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Observation Essays Examples

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Observation Essays Examples" can present its own set of
challenges. The intricacies lie not only in the meticulous observation required but also in effectively
translating those observations into a coherent and engaging written piece. The difficulty intensifies
when attempting to strike the right balance between objective observation and subjective

To begin with, keen observational skills are crucial. The ability to notice details, nuances, and
patterns in the environment or subject of study is fundamental. This demands patience, focus, and a
genuine interest in the subject matter. The challenge is to be an astute observer without letting
personal biases cloud the observations.

Additionally, the skill of effective communication is paramount. Transforming observations into

well-articulated sentences requires a command over language and the ability to convey thoughts
clearly. Striking the right tone is crucial – maintaining objectivity while infusing the narrative with
personal insights can be a tightrope walk.

Furthermore, organizing the essay poses its own difficulties. Determining the right structure to
present observations in a logical and engaging sequence is essential. Creating a flow that guides the
reader through the observations without overwhelming them requires thoughtful consideration.

Moreover, the challenge extends to the introspective aspect of the essay. Reflecting on one's own
observations and connecting them to broader themes or ideas can be intellectually demanding. It
involves not only understanding the observed phenomena but also placing it within a larger context,
drawing meaningful conclusions, and possibly even suggesting implications or applications.

In conclusion, writing an essay on observation examples involves a multifaceted set of challenges –

from acute observation skills and effective communication to thoughtful organization and insightful
reflection. It is a task that demands a careful blend of analytical thinking and expressive writing.

For those who find themselves grappling with such challenges, it's worth noting that assistance is
available. Similar essays and a wide array of writing services can be accessed on platforms like , providing support to navigate the intricacies of essay composition.
Observation Essays Examples Observation Essays Examples
Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers
Have you ever began to visualized a mythical land, overflowing with wonder and
mystery? For instance a place where the inhabitants of this reality are not bound by the
same rules nor logic that dictate our own lives? If you ever find yourself longing for a
world alike to this, you can satisfy your depravation by delving into the novelLord of the
Rings the Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien. This reality is flowing with mythical creatures
and magic. And using this essay I will describe the relationship between the novel and the

The central theme of this book is based upon a variety of olden day mythology, such as
Greek and Norse. The author J.R.R. Tolkien analyzed these tales and withdrew plots and
characters, and reformed them into
Critical Analysis Of The Mayor Of Casterbridge
In The Mayor of Casterbridge, the wife to a young man learns to cope with her
husband s drunken ways. The author portrays that he, Michael Henchard decides to
auction his wife off to anybody who wants to buy her but not only her their daughter
as well all because he would rather be a free man and states that he would be worth a
thousand pound (pg.9) before he made the mistake to marry at such a young age as
18. After selling his wife, Henchard wonders if the night before had all been a dream
but unfortunately it was more like a nightmare because there was money in his pocket
from where the sailor had bought his wife Susan and daughter Elizabeth Jane. His
only thoughts at this point was to get out of situation he had put himself in as soon as
as he could. After walking miles and miles his only feeling is to turn to God, so he
makes a stop at a church near by when he arrives in a village. He begins to fall to his
knees at the altar with both of his hands on the bible and afterwards makes his way to
Casterbridge. He takes the blame for it as if he has no other choice to because it was
all his fault as to why his wife and child was sold to a man that he didn t even know. By
him taking full responsibility for his actions and the mistake that he s made he now sets
out and tries to correct what he has done. Henchard basically decides that him continuing
the search for his wife and daughter is somewhat useless at this point because he still
havent found them so he stops looking
On The Waterfront Synopsis
On The Waterfront. 1. Joey Doyle gets murdered. (pushed off a roof) * Terry gets
questioned by the waterfront commissioners about Joey s murder. * A church
gathering (including dockworkers) is held to find out who murdered Joey. Terry is sent
by Johnny to rat them out. * Terry hits on Edie (Joey s sister) * Edie wants Terry to help
her find Joey s murderer. But he is partly to blame. * The cops tell Terry to testify in
court. Terry is reluctant and doesn t want to be a pigeon . * Charley tells Terry to stop
seeing Edie. * Kayo Dugan tells the cops 39pages of Johnny s plans. Due to father Barry
s influence to speak up. * Kayo gets killed by cargo on the docks for dobbing to the cops
by Johnny s... Show more content on ...
5. Terry is partly a victim of circumstance due to being around the wrong people and
not being smart. He was involved with the murder of Joey, because he raced pigeons
with Joey and had a connection to get him on the roof top, which Johnny took to his
advantage. 6. Edie is drawn to Terry because she feels he needs her help and needs
someone to care for him, being a teacher in training has touched this side of her. She
engages in a relationship with Terry even though he is involved with her brothers
murder because she feels he can help solve who actually killed Joey, and can see past
the whole situation. 7. Edie changes Terry to grow and develop more, terry changes
Edie by showing her more of the way people actually live not just in books. 8. Father
Barry is a catalyst in the film sue to him influencing others to speak up and dob on
Johnny Friendly for Joey s murder and to stand up for themselves, but Father Barry
doesn t actually act upon change just influences it by convincing people. 9. Charley
and Terry are different in how charley is educated and is a part of a gang/business that
involves smart thinking, Terry is rather dumb, and does what Charley tells him to most
of the time, he was a good boxer. They are similar in how they both think of how to
survive for the best. They both follow the rules until the times changed. 10. Johnny had a
hard time growing up and worked his way up the chain to run his own business, he
Emma Nuzzi Essay
I asked Emma Nuzzi what she thought her biggest accomplishment was, she replied
with I would say becoming a very good tennis player. Emma Nuzzi started playing tennis
at age twelve, which she thinks was a late age. When Emma was in the seventh grade she
told her gym teacher that she wanted to play tennisshe then replied to Nuzzi with Maybe.
, this did not encourage Emma at the time because her gym teacher was the varsity tennis
coach. Emma did not let this get to her too much because she practiced and became the
player that she is today.
When she first started out she felt that she was out of shape and unconditioned.
Nevertheless, she practiced a bit before her first tryout and she made it on the J.V team.
After she made it, she practiced six days a ... Show more content on ...
Getting to that spot was not easy for her It was a very difficult time getting there
because my coach was kinda unfair and didn t want to give me my spot. . She
challenged many of her teammates to get the spot that she felt that she deserved.
There was a point where her coach told her that she could have the spot, but the next
day he had her play multiple people for that same spot. This behavior and other factors
made Emma upset, frustrated and at some points infuriated, but she kept her head up
and her coach finally saw that she earned fifth singles and he awarded her with it.
Emma told me that tennis is not only a physical strain but also a mental one. According
to Nuzzi To win tennis you need mental strength. If you don t have that you ll never
make it as a good tennis player . One thing that was a mental hurdle for Emma was the
fact that people were watching her, this made her overthink what she was doing and she
wasn t able to focus on the actual game. Emma has the tendency to psych herself out
before a match over little things such as spectators, weather conditions and the fear of
defeat, even though she knows that she is more than ready to
Va Tower Research Paper
Standing at an impressive 22 stories tall, the VIA tower is one of two luxurious
residential towers included in the groundbreaking development known as Seaport
Square located in Boston s thriving Seaport District. Expected to open in 2017, it
includes 458 modern apartments that offer unique floor plans to meet your specific
style and needs. These layouts range from minimalist inspired studios to spacious three
bedroom designs. If your lifestyle requires the ultimate in flexibility, the VIA offers
lease agreements in order to better meet the needs of its residents. Sleek Innovation
Units Of VIA s 458 apartments, 96 of them feature innovative mico lofts knowns as
innovation units. Consisting of 365 square feet, these tiny yet high end spaces prove
that little really can be more. While second to none in terms of style, these pint sized
floor plans, which include studio and one bedroom residences, meet Boston s need for
affordable rent without sacrificing easy access to valuable collaboration spaces and
cutting edge indoor facilities. VIA Amenities... Show more content on ...
To adequately enjoy Boston s breathtaking skyline and sea views, VIA offers an
extensive list of outdoor amenities such as luxurious lounges, generous grilling areas
and tranquil gardens. To soak up the skyline in style, there is a spacious heated pool
that overlooks the bustling city. Giving priority to a private outdoor space, this tower
features one acre of green space with an impressive water feature to be enjoyed year
round. Being pet friendly, the VIA tower is also environmentally friendly, providing car
charging stations, bike amenities, urban gardens and recycling services. As a smoke free
environment, VIA also pledges to use safe cleaning supplies and practice efficient trash
The Assassination Of Marcus Brutus In Shakespeare s Julius...
Throughout the Shakespearean play, Julius Caesar, the character Marcus Brutus deals
with the struggles of attempting to make Rome as best as it can be. Conspiring with
some fellow Romans, the noble Brutus helps assassinate the upcoming emperor Julius
Caesar. This begins a war against those who advocate the rise of Caesar, including
Caesar s closest cohort, Mark Antony. At the place of Brutus death, Antony stands over
his body and gives a short speech commemorating Brutus honor. In his brief eulogy,
Antony uses the quote This is a man to describe Brutus. Mark Antony truly believes, as
he states, that Brutus is an honorable Roman citizen. Being a dear friend of Caesar,
Antony realizes that, unlike Marcus Brutus, the other conspirators
The Causes Of Human Laziness And The Environment
The amount of laziness a human exhibits seems to have a positive correlation with the
amount of pollution that the human gives off. The start of human laziness dates back all
the to the start of the human race. Research has shown that humans are biologically born
with laziness, but the amount of laziness differs between humans (Hreha). The greatest
danger to the environment is humanlaziness. Being lazy is a great thing because so
much time is saved. Time may be saved, but in exchange, the environment gets
destroyed instead. Driving a car to work may be faster, but it also destroys the
environment so much faster. Biking to the store serves the same purpose and it saves the
environment greatly. Cars are a huge contributor to global warming. Cars and trucks
combined are responsible for one fifth of all US emissions. They release about 24
pounds of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases for every gallon of gas used
(Union of Concerned Scientists). About five pounds of those gases come from
production, extraction, and delivery of gasoline. More than 19 pounds are released per
gallon from a car s tailpipe (Union of Concerned Scientists). 1.2 billion cubic yards of
polluted air is from manufacture. Painting and coating cars produces 40 million pounds
of air releases and 24 million pounds of hazardous wastea year. A car s lifetime produces
1.3 billion cubic yard of polluted air and scatters 40 pounds of worn tire particles,
brake debris, and worn road surface into the atmosphere (Bike to Work Day).
Pollutants released a year add up to over 12,140 lbs for cars and 17,000 for light
trucks. Some of those pollutants are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons,
and nitrogen oxides (Bike to Work Day). By choosing to bike or walk instead of drive,
the amount of gases and waste contributing to global warming, drops drastically.
Choosing to drive instead of taking a greener form of transportation is a great threat to
the environment. Plastic water bottles are seen and consumed everywhere. Without
knowing the deadly effects that water bottles have on the environment, consumers will
keep buying them and contribute to the problem. About 17 million barrels of oil are used
each year solely to make water bottles

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