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Barriers to Applying an Evidence-Based

1-lack of knowledge regarding evidence-based strategies.

2- lack of knowledge regarding how to search for and appraise evidence.

3- misunderstanding of negative attitudes about research and evidence-based care.

4- time consuming. Insufficient time reflects the mental time and energy required
to use research and the culture of busyness rather than the actual amount of time

5-Resarcher skills in applying the research findings into practice culture of getting
job done and not spending time accessing research; managers having other
priorities; problem too complex to be solved by research .

6-other factors as: financial considerations: lack of resource and materials, lack of
health care centers and institutes support and the lack of motivation.

How to overcome these barriers?

1-lack of knowledge >>> Several strategies have focused on interactive

educational programming and providing clinicians with opportunities for
experimental learning and increase clinicians involvement in research process.

2-negative attitude toward EBP and research >>> One perception that it is a hard may be due to the size and complexity of the research.

3-demanding patient work load >>> in consideration patient characteristics, age,

degree of illness, culture, social state and degree of illness affect patient
cooperation and following health care advices.

5-Time consuming or lack of time >>> 1. Incorporate EBP as part of your daily
work and not an add-on. 2. Use sites that summaries research rather than reviewing
individual articles yourself. 3. Set aside time each month for your
development/research (example of an important/not-urgent task). 4. Give yourself
motivational goals as journal clubs or working on research with others. 5. Reading,
interpreting wide variety of research, attending courses and conferences all are
need time and efforts.

Naghibi, D., Mohammadzadeh, S., & Azami-Aghdash, S. (2021). Barriers to evidence-based practice in
health system: a systematic review. Evidence Based Care, 11(2), 74-82.

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