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Nama : wasghi muhajir

Prodi : PAI (semester 5)

Dosen : Susilawati, M.Pd.


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words of So, Too, Either, Neither, But or While.

1. Noval likes banana very much, But Marwan doesn't.

2. Naura doesn't wear head band, and Nadia Doesn’t either
3. I don't sleep on the sofa, and Neither does my friend.
4. Mr. Morgan gave charity for floods victims, and So did Mr. Richard.
5. Dr. Strange isn't the Avenger teams, But Iron man is.
6. Andrea will exercise at the gym, But Lisa won't.
7. She will go to the library tomorrow, and Her classmate will Too
8. Patricia hasn’t gotten job yet, and Neither has Patrick.
9. Mumu didn't know about my problem, and Bowo Didn’t either
10. Jennie doesn't want you to be her partner, Neither do I.
11. Jimmy is Lazy, While his brother isn't.
12. Mita was in the Principal's office one hour ago, and So was I.
13. Oliver didn't tell anything to me last night, and Neither did Christine.
14. Eduardo hadn't purchased a new shaver, and I hadn't Either
15. They weren't responsible for the situation, But we were.
16. Everybody celebrated the independence day, and I did Too
17. I don't mind staying home alone, But he do.
18. I haven't looked for a new job lately, and Neither has my friend.
19. He was tired with this kind job, and So was I.
20. Riana doesn't have a way out for this situation, and I don't Either

Combine the following sentences by using So, Too, Either, Neither, But or While

1. My brother keeps struggling for his goal, And so do I. I keep struggling for my goal.
2. People don't believe I can reach my goal, But I do. I believe I can reach my goal.
3. Astrid won't come to visit us and Alice won't Neither come to visit us.
4. I will try to finish my job on time, While They won't try to finish their job on time.
5. He has been so reckless all of his life and She has been Too so reckless all of her life.
6. You are not my strength to keep going on my life, But My family is my strength to keep
going on my life.
7. Erick doesn't join the student council and I don't Either join the student council.
8. Everyone won't care about me and She won't Either care about me.
9. Sabrina didn't lend her money to Rendy last week and I didn't Either lend my money to
Rendy last week.
10. I was deeply sad last night and My sister was Too deeply sad last night.

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