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Essay About Democracy

Crafting an essay on the intricate subject of democracy is no easy feat. The challenge lies not only in
presenting a comprehensive overview of the concept but also in navigating the nuanced layers that
make up the democratic framework. Democracy, with its historical roots and diverse manifestations
across cultures, demands careful analysis and a balanced perspective.

To begin, one must delve into the origins of democracy, tracing its evolution through time and
acknowledging the various models that have emerged. The essay must grapple with the philosophical
underpinnings, exploring the works of political theorists and philosophers who have contributed to
the understanding of democratic ideals.

Furthermore, discussing the practical implementation of democracy requires a deep dive into
contemporary and historical examples. Highlighting success stories and addressing the challenges
faced by democratic systems worldwide adds another layer of complexity. This involves an
examination of political structures, electoral processes, and the role of citizens in shaping their

Navigating the essay through the complexities of democracy also means addressing criticisms and
shortcomings. Analyzing instances where democratic principles may falter or lead to unintended
consequences adds depth to the discussion. Balancing the optimism associated with democracy with
a critical examination of its limitations requires finesse in argumentation.

Moreover, the evolving nature of democracy in the face of modern challenges, such as technological
advancements and global interconnectedness, necessitates a forward-looking perspective. An essay
on democracy should not only be a historical account but also a reflection on its adaptability and
potential for future developments.

In conclusion, writing an essay on democracy demands a thorough understanding of its historical

context, philosophical foundations, practical applications, and future trajectories. It requires the
ability to navigate through contrasting viewpoints, acknowledging both the strengths and weaknesses
inherent in democratic systems. Tackling this topic requires a careful balance between depth of
analysis and clarity of expression, making it a task that demands both intellectual rigor and effective
communication skills.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of essay writing, platforms like provide a valuable resource. Professional writers can offer guidance and support in
crafting essays on a variety of topics, ensuring that the final product is not only well-researched but
also effectively communicates the intended message. Similar essays and a wealth of academic
support can be found through these services, aiding students and writers in their pursuit of
Essay About Democracy Essay About Democracy
Depositions In Court
An individual cannot always provide their testimony in a traditional court setting due
to various reasons. Video depositions are a recorded oral testimony that is transposed
to written transcripts for later use by the court or as part of the discovery process. The
recording is carried out by the lawyers with the help of a professional reporter, and the
process does not include the judge. Depositions are frequently performed pre trial;
however, they can be completed during the proceedings when certain circumstances such
as illness prevent the individual from appearing. They are used before trial as part of the
preparation portion to gain the necessary information for the actual proceedings. A
subpoena is given to anyone who is not directly... Show more content on
Common uses include questioning police officers who first arrived at the scene of a crime
or for witnesses who cannot make the specified date. The questioned witness will tell
what they saw before the event, during the event, or after the event took place and then
answer anything necessary to clarify the provided statement. A videotaped testament
is used to put together a case or as evidence to be reviewed in a trial. The recording is
stored by the reporter or put away in an evidence room and is only accessible by both
sets of counsel before or for the duration of the proceedings. Video offers a little more
insight to the witness testament since they allow those reviewing the event to see
individual demeanor while answering. Law firms use this process to acquire certain
knowledge necessary to put together a stronger case. Depositions are required by the
court in some cases, depending on the importance of a witness. Service providers offer
full production facilities to companies or law firms when this form of testament is
Essay on Shakespeare Alterations from the Original Macbeth
Mac Bethad mac Findlaích became king of the Scots after Duncan s killing in 1040
and was murdered in 1057 by Malcolm III in battle . William Shakespeare immortalized
Macbeth and his life story in his famous play which goes by the very same name:
Macbeth. Shakespeare used Holinshed s Chronicles by Raphael Holinshedas his primary
source, the basis for the plot of the play. Shakespeare made a considerable number of
alterations in the story line and form. In this essay, I will explore what changes
Shakespeare made and for what reason.
In Macbeth, a thane Macbeth hears a prophecy by three witches: he will be king.
Macbeth decides to take help faith and kill king Duncan. His character changes
dramatically in Shakespeare s narration and finally ... Show more content on ...
If Shakespeare had not chosen to alter the not so palatable history he found in the
Chronicles by adding sensational art and more dramatic effect, the play would not have
conveyed the message in the very effective way it does now and with that emotional
appeal, since catching the conscience of Macbeth, and through him, of the audience was
surely a major source of the play s power and a source that helps immensely to explain
why there is so much sensational art in the play.
In addition, the audience needed to be kept intrigued but perhaps a major [other] purpose
of sensational drama was to pare of the brawniness from the consciences of the audience .
Another major alteration is the different character of Macbeth and Banquo as portrayed
by Shakespeare in comparison to the Chronicles.
Holinshed did not given a sufficient description of Macbeth s character, which is not
odd considering his purpose was to give a historical overview and not an extensive
biography. On the other side of the coin, Shakespeare needed a well defined character in
order to write his play and convey his message, which entails characters metamorphoses.
Therefore, Shakespeare altered Macbeth s character and added some ideas of his own.
Comparing the Chronicles and Macbeth, there is striking discord regarding Macbeth s
character when he eventually has become king. The Chronicles put forward all kinds of
good laws implemented
Pre Colonial Rwanda Essay
There is a division on the historical development of pre colonial Rwanda. One side of the
divide indicates an ethnic diversity based partially on occupational status a patron/client
relationship and also the ancestral lineage of Hutu and Tutsi. The other side of the divide
indicates that until written descriptions by the first European travelers, people identified
themselves according to clan rather than ethnic affiliation, and that the description of so
called ethnic groups was laid down by those travelers (Sellström, Wohlgemuth, Millwood,
As in many other areas in Africa, in the absence of written source material,
archaeological remains etc., reliable historical data from before the mid 19th century are
a scarce commodity. ... Show more content on ...
Tutsi were described as distinct in terms of origin, economic activities, social status and
physical appearance, although sharing the language, religion and settlement with Hutu
according to von Götzen (1895) and Kandt (1921). This description of Rwandese ethnic
groups partly based on indigenous mythology was upheld and diffused by outsiders,
colonial agents, ethnographers, anthropologists, historians etc. and came to represent
the generalized Western view of the Rwandese people. It seems, however, that the
people themselves identified each other rather according to clan affiliation. In a number
of studies, David Newbury has shown that while the terms Hutu and Tutsi existed in pre
colonial times, they did not have the same significance as in the recent era, and the
meaning of an ethnic identity varied from place to place and over time. There was no
single universal definition of ethnic identity valid for all regions at one time (D.
Newbury, 1979, 1980; C. Newbury,
Using Cloud Storage And Collaboration Solutions
Over the last several years, there has been a shift in how technology is designed,
produced, and utilized. Historically, technology was produced in low quantities for a
high cost, limiting the customer base to corporations and few wealthy individuals. Today,
many technologies are produced in high quantities for a cost that is affordable to
individual consumers (Banerjee, 2012). As these technologies become increasingly
affordable, more are beginning to originate in the consumer sector. Consumers soon
found uses for these technologies in business, and over time, these personal products
have been increasingly infiltrating the corporate environment. This trend is referred to as
Consumerization (Weiß and Leimeister). Consumerization... Show more content on ...
Figure 1: Consumer Tools Finding Their Way into the Enterprise
Retrieved from: enterprises
are capitalizing on the consumerization of it/#13bcadd16160
This could potentially mean that Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is being sent
through these consumer tools that are hosted outside of the organization. This produces
an additional shift where organizations need to figure out how to secure company data as
network perimeters become more blurred.
Context aware security offers the potential to better secure this dynamic business
environment. It goes beyond merely trusting that a person should be granted access to an
object because they know a password; it considers additional contextual information to
ensure an action is secure. This information may include location, time, sensitivity of
content, strength of authentication or encryption, reputation of a URL or IP address,
historical patterns of behavior, or health of the operating system (MacDonald).

Context aware security systems, while a viable option to help strengthen security in
environments influenced by consumerization, is not without its challenges. A key
challenge is ensuring that only quality context is being used. Quality of context (QoC)
can be defined
Abstract Of Cyclic Voltammograms
Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammograms (A) and Nyquist plots (B) recorded at bare GCE (a), β
Ni(OH)2/GCE (b) and β Ni(OH)2@CDs/GCE (c) in a 0.1 M KCl solution containing 5
mM Fe(CN)63 /4 . Inset of Fig. 3B: Equivalent circuit applied to fit impedance
measurements, where: Rs is the resistance of electrolyte solution; Rct is the charge
transfer resistance, W is warburg impedance and CPE is constant phase element.

3.5.Electrocatalytic oxidation of nitrite on the modified electrode

The electrocatalytic activity of the β Ni(OH)2@CDs/GCE toward nitrite was studied by
recording cyclic voltammograms from the range of potential 0.3 to 1.1 V in the absence
(a) and presence (d) of 100 μM nitrite, and compared with other different electrodes such
as β Ni(OH)2/GCE and bare GCE. As can be seen from Fig. 4, there is no well defined
peak on bare GCE, which may be due to the sluggish electron transfer process in GCE.
At β Ni(OH)2/GCE, the weak peak appears at 0.96 V related to oxidation process of
NO2− to NO3− according to the following reaction:
NO2− + H2O NO3− + 2H+ + 2e−(8)
In addition, no evidence of peaks was found at β Ni(OH)2@CDs/GCE in the absence of
nitrite, while after adding 100 µM nitrite into the phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0), an
obvious irreversible oxidation peak at about 0.82 V is observed (curve d), which is
140 mV negatively shifted compared with β Ni(OH)2/GCE. Furthermore, the
oxidation peak current on β Ni(OH)2@CDs/GCE is larger than that on β Ni(OH)2/GCE.
This indicated that the large effective area of electrode resulting from high conductivity
and high surface area of CDs, as well as the synergistic effects of β Ni(OH)2 and CDs
improve the catalytic behavior toward the oxidation of nitrite.Fig. 4. cyclic
voltammograms (CVs) of the bare GCE (b), β Ni(OH)2/GCE (c), and β Ni(OH)2/CDs
/GCE (a, d) in the absence (a) and presence of 100 μM nitrite (b, c, d) recorded in 0.1 M
phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0) at the scan rate of 50 mV s−1.

Effect of pH solution
The effects of the solution pH on the peak current and potential for nitrite oxidation
using β Ni(OH)2/CDs/GC electrode were investigated by 0.1 mol l−1 phosphate buffer
in the pH range of 1 10. As shown in Fig. S2, the current responses
Current Agricultural Practices and Developments
Current Agricultural Practices and Developments Introduction Several agricultural
practices have been advanced in the world. One of the Advancements is that related to
crop husbandry in apple production. Apple production through the naturalized methods
has been deemed with low productivity and negative effects from the environment and
other related avenues in the environment. In order to assure of increased productivity
in the environment, it is necessary to make firm considerations of the fact that
increased productivity is the main and urgent issue in the world. Therefore, many
modification activities and processes have been involved in production of the apple
crop and other farming activities in the world. The basic idea of making use of the
natural and modified avenues is to assure increased productivity that does not have to
be reliant on the general methods and avenues of productivity in the environment (Dris
et al, 6 8). Varieties of breeds commonly used in modern agriculture and why Several
breeds of the apple crop are used in modern agriculture. Some of the consideration made
by growers in the market includes good dessert quality, long shelf life, resistance to
diseases and pest and tolerance to drought conditions besides high productivity. In the
fifties, the green English Varieties McIntosh, Baldwin, Jonathan, Cox s Orange Pippin,
Golden Delicious, Black Ben Davis, and Pippins were predominant. Of late, the colored
Delicious, group now occupies more than 83%

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