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Subject: General Mathematics

Date: February 5 – 6, 2024

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the key

concepts of random variables and probability distribution.

Performance Standard: The learner is able to apply an appropriate random

variable for a given real-life problems. (such as decision making and game of
Learning Competency:
The learners illustrate a random variable: discrete and continuous.
(M11/12SP-IIIa-1) and distinguish between a discrete and continuous
random variable. (M11/12SP-IIIa-2).

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. define random variable;
2. illustrate a random variable and distinguish between discrete
and continuous;
3. find the possible values of a random variable;
4. appreciate the importance of probability distribution of
random variable by relating it to real-life situation;
Topic: Random Variables And Probability Distributions
Time Frame: 1 hour
Materials: laptop, television, manila paper, pentel pen, and masking
Teaching Strategy: Exposition and Discussion, Cooperative learning
References: Learning Module, Learner’s Materials and Teacher’s Guide

A.Preparatory Activities
1. Review
Review previous lesson by letting
the students answer the exercise.
1. What is an experiment?
2. What do you call the set of all
possible outcomes on a given
3. How do you list the possible
outcomes of a given
2. New Lesson

The teacher lets the students realize

that the concept of probability is
a. Motivation useful and also an important aspect
Establishing a purpose for in the concept of decision making in
the lesson different areas such as business,
education, insurance and other
real-life situation concerning a
certain population.
b. Presentation Random Variables and Probability
c. Setting of Standards The teacher will present the
classroom rules to the learners. The
following classroom rules will be
1. Everyone deserves respect,
both students and teachers.
2. Listen and follow
3. Raise your hand to talk.
4. Participate in all activities.
5. Work hard and do your best.
6. Maintain classroom
cleanliness and orderliness.

B. Developmental
a. Activity The teacher divides the students
into two groups. The first group
have them toss a fair coin 10 times.
The second group let them roll a
dice 10 times. Let them record their
result on the table found on the
board. Emphasize the domain and
range of a random experiment.
From it as the bases, present the
classifications of random variables
with its examples.
b. How do you feel performing
the activity?
c. What is your observation on
the activity?
d. Is the coin or die fair? How do
you say so?
What is the significance of doing it?
Do the activity:
A certain area in the Southern
part of Negros Oriental experienced
black out. A couple having a new
born baby, found difficulty putting
their baby to sleep when there is no
electricity. The couple has two (2)
Mini 12v rechargeable hybrid car
batteries. They thought of using it
to at least put up a single light
bulb. To make sure that both are
functioning well they need to test
them randomly first. Thus, to each
outcome in the sample space we
shall assign a value. There are 0, 1,
or 2. If there is no defective, we
assign the number0, if there is 1
defective, we assign the number 1
and 2, if there are two defective
batteries. The number of defective
batteries. The number of defective
batteries is a random variable. The
possible values of this random are
0, 1, and 2.

Let D represent the defective battery

and N for the non-defective. If we let
Y be the random variable
representing the number of
defective batteries, show the values
of the random variable Y. Complete
the table below to show the value of
the random variable.
Possible Values of the Random
Outcomes Variable Y
(number of defective
DD 2
NN 0
DN 1
ND 1

This time, you need to reflect on the

following questions because it will
help you to understand the
appropriate way in finding the
possible values of a random
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you find the activity?
2. Where you able to complete
the table? If yes, how? If no,
3. Will you be able to find the
values of a random variable?
If yes, how? If no, why?
4. In your own words, how will
you describe a random
5. How do you find the possible
values of a random variable?

e. Analysis The class will be tasked to present

their outputs in front of the class.

Ask students to cite their own

examples of real-life problems.
(varied answer are expected)

Individual. List the sample space of

the following experiments

Experiment Sample
1. Tossing three
2. Rolling a die and
tossing a coin
3. Drawing a spade
from the deck of
4. Drawing a card
greater than 7
from a deck of

f. Abstraction
Apply the concepts of random
variables and probability
distribution that we learned.

The teacher will discuss the topic

on random variables and probability
distribution. Specifically, she will do
the following tasks:

1. illustrate random variable and

distinguish between discrete and
continuous random variable.
2. discuss what discrete and
continuous random variable is.
3. give an example of random
variable, discrete and continuous.

g. Application Following the template below,

supply the data information by
interviewing /asking of 20 of your
neighbors of different ages.

Name Sex Age No. of Height Weight

siblings (cm) (kg)


Identify the variables as discrete

and continuous random variables
1. Age
2. Sex
3. Number of siblings
4. Height
5. Weight
C. Culminating Activities
1. Evaluation
The teacher will let the student
answer the given formative test in a
half crosswise.
1. A fair of coin is tossed twice.
Let Z the number of heads
that are observed.
a. Construct the probability
distribution of Z.
b. Find the probability that at
least one head is observed.

2. A pair of fair dice is rolled. Let

X denotes the sum of the
number of dots on the top

a. Construct the probability

distribution of X.
b. Find P(x≥9)
c. Find the probability that X
takes an even value.

2. Assignment In a ½ sheet of paper, the learners

will be tasked to describe a
situation in their real- life that
involves discrete random variables
and continuous random variables.
Explain why the situations are
discrete and continuous.


A. Number of learners A. _____ number of learners who
who earned 80 % of earned 80% in the evaluation
the evaluation
B. Number of learners B. _____ number of learners who
who require require additional activities for
additional activities remediation
for remediation
C. Did the remedial C. Did the remedial lessons
lesson work? work? _____number of
Number of learners learners who have caught up
who have caught up the lesson
with the lesson
D. Number of learners D. _____number of learners who
who continue to continue to require
require remediation remediation

E. Which of my
teaching strategies Strategies used that work well:
worked well? ____Group collaboration
____PowerPoint presentation

Answering preliminary
____ Discussion
____ Differentiated instruction
____ Think-Pair- Share (TPS)
____ Rereading of
____ Role Playing/Drama
____ Case Method
____ Discovery Method

____ Complete Ims
____ Pupil’s eagerness to learn
____ Group member’s cooperation
____ Availability of Materials
F. What difficulties did ____ Bullying among learners
I encounter which ____ Learner’s behavior/attitude
my principal and ____ Colorful Ims
supervisor can help ____ Unavailable Technology
me solve? ____ Additional Clerical Works
____ Reading Readiness
G. What innovation or ____Using Higher Ordered Thinking
localized I skills (HOTS)
used/discover ____Project-based
which I wish to ____Video showing
share with another

Mathematics Teacher I

School Principal
Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of key
Concepts of Combinatorics and probability.

Performance Standard The learners should be able to use precise technique

and probability in formulating conclusions and making

Learning Competency Finds the probability of (A ꓴ B); M10SP-lIIi-1

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. illustrate independent and dependent events;
2. find the probability of independent and dependent events;
3. appreciate probability of independent events in formulating conclusions and in
making decisions in real-life situations.
Topic: Independent and Dependent Events
Time Frame: 1 hour
Materials: laptop, television, manila paper, pentel pen,
masking tape
Teaching Strategy: Exposition and Discussion, Cooperative learning
References: Learner’s Module, pp. 341-345.
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review The teacher will ask the learners their prior knowledge
on mutually and not mutually exclusive events
2. New Lesson
a. Motivation Each learner will draw a card where question on
multiplication of fractions is written, and the other
learners will also draw cards wherein the answers are
written. Once the teacher gives the signal to start, the
learners will then find their match. The first five pairs with
correct answers will stay in front and say ”
multiplication of fraction, kayang kaya”. They will be
declared winner. (A reward will be given to them}
b. Presentation Independent and Dependent Events
c. Setting of The teacher will present the classroom rules to the
Standards learners. The following classroom rules will be observed:
7. Everyone deserves respect, both students and
8. Listen and follow instructions.
9. Raise your hand to talk.
10. Participate in all activities.
11. Work hard and do your best.
12. Maintain classroom cleanliness and orderliness.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Activity The class will be divided into 8 groups. Each group will
follow the following:
1. Each group answer the number assigned to them.
2. Write their answer in the manila paper provided.
3. When done post their output on the board and
4. Allotted time: 5 min.

Activity 1. Understanding Independent and Dependent

Consider the situation below.
Situation 1: Consider a box that contains 14 red balls, 12
blue balls, and 9 yellow balls. A ball is drawn at random
and the color is noted and then put back inside the box.
Then, another ball is drawn at random. Find the
probability that:
A. both are blue
B. the first is red and the second is yellow

Situation 2: Consider a box that contains 14 red balls, 12

blue balls, and 9 yellow balls. Suppose that two balls are
drawn one after the other without putting back the first
ball. Find the probability that:
A. the first is red and the second is blue
B. both balls are yellow
2. Analysis The class will be tasked to present their outputs in front
of the class. The teacher will process the answers and
will ask the following questions:

1. Compare the process of getting the probabilities in

each of the situation above.
2. In situation 1, is the probability of obtaining the
second ball affected by the first ball? What about in
situation 2?
3. What conclusion can you make about events
happening in the given situations above? How are these
events different?

3. Abstraction The teacher will discuss the topic on Independent and

Dependent Events. Specifically, she will do the following
1. illustrate Independent Event and Dependent Event
2. discuss what an Independent and Dependent Event
3. give examples on how to find the probability of
Independent and Dependent Events

4. Application The learners will be tasked to read the given situations

and answer the questions.
1. The Bread and Pastry class baked 10 banana cakes,
8 mustard cakes, and 6 chocolate cakes. Since you are
hungry you randomly chooses a cake, eats it, and then
randomly chooses another cake. What is the probability
that you chooses a banana cake, and then a chocolate
2. Your bag contains 6 black ballpens, 9 blue ballpens, 4
red ballpens, and 2 green ballpens. You randomly
selected a ballpen then replaced it, and then a second
ballpen is randomly selected. Find the probability of
selecting a black ballpen, then a red ballpen.

C. Culminating Activities
1. Evaluation The learners will be tasked to get ½ sheet of paper.
(Question no. 1 will be answered by male learners and
question no, 2 will be for female learners). The rubric
below is use in scoring.
Crite ria Po ints

The c o m p uta tio ns a re a c c ura te . A wise use o f 5

ke y c o nc e p ts o f m e a sure o f p o sitio ns is ve ry
e vid e nt
The c o m p uta tio ns a re a c c ura te . A wise use o f 4
ke y c o nc e p ts o f m e a sure o f p o sitio ns is
e vid e nt
The c o m p uta tio ns a re a c c ura te . Use o f ke y 3
c o nc e p ts o f m e a sure o f p o sitio ns is e vid e nt

The c o m p uta tio ns a re e rro ne o us a nd sho w 2

so m e use o f ke y c o nc e p ts o f m e a sure o f
p o sitio ns
The c o m p uta tio ns a re e rro ne o us a nd d o no t 1
sho w so m e use o f ke y c o nc e p ts o f m e a sure o f
p o sitio ns

Determine whether the events are independent or

dependent. Then, find the probability.
1. A toy box contains 12 toys, 8 stuffed animals,
and 3 board games. Maria randomly choses 2
toys for the child she is babysitting to paly with.
What is the probability that she chose 2 stuffed
animals as the first two choices?
2. Sianne has 4 black pens, 3 blue pens, and 2 red
pens in his school bag. Sianne randomly picks
two pens out of his school bag. What is the
probability that Sianne chose two blue pens, if he
replaced the first pen back in his pocket before
choosing a second pen?

2. Assignment In a ½ sheet of paper, the learners will be tasked to

describe a situation in their life that involves dependent
and independent events. Explain why the events are
dependent or independent


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