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El Nino Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of El Niño presents a unique set of challenges that can make the
writing process quite intricate. Firstly, understanding the complex meteorological phenomenon itself
requires a solid grasp of climatology, oceanography, and atmospheric science. El Niño is not just a
weather aberration; it involves intricate interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere on a
global scale. This necessitates comprehensive research and a deep dive into scientific literature to
accurately portray the phenomenon.

Moreover, conveying the information in a coherent and accessible manner to a diverse audience
poses another hurdle. The challenge lies in striking a balance between technical accuracy and
readability, ensuring that the essay is both informative and engaging. Juggling scientific details with a
narrative that captivates the reader can be a delicate task.

Additionally, the dynamic nature of El Niño introduces an ever-evolving landscape for research.
Staying updated with the latest findings and incorporating them into the essay adds an element of
constant vigilance. This requires not only initial in-depth research but also a commitment to revisiting
and revising the content to keep it relevant.

Furthermore, maintaining a well-structured and organized essay is crucial, as the various facets of El
Niño – its causes, effects, and global implications – need to be presented in a logical sequence.
Balancing the technicalities with a cohesive narrative flow can be demanding.

In conclusion, writing an essay on El Niño demands a combination of scientific knowledge, research

skills, and effective communication. Successfully navigating these challenges ensures a
comprehensive and insightful exploration of this meteorological phenomenon.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the intricacies of such topics or need assistance with academic
writing, consider exploring services that offer support. Similar essays and much more can be ordered
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El Nino Essay El Nino Essay
Life of Pi Essay
The Aura of Orange

Human, animal, plants, and all the Earth s content is survivor. They are fighting for
their rights in order to live in this beautiful world. The novel Life of Pi written by Yann
Martel, has employed a lot of symbols that is related to the life. One of the most
significant symbols is the color orange. The author uses orange as a symbol of
maintenance of the spirit to survive in survival. This can be proved as most of the
objects that are in the color orange in the novel generate feelings of hope, can develop
courage in survivors, and last but not least can keep them continuously energetic; in order
to strengthen their hearts and spirits to face all the possibilities in life.

With the presence hope, the ... Show more content on ...
Although Orange Juice is just a weak animal that never haunt any animal and just love
to eat fruits, however, her courage overpowers her ability. As Pi monologue, an adult
female orang utan cannot defeat an adult male spotted hyena... What does fruit eater
know about killing? Where would it learn where to bite, how hard, for how long?
(Martel 130). This is something amazeing as the orang utan is very brave to face the
hyena. One of the reasons why Pi called the female orang utan as Orange Juice is
because the orange animals do represent the courage in an animal. On top of that,
Richard Parker the Bengal tiger also represent courage in an orange animal as he is
being scared by the hyena. The flame colored carnivore emerged from beneath the
tarpaulin and made for the hyena. The hyena was leaning against the stern bench,
behind the zebra s carcass, transfixed. It did not pull a fight. Instead it shrank to the
floor, lifting a forepaw in a futile gesture of defense, shows that the hyena was afraid
of the orange Bengal tiger that look fierce on him (Martel 150). This is how the Bengal
tiger stay to survive in the lifeboat on the spooky ocean. Therefore, it is true that orange
is the color of courage; and this can spread up the spirit of survival to promote the
important of life.

In order to maintain the spirit of survival, energy is very important both physically and
Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment
1. Morality
PRO: The crimes of rape, torture, treason, kidnapping, murder, larceny, and perjury pivot
on a moral code that escapes apodictic [indisputably true] proof by expert testimony or
otherwise. But communities would plunge into anarchy if they could not act on moral
assumptions less certain than that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.
Abolitionists may contend that the death penalty is inherently immoral because
governments should never take human life, no matter what the provocation. But that is
an article of faith, not of fact. The death penalty honors human dignity by treating the
defendant as a free moral actor able to control his own destiny for good or for ill; it does
not treat him as an animal with no moral ... Show more content on ...
People fear nothing more than death. Therefore, nothing will deter a criminal more than
the fear of death... life in prison is less feared. Murderers clearly prefer it to execution
otherwise, they would not try to be sentenced to life in prison instead of death...
Therefore, a life sentence must be less deterrent than a death sentence. And we must
execute murderers as long as it is merely possible that their execution protects citizens
from future murder.
Ernest Van Den Haag, PhD
Late Professor of Jurisprudence at Fordham University
For the Death Penalty, New York Times
Oct. 17, 1983
CON: [T]here is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively
than long terms of imprisonment. States that have death penalty laws do not have lower
crime rates or murder rates than states without such laws. And states that have abolished
capital punishment show no significant changes in either crime or murder rates. The
death penalty has no deterrent effect. Claims that each execution deters a certain number
of murders have been thoroughly discredited by social science research.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
The Death Penalty: Questions and Answers,
Apr. 9, 2007
4. Retribution
PRO: Society is justly ordered when each person receives what is due to him. Crime
disturbs this just order, for the criminal takes from people their lives, peace, liberties,
and worldly goods in order to give himself
Central Educational Effect Of Primary Education
Learning to read is the central educational effect of primary education. Reading is an
intricate progression that takes shape beginning with oral language capacity, and
incorporates both explicit proficiency development (phonemic as well as decoding
strategies) and the use of comprehension strategies. The exact means in which these
processes blend needs to be understood if educators are to identify their students needs
and teach most effectively. Over the past forty years, many large scale evaluations of
inquiries into the effective teaching of readinghave occurred worldwide in an effort to
provide definitive and evidence based guidelines for education systems (Adams, 1990).
This paper will bring together a framework containing the six major components of
reading. While it is rather risky to diminish a multifaceted behavior such as reading into
a small quantity of components, for the purposes of clarity and understanding, the
framework is offered here as one way of manufacturing the major results of a vast
number of empirical studies into the components of an effective reading program. Each
of the following six components will be expanded and should provide key messages and
strategies for classroom application.
Oral Language The first component of Reading that we will examine will be Oral
Language. Oral language provides the basis for learning to read, and is related to the
students overall reading achievement during primary and secondary education. From
birth, a child

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