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Writing an essay on the topic of "Bestessay" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, defining
what makes an essay the "best" is subjective and can vary greatly depending on individual
perspectives. The task requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter, a keen awareness of
various writing styles, and the ability to articulate thoughts in a coherent and convincing manner.

Research plays a crucial role in crafting a quality essay on this topic. It involves sifting through a
myriad of information to identify the most credible sources and relevant data. Given the dynamic
nature of the essay, staying updated on the latest developments, trends, and scholarly opinions is

The challenge intensifies when attempting to balance objectivity and subjectivity. Crafting an essay
that is both informative and persuasive without veering into biased territory requires finesse. Striking
the right balance in tone and maintaining a clear and concise writing style are also vital components.

Moreover, the expectations of the audience must be taken into account. What one person considers
the "best" in an essay might differ from another's perspective. Tailoring the content to resonate with a
diverse readership adds another layer of complexity.

In terms of time management, writing a compelling essay on "Bestessay" necessitates a significant

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Bestessay Bestessay
Dental Hygienist Experience
After graduation, I plan on working for a modern pediatric dental practice close to
home. I am seeking to work for a dental facility with an average paying job possession
for a registered dental hygienist. The benefits I am mostly interested in are 2 weeks of
paid vacation leave, health insurance, free dental services for my immediate family
and I, and a 401(k) retirement savings plan. Also, I am seeking for a facility that is all
electronic, paperless, and that has advanced dental equipment preferably from 8am
4pm. The area I plan to work in is the Jonesboro, Georgia area so I can work close to
home. I am very fond of the Jonesboro, Georgia area not only because it is close to
home, but because of the Hispanic population. Being bilingual in a predominantly
Spanish speaking area is an advantage for me when applying for a possession as a
registered dental hygienistin this area. I enjoy being able to help non English speaking
patients understand their dental appointments better. It essentially creates a better
relationship with the patient and the dental office. This could also increase the cliental of
the practice because there will not be a... Show more content on ...
I spoke with the pediatric dentist, Dr. Christina McKellar, at the Hinman luncheon
about her facility. Dr. McKellar explained to me the facility is very new and opened in
the beginning of this year. Their equipment is new and they work electronically. This
lets me know the office is modern and up to date facility with a working schedule from
9am 5pm. She also added that they are in dire need of a Spanish speaking dental
hygienist, which is no problem for me. We did not speak about salary or benefits, but
the working conditions and the location will balance it out. This would be a great
practice to get started and gain experience to then move to a facility that pays more but
Life Is Beautiful Analysis
Movie Critic Life is Beautiful In the mid 1900 a Jewish man by the name of Guido
Orefice(Roberto Benigni) arrives in Arezzo, Italy to open a bookshop. In the
meantime in order to make ends meet he works as a waiter under the watch of his
uncle. During a party at his uncle s hotel Guido accidently crosses Dora, a beautiful
school teacher, over the course of the party Guido falls in love with Dora, whom he
calls princess (princess) and charms her by randomly popping up at unpredictable
times. As usual Guido randomly pops up at Dora s engagement, He stalls time by
disguising himself as a waiter at the engagement. He does the most unusual things
which makes her laugh. During the engagement party she dumps her fiancé, and
chooses to marry Guido and he whisks her away on a green horse(inside joke with
Dora s fiancé) and they disappear into the night. This was was great movie, because it
shows the story of a man who lives in one of the most tragic times in history, ( world
war two) who is trying his best to make the best of the war and he keeps a positive
mind by running around and be as adorable as humanly possible. Life is Beautiful is
just as complex as its title. Just as I said, a lot of this is supposed to be set in a
concentration camp. Fast Forward, The film jumps into the war s(WWII) last months.
Dora and Guido have a child, Giosué(Joshua)(Giorgio Cantarini), For the next five
Guido and Dora and their child live a blissful life in Guido s uncle, Eliseo Orefice
Research Paper On Ancient Greek Architecture
Ancient Greek Architecture

An ancient Greek architect sits in the light of a burning candle concentrating. His head
is exhausted from all the planning and designs he s created, but he can t help to feel the
excitement rushing through his veins. He is about to help birth one of the most striking,
and compelling cities of all time. Greek buildings are seen as flamboyant, and are looked
up to. People want their cities to be just as brilliant as the Greek s. Ancient Greek
architecture inspired modern design, public structures, and buildings of high importance.

Greek designs are seen all over today; most of them being Doric architecture. This was a
vertical fluted column shaft, thinner at its top, with no base and a simple capitol below ...
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The definitive architectural style on Capitol Hill is neoclassical, inspired by the use
of ancient Greek and Roman styles in the design of great public buildings. These
styles are recognized by the use of tall columns, symmetrical shapes, triangular
pediments and domed roofs. (Capitol Hill Neoclassical Architecture) Capitol Hill is
classic and bold, just like the Greek and Roman people were with their public
buildings. Another example of a Greek inspired building is the United States Capitol
Building. This building is almost an exact replica of a Greek temple. Another well
known example of the neoclassical architecture style on Capitol Hill is the U.S.
Supreme Court Building. Finished and occupied in 1935, the Supreme Court is meant
to resemble a great marble temple. The architect of the Supreme Court, Cass Gilbert of
New York City, drew upon the classical Roman temple form as the basis for the Court s
new building. Reached by a great flight of broad steps, the portico of tall Corinthian
columns gives the building a monumental entrance. Lower wings flank the central temple
and help relate it to the lower scaled buildings of the nearby Capitol Hill neighborhood.
(Capitol Hill Neoclassical Architecture) Romans looked
Reflection On The French Revolution
In this Reacting to the Past game, I learned valuable information about the French
Revolution. I feel that it was a highly educational experience and I would certainly play
it again if given the opportunity. While the contextual information of the game did follow
fairly closely to the history of France during the Revolution, some of the actions we took
as characters in the National Assemblywere mildly off from what actually occurred in
real life. As an indeterminate character, I was able to play a bit of all sides, from the
conservative side, to the Feuillant, and even a bit of the Jacobin. This position was what
allowed me to research and see the issues of the French Revolutionfrom a number of
different views.
First, I spoke on behalf ... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, I was still required to speak on behalf of the remainder of the factions
before proclaiming my decision.
After discovering such things, I spoke in support of the Jacobins and Section Leaders.
This certainly did not earn me the favor of the remainder of the people, as these were
the outgoing and radical people. Their views presented things such as the end of the
monarchy and the destruction of the Catholic church as we knew it. I did not
personally read many research articles in favor of their opinions. However, I was able
to read some of the writings provided by my peers from their viewpoints. I knew
instantly that I had made the correct choice in siding with the Feuillants, as the
contemplated actions of the Jacobins would have caused for an uproar within the
country itself. This was shown very profoundly with the storming of the Bastille and
riots in the streets. My character could not possibly have stood long term for such
things. I spoke very briefly on the efforts of these people in one of my speeches and
then quickly moved on to find research in support of my final decision. While the
Feuillants did hold my heart and my mind from the beginning, I continually found it
necessary to support these findings with the words of other great men. These supports
were found in the writings of Slave Resistance Studies and the Saint Domingue Slave
Year-Round Schooling Explained By Education
Have you ever wondered if people have been in year round schooling in a nearby
county, city, or even your state? Many schools around the United States have begun year
round schooling and they claim it is better than having a three month summer. Year round
schooling is not the best idea for kids to have as their learning faculty for most of their
schoolyears. Having a three month summer gives kids a break to spend time with their
family, friends, and time to do what they want. I went on an Alaskan Cruise in 2012 for
a month of my summer. It was a very interesting experience. Kids that go to a year round
schoolcan t have this great experience to go and travel around to some places. According
to Year Round Schooling Explained by Education

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