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Gender equity exposition script

Good morning colleagues and teacher, today my team 2 and I will present a presentation
about gender equality and some other related topic I will begin by giving an explanation of
gender equality.Given our presentation let's start. Gender equity refers to the dignity and
rights they possesseverybodyThe word gender encompasses several definitions that are
related to each other. TheGender is a state of mind in which a person determines himself as
a man orwoman. Gender equity also extends to non-binary gender, formed bythose people
who do not self-determine as a man or as a womanCurrently, it seeks to implement greater
gender equity in societytowards women since it is the most discriminated gender. The
movement for women's rights emerged from the70s when they began to claim gender
equity. Gender equality is a human right, Women do not alwaysenjoy the same rights as
men due to structural differencesand the unequal distribution of power.
It is an analysis tool that allows usidentify inequalities of treatment and
opportunitiesbetween women and men. It is also useful to proposechanges in the
organization and structure ofinstitutions and raise awareness among womenimportance of
knowing and exercising your right.
They are socially constructed beliefs between men and women.These constructions are
elaborated and reinforced bysayings, songs, stories, the media, thereligion, culture,
customs, education, among others.
Hello, I will talk about gender roles, but in order to make the topic clearer I will start with
the following sections and frequently asked questions.
How do gender roles work?
-Blue for boys and pink for girls. Barbies for girls and cars for boys. Girls ballet and boys
soccer. These are unwritten ideas and norms that relate to gender roles and are more
challenged today than ever before. But, what are gender roles and how can they affect your
children? In Art & Mañas we want to give you our opinion.
What are gender roles?
Gender roles are any behavior that is perceived in society as appropriate for each sex.
For example, women wearing makeup is considered part of their gender role, as well as men
being interested in sports.
In both cases, this is a social construct, rules set by the context in which each individual
lives. Thus, a behavior considered appropriate for the female gender may vary from one
culture to another and from one time to another. Continuing with previous examples, in
other times and places, it has been or is common to see men wearing makeup.
At the same time, gender roles are constantly changing and evolving along with other social
norms. Thus, 70 years ago in Spain it was reprehensible for a woman to wear pants and
surprising for a man to do housework. Today, both behaviors are normalized, as society has
progressed in terms of gender equality.

How are gender roles learned?

Since gender roles are a social construct, they are learned through socialization. This
learning begins from the moment we are born, and is propagated in many ways: the way a
boy or a girl is spoken to, the activities that are proposed to them or the behaviors that are
These behaviors are influenced by everything that surrounds the child: family and friends,
but also the social context in which he or she lives (the school, the neighborhood, city or
country in which he or she lives, the media he or she consumes...).

From an early age, it is suggested that there are toys for boys and toys for girls, that there
are appropriate clothes for each gender, and good attitudes for one or the other (for
example, saying that "boys don't cry", or calling girls "princesses").
Gender roles under scrutiny

Today, gender roles are more challenged than ever. Following gender roles runs the risk of
pigeonholing children with labels or compartments that do not reflect the diversity of each
individual, and doing so from a very young age.
Gender roles can become overly strict rules that restrict individual freedom and do not
allow the individual to express him or herself beyond what is correct or established. What if
a girl wants to play soccer, or a boy wants to play with dolls?

Well, in conclusion, if we compare the ancient times where women were worth nothing to
society, we can say that only in some countries there have been changes while others are

Simply in classical antiquity, Plato claimed in the ‘Republic’ that there can be nothing better
for a society than to have all its members to defend itself, including women. However, the
Aristotelian idea prevailed that woman had less intelligence than man and that she should
be governed by him. This idea was established in legal norms from Roman law

And indeed today, no country can claim to have achieved gender equality. Even women and
girls are still undervalued; they work more, earn less and have fewer opportunities.
But of course when we talk about gender equality we have to touch the concept of
feminism is a movement that defends the equality of social, political, legal and economic
rights of women with respect to men. Its first documented use dates back to 1837 in France
It is more than clear that women over time have carried out many strikes, protests and
marches for example What would happen if there were no clean clothes for weeks? In
1945, Dublin, Ireland learned a lesson by force. Because women Tired of exploitation at
work, low wages, overtime and little free time, about 1,500 washerwomen got together and
created a strike
Another example is the social movements of women in Latin America that became relevant
from the second half of the 20th century, especially during the 1970s and 1980s. Women's
activism in Latin America took place around guerrilla movements, unions and committees of
housewives, a context that Potthast calls "survival movements
There have been too many movements in search of a fight against gender inequality of
which many of them have been successful and many others have failed but have managed
to change small things in the world for example Some progress has been made in recent
decades: more girls are in school, and fewer girls are forced into early marriage; there are
more women in parliamentary and leadership positions, and laws are being reformed to
promote gender equality
Despite these achievements, many difficulties still exist: discriminatory laws and social
norms continue to be widespread, women continue to be reflected at all levels of political
leadership, and 1 in 5 women and girls between 15 and 49 years say have suffered sexual or
physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner in a 12-month period
Gender equity not only implies benefits for women and for society, but also for the
economy. It is estimated that if women had the same level of employment and
entrepreneurship as men, the region's GDP could rise by 14% (if it equals the best
performing country in the region).
it is a reality that women generally earn less than men, do more household chores and
suffer more sexual violence Although we still have a long way to go, the world is increasingly
aware that action is necessary to combat inequality gender and this is a problem that we
can solve together, from the oldest to the smallest in the house, following a series of acts
that will surely make a difference in the world in the future

Report cases of sexism and harassment even Demand a culture of equality at work
or simply teach children their rights and their capabilities.
keywordsWhat is society: The term society refers to a polysemic concept that designates
a particular type of grouping of individuals that occurs both among humans and among
some animalsWhat are social norms: Social norms are a set of rules that the people of a
community must follow in order to have a better coexistence, to which the behaviors, tasks
and activities of the human being must be adjustedThat it is objectionable: It also refers to
as appropriate, dignified, convenient and suitable for censorship or the interventional
opinion in which it prevents the dissemination or publication of a circulation of a work or an
audiovisual material either in a mediaWhat is normalized: It is the process by which certain
behaviors and ideas are considered "normal" through repetition, ideology, propaganda or
other means, often reaching the point that they are considered natural and are taken for
granted without questioningWhat is social construction: A social construction is an
institutionalized entity or an artifact in a social system constructed by participants in a
particular culture or societyWhat are behaviors: It is about the way of proceeding of people
or organisms in the face of stimuli and in relation to the environment the manifestation of
complex decision-making processes originated within the individualWhat is influence:
Influence is the quality that gives the ability to exercise a certain control over power by
someone or something. The influence of society can contribute to the development of
intelligence, affectivity, assertiveness and behaviorWhat is diversity: Social diversity is the
practices, customs, beliefs and attitudes that a compartmentalized society may have in
different areasWhat is prevailed: Stand out, have some superiority or advantage among
others. 2. intr. To endure, to subsist. Customs that prevail for centuries.What are strikes:
The strike is a form of protest in which its participants or members refrain from carrying out
the activity that they normally carry out to the detriment of those to whom they direct their
claims or complaints.What is protest: A demonstration, protest or march is the public
display of the opinion of an activist group (economic, political or social), through a
congregation in the streets, often in a place or on a date symbolic and associated with that
opinionWhat is violence: Any act with a social impact that threatens the physical, mental or
relational integrity of a person or a group, said acts being carried out by a subject or by the
community itself.

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