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Nama : Putri Anggriani

Kelas : XII IPS 1

Tugas : Ujian Praktik Bahasa Inggris (Procedure Text)

How To Make Fried Banana

A. Objective:

The purpose of this recipe is to teach you how to make delicious fried bananas.

B. Ingredients:

 Horn bananas (the number and type of bananas can be adjusted to taste)
 250 grams of wheat flour
 100 grams of rice flour
 Granulated sugar to taste
 Salt to taste
 Cooking oil
 Sufficient boiled water

C. Tools:

 Stove
 Wok
 Spatula
 Spoon or balloon whisk
 Bowls and plates

D. How to make:
1. The first step, put salt, sugar, both types of flour and enough water into one container and
stir until everything is evenly mixed. You can also use a balloon whisk so that the dough
doesn't become lumpy.
2. Cut the banana into 2 or 3 parts then put it into the dressing mixture that has been made.
3. Next, heat cooking oil in a frying pan and wait until the oil is hot.
4. Next, put the bananas that have been coated in flour mixture into the pan and fry over
medium heat.
5. The next step, turn the bananas occasionally until they are evenly cooked.
6. If the color of the banana has turned golden brown, this indicates that the fried banana is
ripe and ready to be removed.
7. Drain the bananas and the warm fried bananas are ready to be served.

E. Conclusion:

By following the steps above, you can easily make delicious fried bananas!

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