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According to Nasibi and kiio( 1995 )play can be defined as a rehearsed dramatisation in which the
players try to clarify a situation by acting out the roles of the participant in the situation. Learners lead in
playing different roles

Organisation of role play

choose a topic that is well understood

Specify the purpose of role play for example it is to highlight the prize of irresponsible behavior

Decide the number of players

Encourages them to volunteer

Chose a player from those who volunteer

Assign the roles

Brief the audience to make sure everyone understood what the players are trying to do

When do we use role play approach in teaching CRE

Biblical Stories and Parables: Students can reenact or reinterpret biblical stories and parables through
role play. This helps them gain a deeper understanding of the moral and spiritual lessons contained in
these stories.

Ethical Dilemmas: Role play can be used to present students with ethical dilemmas or moral situations
they might encounter in real life. This allows them to explore and discuss the Christian perspective on
such issues.

Historical Figures and Events: Students can embody historical Christian figures or reenact important
events in Christian history. This can provide a more engaging way to learn about the history of the
Christian faith.

Church Services and Rituals: Role play can be used to simulate church services or rituals. This helps
students become familiar with the order of service and the meaning behind various elements of
Christian worship.

Evangelism and Outreach: Role play can prepare students for evangelism and outreach activities, helping
them practice how to share their faith and engage in conversations about Christianity with others.

Moral and Ethical Discussions: Role play can be a powerful tool for facilitating discussions on moral and
ethical issues, allowing students to explore different perspectives and make ethical decisions from a
Christian standpoint.
Conflict Resolution: Role play can be used to teach students conflict resolution skills based on Christian
principles, emphasizing forgiveness and reconciliation.

Biblical Characters' Perspectives: Students can take on the roles of various biblical characters and
present their perspectives on the events they were a part of, fostering a deeper understanding of the

Religious Leadership: Role play can help students explore the responsibilities and challenges of religious
leadership roles, such as pastors, missionaries, or church administrators.

Parish and Community Engagement: Role play can simulate scenarios related to community service and
outreach, helping students understand their roles in contributing to the well-being of their


Role play encourages students to actively participate in the learning process. They take on different roles
and engage in meaningful discussions, which promotes a deeper understanding of religious

Role play allows students to step into the shoes of different characters, fostering empathy and an
understanding of different perspectives, particularly in matters of faith and ethics.

It provides a practical way for students to apply their knowledge of religious principles and moral values
to real-life situations, making the learning more relevant and practical.

Role play encourages creativity and imagination as students create scenarios, dialogue, and characters
that relate to religious

It prompts critical thinking as students have to analyze situations, make decisions, and justify their
actions based on religious principles

Students are actively engaged in the learning process, which can enhance their retention of religious

Role play often involves group activities, promoting collaboration, teamwork, and communication skills
among the students

It can help students understand the historical and cultural context of religious events and figures by
reenacting them.

Role play scenarios can mirror real-world ethical dilemmas, allowing students to explore how their faith
and beliefs apply to contemporary issues


Role play actively involves students making learning experience more engaging and interactive

it help the students to understand and apply religious concepts in real life scenarios
Role play can encourage empathy and deeper understanding of different perspectives helping students
to appreciate diverse believes and values

It promote critical thinking as a student must analyse a situation , make a decision and evaluate
outcomes based on their understanding of CRE principles

Students can enhance their communication skills both in expressing their believes and respecting beliefs
of others

Role play connects theoretical knowledge go real world situation making it easier for students to see
how cre concepts are relevant in their lives

It allows students to be creative in their approach in solving problems and addressing moral or ethical
issues ,encouraging innovative thinking

It encourage shy students to actively participate and they may feel comfortable assuming role

Disadvantages of Role play approach

Limited Scope: Complex theological or doctrinal discussions may be oversimplified in role play, missing
the depth of CRE content.

Subjectivity: Evaluating role plays can be subjective, making it challenging to assess students'
understanding and participation accurately.

Time-Consuming: Preparing and conducting effective role play sessions can be time-consuming,
especially for teachers who need to create scenarios and monitor student engagement.

Cultural Sensitivity: Role plays may inadvertently offend or disrespect certain religious beliefs or
practices if not handled with cultural sensitivity.

Participation Variability: Some students may not be comfortable participating in role plays, which can
result in unequal engagement and learning opportunities.

Limited Transferability: The skills learned through role play may not easily transfer to real-life religious
discussions or scenarios, as they are often in a controlled classroom setting.

Teacher Expertise: Effective use of role play in CRE requires teachers to have a deep understanding of
the subject matter and the ability to guide discussions and reflections.

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