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L _f_nall ordinary cases in which times requ abe some important ee connected: Which of the following yates) {is/are correct with regard to the principles which have to be observed while gran ‘as per the Rules and Orders for the guidance ‘of Courts subordinate to the High Court of Judicature (Criminal)? ed by the police to complete the enquiry, the accused person should be detained in Magisterial custody. IL Whenever possible, where the object of the remand is merely the verification of Hone noes bythe piso, (e)be should beremanded to Mister custody. [IL Whenever an accused person is remanded to police custody, the period ofthe remand should be as short as possible. “~# IV. Under no circumstances should an ‘acoused person be remanded to police custody, tunless itis made clear that his/her presence is actually needed in order to serve «with the completion of the enquiry which isin process. * ©) Li, Mand IVare correct 8. ‘Choose the correct option: - A) Onlyland Mare correct B) Only land Tl are correct D) Only, Mand III are correct Courts subordinate to the High Court of by the police, andall complaints which ‘es having territorial jurisdiction ‘As per the Rules and Orders for the guidance of Judicature (Criminal), all challans which are filed A ee required fo be put up, before te andotherwise competent to entertain tie case. In the absence of such Magistrates, before which authority are such challans and complaints required to be put up? A) _ Illaga Magistrate B) District Magistrate ©) Executive Magistrate . D)» Sub Divisional Magistrate ¢ js/are correct with regard to “remand. ofanaccused _ Which of the following * as per the Rules and Orders for the guidance of Courts subordinate to the High Court of Judicature (Criminal)? [Any person accused or suspected of a crime when arrested by the Police shall be brought peforea Magistrate as soonaller menty-fowr hours ofhis/herarrest, as is = possible. ie Tl, Suchaperson when brought before the Magistrate, should be remanded to the judicial lock-up, unless the Magistrate otherwise directs. —~ [IL Non-completion of police investigationis, in itself, a sufficient cause for granting, remand of the accused person to the police. IV, Ifthe police make a request to the Magistrate to hand over to them, the custody of the accused person, the concemed Magistrate shall, before according to their request, thoroughly satisfy himself/herself, that there are good and sufficient reasons for the request being granted. Choose the correct option: A) 1,11, Mand IV are correct B) Only and IV are correct C) Only 1, Hand IV are correct ® D) Only I, fand [are correct I) (B) 6) [P.T.0. it must alwas* (s)he should a 2. j _ Which ofthe following statements is NOT correct with regard to ‘general principles and a Baie. ee to expenditure’ as per the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir _ A) Every Goverment servant who incurs or sanctions expenditure from the revenues. “_oftthe State should be guided by high standards of financial propriety. B) A Govemment servant who isnot ordinarily in-charee ‘ofa cash book, cannot, under "any circumstances, receive money on behalf of the Goverment. * €)_ Every Government servant is expected to exercise the same vigilance in respect of expenditure incured from public money as 2 Person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of expenditure of his/her own money, 1D) The expenditure incurred should not be prima facie more demands. than what the occasion Which ofthe following statement(s) is/are correct with regard to the “Annual Financial Statement’ or ‘Budget’ as defined under the Jammu & Kashmir ‘Financial Code? 1. Thisdocument is a statement of the actual annual revenue and expenditure ofthe State, as prepared by the Finance department. IL Thisdocumentisa statement ‘of the estimated annual revenue and expendit the State, as prepared by the Finance department. Tm. The form of the Budget js laid down by the Finance department, and no alteration of ‘arrangement or classification can be made without the approval of that department. IV. Thereisacleardemarcation between votable and charged expenditure in the Budget. Choose the correct option: A) Only Land tare correct B) [Mand IV are correct C) 1, andIVare correct D) Only LandIV are correct ture of Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct. with regard to “Form of Bill and ‘Vouchers’ as per the provisions ofthe Jammu & Kashmir Financial Code? 1. Vouchers cannot be prepared and signed in ball pen.» {L Vouchers must be ink-signed in order 10 be valid. II Vouchers should, 2s: far as possible, be in printed forms in English or Urdu languages. IV. Whentheuse ofa voucher inany language other than English or Uris unavoidable, abriefabstract should be endorsed in either English or Urdu, under the signature of the preferring officer, stating the amount, name of payee andnature ofpayment. Choose the correct option: A) L land IV arecorrect B) _[llland IV are correct C) Onlylland IV are correct p) Only Hl and TV are correct [p-1.0. @) 2-1 ®) , jowiny MatwmentT ny maser is correct regarding section 85 of the Indian AY ‘Tedeals with documents executed by several persons at different times.« B) _ Itdeals with documents of which registration is optional, C) Ideals with destruction of unclaimed documents. 1D) Itdeals with documents executed out of India, Section 23 ofthe Reale ere 1908 provides that a document other than a will shall - ee for registration unless presented for that purpose to the proper officer A) Four months from the date of its execution B) Six months from the date of its execution _ ©) Twomonths from the date of its execution’~ yy One months from the date of its execution 19. Which of the following section of the Registration Act, 1908 provides that if any - document duly presented for registration be in a language which the registering officer ‘does not understand, and which isnot commonly used in the district,(s)he shall refuse to register the documents, unless it be accompanied by a true translation into a language commonly used in the district and also by atrue copy? A) Section 2 B) Section 15 ©) Section 19 - D) Section 10 P 20. Which of the following: statements is correct with regard to section 42 of the Registration ‘Act, 1908? A) Itprovides for registration of wills and authorities to adopt. B) _Itprovides for procedure on deposit of wills. b-7 ©) _Itprovides for proceedings on death of depositor. © 1D) It provides for deposit of wills. |. What is the duration mentioned under the Registration Act, 1908, exceeding which, ents (other than wills) remaining unclaimed in any registration office, may be jestroyed? A) Twoyears B) Four years C) Oneyear }) Three years 1 (B) 0 [P-7.0. ng that He is the: NON OF 'X', sues to recover certain property granted under asthe toring peor state. The Court finds that ‘A’ is not 4 ‘of 'X’, but he is entitled to the property under the deed and a decree is fA The finding that ‘Ais not the adopted son of °° as res judicata ina subsequent suit beeween A and B in which the not operate of adoption is in issue. oe mation as to whether 'A' is the adopted son of "X;, will have to be decided by [Court of competent jurisdiction. er in asubsequent suit between A and B. 1D) Depends on the discretion of the Court. owing sections of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, deals with the 70. ames oe to aes up for the deficiency of court fees? power: BY Section 147 a) a D) Section 149 ©) Section {ng statement(s) is/are correct with regard to 'counter-claim’, as per n. Which ofthe following #8 of Civil Procedure, 1908? a the provisions aa py defendant shall have the same effect as a cross-suit to enable the L ae a final judgment in the same suit, both on the original claim and onthe counter-claim. | be treated aint Counter-claim by defendant shal treated as a plaint and governed by the rules i th It Hin a counter-claim,the suit of the plaintiff counter-claim cannot be proceeded with. fu exceed the pecuniary limits of the jurisdiction Choose the correct option: A) Only Hand IV are correct ‘By Only I, IITand IV are correct C) Only I, Mand IV are correct D) 11, Mand TV are correct 2. Which of the following statements is correct in the context of summary procedure for civil suits, as per the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908? It may be applied suo motu by any civil court in its discretion in the interest of expeditious adjudication. B) Itmay be invoked for the recovery of a liquidated demand in money payable by the defendant arising out of a written contract. C) _ Itrequires the defendant to seek the leave of the Court to defend which is required to be granted unconditionally. D) Itmay be invoked for the recovery of anunliquidated demand in money payable by the defendant arising out of a written contract. | vara ee oe “piscovery and iware eorrect with regard to “Discov rs, st. Whi of the followin Sttenne Coe oil era cihetner corporates ee ofipersons, + Inapection’, as pet isa corportion or ab oP amecrin he name . sue oF be suec order allowing is ‘empowered by law (08 site party may apply for an 7 or © ee icer 0 ee ‘member or officer of such corporation OF a ‘hinv/her to f wrdingly. »- cs ‘made according! i arty be made body, and an Oe esc inquiry shall at the instance of any party be justing the costs ¢ : IL Inadjusting ies, and if its the opinion of the ‘ ih interrogatories, and if it the opinion : Cems Snaps ta with or without an. application for aaa ie ead exhibited unreasonably, vexatiously, or at a fie ae oe) the interrogatories and the answers thereto, sI Iength, the ibe oa eat aabeet a, affidavit to be filed within fifteen days or Tm. tories s b av ime as the Court may allow. Bes within such ay be ‘set aside on the ground that they have been exhibited ay ronably or vexatiously, oF struck out on the ground that they are prolix, eee acai, orscandalous. Choose the correct option: Only I, I and IV are correct ) ILI and1V are comest C)_ Only], Hand IV are correct t . 4 D) OnlylandIVarecorrest WV. ‘ i is/ar8 corfect with regard to procedure when onl 52, ee ee ade iee fle provisions ofthe Code of Civil Proveture, = ae proved thatthe summons was duly served, the Court may make an order that "the suit shall be he 1 Where itis owing to the plaintiff's default that the summons was not duly served or Was not served in sufficient time, the Court may order the plaintiff to pay the costs ‘occasioned by the postponement. IL Ifit Stotpois! that the summons was duly served, the Court shall direct a second ‘Summons tobe issued and served upon the defendant. IV. Ifitis proved that the summons was served upon the defendant, but notin sufficient {ime to enable him/her to appear and answer on the day fixed in the summons, the Court shall postpone the hearing of the suit toa future day to be fixed by the Court, and shall direct notice of such day to be given to the defendant. the correct option: Lil, Mand IV are correct B) Only Mand IV are correct ©) Only1, Wand IV are comect D) Only Il, Mand IV are correct B) Only [, Hl and IV are correct -D) Only I, Mand IV are correct (—* jortgagee. ed by writing signed by or on behalf of the y the Court upon application made by either! —~ A ied, or if all persons named are unable or unwilling to -may appoint any person to whose appointment the ent (as mentioned ' in I1Labove), the mortgagor shall be entitled e the appointment of arecciver, and any person appointed by Ibe deemed to ‘have been duly appointed by the . ae eee “p) LitjMand1Varecorrect“ D) Only |, and IV are correct (a7) [P.7.0. p ‘sale Of immo... 1882? swhen the seller place, , PrOPeRY. eee thar’6ne hung, : of the property. or five hundred ny. trument. contract that a sale of... ae Parties, and does roy," immoveab le A contract forthe sale of immoveab property shall take place on terms a itself, create any interest in or charge On i B) Only TV are correct the correct option: ; ‘A, Tan A) OnbsfandiVarecomect ane4 nly I, Wl and IV are correct © 1M, UlandIVare correct oper a vith ‘improvements ma... ‘i with regard to ‘impro\ ade A ase loi ite ee etfe visions of the Tranche by bona fide holders nc detective Rleieas roperty Act, 18822 Fi ‘ ee “makes any improvement ON the 1 When the wansferee of inmov js absolutely entitled thereto, ands)" Property, believing in ie Se having abetter title, such transjin., farsa pees REMEBERERDr citherto have the value ofthe | ae =e red to him/her, or to sell interest in the timated and paid or secured ‘ 3 R ae esi ae if f tncroarkel valu thereat, urespective of the vale " ofsuch improvement(s) = “1 1 When, under the circumstances aforesaid, the transferee has planted or sown op the property, crops which are ‘growing when (s)he is evicted therefrom, (s)he shal be entitled to such crops and to free ee ingress and egress to gather and carry then I. The amount which is to be paid or secured in respect of such improvement(s) sha be the estimated value thereof at the time of the eviction. - Choose the correct option: ;; Ie A) Only Lis correct B) L Mand Mare correct ©) OnlyLand il are correct D) Only Tand If are correct ‘5. Which of the following statements j with respect to the kind of propert iSINCORRECT that can be transferred under the Transfer of | Property Act, | 882? A) An interest in property Testricted in its enjo: ent to the sona Ci bewnsferedby tines pe yoym € Owner personally, c B) Aneasement cannot be transferred €part from the do; a aa — quent, can be transferred any person, including a Person other than the owner Of the property affected the: D) Ari t to future ma; intenance, j ah in whatsoever manner arising, secured, or determin Assintant with the Horticulture: eine oS of Unfortunately, she has suffered a miscarriage Jeave, and her leave application iy. supported attendant. Can such leave be granted to her tl iod for which she has applied for maternity yd for which maternity leave can be granted in small family norms, Government employees y be granted one special increment in the form of re increase in pay, either in the same post or upon: ollowing statement(s) represent conditions to those employees who have two or three jing the sterilization operation. ployee, she should not be above the age of 45 years, and be over 50 years of age, at the time of undergoing the necessary conditions ly MandIV are necessary conditions the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, which of the following norreet? the case of trees i rocted in the earth, aa in the cane or L “tm “agncvd wo he eat” mens shrubs, Judes standing timber, growing crops, oF grave. wn ete “ ‘sn Ht rye ia v0 Wnbedded for the ee th The vere of that to which it In atncted ve a, av, Aeperson is ald o have notice of ast ei A durch whlch (s)he ought to have abstention enquiry or searc! ‘shen, ut for wilful absentia have known it made, or rosa negligenses(* ons ; wh a JM, {Mand tV arecorrect A Only tend ty ecaret Been rant I ero correct Which of the following statements is INCORRECT a4 perthe provisions of the Transfer oft en Me ty mortgagor who hus in a suit for the administration of his/her A ct ged property may redeem, or institute estate ‘adecree for sale of the mortgay by sult for Foca Sa achy does Seater iin by icnpliéd stierender. A lease of initine than the morigagee of the interest sought to be redeemed) who 3 Any Perea ein, or charge upon, the property mortgaged or in or upon the right ee sres, may redeem, or institute a suit for redemption of, the mortgaged aot yment of the mortgage-debt or any part there of, may redeem, mt Ae for redemption of, the mortgaged property. ‘tlowilie statement(3) i rect with regard to ‘implied contracts by 42. Which of the following $9 ee eg offthe Transfer of Property Act, 1882? > tb ray ontzaet © the contrary, the mortgagor shall be deemed to a bacriaes e the mortgagee that the mortgagor shall defend, or, if the mortgagee is in possession of the mortgaged property, will enable him/her to defend, the or’s title there to. I In the ie ofa contract to the contrary, the mortgagor shall be deemed to contract with the mortgagee that the mortgagor will, so long as the mortgagee is notit jon of the mortgaged property, pay all public charges accruing due in respect of the property. Il. In the absence of a contract to the contrary, the mortgagor shall be deemed to ‘ contract with the mortgagee, where the mortgage is a second or subsequent dk ineumbrance on the property, that the mortgagee will pay the interest from time to time aceruing due on each prior incumbrance as and when it becomes due, and will at the proper time, discharge the principal money due on such prior incumbrance. OW. In the absence of a contract to the contrary, the mortgagor shall be deemed to contract with the mortgagee, where the mortgaged property is a lease, that the rent payable under the lease, the conditions contained therein, and the contracts binding upon the lessee, have been paid, performed, and observed down to the commencement of the mortgage. Choose the correct option: 1, Il, Mand IV are correct / Only I, Ill and IV are correct @) asy B) Only Land IV are correct D) OnlyI, and TV are correct IP.T.0. ave'be combined wit Cin sentied with vacation or holidays €, absolutely unavoidable. vil Service Regulations deals with the subject of Which of the following statement(s) is/are such leave of up to six months ata time during p'posted to family stations other than the one ized to grant leave without allowances beyond total period of two years, in favour of in-service nstrators for the period that they undergo the Choose the correct option: A) [ill and 1V are correct By” Only |, Hand III are correct (©) Only Land Ilare correct D) Only, Mand IV are correct Vehicles D ucles Which have been sp Fran lat Purpose, such asap audio-visual Garages which have 1g persons in od ‘of limitation fixed or works which ‘ects may already ‘cannot be destroyed. to the use of Government ‘the Jammu & Kashmir Financial g to the Departments of Geology ‘ood, Civil Supplies & Consumer c ; the condition of baxes of jewellery. ete ich are lodged in the treasury for safe custody, and record n ion Tegister of boxes ki ae ‘Bister of boxes ‘ept at the treasury? Once amonth ‘Once in six months Once in three months thmir Financial Code, what is the maximum amount for to 8ny Commissioner, Jammu & Kashmir, ean grant reward person ; tie Aas Department or anyother Goverment servant oF Peso Bc. ve instrumental in the detection or puniahrocnt Gtar Seienes against the Samvat 1953? 50% ofthe sale proceeds Incases where a fine maximum of 60%, of attached or confiscated property, ean be aera a has been imposed, out of the total amount of fine thes, after deducting from the total amount realized, all excise: any Person whois nota member of the Excise & Taxation department, such person can receive a maximum of 40% of the reward, and the rest must be distributed amongst the officers of the Excise & Taxation department who cooperated in the detection or punishment of the offence. 3. Which of the following statement(s) is/are col with regard to the Rules regarding Purchase and issue of liveries to vari ious classes of Goyernment servants, as per the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Financial Code? “E Uniforms of officers and subordinates of Fire Service Department shall be prepared F by them departmentally. i _ TL Liveries to orderlies working in the High Court will be got prepared by the High Court according to the pattern approved by the High Court within its budget grants. Ml. Liveries meant for process servers working in the Subordinate Courts (Judicial Department) shall be prepared according to the pattern approved by the Hon'ble Chief Justice, within the budget grant. Only drivers attached to Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Speaker & Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, and Chairman & Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council shall be entitled to liveries, and drivers and cleaners of the State Garages shall not be entitled to liveries. Choose the correct option: Only Iand IV are correct B) Only 1, Mand I are correct C y II, Ill and IV are correct D) 1,11, Wand IV are correct Th (B) (5) [P.T.0. —— re ‘ cheques which are {the following staternent() is/are trtve swih eee a a bie nouns of Oaversment dues, and are accepted and ine ee ; } Payment shail be deemed to have been made on the ae va : herded overt a Government Officer authorized to rece! mon half a i ake ent nce of an instruction to m: ee 5 hheque is sent by post in pursual bhi : peepee shall be deemed to have been made on the da containing the cheque, was put into the post. iginenertt TIL Where a cheque is marked as not payable ee ee ‘ace of such a cheqi jade until the date not be deemed to have been mi SD se so prmert IV. Where acheque is marked as not payable Beet becort not be deemed to have been made until the date on which such pay due. Choose the correct option: A) Only Land Il are correct B) Onlyl,WandIIarecorect ©} OnlyL, Mand IV are correct D) LI, Wand IV are correct Resident Commissioner, Government of Jammu & Kashmir (stationed at New Delhi) to sanction advance T.A. of Officers subordinate to him/her? i A proper programme ofthe journey shall be drawn up and approved by the Competent Authority, ar @ The amount of advance T.A. shall be calculated on the basis of the programme, and at rates admissible under the Rules, to the concerned Government servants, IL The total distance to be covered by the journey, whether by aii 3 ee Ot ered ', vy air or by road, or partl by air and party by road, should not exceed 644 kilometers on both sides, - aa i | See roe umey, Whether by air or by road, or Partly by air t ‘ometers on one side of the concerned Ge servant's Headquarters or from the Place where the journey is to ae eahae Choose the correct option: A) Only I, Wand I are Boric: BY Only Land Tare comect ©) LT, land 1V are correct ‘P)“Only 1, Mand IV are comect 2-1) (B) ——— a j (00. Which of the following satemepi) dare comes with regard to the authority of the have been given by the Goverment of Indin in aecordance with r Schemen which are to be operated by the State Government, eich lon of 18.C.G. vaccine, extension van of T.T. ent Vehicles allotted to Secretaries to Government Vehicle allotted to Resident Commissioner, Jammu de ‘Kashmir, New ent vehicles belonging tothe Geology & Mining Department s per the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Financia) Code, in which of the following re judges of the criminal courts NOT allowed 16 grant to the witnesses and ants, expenses, i,e,, Subsistence and travelling allowances? Non-bailable cases in which the presiding judge finds that the complaint hasbeen lodged Solely in the interest of justice. Bailable cases in which a ¢ of the First Class, or a Sessions Judge upon. the recommendation of a Sub inate Magistrate, declares that the grant of expense(s) is in the interest of administt:tion of justice. All bailable and non-bailable cases filed, Wit the approval of judges of the High Court or the Sessions Judges. Excepting special cases in which Sessions Jud ly allow any other rate, which. in no case should exceed Rupees 1000 a day, allowance may be paid to the witnesses at such rates ranging from’ ‘Rupees 500 as the presiding officer of the court may, with due regard to the: ‘i ine i his/her discretion. 4 According to the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir "prescribed for various stock articles. As per the | condemned before the minimum life prescribed, unless on: to be actually unserviceable. In the case of articles like st stools and almirahs, what is the minimum life that has been A) Tenyears : \By~ Fifteen years an. C) Fifteen years and eight months ae " D) Nominimum life has been fixed ee “i, - 36. Which of the followiig"provisi6ns of the Jammu and Kashmir (Residential and ~ Commercial Tenancy) Act, 2012 provides that ‘fixed period tenancy’ is terminated at the end of the fixed period, and no notice is required to be Served to the tenant to vacate the rental unit? A B) ©) -D) Section 21(2) Section 21 (3) Section 21(4) Section 21 (5) 27. Which of the following provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir (Residential and Commercial Tenancy) Act, 2012 provides that the Act shall not apply to any rental unit Seoatey the Conral ‘or State Government or local authority or a Government undertaking ora statutory body wholly owned and controlled by the Government or Cantonment Board? A) B) °) ‘Section 6 Section oe Section 2 D) Section3 28, As perthe provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir (Residential and Commercial Tenancy) Act, 2012, in case of existing tenancies, in the event of death of the tenant, the right of «@nancy shall devolve to his successors provided: (GB) That the successor has ordinarily been living in the premises with the deceased B) o D) tenant as a member of family up to his death. — That the successor was not economically dependent on the deceased tenant. That the successor or his spouse or dependent children own a residential unit in the same urban area. ‘That the successor or his spouse or dependent children occupy a residential unit in the same urban area. A 29. Asper the provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir (Residential and Commercial Tenancy) Act, 2012, how much compensation is the landlord entitled to in case of non-vacancy, Ze,, incase of use and occupation of a rental unit by a tenant who does not vac after his tenancy has been terminated by order, notice or agreement? A) B) °) D) the unit Double the monthly rent Equal to the monthly rent Half of the monthly rent.“ Triple the monthly rent (92-11) (B) qu) [P.T.0. ‘Was caused ‘the following which may haye to be filled up by a person: its pay, should be fixed by the Government nent servants on account of reasons like inclement weather conditions, its remaining period of time, its expensiveness, and inadequacy ae other basic amenities of life. Under the Jammu what are the conditions which must be observed 11¢ to local and non-local employees alike. jissible to part-time Government servants. ‘issible to Government servants whether permanent, 1 N any case, it shall formulate that Choose the correct option: A) Only I, Ill and IV are correct B) 1,11, Mand1Vare correct ©) Only, Mand itare correct eS) Only i WandiV acccorect i iit 68. In which of the following situations is it behalf of all in same interest, as per ths 1908? L Forthe purpose of determini: have the same interest in o1 if, i have the same cause of acti nasthe they sue or are sued, or defend thes Where there are numerous ‘one person to sue or defeng ,. of the Code of Civil Proce, ame interest in one suit, o», oF the Court, sue or be sued, or m IL ‘more of such persons may, with the p ‘ defend such suit, on behalf of, or f, all persons so interested I. whose behalf, or for whose benefit, t may be, prey IV. Where there are numerous persons having 3 cannot direct that one or more of such persons shall defen or for the benefit of, all persons so intereste; Fi Choose the correct option: ae IL, Hand IV are correct Only I, [and Tir. are correct ©) Only Mand lar correct i - D) Only His comect a reasonable facility for withd seizing the property, using at Provisions, to prevent its clande Choose the correct option: BS) ony Tal ae ae J, Wand IV are correct ©) Onlyland Mare correct Boge te comect 58. Which landmark case aw whether ci 1 A) te NEI Ran Os fenkata Lakshyni & Arr, (1991) 3 SCC 451 1977 SC 1680 "By State of U.P. v. Nawab Hussai ©) Dhulabhai & Ors. v. The State of Madhya Pradesh & Anr., 1968 SCR (3) 662 D) Maneka Sanjay Gandhi & Amr. v. Rani detprelant AIR 1979 SC 468. Which of the following statement(s) ee regard to powers of the Cou enforce execution, as per the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908? Upon application by the decree-holder, the’ Court may “order execution of the decr by appointing a receiver. Upon application by the decree-holder, the Court may order exec execution of the decre: by delivery of any property specifically decreed. Ii Upon application by the decree-holder, the Court may order execution of the decre: by attachment and sale or by the sale without attachment of any property. Upon application by the decree-holder, the Court ‘May order execution of the de by arrest and detention in prison for such period notexceeding the period speci in section 58, where arrest and detention is permissible under that section. Choose the correct option: A) Only Iand IILare correct C) Only!, [and [are correct (92 - 1) (B) 59. B) Only IL Mand IV are correct ‘D) 1,0, Mand IV are correct (22) gaged property Te-transfer it to agreed between 12, Which of the folloving!#uiterrtent(s) is/are correct with regard to “loss of public money” ty = ee ne Rules and Ordérs for the guidance of Courts subordinate to the High Court (Civil 1 Whenever any loss of public money is discovered, such fact must be immediatel reported to the High Court. =~ Hscoveredss ~ IL Whenever a defalcation in the accounts of any ministerial officer of the courts is brought to light or any loss of public money is discovered, such fact is required to be reported to the High Court in a forth with manner, and a proper inquiry must be instituted in this matter. I. Afr a thorough investigation has been conducted in the matter, a further and ‘complete report should be submitted to the High Court, stating the nature and extent of the loss, showing the errors or neglect of rules by which such loss was rendered possible. o~ IV. Such report must should also contain suggestions for improvement, to make such loss impossible in future. = Choose the correct option: A) OnlyI, Iland III are correct B) 1,11, HlandTVare correct C) Only Hand Ill are correct Dp Only Il, Ill and IV are correct 13, Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct with respect to the role of Distriet “ per the Rules and Orders for the guidance of Courts subordinate to the High Court (Civil)? rin, alas § L District Judges are required to see that all subordinate courts in their jurisdiction follow the prescribed procedure in their proceedings, and ape-not left without guidance in matters in which they ‘may be found to be at fault or to be in want of proper instruction. <=" IL Wheneveraity District Judge proposes to issue any circular/order to judicial officers subordinate to himselfherself on any judicial matter, excluding mere office routine orders on question like distribution of work, (s)he shall be required to send an advance copy of the proposed circular/order to the High Court, not less than four weeks before the date of issue such circular/order. IIL District Judges must exercise proper supervision over inexperienced officers and officers in training, and their work should be watched with kind interest, guidance being afforded them on all proper occasions. -~ IV. Whenever there is any incident of loss of public money, itis required to be promptly reported. Reports from Muffassils are required to be submitted by the subordinate Judge or Munsiffs (as the case may be), through the District and Sessions Judge, and by the latter, in regard to the courts at the headquarters, directly to the Accountant General, who shall forward them for the information of Government, through the High Court. Choose the correct option: A) Only I, Land Iare correct B) LU, [LandIV are correct C) Only, [land IV are correct D) OnlyTand IV are correct * @2- 1 ®) o (P.1.0. can proceed 1 view to committing (s)he can remand the think fit, for a period not it him/her for trial, (s)he sntion, at once send the accused ymmit it for trial, he cannot discharge d that there is no cause shown for his/ Ik Apart from conducting periodical inspection of courts in his/her district, the District Magistrate, even in those districts where another officer has been invested with appellate powers, must arrange to hear sufficient appeals to keep himself/herself fully acquainted with the quality of the work ofall urts in the district in question. Itis impossible fora District Magistrate to exercise the necessary control over the subordinate courts in his/her district, unless by the occasional hearing of important cases, (s)he maintains a certain amount of technical acquaintance with the difficulties of courts which is necessary in order to exercise a degree of satisfactory control over the functioning of the subordinate courts, IV. The High Court attaches a considerable degree of importance to the Districi Magistrate taking a Proper share in the actual Magisterial work of | his/her district by way of trying original cases, Choose the correct option: A) Only1, Il, Mare correct » B) 1,1, Wand IV are correct ©) Only Land I are correct D) Only, Mand IV are correct - 1) (B)

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