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This present rnstructor Manual i-s a complement to the ws

technology. The purpose of it is Lo facil-itate the prepara-
tion and implementation of the Lraining.
Thus, the WS - program consists of three parts, namely :
1. WS technology (for instructor and student)
2. Instructor Manual (for instructor only)
3. Hand-outs (for students).
Part I of the Instruction Manual shows the traini-ng schedule
(TS) with keywords and informati-on for the instructor and with
reference to the teaching aids necessary for the training pre-
paration. The abreviations used are :
wT 1-5=WorkshopTechnology pagel 5
IM g = Instructor l,lanual page 6
HO =Hand-outs
Part 2 is the Instructor Manual (IM) proper with Information
on the exercises including :
- The shopdrawing. Placewise to be copied and distribut-
ed to the students as HO.
The chronology of steps for the instructors reference.
- The evaluation sheet for the instructor. To be filled
in for every student and every exercise. (storage j_n
students personnel fi-Ie at the depts. administration).

Remember : - Keep information (WT) short, complete and meaning-

ful. (The student can do further elaboration on WT
at home).
Initial instruction short and to the whole c1ass.
- Guide and instruct the students individually.
Student work and performance is the priority !

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