave —_b anything to drink? 3 () Would youlike ¢ you like? 4) td like o d fish and chips, please? 5 (J Anything e can of cola, please. 2 Match questions 1-4 to answers a-d. 1 (6) what would you like? 2 CL) Anything else? 3 () Would you like anything to drink? 4 ©) Con! have water, please? Can Ihave a lemonade, please? b I'd like a Hawaiian pizza, please. ¢ Great, thanks. Yes, can | have some cl lease? | Communication 3 Look at the menu, Complete the dialogues with ‘one word in each gap. 2 Nenu Cheese and ham sandwich ..... £4.50 Fish and chips ............++. £6.00 Chicken and rice ............. £6.50 Tid Paitin mensweuaasee - + £5.00 Hot dog .. ij nunsiqate Sy BAOO Small salad ee ht) Big salad . say SOLED TAMODEe: srumesomarssts - £1.00 Bottle of water ............ - £1.00 Waiter: What "would you like? Karen: I'd like fish and chips, * 2 Waiter: Would you like anything to * 2 Karen: Yes.I'd 4 some lemonade. Waiter: Hello. Are you ready to order? Steve: § Ihave the tuna pasta, please? Waiter: Anything * 2 Steve: Yes, can | have a small ” please? Waiter: Would you like anything to * 2 Steve: Yes. 'd lke a bottle of water. Waiter: Great, thanks. 4 Look at the menu in Exercise 3. Write your own dialogue. Waitress: You: Waitress: You: Waitress: You: Unit 2, Video and Communication www.myenglishlab.com Pe 25 Reading I’m Rav and I'm British There are some really good meals in my country. Here are three of my favourites. English breakfast This is a hot breakfast. My mum cooks it for me at the weekend. You can have different things for this breakfast, but | like some sausages, two eggs and a tomato. and chips for the whole family every Friday. 1 Read the text. What is it about? Circle the correct answer. a My favourite meals b Mum's cooking 2 Read the text again. Answer the questions. Write yes or no. 1 Is Rav from the UK? _yes_ 2 Is an English breakfast cold? _ 3 Does Rav like sausages? _ 4 Does Rav order fish and chips from restaurant? __ 5 Does Rav's mum cook fish and chips? 6 Is there any chicken and rice at his aunt's house? _ “7 ae Fish and chips People usually order this meal from a restaurant. But my dad makes the best fish and chips in the world! There's always some fish in the fridge at my house because he cooks fish Chicken and rice Is there any chicken on the menu at my house? No, there isn't. But there is some chicken and some rice at my aunt's house. She cooks this meal for me when | visit her. There's always a lot of food so she gives me some to take home! Ny Read the text again. Write the name of the meal. 1 There are some eggs in this meal. English breakfast, 2 There isn't any meat in this meal. 3 Alot of people order this meal. 4 Rav’s mum cooks this on Saturday. 5 Rav's dad makes this once a week. 6 Ray takes some of this meal home. Answer the questions for you. 1 What's your favourite meal? 2 Who cooks it? 3 How often do you go to restaurants? 4 What do you usually have for breakfast? & 1 Look at the photos. Complete the food words. aes 5 3 ZC) some o. 4 CO) aglass of haw LL. — ee i = 5 C) some s 6) some . 2 ©) © Listen to the dialogue. What does Penny have for breakfast? Tick (¥/) the photos in Exercise 1. 2 © Listen again. Circle the correct answer. 1 Penny has PE. @in the morning b after lunch 2 She ___ for breakfast. a wants some cereal b doesn't want any cereal 3 She wants a __ sandwich. 1 cheese b ham 4 She can have a glass of __. a milk b orange juice 5 She would like tohave __. a anegg b two eggs - Listening and Wri ing 26 I'm always hungry because | play a lot of sport. I play a lot of sport so I'm always hungry. 4 Complete the email with so or because. From: Steve What would you like to eat? Hi Stan! I'm very happy "because you are coming to stay at my house this weekend. Mum wants to do the shopping 2 she wants to know what food you like. Do you eat meat? For breakfast | usually have milk and cereal a itis quick and easy. | also drink apple juice * itis my favourite. What would you like? We can go to the beach on Saturday 5 lets take a picnic lunch. What would you like? love chicken and chips. Can we have that for dinner? Do you like chicken and chips too? Bye for now! Steve 5 Complete Stan's answer to Steve. Use so and because. From: Stan Subject: My favourite food Hi Stevel I'm very happy too. For breakfast For the picnic For dinner Stan Vocabulary 4 Complete the dialogues with How much or How many. 1 Circle the odd one out. 0 A: _How much_ milk is there in the fridge? 0 rice pasta B: There isn't any milk! 1 sausages chicken tomatoes TA chocolate do you put in the 2 jam cheese ham cake? 3 bread sandwiches pancakes B: Just one bar. 4 flour fish tuna 2 A: I'd like a salad, please. tomatoes would you like in your salad? ow 3 A: Matt usually eats a lot of chips. potatoes do we need then? 5 potato opple lemon 2 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with ‘one word in each gap. 4 A: Can you buy some cream, please? : Yes. cream do you want? 5A water do you drink every day? B: | don't know! ore Communication 5 Circle the correct answer. 0 Ialways take @ carton of orange juice to school. 1 Is therea of jam in the fridge? 2 Don't forget to take a of et with Eat Gould ey ato tie Beach. Ved We'd like « hot dog, please. 3 Can! havea of chocolate, please? *Can / Would you like anything to drink? 4 Can lopenanew of biscuits, Mum? peg ise yey 5 John likes a of cola with his lunch. “Anything | Any else? Daren: Yes. ‘Can / Would | have a small salad, Oo please? Waiter: Great, Splease / thanks. Grammar ow 8 Circle the correct answer. ee 0 Idon't eat ©/ a fish because | don't ike it. Neco (09 1 [need some / any butter for this cake. | Grammar ()/| 2 Id like an / a banana, please. | Communication) /(3) 3 We haven't got some / any eggs. Your total score / 25 4 I think an / - orange juice is great. 5 usually eat - / an apple in the afternoon. O 2 ~—_— Extra Online Practice Unit 2, Language Revision www.myenglishlab.com eet aca crs) about food. Word blog: Food “yy beokand complete; ‘These are my alltime favourites for breakfast ‘omething that is good for you, we've got yoohut: apple or! “4. You can put it on cereal Grandma's favourite is *___— GD. butter and 1 @. _ and eggs are for aot es with sugar and crear for For s breakfast. There are pancal something special. We've also got chocolate 5 “yids oh yeah! And to drink there's jj. tenor orange juice 3 Wednesday: a ham eee What's your lunch today? Post your photos! Look and circle the correct word. bread egg butter toaster All about toast ‘Whats toast? It's hot | ‘You need a? to cook the bread. [Tike toast, but T LOVE French toast, What's French toast? Well, you dip your bread in an * ‘Then you cook it in * ina frying pan. Then put ‘some sugar on itand i's ready. frying pan Your burger and lemonade. Enjoy your meal. ‘On Saturday mornings, | usually have sausages and "lemons / eggs. | love hot *breakfast / dinner! My mum, doesn't eat meat so she often has Sham / cereal with milk. Sometimes my dad makes pancakes for everyone. He says that it is very ‘easy / difficult to throw a pancake in the air and catch it, but I can't do it. We always have a big Spacket / bar of flour and carton of milk in our kitchen. m/s Abby, 13 Hive in @ very small place in Wales in the UK. There are just five houses but there isn't a school. My school is in a different place so | get up at 6 a.m, That's too early! My favourite day i Wednesday because it's Computer Studies and there's strawberry ice cream in the canteen! poe Fee Live in Melbourne. It's a big city in Australia. | always get up at 8.00 a.m, School starts at 9 o.m, but I'm never late because I go with dad in the car. You can learn Chinese at my school. It's my favourite subject! Caroline, 13 I'm English. | speak English and Spanish because | lve i Spain. My schoo! day starts at 9 a.m. ‘and finishes at 2 p.m. Then | go home, have lunch with my granny and do my homework. Friday is my favourite day because we've got Artin the morning. Reading and Writing | Read the text. Who's this? Write A (Abby), B (Bobby) or C (Caroline). 0 Ilive inacity. 8 1 I get up early. 2 | finish school before lunch. 3 I speak two languages. __ 4 My favourite subject is a language. __ 5 | like strawberry ice cream. __ 6 My favourite day is Wednesday. __ pe jac) 2 Complete the text with the words in the box. dinner don't food ike make tuna usually Would you ® like. a pizza for lunch? Yes, of course! Pizza is from Italy, but people all over the world love it. Pizza ' has cheese ‘and tomatoes on top. People put lots of other things on it too, like chicken, ham, # ; fruit and vegetables, Pizza is very popular for lunch or * in the UK. People often buy it from a supermarket sothey *____often make it. They eat it at home or with friends. Americans love pizza too. They often eat pizza in pizza restaurants. In the USA you can buy pizza for dogs and you can visit « pizza museum! It'seasyto *___ pizza at home. If you aren't good at cooking, you can buy a simple margherita pizza from a supermarket. It only has cheese and tomatoes, so you can put your favourite * onit! o@ 3 Read about Jamie. Answer the questions. I'm Jamie. My favourite subject is Science. It's on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My favourite sport is karate. It's cool! Karate Club is after school on Friday inthe gym. 0 What's his name? His name's Jamie. 1 What's his favourite subject? 2 When is it? 3 What's his favourite sport? 4 Why is karate his favourite sport? 5 Where is Karate Club? Listening © 6 Listen and tick () the box. 0 What's Monica's favourite subject? =, 8O 1 Where is George? 4 cQO Pa a a @ aD 80 2 What does Lucy have for lunch today? >a aD 80 cO 3 What food does mum want? = % aQD BO cO 4 What does Will do after school on Tuesdays? ae aQ BO el) O ect Communication 5 Eric isin a café with his best friend and his best friend's cousin, Anabela. Eric asks Anabela some questions. Write the questions. Use the words in the box. How What Where Would Would ° How do you spell you name? Anabela: It's easy! You spell it A-N-A- B-E-L-A. Te es Anabela: | live in Manchester. I'm on holiday! - Anabela: Anabela dot Smith at myschool dot C-O-L a Anabela: Thanks! 'd like a lemonade. chips? Anabela: Yes, please. | love chips! ae Reading and Writing _), Listening) Communication (_) /(4} Your total score / 25 a 7 —_—ae 1 Look at the picture. What can you see? 4 Match the words to make phrases. Tick (V). online a a Sa frien ae (amend 5 setfiel ono the phone Sa song : i O camera C) headphones () keyboard nemo OC mouse C) printer (FJ tablet 1 surfthe Internet__ 5 2 Complete the sentences with the words in Bs a 98, Exercise 1. LL EU i, 1 Dad takes lots of photos with his camera. 4 2 Where's the letter G on the 2 Of, |s6. Wena to 5 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. 3 Please listen to your music on your: A; Let's take a ' selfie . Ready? Smile! can't thit Cool! | really like your new ? phone. 4 Is there any paper in the 2 ‘What else do you use it for? 5 This is great. I've got films, ‘A: Mostly | my friends, * the ‘e-books and songs on it. Internet and songs. 6 Doyouneed a orcan you touch B: Can we use it to the screen? 6 onlineto Terry? = 3 Circle the correct answer. ‘A: Let's check! My cat is tech mad! =. She watches \(Vy tablet ‘ every day. Bird Tremember programmes are her that! favourite! But she also loves my */aptop / camera because she 6 Answer the questions for you. eet 1 What technology have you got? oO likes looking at the thave cursor ~ it's the little 2 Which one is your favourite? arrow on the "computer / screen. | move My favourite is my : the ‘speakers / mouse and she watches the arrow. But when my § mobile phone / printer rings she hides! She thinks it’s @ dog! 3 What do you do with it? \ . Grammar 32 4 Complete the text with the correct forms of the Present Continuous. I'm talking, I'm not talking. You're talking, You aren't talking. He/She/It's talking, | He/She/t isn’t talking. We/You/They're | We/You/They aren't talking. talking. ‘Amy, Tom and Elena are at a café. Amy 1s taking (toke) a selfie, She 2 1 Complete the sentences with am, are or is. (not use) her mobile phone. It's Tom's phone. 1 Mum __is_ working today. They *____{smile). They ¢__ : ig ar “in a i a1 a y (not eat) anything. Tom § (hold) ey cating onling atthe moment. a ball with an autograph. 3 He ____ taking a photo of a famous person. 4 We ____ watching a film on TV. 25 Write affirmative and negative sentences. Use the 51 wearing my tracksuit because we have RE. _correct form of the verbs. 6 You wearing a nice T-shirt. Is it new? 1 shop / cook They're shopping at the 2 Write the opposite. supermarket. He’: i dk. 1 He's reading a boo! They aren't cooking He isn’t reading a book. 2 I'm downloading a song. ones 3 They/re doing their homework 2 do watch ie 4 She isn’t texting a friend. 5 You're sitting in my seat. 6 We aren't toking a selfie. 3 play /listen L IC) _ look-+ing = looking take + ing = taking sit + t+ ing = sitting 4 text / eat 3 Complete the spelling table. @sk chat dance have run stop surf wait write look ~ looking take -taking sit - sitting | asking | Unit 3, Video and Grammar | www.mnyenglishlab.com Rei ee toe 3:3 Grammar i Yes,lam./ Am | coming? No ieee Yes, you are. / No, you aren't Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/shefit isn't. Yes, we/you/they are. Are you coming? Is he/she/it coming? ‘Are we/you/they coming? What are you doing? Where's it going? Why are they running? Complete the questions with am, are, or is. Carla: HiRocco. '_Are_ you playing with Big Al? Rocco: No, I'm not. ? you playing with Big Ar? Carla: Big Al doing? Idon't know. 4 phone? No, he isn’t! Rocco: Carla: Big Al: Hi Carla. What * doing? ¢ we playi ogame? Carla: I'm worried Complete the short answers. 1 Are you sending an email? Yes, _am_ 2 Is he doing his homework? Yes,he __ 3 Is she listening to music? No,she __. 4 Are you having lunch? Yes, we 5 Are they wearing hats? Nothey__. 6 Am I dreaming? No, you 7 ae No, I'm not! Where is he? What * he answering his No, Big Al. m looking for you. 93 Write questions. Then answer them for you. 1 you/ text a friend now Are you texting a friend now? 2 you / send an email now 3 your friend / text you now 4 your friends / do their homework now / No, we/you/they aren't 5 what / you / wear now 4 (EESNTENS)) How do they feel? Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one extra word. angry bored happy sad scored tired worried you ing 3 He's ®: Hello, it’s Elena here, Can | speak to Amy, please? Just one moment. / Just a minute. / Hang on. It's Elena for you. I'm afraid he's / she's out. Bye. / See you soon. / See you later. 1 Circle the correct answer. 1 A: Hello. Can | speak to Kay, please? Br @ Just a minute. b See you later. 2 A: It's Greg here. Can I speak to Steve, please? ell a Im afraid she’s out. b I'm afraid he's out. lello Mrs Davies. it’s Bob here. Can | speak to Dan, please? a Hang on, Dan. b Yes, just a moment. 4 A: Hi Martha. It's Lucas here. What are you doing? Br a 'm watching TV. What about you? b Bye! See you soon. 5 A; See you in 30 minutes. Be Te @ OK. Just o minute. b OK. See you later. 2 Put the dialogue in the correct order. CJ I'mwatching TV. What about you, Neil? b (_) Yes, Neil. Just a minute. Vicky, it's for you! c (7) Hello Mrs Green. i's Neil here. Can | speak to Vicky? d (_) Nothing, Do you want to go swimming at five, Vicky? e (_) Hi Vicky. What are you doing? £ C) Bye! See you later. 9 LJ) Yes. Great idea. See you soon. Communication ah 3 Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap. Janet: ‘Hello. It's Janet ? Cant 3 to Billy, please? Mrs Dee: * Janet. ® on. Billy, it's you! Janet: HiBilly. ” are you doing at the 7 Billy: Nothing. What ° you? Janet: bored. Do you want to go to the cinema? Billy: Great " ! See you inten minutes. Janet: Bye. Seeyou 7 4 Complete this dialogue with your own ideas. Your friend: Hello, it's -Cant 2 please? Your dad: Hello, * Just 4 Your friend: Hi § What ¢ at the moment? You: Nothing. What about you? Your friend: I'm bored. Do you want to 7 2 You: Great idea. See ® Tas Extra Online Pra Unit 3, Video and Communication www.myenglishlab.com » =a...) Tech Ted: Hi Dave. | can see some photos on the screen. What are you doing in this photo? Dave: Hi Ted. In this photo I'm talking to some parents from my school Tech Ted: What are you talking about? Dave: ‘computers for my school. Tech Ted: What's wrong with computers at your school? Dave: A lot of our computers are old and slow. My friend Hunter knows a lot about computers and sometimes he can fix them. But when they stop working, we can't do Computer Studies lessons. Tech Ted: How can the parents help? Dave: Well, their families can give their old ‘computers to my school. You know, computers or tablets they don't use. But ones that work of course. Tech Ted: Do parents help? Dave: Yes! We have four computers and two tablets already, It's amazing. Tech Ted: That's brilliant. Good luck with your Computer Studies lessons! Dave: Thanks! 1 Read the interview. Who is Dave? Read the interview again. Answer yes or no. 1 Are there some photos on Dave's screen? 2 Ishe talking to friends in the photo? 3 Is he asking people for help in the photo? 4 Can Dave do Computer Studies at school? 5 Does he want new computers for his school? 6 Have they got some computers and tablets? oe I'm asking the parents for help. We need 3 Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1 Who is Tech Ted interviewing? 2 Who is Dave talking to in the photo? 3 What does his school need? 4 What can families do to help? 4 (ESSITET) Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1 He's worried _about_ the computer studies lessons. re 2 He's interested technology. 3 She's good playing computer iit games. TI 4 Are you scared aliens? 5 I'm really excited 6 Grandpa is bad phone. my new tablet! using my mobile : Listening and Writing Sy Ge es 1 ©) Listen to the dialogue. What is Harry's and Lily's favourite technology item? Tick (). . 1 Too usually comes at the end of a sentence. 2. Also usually comes before the verb. ze listen to music on my CDs. | listen to music on my : phone too. — lily use the computer to do my homework. | also use it Horry talk to my grandparents. F353 Oo e 4. Complete the text with also or too. ( My favourite technology item 0 My name is Lily. | love technology. ve got a laptop. I've 1_also_ gota mobile phone. | chat online to my friends ‘on my phone. I surfthe Internet on my phone 2 | play games on my laptop and I do my homework on my 2 @) > tisten again. Complete the lap2 sentences with one word in each gap. My friend Harry 4 likes technology. He's got a TV 1 Homy watches “fle “on Tv and on| eRdacanlete He downloads videos to his tablet. his tablet. 2 Harry likes videos. 3 Lily chats @ lot with her fiends: © Completa the notes with your cum ideas. 4 Lilyalso likes ___ the Internet. 5 Lily takes her everywhere. My technology items: ' and? 3 ©) © who says what? Match 1-5 to Tuse item 4 ie eaimaiatl Then listen again and ise pao tay friend's technology items: | and my friend uses _ #@ _____— 1 ve got a TV. I've also got 6 Now write about your favourite technology item. Use your atablet. ideas from Exercise 5, also and too. 2 I've got a mobile phone and I've got a laptop too. My favourite technology item 3 | download videos to my tablet. 4 also like surfing the Internet. I Mpfieed 5 can also put it in my jacket. Site 35. Check yourself! Vocabulary 1 Circle the correct answer. 0 Is there any paper in the speakers /(printé)? 1 Turn on the camera / headphones so I can see you. 2 Let's watch a film on the keyboard /TV. 3 | worry about / am good at Computer Studies. | always get 20/20 in the test. 4 Are you scared of / bad ot this film? Don't watch it then! 5 I like your mouse / tablet. The screen is very clear. O 2 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. © Dad's talking on the phone with his brother. 1 How often do you your friend? 2 Let's aselfie, 3 I sometimes the Internet in the evening. 4 We often chat because we've got cameras on our computers. 51 phone. songs to my 0 Grammer 3 Complete the sentences with the verb in the Present Continuous. 0 | amlistening 1 He sten) to my favourite song. (send) an email 2 She (not do) her homework. 3 We (wear) black tracksuits. 4 They (not have) lunch. 51 (cun) really fast! 0 4 Complete the questions and short answers. 0 A: Are you talking (you/talk) on the phone? B: No, I'm not. 1A: (she/make) a cake? B: Yes, she is. 2 A: Ate you sending an email? v (Tom/sit) in the café? es, he 4 A: Are you and your sister eating ice cream? x (your parents/watch) the news? G fes, they are. Communication 5 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. Tina: ° Hello _ , Mrs Brown. It's Tina * Cant? to Matt, please? Mrs Brown: I'm ® he isn't in. No, hang on, there he is. He's coming home now. I.can see him in the garden. a moment, Tina. Thank you. Bye, Mrs Brown, Mrs Brown: § you soon, dear. Matt, it’s Tina. ow Vocabulary (}/ (10) Grammar)/1) Communication) /() 12 Tina: Your total score Extra Online Practice Unit 3, Language Revision www.myenglishlab.com Ui ae || Read Maria’: How i many of the words on the right can you find in the word search? Bence word blog: Technology “iy Complete the words. ei Read th : = complete the words. [RINY. 1 Hove surfing the | IE |. nimy mum's desk Ve voor phone there's a | = GED 21___ seffies allthe time! And Tic__ my friends every day. EE sic ‘online with my cousins in Scotland. And! s___ emails to randpa in Canada! My brother has got of eR abig s_ [EW 4 what do 1 do? | talk all the time on thep__! Cctmare warts Save my number so we can stay in touch. | we 1 Internet 2 television 3 photograph 4 mobile phone § electronic book 6 telephone wORoBaAnws ° SIMIAN Cue See Ghanes |G) amd @wewOwe) O ema a BOReneceae — oa ee c surf email SlFN elon TBA) SS aa by same tablet SIEISIMANTEISIAG mee ee DR) HLA Toe) CO sren wweo mal Own we) HOOF CzE) Besser Jie — 1 Label the photos with the words ‘in the box. “beach forest lake mountain ‘sea waterfall 1 __sea 4 2 5 3 6 2 Look at the pictures and complete words 1-6. island 1 ate Geeent =. 4 Read and circle the correct answer. 3 Match words a-f to definitions 1-6. 1 ©) There are a lot of trees. 2) there aren't any plants because it's too hot. 3 (This is a mountain but it hasn't got a top. 4) People live in this big place. 5 (_] People live in this small place. 6 L) There is sand next to the sea. adesert town beach b forest dvolcano f city | live in Greece. There are ‘forest / deserts with lots of trees and there are lots of *islands/ waterfalls in the sea. Ive in a small *beach/ town. in the holidays, I sometimes stay with my uncle in the big “city / river. In winter, we always go skiing in the § mountains / lake. In summer, we go to an island. | like swimming in the *voleano/ sea. remember \ that! 5 Complete the table with your ‘own ideas. Holiday | Winter or | Activities | How often places “summer? | you can do | do you go | there? there? seq or lake forest | mountain | townorcity | cold | colder nice [nicer easy easier big bigger exciting more exciting good better bad worse That walllis lower. Kayaking is more exciting than cycling. 1 Match 1-6 to a-f. I'm taller than 2) Kayaking is more 3 (_) Hamburgers are better than 4} Walking is slower than 5 J Winter weather is worse than 6 [_} Geography books are more «@ hot dogs. b interesting than Maths books. © my friend, d summer weather. e running. exciting than cycling, 2 Complete the adjectives. cit cult ffi ge gh pen rous sive ing 1 ex + pen + sive = expensive 2): @- 3dan+ + __ = 4di¢__+__= s@-.a- Grammar 3 Complete the dialogue with the comparative form of the adjective. Tom: Let's go swimming in the lake. The water today is ‘hotter (hot) than yesterday. Lucas: No. Let's go kayaking, i's 2 than swimming. OK. Let's get a kayak for two. Two people are : (fast) than one person. Lucas: OK. And my arms are ¢ (long) than your arms so | can help you. —_ exciting) Tom: Tom: What? That's not true! My arms aren't (short) than yours! Lucas: Yes, they are. AndI'm a (good) swimmer than you. Tom: No, you aren't. You area” (bad) swimmer than mel 4 Write the opposites. Use the words in brackets. 1 Olgas taller than Mark. (short) Mark is shorter than Olga. 2 Maths is more boring than Science. (interesting) 3 My dog is smaller than your cat. (big) 4 The English test is easier than the French test. (difficult) 5 Skateboarding is more dangerous than running. (safe) %5 Complete the words. 1 The water in this bottle is colder than the Arti 2 Salling is m__ dangerous than cycling. 3 I'm shorter t_____ my brother. 4 This bad painting is w_____ than that good painting. 5 Ican't do my homework. it's more d___ than the lesson. 6 He'sa better runner t___ you. Extra Online Practice Unit 4, Video and Grammar www.myenglishlab.com Grammar tall taller | the tallest = — yine tallest | “strong stronger |the strongest big bigger funny funnier | dongerous | mere the most ngs [dangerous | dangerous good | | the best bod the worst He's the funniest. They're the most dangerous animals in the world. 1 (ESSIEN complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one extra word. beautiful fast friendly funny kind strong: 1 Elephants are strong animals. 2 Thank you for helping me. You are a person. 3 This is avery sports car. It can do 150 km an hour! 4 He always gets 100% in tests because he is 5 That clown has a red nose. It's " 6 My dog likes playing with my friends in the park. intelligent 2 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box. small funny tall 1 The giraffe is the tallest. 2 The hippo is 3 The elephant friendly dangerous intelligent g 4 The lion ‘ 5 The dog 6 The monkey 3 Look at the pictures and circle the correct answer. 1 Rocco's painting Caer tsdy the biggest Big Al's painting, but Carla's pointing is bigger / the biggest of all 2 Big Al's picture and Carla's picture are better than / the best Rocco's picture. His pointing isn't good! | think itis worse than / the worst. 3 | think Big Als funnier than / the funniest artist of al. His picture is more interesting / the most interesting than Carla's picture. 9 4 Complete the text with one word in each gap. Tigers are bigger '_than_ pet cats. They are also #_ dangerous than pet cats. They eat meat. They are faster #___ many animals so they can catch them. | think tigers are most beautiful cats in the world. They've got the nicest colours § allthe cats. They've also got the best faces of * +5 Write sentences about animals. Use the words below and your own ideas. 1 nicer than Giraffes are nicer than monkeys. 2 smaller than 3 more intelligent than 4 the funniest 5 the most beautiful Asking for opinions What's your favourite film? What about you? What do you think of cartoons? Giving opinions My favor film is Action Team. I think Electro Max is more exciting. In my opinion, they are a bit silly. You're right. They are silly. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 your What's subject favourite ? What's your favourite subject? 2 opinion In bit , a my it's silly . 3 about you What , Kim ? Communication & A ircle the correct answer. 1 What do you think of cartoons? @| think they're funny. b That's true. 2 What about you? @ | prefer Transformers. b loften watch a film. 3 In my opinion, Frozen is a great film. «@ I think so. b You're right. 4 | think action films are better than cartoons. @_My favourite cartoon is Frozen. b Inmy opinion, cartoons are better. 5 Do you like cartoons or action films? @ Cartoons. | think they are funnier than action films. b I don't ike watching cartoons. 4 Read the texts. Then complete the table. Tina: I like cartoons. | don't ike action films. My favourite film is Minions. | think itis funnier than an action film. 4 think | exciting are that cartoons more . 5 do think of What adventure stories you ? Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. Patty: What's your ' favourite book, Billy? Billy: 2 favourite book is Horry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. : What do you think * adventure stories? adventure stories are ‘about you, Patty? funny stories are better than adventure stories. ~ Well, Harry Potter books are adventure stories and they are funny too. Patty: You're ” : Gary: don't ike cartoons. | like action films. My favourite film is Transformers. | think it is more exciting than a cartoon. Ss ss +: Cartoons ravourite | or action Why? | : film | films? | | Tina | cartoons | Gary 5 Look at Exercise 4. Complete the dialogue. Tina: What's your favourite film? Gary: My What about you? Tina: My Gary: What do you think of 2 Tina: | think cartoons What do you think? Gary: In my ; action films Extra Online Practice Unit 4, Video and Communication www.myenglishlab.com, Reading Friday 24th May: School Records Competition What do you think of world records? In my opinion, they are fun and interesting, Well, we have a School Records Competition every year. Itis the funniest day of the year! Everyone can join the fun! These are some records to beat: > Thomas Baker: He's the fastest runner. 100m in 14.4 seconds! > Katie Lancer: She's the most intelligent student. 19/20 questions correct Then come to the School Records in 5 minutes. Competition and be the best! > Mrs Price (our Maths teacher!): Her pizza is the longest of all: 80 centimetres long! > Daniella (Mr Nun's pet cat!): She's the most beautiful pet of all. Bring your photos, not your pets! Contact me: Gordon Butler for forms. Check out the after school clubs website for all the records you can try. There are a lot of them! || Read the text. What is the text about? Tick (¥). 2 Read the text again and write the names. - L [KL 979 metres hich Who .. ; : It’s 28 centimetres long. 1 is the fastest runner? Thomas Baker : 2 hose Sidon term It's 828 metres tall = eC a a He's / She's 185 years old. 3 is the cleverest person? 4 has the most beautiful pet? 5 can make the longest pizza? 4 Match 1-5 to a-e, 1 (6) My parents 3 Read the text again. Answer the questions. 2 C) The Eiffel tower 1 What's the name of the competition? 3 J my baby sister School Records Competition 4) Mydad 2 When isthe competition? 5 J this ruler 3 What does Gordon think of world records? @ is 12 months old. b are 42 years old. ¢ is 324 metres high. d is 30 centimetres long. 6 How many records are there to try? ¢ is | metre 80 centimetres tall a (_stss—‘“‘<“‘ Circle the > correct answer. bad 1 [like big mountains / 2.1 like activities on the cities / islands. sea/ river pec 4 | love activities on the town / lake / desert. 3 We always ride bikes in the forest / city / volcano. 5 Complete the missing letters. Like city holidays. Cities are not "P__S at all They are #exe_t_ng places. They are Sometimes doxp_ns_y_, $0 you need money. But you con find th. _p places to eat burgers and pizz0s. Inmony cities there are %>___‘_{_} parks. Come cities are ®d_ng_'__® because there Gre lots of 7f_st cars. But most cities have got buses, soit is *__sy to get to places. People gre usually %r__ndly ond "k_nd to tourists. always have fun in a city holiday. 0) emt jumping with a parachute climbing sailing ‘saa (Home is the best place. Home sweet home. Ji ° 1 There is a by. w. in OD. 2 Thereisa s e in BD BAL goes from | to 4 The | in isd. SThereisav_ in 6 The | 7 There is a b. ~—_—_ a Suzie Highton’s brother Dan can’t | see very well. He can't see text parents have got in books, The most important a... robot! They're technology in Suzie’s house is very excited about it ‘a computer program. Dan can Ws a kitchen robot ——_ download books onto his computer. The fext is big so he and it makes dinner it and the computer reads it aloud foo. for Micky’s family every day, Ws very good at cooking! Micky’s mum and dad are reclly hoppy. Now they don’t need to cook dinner so now they've got more time. All they need 10 do is go shopping! Micky Bailey's 2 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences 1-3 ‘and answer the questions 4-6. David Smith's new puppy, Attila, is friendly and intelligent. David is worried about Attila because he sometimes gets lost. Like all dogs in the UK, Attila has got a microchip so the police know his name and address. The microchip isn’t new technology but its David's favourite! Reading and Wr 7 Read the texts. Complete the sentences with ‘one or two words in each gap. aa 0 The boy with the tablet feels scared. 0 Micky's parents are very excited about 20 Whel's hu wore del? meri aoa their new robot. i" L 1 The robot is cooking. 1 The dog is playing in the 2 Attila is David's 2 The blue boat's bigger than 3 Davids IG Geese 3 The yellow boat is the sometimes gets lost. 4 What is the girl doing? 4 David's favourite technology is Attila’s 5 What's the girl wearing? 5 Suzie Highton's brother can't very well. 6 What's the woman wearing? 6 Dan can see text on his computer because it's OW or 3 Read and answer the questions. Sect Ce - , f Shark Volcano 2 Desert City Disaster! Adventure pees price prices £22 g\2 £18 Help friendly Simon Catch the magic Find the road to shark find his family! mouse before the the Secret City! Easyy | Yoleano explodes! gay y yy Easy Vv © What are the Shark City, Volcano Disaster and Desert +=» Gommunication Adventure? They are computer games. 1 What's the shark doing? 2 What's the girl doing? 3 Which game is the most expensive? 5 Read the sentences and circle the best answer. 0 Ben: Are you busy? May: A No, I'm doing my homework. B Yes, it's busy. Ores, I'm downloading music. 4 Is Desert Adventure more difficult than Volcano Disaster? 1 Ban: Let's go to the cinema! 5 Which is the newest game? oe Listening ©‘ tisten and write. May: A OK. Tickets are cheap today. B You're right, it's boring, C OK. It's on TV. 2 Ben: What do you think of Star Trek? May: A I'm wortied about it. B I think it's amazing! C Well done! 3 Ben: What time is the film? May: A It's at 5 p.m. B We can walk. C Yes, itis. 4 Ben: Let's meet at my house. May: A Ilike your house. B What's my address? C OK, see you later. Sophie’s homework o@ 0 Sophie is doing her: Geography homework 1 Studying: mountains, lakes and Reading and Writing Q/D) Listening () 2 Ben Nevis, Scotland: the mountain Communication (7) in the UK 3 Windermere: Your totalscore / 25 __ kilometres long 4 Volcanoes: sometimes orm a } Label places 1-6 with the words in the box. café cinema hospital hotel Yestaurant supermarket 1 restaurant 3 5 2 4 6 2 Circle the correct answer. 1 I want to get some eggs and flour from the café. 2 Let's go to the bank / cinema to get some money. 3 This is a nice shop / library. | love the clothes they sell. 4 Who wants to see an Egyptian mummy at the hotel / museum? 5 There's a football match on Saturday at the theatre / stadium. 6 Con we have a picnic in the park / hospital please, Mum? 3 Where's Rex? Label the pictures with the prepositions in the box. behind ‘between in front of next to opposite le a2 if 1 between os ae” 4 Look at the map and complete the dialogue with the prepositions in the box. behind between infrontof -nextto opposite SOUTH STREET -@ Where's the café? I'd like a cup of coffee. : It's ‘next to my favourite clothes shop in North ‘Street. But | haven't got any money, so let's go to the bank first. It’s # the library and the Italian restaurant. A: I know, it's near the hotel in South Street. There is, a lovely garden # the hotel and there is a park * it B: Yes. The supermarket is * the café, so we can get some food for a picnic .. and have lunch in the park. Good idea. Tremember 5 Match places 1-8 towordsa-h, \_ that! Can you add another word for each place? 1G) restourant @ waiter _lunch 20) cinema b eggs 3 C) library © popcorn 4) bank d hot chocolate 5 (stadium —e trees _ 6 C) caté f sport 7O) park 9 £20 8 (_) supermarket h comics ‘a - Iwas at the cinema. || wasn't at the park. You were at the You weren't at the cinema. park. He/She/It was at | He/She//It wasn't at thecinema, __the park We/You/They were | We/You/They at the cinema. weren't at the park. There was There wasn't «@ problem. «a problem. There were some There weren't any buses. buses. wasn't=wasnot — weren't = were not Circle the correct answer, 1 I(Wasy were at the shops. 2 Mum and Dad was / were at work, 3 We was /were at school. 4 Som wasn't/ weren't at home. 5 My grandparents wasn't/ weren't at the theatre. 6 Anna were / was at school yesterday. 7 There was / were some people at the bank. 8 These shoes weren't / wasn't expensive. Complete the dialogue with was, wasn't, were or weren't. i) x Lucas — Tom Lucas: Tell me about the film. | was. late. 1?___ there, remember? lremember! Amy and Elena >__ worried about you. Lucas: | know. Sorry! Tom: Tom: Well, it * @ really good film..'m sad you § there. The popcorn * great, too. Lucas: Oh no! | love popcorn. *5 Grammar 5 LOOK yesterday fast night/week/month/year last Monday/May in 2014 ‘Match the dates to the words in the box. last month last night last Saturday last year yesterday Todayis = 8 It’s Tuesday. 1 7 February = _yesterday 2.7 February at 8 p.m. = 3 8 January 4 8 December = 5 5 February = Read Elena's texts and write sentences. Elena: Friday Mum: Lucas isn’t well e The History test = easy! e Saturday We are at the cinema, acne Where is Lucas? 8 pm: at Amy's house. OK. Is there food? Some nice hot dogs. & 1 Friday / Lucas not well Last Friday Lucas wasn't well 2 History test / easy 3 Last Saturday / Lucas / not at the cinema 4 at 8 pm. /the friends / Amy's house 5 there / some nice hot dogs Complete the sentences using your own ideas. Vw last Monday. ZI yesterday. 3 In 2017, my favourite film eerrtonn sarees Unit 5, Video and Grammar www.myenglishlab.com RS Grammar 4 Write questions with there. Then write short answers. 4 | Wess lat the park? | Yes, Iwas. / No, | wasn't Were you at the park? | Yes, you were. / No, you weren't. Was he/she/it at the Yes, he/she/it was. / 7 1 lots of ks the libr park? [No, he/she/it wasn't eis cu ocore 0 ie library aaa meee licen Were there lots of books in the Were we/you/they at the | Yes, we/you/they were. / | library? park? | No, we/you/they weren't. | aie Wes there a pizza in the fridge? Were there (any) muffins in the fridge? Yes, there was. / No, there wasn't. Yes, there were. / No, there weren't. = —— 2 afunny film / at the cit | Circle the correct answer. 1 A: Were you at the bank? 4 A: Were your friends at your house? B: Yes, I(was)/ wasn't. B: Yes, they were / we were. 2 A; Was Andy sad? 5 A: Was Anna there? B: No, he were / wasn't. B: Yes, he was / she was. 3 A:Was it cold yesterday? 6 A: Were you late to work? B: No, it wasn't / weren't. B: No, we wasn't / weren't. 3. adog / in the shop 2 Complete the questions with Was or Were. Then write short answers. 1 _Were_ you at home last night? Vv Yes, |was. 2____ Oliver happy yesterday? x sa 00 4 . 3 youand Ted at the cinema together? ” 5 Write questions and true answers. 4 allyour friends at your party? x 1 you/ at school yesterday 5 _____ I the fastest in the race? v Were you at school yesterday? 6 Katy at school last Friday? v — ——— . 2 your friend / at the shops last 3 Write questions and short answers. Sunday 1 Carla / angry yesterday x Was Carla angry yesterday? No, she wasn't 2 the muffins /in the fridge / yesterday ” 3 you and your family / on holiday last week 4 your parents / at home last night 3 the muffins / good yesterday 7 4 the muffins / next to the eggs yesterday X 8 sunny / yesterday 5 the muffins / next to the pizza yesterday 7 . Communication 5 A 3 Look at the map. Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap. on Asking for directions Excuse me. Where's North Street? I'm looking for a library. How can I get to the Science Museum? Isit for? @ RIVER STREET ® @O RIVER STREET ! spe el @§6 Slo Go straight on. t ; SMITH STREET Go past the cinema. Turn left. / Turn right. It's on the left. / It’s on the right. J 1A: Excuse me. Where's the cinema? a oreo B: It'sin*_River_ Street. * past the supermarket. Turn * atthe + || Complete the directions with the words Then go straight on. The cinema is on the inthe bod) s opposite the * 1 Ge left on opposite 2. A: Excuse me. How can I get to the park? post straight tum B It'snotforGo7_____ on. Gopast the e café and the ® They are clon the right. The park is next to the bank, eo m0 the right. 3 A: Excuse me. I'm looking for the shoe shop. B: It's in River Street. Go ‘ Then The shoe shop is onthe 1 _Go straight on. 2 Then right. write your own dialogues. 3Go____ the bank. 4 Tum I 5Go____ onand then turn right. Mo ae were tne 6 The hospital the right. 7 Ws the museum. 2 Complete the dialogue. ees ee 2 A: Excuse me. How con | get to the museum? History Museum. Ist > 2 B: No,it’s not for. It's 4 Brown Street. Go § the bank. Then e right - that's Brown Street. A: OK. i ion uckascaucs B: Go” on. The museum is A 3 The left, opposite the park. Unit 5, Video and Communication ar a www.myenglishlab.com A; Thank you. ‘Was the London Eye in London in 1965? Read the text to find out. Read the text again. Circle the correct answer. 1 London is a very (bigy/ small place. 2 In 1965 there were a lot of big / small shops in London. 3 Pop music was old / new then 4 The museums were / weren't full in 1965. 5 Today London has got more shopping centres / theatres. 6 The London Eye is a ride / museum. Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Was the writer's grandpa a boy in 1965? 2 Was pop music new in London in 1965? 3 Were the theatres busy in 1965? 4 Were there large cafés like Starbucks in the past? 5 Are there more music shows today? In 1965 London was an exciting place for fashion and music. The fashion industry was new then and there were a lot of small clothes shops. Pop music was also new, and bands like The Beatles were very popular. There were a lot of small cafés. The theatres were busy, and the museums were full of people. ‘Today some things about London are different. Now there are more big shops and shopping centres. There are many large cafés. The theatres have more music shows today like Mamma Mia. The museums are full today too. But there are more things to do today. For example, you can have a ride on the London Eye. It was new in 2000. ‘Complete the words. 1 Let's play basketball at the sports centre. 2 They're making a film atthe film s___ 3 The rides at this theme p____are exciting. 4 Do you want to buy some clothes at the s_ centre? 5 Youcan look for your lost bag at the police s_ 6 I'm going to the post 0. to post a letter. 7 Let's buy our tickets to London at the station. 8 Ike the s pool, but | like the sea more! Write the years. 1900 = nineteen hundred 1911 = nineteen eleven 2005 = two thousand and five 2017 = twenty seventeen 1 nineteen hundred 2 nineteen fifteen 3 nineteen fifty 4 nineteen sixty-five 5 two thousand 6 twenty fifteen & 1 ©) tisten to Jimmy and his mum. Which places do they talk about? Tick o 1 os 20 Listening and Writing 5 4 Read Joe's description of his town. Circle the adjectives that make it intere: My town Hi, my name is Joe and | live in Bromley. It’s a(Gig) town near London. In the past my town was small and boring, There were four big shops in one street, but there wasn't a shopping centre. There was an old cinema and there were two busy burger restaurants Today my town is different. There's a modern | shopping centre and a big cinema with a 3D | screen. The new sports centre has a swimming Spool and a play centre for children. Lots of people ‘fh ive in Bromley, so there are many interesting supermarket trainstation —_police station shops and modern cafés 2 @) vs tisten again. write yes or no. 1 Is Jimmy looking at new photos? _no 2 Was the library in Green Street? 3 Is there a library in Green Street now? 4 Was the bank next to the library? 5 Is there a supermarket next to the bank today? 6 Is Jimmy's mum behind the train station in the next photo? 7 Does Jimmy think his mum's hat was nice? Use different adjectives to make your writing interesting, 3 (EEEEIERY] complete the adjectives. ove my town! 5 Look at two pictures of Overtown. Then complete the sentences. Inthe past) 1 There was - 4 There weren't 2 There were . 8 Thereis 3 There wasn't + 6 There are 1 There are lots of people in the village. It's very bu sy.lt's usually q___t on Sundays. 2 This s. | house has one bedroom, but that b__ house has five. 3 I usually think museums are i___ r_____g, but this one is b____g. There's nothing good to see. 4 The o__ stadium wasn't great. But the new m____n stadium is amazing! 5 The cinema was ¢___n before the film, but after the film itwas d___y becouse there was popcom on the floor. 6 Now write about Overtown. Use the adjectives in Exercise 3. My town Hi, my name is Alice and I live in Overtown. It’s a small town. in the past Today 5 7 Check yourself! Vocabulary 1 Circle the odd one out. 0 bank shop park 1 opposite nextto police station 2 hospital boring restaurant theatre 3 museum hotel between film studio 4 stadium small modern quiet 5 post office 4 0 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 0 Let's see a film at the cinema. 1 She often gets books from the 2 The coffee at this is very 3 They often go to the good. after school. 4 Dad always meets my 5 Grandpa sometimes grandparents atthe takes Ken to the O Grammar 3 Circle the correct answer. 0 He Wa8/ were sad yesterday. 1 They was / were at the post office, but now they're at the café, 2 Iwas / were at the hospital last week. 3 She was /were at the shops last Saturday. 4 We wasn’t/weren’t at the swimming pool because it was a school day. 5 Uncle Ted wasn't / weren't at my party. 0 a in front of supermarket busy swimming pool 4 Complete the questions and answers. 0 A: _Were _ you at the theme park? : No, | wasn't he at the film studio? : Yes, he was. Were you and Greg at school at 9 am? Yes, we : Was Anna at the show? No, she 4 A: Were you and your aunt on the same bus? B: Yes, 2 5 A: Were your friends here all day? B: No, Communication 5 Complete the dialogues with one word in each gop. 0 A: How can I get to the museum? B: in__ Red Street. 1 A:____ me. Where's the toy shop? It's in Green Street. : I'm looking for the supermarket. Go ‘on. It's opposite the sports centre 3 A: Where's the park? left. t's behind the cinema, 4 A: I'm looking for the shoe shop. post the theatre. It's in George Street. 5 A: Where's the school? 2 It's the right. Or | Vocabulary (_)/(1) | Grammar (1), ‘Communication () Your total score / 25 Perron ates Unit 5, Language Revision www.myenglishlab.com ow earn Read Danny's blog about plac Word blog: Towns | tycoon ‘Complete the conver > Are you 'b_sy, Joe? Do you want togoto the cinema? Maria The?_Id one orthe *m_dmone? - 62 The new one of course! There's an 4_nt__st_ng film on about robots. 1 Hyde P__k in 2 My town's outdoor London ane iL g p__l ‘Oh no! Robots are *b_t_ng! aha [os Let's go to Burger Town! “e) shh 2 No, That place is °q_—_t- @POLK Nobody goes there. 5 sa 3 Our busy $_____-' g 4 The police s___ ‘My dad works there! How about a7b_g pizza? ‘ >) Great idea! | Gamo Circle the places that you connect. withthe words. Can you add nother place? e 1 tourist museum / library 2 ticket pork/cineria 3 closed shop / hospital ——— 4 money bank /police station ——— Find and circle the things which are different. In your notebook, write six difference write six differences. as GREEN STREET Pe BLACK STREET 2) & In Picture A, there is a library in Green Street. ESE STREET - RED STREET RED STREET BLACK STREET 6.1 Vocabulary 1 Circle the correct word. 2 former / builder 4 police officer / office worker 5 footballer / shop assistant 6 bus driver / pilot 2 Can you name the jobs? Use the verbs in blue for help. 1 Ising ina band. _ singer 2 I sit at a desk and work on a computer. 3 I build houses and flats. 4 I drive around town and take people to different places. 5 | fly planes and take people to other countries. 6 play @ popular sport and | score goals. Hi, 'm Mark and this is my family. You can see me with my dad on the left. Dad loves cooking but he isn'ta "chef . He works at the hospital, but he isn't a doctor. He's a * Munn works at my sister's school. She's a French * - My grandpa ‘and grandma work too. Grandma isa great ‘and she paints beautiful pictures. She sells them in a shop. Grandpa works in her shop - he's her # - like animals and when I grow up | want to be a * solcan look after people's pets. ‘Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. be grow hos restaurant school | people police station Chris: What do you want to "__be _ when you 2 up? Kelly: I think | want to be o teacher at a 4 my town, But | also like cooking, so sometimes think I want to work in at and be a chef. What about you? Chris: My dad wants me to be a police officer like him and work at the ® It's a good idea because I ike helping - But 'd lke to study to be a doctor and work at the” Iremember 5 Complete the table for you. that! What do you want to be? Why? jobs I ik : jobs | don't like: because | played football You played football. He/She/It played football We/You/They played football cook - cooked arrive - arrived tidy - tidied stop - stopped LooK 1 Complete the table with the Past Simple forms of verbs in the box. cook cry cycle jump hop like phone plan stay stop study try {-ed | -ied double | letter + -ed cooked Grammar 6:2 [K |, Her babysitter wa two days ago. L 8 Look and wri time expressions with ago. Now itis: (04:00) |May | Tuesday 1 (03:00) an hour ago 2 (0350 3 [March] 4 saturday 24 Read the information. Than make sentences using the Past Simple affirmative and ago. 1 Tom's last football game was Friday last week. Today is Friday again. Tom played football a week ago. 2. Your text was on my phone at 9.15. It's now 9.20. ou Meee te 3 It's August. Our visit to London was last August. We 4 Her room was tidy at 9 o'clock. I's now 10 o'clock. She 5 Complete the table with your own ideas. 2 Choose a verb and complete the sentences with the Past Simple forms. 1 Myaaunt phoned me last Saturday on my mobile. honey talk - 2 She me to Harry's birthday party. invite / arrive 31 on the way at the toy shop for a present. play /stop 4 Harry and his friends dance / like 51 6 Harry to music. his party! look / tke my aunt with the food. cook /help 1 A friend you texted Name: _ Wher 2 A family member Name: Ll meal he/she cooked Meat 3 A family member youvisited 4 Two or more friends you played sport with | %.6 Make sentences using your ideas in the table. Use the Past Simple affirmative and ago or last. 31 4 My friends and i VW 2 My tr Reda acs Gioia Unit 6, Video and Grammar www.myenglishlab.com Grammar I drank @ coke. You drank a coke He/She/It drank a coke. We/You/They drank a coke. 1 Complete the crossword with the Past Simple affirmative of the verbs. Across 2 have 3go 5 drink 7 come Down 1 make 4 take 6 eat 8 meet ia 00900) 0000 Oo Oo 2 Write the verbs in the Past Simple affirmative. 1 We _had_ (have) lunch at 2 o'clock yesterday, 21 (make) a pizza last Sunday. 3 We (go) to the cinema last month. 4 You (take) a photo of me two minutes ago. 5 They (drink) tea after the meal yesterday evening. 61 (eat) a sandwich for lunch an hour ago. 7 We first (meet) three years ago. 8 Everyone (come) to my party last Saturday. . a 3 Big Als thinking about the past. Complete the sentences with the verbs from Exercise 1 in the Past Simple affirmative. Last week Page's Pizzas | 1 Pete made a big pizza, 2 Rocco and | to the cinema, 3 Carla a selfie in the park. 4 We a lot of fun at a party. 51 Rocco outside a café. 6 Carla __ to my house for dinner. 4 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the Past Simple affirmative and the words in the box. tea ahotdeg alemon cake crisps the sea your house 1 Tusually have a sandwich for lunch, but yesterday | hada hot dog . 2 We sometimes eat popcorn at the cinema, but last Friday we ; 3 Mum often makes a chocolate cake, but last week she a 4 My grandparents usually drink coffee, but yesterday they A 5 Tim usually takes photos of people, but last holiday he i 6 You often come to my house, but last Monday ' % 5 Write sentences that are true for you. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple affirmative. 1 1 (have) for dinner yesterday. Lhad chicken and chips for dinner yesterday. 2 | first (meet) my best friend ago. 3.1(go) on holiday last 4 I (eat) pizza ‘ago. ® 4 } 1 * Can | bortow a pen, please? | Yes, you can. / No, sorry, you can't. / Sure, no problem. Is it OK if use your mobile? No, sorry, it isn’t OK. / Oh, all right. / Yes, that's fine. 1 Complete the questions and answers. 1 A; IsitOK __if _ luse your mobile ? B: wall right. A I borrow your : please? B: Sure,no ~ ¢ Isit if| use your B: Yes, that's 4 A: Can! & please? syoucan. your, B: 5 My * Con borrow your : ae) No, you can't Li Please can | go to the party? Can I go to the party, please? with 2 Write two questions asking for pert please for each situation. 1 You want to go to the cinema, «@ Please can Igo to the cinema? b Can | go to the cinema, please? 2 You want to use your dad's laptop. a b 3 You want to borrow a friend's mobile. a b Communication 3 Complete the dialogues. Sometimes there is more than one answer. Can | borrow your mobile, please? No, it isn't. JsitOKiF+use yours? Please can | go to the cinema? Sure, no problem. Yes, you can. Dialogue 1 Elena: We've got a Maths test today. Have you get your calculator this time? Tom: Oh no, Iforgot it. "sit OK if! use yours? Elena: ? Ineed it for the test! Tom: OK, | understand. | hope the test is easy! Dialogue 2 Jess: Hi Tom. Do you want to go to the cinema? Matt: Sure, but | have to ask my mum first. 7 I don't have my phone with me. Jess: ¢ ‘Matt: Thanks. Oh, Mum: © Here you are. mum. 4 Look at the notes and write a dialogue asking for permission. 5 Inyour notebook, write a dialogue asking for permission, Use these notes. Who: Anna and Milly Where: go shopping Ask Milly's grandma for permission Permission: Yes facnr Rule Practice Unit 6, Video and Communica www.myenglishlab.com

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