Test NG

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Understanding TestNG & it's different features


TestNG (Test Next Generation) is a testing framework

🌟 Installation and Setup:

Maven Dependency (if using Maven):


🌟 Create a TestNG XML File:

TestNG tests are often configured using an XML file. Create a file named testng.xml to define test
suites, test classes, and other configurations

<suite name="MyTestSuite">
<test name="MyTestClass">
<class name="com.example.MyTestClass"/>

🌟 Test Annotations:

TestNG uses annotations to identify methods as test methods. Common annotations

include:@Test: Marks a method as a test method.
@BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite: Executed before/after the entire test suite.
@BeforeTest, @AfterTest: Executed before/after each test.
@BeforeClass, @AfterClass: Executed before/after each test class.
@BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod: Executed before/after each test method

🌟 Test Methods:

Write test methods and annotate them with @Test. Define assertions using TestNG assertion
methods (e.g., assertEquals, assertTrue).

public class MyTestClass {

public void testAddition() {
int result = 2 + 2;
Assert.assertEquals(result, 4, "Addition is incorrect");

🌟 Test Suites:

Group tests into suites using the testng.xml file. Define dependencies between test methods or

🌟 Parameterized Tests:

Use @Parameters annotation to pass parameters to test methods

@Parameters({"param1", "param2"})
public void testWithParameters(int param1, String param2) {
// Test logic using parameters

🌟 DataProvider:

Use @DataProvider to supply data to test methods

@DataProvider(name = "testData")
public Object[][] provideTestData() {
return new Object[][]{
{1, "apple"},
{2, "banana"},
{3, "cherry"}

@Test(dataProvider = "testData")
public void testWithData(int id, String name)..

🌟 Groups and Dependencies:

Group tests using the groups attribute and define dependencies between groups

@Test(groups = "smoke")
@Test(groups = "regression", dependsOnGroups = "smoke")

🌟 Listeners:
Implement TestNG listeners for custom actions before/after test methods, classes, suites, etc.

public class MyListener implements ITestListener ..

🌟 Parallel Execution:
TestNG supports parallel execution. Set parallel mode and thread count in the testng.xml file.

<suite name="MyTestSuite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5">

<!-- Test configurations -->

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