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ISO 45001- 2018 PROJECT


“Producing quality in health and safety in hand with business performance”

David Moripi
David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJCT
Section A: Performance Activity, Question 2

1. Change proposal
Proposal submitted on the 12th of June 2021 for All Over Transport Pty Ltd.’s Board of
Directors and Management Team for their consideration and approval
2. Training and Certification of ISO 45001:2018
This is a proposal project for the Training and Certification of the ISO 45001:2018 Standard
to update and replace the existing AS/NZ 4801 standard of Occupational health and safety
management system currently being utilised by ALL OVER TRANSPORT Pty Ltd in Western

The ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard is designed to help
companies and organisations around the world ensure the health and safety of the people
who work for them it.

ISO 45001 is aligned with ISO 9001 (Quality Management), ISO 14001 (Environmental
Management) and builds on AS/NZ 4801 what will ensure an easy alignment into the
organisation’s overall management processes and allow a straightforward integration with
requirement of the other ISO Management System Standards.
3. Background
All Over transport has operated for over 45years and currently is run by a staff of 86
including Drivers, Workshop Staff, Operational Staff, and Administration Staff. The company
currently provides transport services to mining, construction, retail, and food industries
throughout Western Australia with its fleet of 35 Semi-trailer and road train trucks.

As part of being a contractor of choice and preferred supplier of transport service to

some of WA’s largest and well-known companies ALL OVER is required under its contract of
service to have in place management systems that ensure their operations are done

ALL OVER currently has accreditation for Australian Standard AS4801-2001 Occupational
Health and Safety Management Systems, along with Australian Standard AS14001-2016
Environmental management systems, and International Standards Organisation ISO9001-
2015 Quality Assurance Management Systems. The recent release of ISO 45001-2018
Occupational Health and Safety has meant that the organisation will need update its
accreditation to ensure it can continue to transport goods for all its clients.
4. Statement of Problem
With the recent release of ISO 45001:2018 occupational health and safety management
system standard, this had signalled businesses and organisations to update and upgrade
their safety systems that are in place to improve their safety performance and credibility in
how they conduct operations with business partners and stakeholders. Therefore, it vital
that ALL OVER TRANSPORT Pty Ltd upgrade to the new requirements and obtain certification
of ISO 45001 Standard to ensure a smooth and synchronized business continuity with its
existing business partners as well having the opportunity to expand its operations to
potential clients and customers down the road.

Failure of organisations to update and migrate to ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and
Safety Management System Standard can result in issues such as:
David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJCT
Section A: Performance Activity, Question 2

• Conflict of interest with business partners in terms of safety standards which can
cause hiccups and halt along the way due to safety requirements
• Limit business opportunities with the business communities both domestic and
• Lack of stakeholder confidence
• Increase in costing and expense from incidents and accidents in workplace or during
5. Objectives
The objective of this change management project proposal is to achieve four (4) targets as
• Ensuring a smooth transition from AS/NZ 4801 standard to the implementation of
ISO 14001.
• Ensuring Policies and procedures of the safety management system conform to the
requirements of ISO 45001 standard
• To maintain a constant and continuing interest in the improvement of the
occupational health and safety performance and to provide human and other
resources necessary for the implementation and maintenance of the occupational
health and safety management system
• Provide appropriate training and ensuring staff competency with the OHSMS to
working safely.
• Be Certified in ISO 45001:2018
• Reduce LTIFR and cost related to WHS incidents
• High standard of competitiveness and quality outputs
6. Expected Outcomes
If ISO 45001:2018 Standard is implemented correctly in an organisation, it most likely to
impact it in significant and positive way within the business communities. Therefore, the
successful installation and certification of the standard can bring about positive outcomes
for ALL OVER TRANSPORT Pty Ltd such as:
• An improved and safer workplace -Effectiveness of implementation results in
systematic reduction of safety risks
• Reduced cost – Less accidents or incidents means less downtime
• Greater competitive advantage – Your safety Certification could be the point of
difference that wins you and your next contract
• Wider market potential – Now that you qualify to tender for work requiring
Certification to Safety Standard as a pre-requisite
• Promotes international trade – when Certification is achieved
• Stakeholder Confidence – Certification requirements demonstrate workers are
competent to conduct the tasks they are performing, and legal and regulatory
requirements are being met and monitored.
• Increase value for service and goods – Certification provides evidence for quality
service and goods provision for customers and clients to rely upon when choosing
the best for satisfying their needs

It is important to note that all businesses can benefit from the effective implementation and
acquisition of ISO 45001:2018 certificate, and, thus, this goes to signal and prove to the
David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJCT
Section A: Performance Activity, Question 2

outside world that your organisation is serious about ensuring customer satisfaction is of
high regard to your business.

7. Proposed Methods and Activities

The Training and Certification of ISO 45001:2018 OHSMS will be done accordingly following a
series of activities and methods which will involve consultations, trainings, policies and
procedural update, management support and commitment as well as the organisational
certification of the standard.
7.1 Stakeholder consultation
Before introducing the change, it is of paramount importance that stakeholder
consultation is considered in the initial stage of planning the project for several reasons
including legislative requirements, gaining clear understanding of the different aspects
of the business or organisation, being proactive and collective in decision making and as
much as possible to avoid future staff resistance with the change.

Stakeholder consultation will involve key parties and individuals such as sectional
managers and supervisors, employee representatives, Office of Standard Australia, ISO
45001:2018 Standard training providers, management team, proposed team members
of the project, internal and external auditors,
and other relevant individuals of concern.

The consultation will be a continuous process all throughout the project from the initial
stages right down to the closing as a means of ensuring effective monitoring and
tracking progress alignment. Consultation may take place in the form of meetings, video
conferencing, on-line surveys and questionnaires, one-on-one discussions as well as
other appropriate means.
7.2 Training of Work Health and Safety Management System
The implementation of change should start first from our managers who are the agents
of change in this process. They will be ones responsible in managing their respective
areas ensuring compliance to this new standard. Therefore, managers will need to
undergo the training of ISO 45001:2018 OHSMS from a relevant training provider and be
certified operators of this system.

The training of managers shall be planned and scheduled accordingly in batches with
consideration to their work commitments to allow for smooth operations of the
business at any one time
7.3 ISO 45001:2018 Staff Training
The roll-out to individuals will be done through in-house training from certified
managers of ISO 45001:2018 OHSMS within the organisation.

The training of staff will be planned and scheduled accordingly in batches with
consideration to their work commitments to allow for the smooth operations of the
business at any one time.
7.4 Updating Organisational policies and procedures
Organisational policies and procedures will intend need to be updated simultaneously in
line with staff training to ensure it is relevant and appropriate for the organisational
David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJCT
Section A: Performance Activity, Question 2

change. This activity will be the responsibility of a safety team that will assigned by the
project coordinator.
7.5 Acquisition of Certificate
Getting and maintaining the accreditation for ISO 45001:2008 OHSMS will be a process
which involves a plan with series of external auditing over a three (3) year period cycle
by a ISO certification providers following the closing of the project.

The process will be conducted in close consultation with the ISO certification providers
and the first year will involve the Initial ISO Certification Audit which consist of two (2)
stages. Stage one (1) (Readiness Review) and stage 2 (Certification Audit) will be done six
months apart from each other.

The second year will involve Surveillance Auditing, and this will be conducted with
twelve (12) months following stage 2 auditing for the first year. This audit is to verify the
continuity and consistency of system is being maintained throughout the organisation.
This will then be followed by the Third Year Surveillance Auditing with the same audit
duration and this to sample the other half of the business to processes which were not
sampled in the second year.

This process then concludes on third year and the cycle starts again following the re-
certification audit process.

8. Proposed Resources
8.1 Human Resource
The rolling-out of the project will require the participation of organised teams, key
individuals in the organisation, staff, and the relevant consultants. Their availability and
contributions will be vital in each stage of the implementation. Below is the proposed of
participants for the project as follows:
• Safety Team
• Project Team
• Sectional Managers
• Staff Rep or HSR
• ISO 45001:2018 Training Providers Rep
• ISO 45001:2018 Certification Providers Rep
8.2 Legislative requirements
Careful considerations of the legal requirements such as Occupational Safety and Health
Act 1984 and Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 will be closely observed
including other relative Acts and Regulations that should affect the implementation of
project as a means of ensuring compliance is being met with federal and state
8.3 Training Tools
Part of delivering an effective training for all participants in the ISO 45001:2018
implementation plan is to ensure the provision of relevant tools required are made
available for all to access, use, and facilitate an enhanced learning experience to take
place whether it be an outsourced or in-house training.
David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJCT
Section A: Performance Activity, Question 2

Training tools may range from hardware and software’s to stationaries, training
documents - training plan, training matrix, training needs analysis, resource books,
information handouts, etc.

8.4 Administrative tools and logistical support

To administer this project, tools and logistics will be required and this may include,
hardware’s and software’s, stationaries, transport availability, internet accessibility, cell
phones, policies, and procedures, etc. These tools and logistics are necessary for those
who will be directly managing and running the change especially the project team.
8.5 Personal Protective Equipment & Emergency Equipment
All staff will need to be provided with the appropriate PPE for their job or work activity
carried out at any one time as an essential requirement for each employee. This will be
done through the establishment of a PPE register which will be in place to ensure that all
staff are PPE competent for their jobs as well as the installation of necessary emergency
equipment to improve current state of emergency readiness

The Safety Team will be responsible for monitoring this action and making sure standard
requirements are met during the acquisition of PPE supplies and emergency equipment
for the project.

9. Project Budget
The budget covers the expenses for the 1st to the 4th year of the project implementation.
9.1 Estimative Budget Expense: 1st Year

Areas of Expense Items Cost Total Cost

Administrative Stationaries $2000 $2000
Hardware & $5400 $5,400
Staff Salaries $470, 000 $470, 000
Internet $120 p/m x 12 $1,440
Monthly Petty $3000 x 12 $36,000
Staff’s work $200 p/s x 5 $1000

David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJCT
Section A: Performance Activity, Question 2

Managers fees Yet to be

for external confirmed
training following

Training $50 x 55 Staff $2,750

allowance for

Training Tools $1000 $1000

Other expense
Staff PPE $10, 0000 $10, 000
Emergency $ 7,000 $7000
Audit Yet to be
Certification confirmed

9.2 Estimative Budget Expense: 2nd -4th Year

Area Item Cost Total Cost

David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJCT
Section A: Performance Activity, Question 2

Audit Expense Yet to be

Consultation Yet to be
10. Schedule
The project’s scheduled activities start from the initial stages of planning to implementation and the certification process which would all together run for a
period of four (4) years. The first year will basically involve initial project planning followed by the implementation of ISO 45001:2018 training whilst the
second to the fourth will be all about the certification process activities.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Initial Project Research and


First Implementation

Monitoring and Evaluation

Control and communication

Second First Year of Initial ISO 45001:2018

Year Certification Audit:
Readiness Review
Corrective Action

First Year of Initial ISO 45001:2018

Certification Audit

Third Second Year Surveillance Auditing


Fourth Third Year Surveillance Auditing

David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJCT
Section A: Performance Activity, Question 2

11. Proposed Partners

The main partners of this project would be consultancy advisors from specialist training providers, ISO certification providers and safety
professionals. See below is a list of potential partners.
• ISO Certification Experts
• QMS Certification Services
• SAI Global
• Safety Change Consulting firm
• WEGEL Management and Safety Services

Be notified that all partners will undergo screening by the project management team based on a criteria approach to justify the most suitable
candidate for the project partnership

12. Contact Person

For further information concerning this proposal, you may contact the ALL-OVER TRANSPORT Pty Ltd.’s Safety Manager through the details below.

The Safety Manager

12 Wellington Street, Level 2
West Perth, WA 6003
Ph: 13 14 20

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