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Business Essays

Writing an essay on the topic of "Business Essays" can present a unique set of challenges. The
difficulty lies not only in the vastness and complexity of the subject matter but also in the need for a
nuanced understanding of various business concepts, theories, and their practical applications.
Crafting a compelling business essay requires extensive research, critical thinking, and the ability to
synthesize information from diverse sources.

Firstly, delving into the realm of business means navigating through a plethora of topics, ranging
from entrepreneurship and management to finance, marketing, and ethics. Each of these areas has its
own intricacies, theories, and evolving trends, making it essential for the writer to have a
comprehensive understanding of the business landscape.

Additionally, staying current with the dynamic nature of the business world is crucial. Economic
conditions, market trends, and technological advancements can rapidly influence business practices.
An effective business essay must reflect this dynamism, requiring the writer to constantly update
their knowledge and incorporate the latest developments into their work.

Moreover, the challenge extends to presenting information in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner.
Business essays often demand a balance between academic rigor and practical relevance.
Communicating complex ideas in an accessible way while maintaining the credibility of the content
can be a delicate task.

Furthermore, the need for originality and critical analysis adds another layer of complexity. Business
essays often require the writer to go beyond mere description and delve into the evaluation of
theories, the analysis of case studies, and the synthesis of ideas. This demands a high level of
intellectual engagement and the ability to think critically about business issues.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Business Essays" is a challenging endeavor that
demands a deep understanding of diverse business domains, the ability to stay current with industry
trends, and the skill to present information in a compelling and academically rigorous manner. For
those seeking assistance or looking to ease the burden of such tasks, there are platforms like where similar essays and much more can be ordered to meet academic
requirements with precision and expertise.
Business Essays Business Essays
Triple Crossbow Research Paper
Imagine thousands of arrows flying at the enemy, giant triple crossbows that shoot metal
arrows over a mile, gunpowder propelled missiles, a crossbow that fires like a machine
gun, pinpoint accurate catapults that can take down specific targets, and bombs
exploding all over the ground. One might think that this is ancient Europejust as one
might think that the best warriors in the ancient world were Europeans such as Anglo
Saxons, French, and Greeks. However, this is an ancient battlefield of China. The
reality is that the European warriors were always trying to catch up to the Chinese. In
fact, the Chinese made advances in sword making, archery, siege weapons, and ballistics
long before Europeans had grasped those ideas.
The sword is a weapon ... Show more content on ...
The Europeans invented the trebuchet in the late Medieval Ages. It took many men to
load and fire the weapon, but the trebuchet could accurately launch projectiles from a
great distance, almost one mile. However, the triple crossbow is a true siege weapon of
mass destruction. It was first depicted in an ancient document called the Essentials Of the
Military Arts, which was completed in the early Song Dynasty (1043 AD). With a total
length of 7.62 meters, this colossal weapon used three bows to shoot a single bolt.
Despite its size, the Chinese generals would mount it on a pivot that made it extremely
mobile and versatile, allowing it to turn in a full 360 degrees. According the Essentials
Of the Military Arts, the triple crossbow would be mounted on top of a tower and the
bolts fired were massive full iron and steel arrows almost the size of the triple
crossbow itself, which could be fired over a mile. The image of a massive iron arrow
flying at high speeds and destroying a building into rubble around the enemies could
create fear within the ranks. The fear the bow instilled could cause an army or town to
surrender before any actual fighting begins. As Sun Tzu said, a skillful leader subdues
the enemy s troops without any fighting. These brilliant engineers created the Triple
crossbow at the same time as the trebuchet, but it had a more versatile range of motion
and could send projectiles further than the trebuchet therefor making it more useful on the
The Debate Over Paying NCAA Athletes Or Not
Many people believe that players in the NCAA should not be paid for the sports they
play, yet others believe that since they re risking their future and injury that they
should be paid. NCAA players should be paid for the sports they play but only the
elite players should be paid. For example players such as Johnny Manziel from Texas
A M, Jameis Winston from Florida State and Tre Mason from Auburn should be paid
for their success in college Football, these three players produced numbers this season
that people haven t seen in years, and many analyst believe that they need to be
rewarded with money for their success as great football players. The debate of college
athletes being paid or not began basically as soon as the NCAA was formed.... Show
more content on ...
Mason during his freshmen season did not look like a player worthy of being paid,
but progressed quickly going from 161 yards freshmen year to 1002 yards during his
sophomore campaign. His stats only got better during his Junior season racking up
numbers such as getting 317 carry attempts and rushing for 1816 yards averaging 5.7
yards per carry. He also picked up 23 touchdowns with his longest run being a 53 yard
one after breaking several tackles in earning that touchdown. He was also a Heisman
Trophy nominee for this past season. After seeing his numbers greatly increase from
his freshmen year to his junior year it is clear he worked extremely hard to get these
numbers. These are just a few reasons as to why Tre Mason is an elite running back in
Division 1 NCAA. He is an elite athlete and should prove why in the NFL. Of course
there are those who do not believe that these college players should not be paid for
their sports. According to Jeffery Dorfman an author from Forbes magazine he does
not believe that college players should be paid. He states that D1 colleges already pay
them up to 125,000 in tuition a year. He says Some people are aware enough to realize
that student athletes on athletic scholarship are essentially paid already because they
receive free tuition, room, meal plans, and some money for books and miscellaneous
expenses. At the bigger, more successful universities such as Syracuse, UCONN,
The Destruction Of The Second Temple Of Jerusalem
Judaism is a unique religion in the sense that it is one of the world s oldest religions.
The history of Judaism dates back two thousand or far longer depending on one s
viewpoint. The destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem is what differentiates each
viewpoint. Some believe Judaism to have begun with this obliteration, which brought
about the end of the temple based traditional religion and the extensive dispersion of the
Jewish people to lands outside of Israel. Others believe Judaism to have begun over four
thousand years ago with the Hebrew people in the Middle East. Abraham is considered
the father of the Jewish faith because he is the first to have believed that there is but one
God in a time when people worshiped many gods (United Religions Initiative, 2002).
University Synagogue in Irvine, California is a Jewish community church that was
founded by sixteen Jewish men and women in 1987 and started as a havurah, which
means a small fellowship in Hebrew. It began with nearly ten people and has grown to
over six hundred members to date. In 2004, the havurah moved into the facility it is
located in today and it is one of the fastest growing synagogues in southern California
today. Cheryl Altman of University Synagogue tells of her Jewish faith as though she
were speaking of God Himself. Speaking with her over the phone on June 17, 2015, she
described some of the many Jewish holidays and traditions and the events to celebrate
each with delight in her voice.
Grey s Anatomy Poetry Analysis
Grey s Anatomy is a popular drama doctor show to this day. They had a music event
episode where everyone sang and they had two songs that display the symbolic cycle.
Both pieces compliment each other because of their similarities in the symbolic cycle,
birth and death. The visual display of the songs fit together because of the setting and
how the music itself develops throughout each song. These songs were chosen to be in
Grey s Anatomybecause they illustrate real life of losing someone and being blind to
someone s pain they try to hide. In How to Save a Life and The Story the composers
develop the theme of life and death.
How to Save a Life takes place when surgeons are performing surgery on their close
friend and fellow doctor. ... Show more content on ...
The reason Torres is performing this song is because she is in a coma and essentially
her spirit is singing to herself to make own self wake up from her coma. In the
beginning since she is in a coma, it represents death as she is at the end of the
symbolic cycle, death. She starts by saying So many stories of where I ve been which
shows she has experience of life and she is at the west side where she is an adult
knowing everything. As Torres is singing, she is walking through the hospital as she
gets closer to willing herself to wake up. One of the reasons was her girlfriend,
Arizona Robbins, who loves her and she has her child Sofia to fight for. Her child,
Sofia, represents life and birth as she beings her symbolic cycle. Most of this song is
about being experienced as Torres says she has climbed mountain tops and swam all
across the ocean blue and by her saying this, she is motivating herself to wake up and
be strong for everyone. Also she talks about how everyone around her is ignorant. And
all of my friends who think that I m blessed, they don t know my head is a mess. No
they don t know who I really am . This quote from the song proves her point how no
one realizes how much she has been struggling in her life and how she has had that
pain of experience and depression from everyone. The song starts the same as How to
Save a Life with a calm and softer beginning. As
The Rich Boy Jay Gatsby Analysis
The opening sentence that Fitzgerald used in The Rich Boy was: Begin with an
individual, and before you know it you find that you have created a type, Begin with a
type, and you find that you have created nothing . (Curnutt, 2007)
The protagonist of this novel is Jay Gatsby, the man who is so called the hero of the
novel. He becomes the main character through the mystery he brings, the dream he
pursues, his unstoppable personality to reach something he wants. This causes him to be
a dynamic and round character.
What makes Gatsby discrete is his reinvention of himself . Reinventing a new identity
and personality, I consider one of the greatest achievements in the novel. Gatsby knew
what he wanted, and he believed he is made for something ... Show more content on ...
The first appearance of Jay Gatsby is a bit surprising the author presents him as a person
who organizer a lot of parties, and for the possession of a magnificent mansion, at the
beginning of the novel before he really knows that he is the real Gatsby. The way Nick
gives a description of Gatsby s smile portrays Gatsby as someone special and
charming. He says that Gatsby s smile is rare and full of never ending reassurance and
that he understood you the way you wanted to be understood. The author says: We
were sitting at a table with a man of about my age ( 51 ) The author describes his
smile: He smiled understandingly much more than understandingly. He says that his
smile was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it that you may
come across four or five times in life (51).
His smile he says faced or seemed to face the whole external world for an instant, and
then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor (51).
And that the smile understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed
in you as you would like to believe in yourself and assured you that it had precisely the
impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to conve.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge s The Rime Of The British...
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a leader of the British Romantic Movement, was born in
Devonshire, England on October 21, 1772. Out of fourteen children, he was the
youngest in the family. Samuel s father, Reverend John Coleridge was a much
respected priest of a town and also headmaster of Henry VIII s Free Grammar School.
Samuel attended his father s school until the age of 8, but after his father passed away
in 1781, he attended Christ s Hospital School in London where he remained throughout
his childhood studying and writing poetry. Starting off Coleridge s early work was
predictable, but before long he began writing in a more natural style.

Another great influence to his writing was his friend William Wordsworth, who he met in
1795. From 1797 to 1798 he lived close to Wordsworth in Somersetshire, and the two
men worked together on a joint volume of poetry called Lyrical Ballads. The collection
that they did is considered the first great work of the Romantic school of poetry and
contains Coleridge s famous poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is the longest major poem by Coleridge. It was
written between 1797 1798 and published in 1798 in the first edition of Lyrical Ballads.
It was a shift to modern poetry and the beginning of British Romantic literature. No other
period in English literature displays more variety in symbolism, style, and theme than
Romantic. There are many examples of symbolism in the story. Coleridge believed
Task Force For Gifted And Talented Education
Today s society is governed by one simple mantra: we all have our gifts. While this is a
relatively vague saying, there is one concrete definition of giftedness that is seemingly
undeniable, and that is the intellectual giftedness of young children. As elucidated by the
Federal Government, the term gifted and talented, when used with respect to students,
children, or youth, means students, children, or youth who give evidence of high
achievement capability in such areas as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership
capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services or activities not
ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities (Title IX,
Part A, Definition 22). At first glance, this definition... Show more content on ...
A paper presented in 2005 at the Australian Association for Research in Education
reports that ...gifted students and high achievers will experience an enhanced school
self concept due to the BFLP (big fish, little pond) effect through a comparison with
their average ability peers, their school self concept will be lowered due to an
assimilation effect when they affiliate themselves with their less able peers (Yeung 4).
This finding is particularly interesting because it calls the efficacy of pulling gifted
children out of regular classes and grouping them together. In regular classes, the gifted
student has an inflated sense of self worth, and yet as soon as he is put into a room with
like minded people, he begins to feel less adequate and may fall back to an ordinary
learning ability. This then results in the student s frustration with his inability to grasp
new material, and with the routine, repetitive nature of daily life (Farmer). These feelings
can persist throughout a lifetime, even as gifted ability fades, resulting in feelings of
depression, displacement, and the dreaded phenomenon of burnout (Kesner

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