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Morality Essay

Writing an essay on the subject of morality can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The complexity
arises from the vast and nuanced nature of morality itself. Morality encompasses a wide spectrum of
beliefs, values, and ethical principles that vary across individuals, cultures, and societies. Attempting
to encapsulate such a broad and subjective concept into a coherent and persuasive essay requires a
deep understanding of philosophical, cultural, and psychological perspectives.

One of the inherent difficulties lies in navigating the diverse ethical frameworks that exist. What may
be deemed morally acceptable in one culture might be considered taboo in another. Additionally, the
ever-evolving nature of societal norms adds another layer of complexity. Morality is not static; it
evolves over time, influenced by cultural shifts, technological advancements, and changing

Furthermore, crafting a morality essay requires careful consideration of various ethical theories and
philosophical standpoints, such as consequentialism, deontology, virtue ethics, and relativism.
Balancing these perspectives while presenting a cohesive argument demands a nuanced and well-
researched approach.

Moreover, delving into the psychological aspects of morality, including the influence of upbringing,
personal experiences, and societal conditioning, adds another layer of intricacy. Analyzing how
individuals form their moral compass and the factors that shape their ethical decision-making process
necessitates a deep dive into psychology and sociology.

In conclusion, writing an essay on morality demands not only a comprehensive understanding of the
subject but also the ability to synthesize diverse perspectives into a coherent narrative. It involves
navigating through the complexities of cultural, philosophical, and psychological dimensions.
Successfully conveying a well-reasoned argument on such a profound and subjective topic requires
diligence, critical thinking, and an adept command of language.

If you find the task too challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that assistance is available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on , providing a helping hand for those
navigating the intricate landscape of morality and ethics.
Morality Essay Morality Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Vincristine
Most natural products are generated from plants because they have the broadest spectrum
of biosynthetic capability (Lokanatha M. K. Prof). Natural products play a very pivotal
role in the identification of compounds that are essential in the treatment of many
devastating ailments such as cancer. Vincristine is an example of a lead anti cancer
compound that is derived from plant. Vincristineis from a class of vinca alkaloid that is
derived from the plant Catharanthus Roseus. Catharanthus Roseus is also known as
periwinkle and is popularly found in Madagascar. It is used for decorative purposes in
Jamaica and other countries. Furthermore, this essay seeks to expound on the
pharmacologically useful compounds isolated from Catharanthus roseus, the
pharmacological use of the isolated compound (vincristine), the chemical... Show more
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The mitotic spindles are predominately found in the metaphase stage of the cell cycle
and as such it is targeted by vincristine. Vincristine binds and crystallizes microtubular
protein to cause an arrest of cancer cells undergoing division and thus apoptosis.
Vincristine is specific for rapidly dividing cells and cancer cells are examples of such
cells. Furthermore, it is important to note that vincristine have side chain which are
responsible for its anti cancer effect. Two of such side chains are the acetyl and the
hydroxyl. In animal studies it is observed that the hydrolization of the acetyl group and
the acetylated of the hydroxyl groups will obliterate the anticancer potential of
vincristine. This is because modification of the molecules will wholly change the
structure of vincristine. The discovery of pharmacological compounds from plants has
been a great achievement in the synthesis of life saving therapeutic agents. Unfortunately,
there is no analogue of
How Does Comparative Material From The Ancient Near
TMM2061 Old Testament Studies
Essay One ? Genesis 1 22

Martha Grace Weatherill

TMM2061 Old Testament Studies
Essay One
Word Count: 2477
How does comparative material from the ancient Near East help us understand Genesis 1

Several comparative material has been found from the ancient Near East which have
many similarities with the Genesis 1 22 bible narratives such as the creation, flood and
patriarchal narratives ? Ugarit and Ebla.[footnoteRef:1] Many scholars have argued on
the implication of the similarities in the Genesis flood story with Noah and the flood
epic that was told in Mesopotamia ? Gilgamesh.[footnoteRef:2] Alexander Heidel has
made several comparisons between the flood narrative in Genesis and the epic of
?Gilgamesh?. ... Show more content on ...
creation story.[footnoteRef:5] They suggest several similarities and differences in the
flood epic narrative from ancient Mesopotamia and the Genesis
narrative[footnoteRef:6] and have attempted to make comparisons between the flood
stories in Gilgamesh and Genesis on ?literary grounds?, in terms of flood traditions in
both the Hebrew tradition and the Mesopotamian tradition. [4: W. G. Lambert, ?A NEW
Theological Studies 16, no. 2 (1965): 101.] [5: W. G. A. R. MILLARD LAMBERT, Atra
Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood. With The Sumerian Flood Story by M. Civil
(Oxford Clarendon Press, 1970), 101.] [6: Ibid., 25?27.]

K.A. Kitchen names nine differences and seven similarities in the two traditions. The
two narratives claim that the decision to send the flood as punishment was divine
(made by deity); a chosen person (man) is instructed to save himself and his family,
together with living animals and to do this he is asked to build an ark (boat); the flood
destroys everyone else on the earth. The boat eventually rests on a mountain and the birds
are sent out off the boat to see if there is any land that is habitable. The chosen man
eventually sacrifices to the divine and humanity is renewed on the earth.[footnoteRef:7]
For Kitchen, the differences are that in the Genesis narrative, deity (God) observes the
wickedness that was done by the humans on the earth
St. Jude Children s Hospital Research Paper
Institutions that offer health care play an important role in America s society. Many of
these institutions treat all kinds of diseases, but some medical facilities specialize not
only according to the illness but also to the age group that is treated. One such institution
is St. Jude s Children s Hospitalwhich is located in Memphis, Tennessee. St. Jude
investigators have the freedom to focus on making discoveries to find cures and
saving children s lives. St. Jude is leap in the right direction for caring and helping
children with cancer. St. Jude s Children s Hospital, with its interesting history and
untiring devotion to the world s children who battle cancer, remains an iconic medical
institution. Uncertain to where his life was directing him, Danny Thomas battled, for
many years, about his future. Danny called on St. Jude Thaddeus for guidance with
this decision. Danny Thomas knew that he wanted to change lives for many children
and families, but was still unsure on how to do so ( St. Jude Children s Research
Hospital 1). Danny knew he wanted to build a hospital for children, so in 1955 Danny
and a group of... Show more content on ...
Brain Tumors, Leukemia/Lymphoma, Solid Tumors, Sickle cell disease, blood
disorders, and infectious diseases are all forms of cancer that can be treated at St.
Jude. Any patient diagnosed with cancer more than likely have to go through
radiation, bone marrow transplant, and a possible chance of surgery ( St. Jude
Children s Research Hospital 1). St. Jude treats children everyday with contrasting
types of cancer, blood disorders, and life threatening diseases. St. Jude deals with the
most intense cases, all because the sick patients do not respond well to the treatments
they are being giving. St. Jude s goal is to help every child survive and live a happy
life, but most importantly a healthy life. Even though when the patient becomes cancer
free, St. Jude doctors offer years of follow up
Vertigo and Citizen Kane Are Products of their...
Today s culture sees a gap between the male and female gender. This is evident in
everything from the films we watch, music we listen to, and even in our everyday lives.
Historically, this issue has seen an even larger gap, and can be observed in the films that
were made during that time. Vertigo and Citizen Kaneboth show the objectification of
women by controlling them, writing them in supportive roles, and placing their value in
the way that they look.
In Alfred Hitchcock s Vertigo, made in 1954, a detective falls in love with the woman
that he is hired to investigate, not knowing her true identity. When the main character,
Scottie, is hired by Gavin Elster, it is evident in the way that Elster talks about
Madeleine that he regards her ... Show more content on ...
Kane hires a world class singing instructor, builds an opera house, and writes
exaggerating reviews in his own paper. Even with all of Kane s support, she fails
horrible as a singer. Kane refuses to acknowledge this, and pushes her through her
career, to the point that she attempts to take her own life, rather than continue on. In a
future interview with a journalist, she says, I didn t want it. I didn t want to sing. It
was his idea. Everything was his idea... Later in their marriage, Kane finally allows her
to stop singing, though Kane keeps her locked up in his large estate, Xanadu. She
constantly begs him to allow her out, to experience the world, or to talk to other
human beings but is always denied. She is bound to her jigsaw puzzles and is kept
inside as if she is one of many in Kane s statue collection. The level of man s control
over women in both films leaves the women with little, in terms of their involvement
with the narrative as the man takes the lead. In Vertigo, Scottie is the lead and drives
the narrative. The women in the film only play supportive roles. The other woman in
Scottie s life is Midge, a friend who he had previously been engaged to. It seems as
though Scottie only ever interacts with her when he is in need of something. After tailing
Madeline, Scottie comes to Midge s apartment and, without even greeting her, asks if she
knows any historians to aid his

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