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(WEEK 1)

Task 1: The bar chart shows the percentage of school children learning to play
four different musical instruments (violin, piano, drums, guitar) in 2005, 2010
and 2015. Write at least 150 words.
% 45
2005 2010 2015

Piano Guitar Drums Violin

The given bar chart illustrates the proportion of pupils learning to play four
types of distinct musical instruments at 5-year intervals between 2005 and 2015.
Overall, the piano and guitar were the two most preferred musical instruments
among young students. The violin participation rate witnessed a downward trend
in all surveyed years.
In 2005, musical instruments playing hardly drew the attention of primary
students as evident by a minor fraction of 10% of a total pupil learning to play
piano and guitar. This was closely followed by the violin, which only appealed to a
somewhat similar proportion of players, while drums participation rate only stood
at half that figure. By 2010, the guitar and piano had almost doubled in popular
status, making up for around 20%. In contrast, the percentage of drums players
stayed the same, which the violin players rate had marginally decreased by 9%.
In 2015, there was a growing interest in piano and guitar participation rates. The
percentage of school children learning the guitar and piano saw an increase of
more than doubled to reach approximately 40%. That rapid growth has helped the
guitar participation rate reach the highest level of all musical instruments
throughout the period. Furthermore, although the proportion of pupils learning
the drums increased slightly to 8%, there was a moderate decrease in the figures
for the violin, at only 5%.

Task 2: Some people think that too much and too many resources are given to
the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experiences.
write at least 250 words.

Some people argue that too much concentration and resources are spent on
the preservation of wild animals and birds. However, I do not agree with this
viewpoint. Although wild animals are necessary for human needs, there are still
many risks to rare animals due to lack of care and sense of responsibility from
people around the world.
Firstly, many wild animals are still in the range of extinction due to the
prevalence of deforestation, illegal hunting, and trading. Government lacks
stringent punishments for violators, which threatens the survival of vulnerable
species. Secondly, people are hesitant to take action to combat global warming
and climate change. Individuals are easily neglected during natural disasters such
as: lack of rescue attempts, lack of preventive measures to reduce damage to
animal habitats. For example, due to the delays in rescue teams, the Australian
bushfires are estimated to have killed about one billion animals, including
mammals, birds, and reptiles. Furthermore, fossil fuel for daily activities like
transport, industries using gas-powered, carbon- intensive increase carbon
release emissions, which making natural disasters more serious and frequent.
Thirdly, there is an inadequate number of conservation areas and funding.
Around the world, due to insufficient nature conservation areas to accommodate
endangered species, wild animals and birds increased vulnerability to natural
predators and dangers. Moreover, the reluctance of governments to allocate
funds to natural reserves and individuals’ responsibility. The government focuses
more on other areas like national defense, healthcare, economic development
but pays little attention to wildlife protection. The individuals lack timely response
to calls for support from non-profit organizations or conservationists as well as
lack of awareness of wilds security.
In conclusion, the safeguard of wild animals and birds is a vital task that we
must undertake as responsible citizens of this planet. It is not a waste of time
or resources but an investment in our cultural heritage, our knowledge, and
our necessity in the future.

Task 1: The maps give information about a university court.

The given maps illustrate how a university sports court has evolved from 1990
until now. Overall, it is obvious that the area has witnessed numerous alterations
with the addition and rearrangement of many new facilities inside.
In 1990, on the left side of the map was a green area as well as a car park.
Today, the park has been turned into a large basketball court and the car park
was removed to make room for 4 tennis courts. Instead, the old tennis court was
replaced by the fitness center at the right corner of the map. A café and a
reception area has stayed unchanged during the time frame.
Since 1990, the building has been constructed to accommodate a swimming
pool, which has been turned indoor into outdoor one, the café, the reception are,
and a new larger size changing room. The building also has a fitness center inside.
Task 2: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school.
What are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?
Write at least 250 words.

In the modern education system, many students have difficulty in focusing and
paying attention during classes. I regard lack of sleep and rigidity of traditional
learning as the causes of this issue which could be deal with by several feasible
Firstly, some students may have poor sleeping habits or an unhealthy lifestyle.
For example, they spend too much time surfing the internet on Facebook, TikTok
or playing video games all night long without any outdoor activities like playing
sports. This disorder leads to drowsiness and lack of energy because the brain
needs time to rest, so it is challenging for them to sit still or pay attention to the
teacher's instructions. Secondly, students may be uninspiring as the monotony
and inflexibility of classrooms. Many lectures lack relevance to real life, endorsing
a repetitive course of tedious theoretical assignments and lectures while failing to
motivate the students with varied content. Therefore, they are easily distracted
by more interesting things like conversations with friends or simply feel sleepy
and struggle to pay attention to the lecture.
To address the underlying causes, I would propose two solutions. To begin with,
collaborating with students' families to have appropriate management regimes to
promote healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, punctuality of sleep
time and a balanced diet, can have a positive impact on students’ cognitive
abilities and help them stay focused during class. Moreover, teachers could
implement more interactive teaching methods that engage students and make
learning more interesting and enjoyable. For instance, students are organized
into cooperative learning sessions such as group work or research and discovery
in real-life environments such as conducting surveys or small projects about
family, school, or friends. Once engaged, these students will have the
responsibility and curiosity to focus more fully on completing their lessons.
Furthermore, these useful skills will ensure a higher chance of success after
In conclusion, there are various reasons why children struggle to concentrate in
school. By providing support and resources to students like implementing
interactive teaching methods, and promoting healthy lifestyle habits, it is possible
to improve students' abilities to concentrate and enhance their academic
Task 1: The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in
Netherland between 2001 and 2006.
Write at least 150 words.
Average distance in miles travelled per person year, by mode of travel.
2001 2006
Walking 255 237
Bicycle 51 41
Car 3199 4806
Local bus 429 274
Local distance bus 54 124
Train 239 366
Taxi 13 42
Other 450 585
All modes 4740 6475

The given table illustrates how the median annual per capital mileage recorded
in Holland shifted over a span of 5 years between 2001 and 2006.
The initial impression from the table is that car was the predominant means of
transport, while the least preferred one was taxi. In addition, the median yearly
per head mileage of walking and local bus witnessed a decrease, while the
opposite of categories increased.
On average, each Dutch car user commuted approximately 3200 miles on a
yearly basis. In terms of passenger commuted by local bus and train, the former
had higher figure than the later in the year 2001 at 429 miles. The opposite was
true in 2006 when the figure for local bus was lower than train, standing at 274
and 366 miles, respectively. Each resident of Netherlands travelled 255
approximately on a yearly basis on foot which took up around half of the total
quantity of miles by local bus.
On the other hand, catching taxi and riding bicycle were not favored by Dutch
people. The yearly length covered by taxi in the Holland people just averaged 13
miles which grow by 30% in 2006, while the cyclist showed a moderate decline in
their figures which fall from 51% to 41%. During a 5-year period, all other modes
witnessed a slight climb around 600miles in the annual length recorded by each
Dutch. The total distance traveled by all modes significantly increased from 4740
in 2001 to 6475% in 2006.
Task 2: Some people find that government should regulate the level of violence
in films on television and at the cinema. Others feel that violent films should not
be regulated. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Write at least 300 words.
The topic of government regulation of violence in films is a controversial one.
While some advocate governmental intervention in the depiction of violence in
movies shown on TV and in theaters, there is a counterargument that emphasizes
the importance of artistic freedom and self-regulation within the entertainment
industry. In my opinion, the government should have the solution to control and
keep the violent scenes at a suitable level for viewers and audiences.
On the one hand, opponents of the removal of violent elements in films argue
that such censorship would diminish the appeal of action movie which have
traditionally served as a lucrative source of revenue for the movie industry. They
contend that such regulation would infringe on the freedom of expression of
filmmakers, which leads to lack of sensational and interesting elements, especially
in action scenes like The Avengers or Spiderman. The absence of such thrilling and
realistic scenes would result in reduced viewership and ticket revenue,
subsequently leading to a decrease in tax contributions to the government.
Additionally, detractors also questioned the definition of violence, how much
violence is too much and the way to enforce regulations that would not pose
practical difficulties. Moreover, they consider the right of individuals to watch
content of their choosing, and it is the responsibility of parents, not the
government, to monitor what their children watch.
On the other hand, I firmly believe that excessive violence in films can have a
negative impact on society because of a strong association between the
perpetration of violence and exposure to violence in media. When people are
overexposed to aggressiveness portrayed in violent films, it can desensitize them
to violence, making them more likely to engage in violent behavior themselves.
Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of violent films that they have a
tendency to easily imitate violent acts in school or family. As the results, they
cause significant harm to their peers that give rise to school bullying at a mild
level. With a serious consequence, it could be extreme crimes or terrorist acts, for
example mass shootings in America or Thailand high school. Furthermore, if the
government provides a standardized framework to ensure appropriate for the
amount and type of violence that is acceptable in films, parents will have more
control over what their children watch every day, and the filmmakers would have
the ability a depict violence in a way that serves a legitimate purpose. This would
also be line with the government’s responsibility to protect its citizens.
In conclusion, while there are valid arguments on both sides of the debate, I
believe that the regulation of violence in films is necessary to protect society from
the negative effects of excessive violence. However, it is important that any
regulation is carefully balanced against the right to freedom of expression, and
that it does not unduly restrict the ability of filmmakers to create the content they
wish to create.
Task 1: The diagrams below give information about the manufacture of frozen
fish pies.
The given production lines detailed how frozen fish pies were produced. Overall,
the main ingredients consist of fresh salmon mixed with peas and sauce with a
layer of sliced potato on top. The fish pies manufacturing process entails two
main production lines: potato process and salmon production.
Potato slices are produced in an entirely automated line, with raw material
being supplied to the manufacturing no more than a month, after being cleansed
thoroughly, are peeled, and sliced automatically, prior to heat treatment in a
boiling vessel. Following this, the boiled slices are let cool to be packed, ready for
the mixing stage.
The salmon production is manufactured by a semi-automatic process. Within
12 hours of being transported the factory, the fresh fish are pre-treated with
lemon juice and salt. Then the skin and bones of the salmon are stripped by
hand. Following this, the salmon are inspected manually before mixing with the
prepared sauce and peas by manual workers. The next step, the automatic lines
put the sliced potato on top of the salmon. Finally, the fish pies are wrapped
manually and frozen, prior to store and distribution.

Task2: Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed of
technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationship
people make? Has this change become a positive or negative development?
Write at least 250 words.

In recent years, technology has had a profound impact on the types of

relationships that people make. The advent of technology has revolutionized how
people interact with each other in various ways. In my opinion, there are both
positive and negative effects of this development and this essay will analyze how
technology has changed the types of relationships made by people.
Instead of using letters, technology devices like smartphones or laptops and
social media platforms have allowed people to communicate constantly
regardless of geographical distances. A gadget with internet connection, people
can collaborate more effectively. For instance, we can interact through Facebook,
Zalo or Instagram by video calls, messaging apps, online gaming, and other tools.
Similarly, people can make professional connections by email to receive files and
businessmen can have online meetings through the conference calls in LinkedIn
or Twitter. Teacher may organize a lesson with all her students by zoom or google
classroom. Besides, people even form romantic relationships by online dating
apps like Tinder. Advancements in technology have enabled people to meet,
establish and maintain long-distance and cross border relationships with one
another online.
On the one hand, technology has made it easier for people to connect with
each other. Social media platforms can offer instantaneous interaction in
communication. To meet a stranger in the world is more expeditious and
convenient, technology can also bridge the gap between individuals. Opening
doors to cross-cultural connections, this has made it easier for people to connect
with others who share similar interests and values to foster global understanding
and cultural awareness. In addition, dating websites like Tinder are also regularly
used by people interested in finding potential partners in non-traditional
manners. Moreover, technology apps like Skype have paved the way for various
business collaborations. The companies have established partnerships with other
foreign companies via investment or cooperation by promoting constant
interaction to create a sense of closeness. As a result, cooperation makes profits
abundant and economic development becomes interconnected and rapidly.
On the other hand, these developments can be extremely positive. The
existence of technology has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication
because people tend to prioritize the speed of online presence and broadcasts.
Then developing virtual and superficial relationships, lacking emotional intimacy
between people in real life are the outcomes of this. For example, people who
depend on using dating online platforms focus on physical appearances and
temporary meetings that neglect the building of meaningful relationships on
shared values and compatibility. The availability of new communication
technologies can also have the result of isolating people and discouraging real
interaction. Tech users become consumed by their devices, which takes a heavy
toll on emotional wellbeing and hinder the development of necessary skills for
effective relationships.
In conclusion, the impact of technology on relationships will depend on how it
is used. While it has made it easier for people to connect with each other, it has
also led to a decrease in face-to-face communication and a lack of intimacy and
connection between people.


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