Professional Essay

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Professional Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of a "Professional Essay" may seem like a straightforward task at first
glance, but delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals a multifaceted challenge. The difficulty
arises from the need to balance a comprehensive understanding of professionalism across various
fields with the ability to articulate those insights coherently.

To begin with, defining what constitutes a "professional essay" itself can be a nuanced task. It
involves not only acknowledging the common attributes that define professionalism but also
understanding the context-specific expectations within diverse industries. One must navigate through
the realms of business, academia, and various professions, deciphering the unique qualities that make
an essay professional in each setting.

Moreover, crafting a professional essay demands a keen sense of audience awareness. Tailoring the
content to suit the expectations of different readerships, whether they are experts in a particular field
or a more general audience, adds another layer of complexity. Striking the right balance between
depth and accessibility is crucial to ensuring the essay resonates with its intended audience.

The process of researching and gathering information for a professional essay can also be arduous.
Thorough exploration of academic journals, industry reports, and real-world examples is necessary to
provide a well-rounded perspective. Integrating diverse viewpoints and expert opinions while
maintaining a cohesive narrative further heightens the challenge.

The writing process itself requires a mastery of language, as a professional essay demands clarity,
precision, and conciseness. Articulating complex concepts in a manner that is both accessible and
authoritative requires careful consideration of language and tone. The essay should not only convey
expertise but also engage the reader, making the journey through the content intellectually

In conclusion, the task of writing a professional essay is far from simplistic. It involves navigating
through the intricate landscape of professionalism, understanding varied audience expectations,
conducting thorough research, and mastering the art of effective communication. Only through a
meticulous blend of these elements can one successfully craft an essay that truly embodies the
essence of professionalism.

For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, a platform like
can provide valuable support. Professional writers with expertise in diverse subjects can help
navigate the challenges of essay writing, ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards.
Professional Essay Professional Essay
Jackie Robinson And Melba Pattillo Beals
What would you do if you were in Jackie Robinson s shoes when he was getting hate
for being in the MLB? How about if you were in Melba Pattillo Beals s shoes when she
was going to Central High? Or Brian Robeson when he crash landed onto the lake with
no supplies? Your reaction could be the same or it could be different from theirs.The
reactions they had changed them and us. Jackie Robinson and Melba Pattillo Beals
both helped us change our views about African Americans having unfair rights, and
Brian Robeson changed our point of view of surviving in the wilderness. Jackie
Robinson, Melba Pattillo Beals, and Brian Robeson had helped us change our point of
views. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play in the MLB. Back then
many people s point of view about African Americans was that they had some things,
but the things should be worse than what the things white people had, and because of
that he was proud yet uneasy because he would get a lot of hate for playing, and he
did. The thing is he didn t only get hate, but he also got threats against him and his
family to physically harm him, The hate mail piled up. There were threats against me
and my family and even out and out attempts at physical harm to me. Being in the MLB
was hard and he could ve given up, but he didn t. Jackie Robinson stayed strong and he
changed our point of view about African Americans not doing things that only white
people could do and he helped our country change for the better
The Key Events In Joseph s Life
A: Jacob had twelve sons. The sons of Leah were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar
and Zebulun. The sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin. They lived in the land of
Canaan. When Joseph was seventeen he took care of the sheep and goats with his
Jacob (Joseph s father) loved Joseph more than all of his sons because Joseph was born
to Jacob when he was old. When all of Joseph s brothers saw that their father (Jacob)
loved him more than he loved them, they started to hate Joseph so much that they would
never talk to him in a friendly way. One night Joseph had a dream about everyone
bowing down and worshiping him and from this he told his brothers which then hated
him even more and started to become jealous.
B: The key event in Joseph s life was when Joseph s brothers sold him to some passing
Ishmaelite traders (Midianites) who took him to Egypt. The reason why this is the key
event in Joseph s life is because from this situation starts Joseph s amazing story. ... Show
more content on ...
The Lord was with Joseph and made him successful in everything that he did. Potiphar
s wife wanted to go to bed with Joseph but he refused so she framed Joseph and he was
sent to jail. The Lord was with Joseph and made him succeed in everything that he did.
After time Joseph was made governor over all of Egypt. Joseph had two children named
Manasseh and Ephraim. His brothers returned because of a Famine and the King ordered
Joseph to bring his family to Egypt so they can live in the finest land. The family
returned, but then 17 years later Jacob died at the age of 147. Joseph continued to live
in Egypt with his family but then died at the age of 110. Before he died he promised
that God will take his family to the Promised Land that was promised to Isaac, Abraham,
and Jacob. He asked them to take his body with them. They embalmed his body and put
it in a
Current Compliance Status Of Nightingale Community
1.Current Compliance Status
Nightingale Community Hospital is in compliance with using at least two identifier of
the patient when giving medications, giving blood, collection of specimen, testing and
Getting a list of patient s medications on admission and reconciliation are being done.
Nightingale nursing staff is making sure the patients are on the current medications
brought into the hospital and the patient is given a discharge medication list prior to going
home. The nursing staff is educating the patient s on the importance of managing the
medications that are being ordered that is on the discharge list.
Nightingale staff is managing the alarm system in the hospital. According to Joint
Commission, Identify the most important alarm signals to manage based on the following:
Input from the medical staff and clinical departments
Risk to patients if the alarm signal is not attended to or if it malfunctions
Whether specific alarm signals are needed or unnecessarily contribute to alarm noise and
alarm fatigue
Potential for patient harm based on internal incident history
Published best practices and guidelines (Joint Commission, 2016).
The hospital is in compliance with infection control protocol according to the CDC
standard guidelines. Hand hygiene, contact precautions, as well as cleaning and
disinfecting patient care equipment and the patient s environment are essential strategies
for preventing the spread of health care associated
Analyzing Brayden s Psycho-Social Development
When I asked Brayden questions to gauge his Psycho Social development his
responded in ways that promote pro social ideas, relating to children his age. I asked
What makes a kid your age happy? His response was ice cream, and friends. Brayden s
answer correlated with my observation of friendships being important to him. I also
asked, How do you know a kid is happy? His response was if they are smirking,
smiling, or laughing. How do you know a kid is sad? He stated, if they are frowning or
crying. Erikson s theory focuses on psychosocial development and states that we go thru
eight stages of psycho social development in our lives. When one stage is not
accomplished it can influence our social and emotional development throughout
Benefits Of Being Vegetarianism
Why should humans be vegetarian?

More and more, some good quality meat is becoming very expensive. Since a can of
chickpeas is less expensive and easier to cook, a lot of Quebec College students decide
to take the meat out of their diet. Everyone should do like those people and be vegetarian
for the benefits that it as for society and the environment. This diet is good for the human
health, it helps save the planet and it helps save the animals.

First, there are many health benefits that comes with being vegetarian. In the Harvard
Health Publishing, the searchers describe the way that vegetarianism can help your body.
Compared with meat eaters, vegetarians tend to consume less saturated fat and
cholesterol and more vitamins C and E, dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium,
magnesium, and phytochemicals (plant chemicals), such as carotenoids and
flavonoids. As a result, they re likely to have lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol,
lower blood pressure, and lower body mass index (BMI), all of which are associated with
longevity and a reduced risk for many chronic diseases. The major diseases that
vegetarianism can prevent are heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. In fact,
vegetarians are 25% less likely to die from a heart disease than meat eaters. This means
that a lot of people could be saved with this diet. Personally, if I could do anything to live
longer and healthier, I would do it. Nowadays, we eat a lot of junk food, and more and
more people are dying because
How Infant Attachment Is Affected By Mother Infant...
It is no surprise that a parent s mental health and behavior can have an effect on a
developing infant s ability to grow an attachment and a bond with said parent. This holds
especially true for the bond between the mother and the infant, be it that on average the
mother infant dyad spends the most one on one time together comparatively. According
to Raval and colleagues (2001), a parent s state of mind influences their sensitivity in
caregiving behavior, which then has an effect on the child s attachment pattern/strategy.
There are a wide variety of other factors that can have an effect on an infant s developing
attachment style, such as parental states of mind, parental attunement and attentiveness,
genetic predisposition, prenatal ... Show more content on ...
Avoidant infants regulate their attachment needs through exploration, and have mothers
who are consistently unresponsive or unavailable. Resistant infants know that they
cannot rely on their parent for their needs to be met, as they have mothers who have
been inconsistently responsive. Disorganized/disoriented infants can be characterized as
a severely confused child with a lack of apparent strategy by their parent to meet their
needs. (Raval et al., 2001)

Infant attachment styles are largely impacted by the responsiveness of the mother to the
infant s needs and signals, but also by the behavior of the infant itself. The results of the
study showed that greater maternal responsiveness was a predictive factor for secure
infant attachment. For example, the secure infants had mothers who scored significantly
higher scores for total responsiveness to the child s needs and signals than the mothers of
avoidant children. (Raval et al., 2001) Raval and his colleagues (2001) also discovered
that an infant s behavior is less influential than maternal behavior in shaping attachment
patterns, though still influential. Shown in the results of the study, maternal sensitivity
to the child s needs and signals, as well as maternal attachment to the child both make
independent contributions to infant attachment. (Raval et al., 2001)

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between the feelings and actions of the
mother towards the

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