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Mba Essay Writing Service

Writing an essay on the topic of "MBA Essay Writing Service" presents a unique set of challenges.
Firstly, it requires a deep understanding of the MBA application process, including the expectations
of admissions committees and the importance of the essay within that process. Crafting a compelling
essay demands not only strong writing skills but also a thorough knowledge of one's own
experiences, achievements, and aspirations, all of which must be effectively communicated within a
limited word count.

Additionally, addressing the topic necessitates a critical examination of the ethical implications
surrounding the use of such services. It involves grappling with questions of integrity, authenticity,
and the value of personal narrative in the admissions process. Balancing the exploration of these
issues while still presenting a coherent argument can be demanding.

Moreover, the topic inherently involves researching and evaluating various MBA essay writing
services, which requires time and discernment to distinguish credible sources from potentially
unreliable ones. It's essential to consider factors such as reputation, testimonials, pricing, and the
quality of writing offered by these services to provide a comprehensive analysis.

Despite these challenges, writing an essay on this topic offers an opportunity for self-reflection and
exploration of broader themes related to education, professionalism, and integrity. By engaging with
the complexities of the subject matter, writers can deepen their understanding of ethical decision-
making and the nuances of academic support services.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on "MBA Essay Writing Service" demands careful navigation of
ethical considerations, thorough research into available services, and effective communication of
personal insights and arguments. It's a task that requires diligence, critical thinking, and a
commitment to integrity.

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Mba Essay Writing ServiceMba Essay Writing Service
Whistle-blowing in Auditing
Question 1

At the start of this century, unprecedented collapses of Enron and WorldCom have
sparked heated world discussions over corporate whistle blowing. In light of this,
legislations and professional codes of conduct are implemented to provide framework
on ethical and financial decision making particularly for auditors. This essay covers
prerequisites for an effective corporate whistle blower hotline, measures to avoid
potential pitfalls, as well as analysis on benefits and drawbacks of having a whistle
blower hotline.

Whistle blower Hotline

What is it?
By incorporating the concepts of whistle blower of Alford (2001, p.17) and Bok (1980,
p.277) into auditing, whistle blower hotline is a communication system which ... Show
more content on ...
(Mintz and Morris 2008, p.202) Registered chartered accountants should be reminded of
bearing legal responsibility to voluntarily report suspicious misbehaviours.
Prerequisites for Procedures of
Handling Claims for Effective Hotline
In Combined Code on Corporate Governance July 2003 (The Combined Code) issued by
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England Wales (ICAEW), whistle blowing
procedures are formal steps taken by the Audit Commission when concerns regarding
malpractice in the corporation are raised. Audit Commission should review corporate
arrangements and carry out investigations, and make recommendations to Board of
Directors. Audit Commission should follow chronologically the five steps in handling
claims stated below.

Introduce Multiple Easily accessed Channels of Communication
Corporations usually establish both internally and externally a confidential toll free
telephone hotline, email address and message boxes on official website which allow
whistle blowers staying nameless. (Devine and Maassarani 2011, p.271) The hotline
should be easily accessible as stakeholders range from employees, clients, suppliers to
members of the public. It should be operated at all times so that whistle blowers do not
face time restriction in reporting suspected wrongdoings. Hence, multiple channels allow
whistle blowers to choose the most
Girl, Interrupted By Susanna Kaysen
Psychoanalysts understand human personality through behaviors by looking into
experiences, including the origin of emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Through the
analysis of the movie Girl, Interrupted, the main character Susanna acts in all sorts of
manners, ranging from being unreasonable, frightened, happy, sad, or disturbed due to
the varieties of her behaviors. In accordance with DSM V, the movie Girl, Interrupted
explores the memoir of a young woman through her struggles with mental health
during her stay in a Claymoore psychiatric institution during the 1960 s. Maybe I really
was crazy. Maybe it was the 60 s. Or maybe I was just a girl... interrupted. (Susanna
Kaysen) The protagonist of the movie, Susanna Kaysen is about an eighteen year old
girl graduating high school. She lives her life not exactly to how society see how a
young woman should, by engaging in causal sex often.. She falls asleep at her
graduating and clearly showed little interest in anything society wants her to do, such as
going to college underdressing for her hypocritical parents party, and sleeping with her
mother s friend s husband.
Susanna is then rushed to the ER after downing a bottle of Aspirin with a bottle of
Vodka. At the hospital she claims to have no bones in her wrists, and then told ... Show
more content on ...
Susanna comes from a white upper middle class family, where many pressures were put
into her, such acting in a certain ideal manner. The pressures ultimately caused her to
question her identity, due to being unable to meet the goals set out for her. Therefore,
with the lack of control she felt in her life, Susanna made a suicide attempt that led her
into signing herself into treatment at the Claymoore institution. There she learnt
individual methods and skills on how to deal with having borderline personality disorder,
specifically with her development between adolescence to young
Ridicule And Terrorism
In J. Michael Waller s, Ridicule: An Instrument in the War on Terrorism, the main idea
presented is that ridicule should be used as a war strategy against terrorism. Ridicule
can be used in several instances. These instances are as follows, ridicule raises morale
at home, ridicule strips the enemy/adversary of his mystique and prestige, ridicule
erodes the enemy s claim to justice, ridicule eliminates the enemy s image of
invincibility, and directed properly at an enemy, ridicule can be a fate worse than death.
Ridicule and humor play an important part in the way the government is run. Waller
quotes John Cleese, If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes
you more open to my ideas. The more comfortable an individual or politician feels
around the person trying to influence them, the more likely it will be that they will side
with their opinion. The reason why ridicule is so effective is that it leverages the
emotions and implies the complicated and takes on the powerful, in politics, business,
law, entertainment, literature, culture, sports, and romance. The instances
aforementioned are thoroughly explained by Waller by using lengthy factual and
historical examples. Ridicule can be used as both an offensive and a defensive war
strategy. Dictators, tyrants, and those who aspire to seize and keep power by intimidation
and force can tolerate no public ridicule. In order to maintain their intimidating
appearance, leaders suppress ridicule and
Examples Of Morality In The Lady With The Dog
Morality in Shades
Colour is in the art and the art is literature. Often, one depicts morality the concept of
shades: a color scheme that involves the gradation from lightest to darkest, which in
most case, is white to black. In such scale, the shades white and black represent two
contrasting extremes as they parallel the idea of morality, where white is right and black
is wrong. However, the complication arises at the area between the white and black: the
grey. The grey area possesses no absolute verdict, for one can be both morally right and
wrong. Russian realist Anton Chekhov implements such perception as he colours the
story with white, black, and grey. An exploration of The Lady with The Dog serves to
examine his employment of colour ... Show more content on ...
Although the concept of morality in shades should not particularly be alien to the
reader, Chekhov does provide an interesting take on morality for instance, that he
believes love, or feelings, to be an important factor of human morale which he expresses
using the colours white, black, and grey. However, the reader should not expect to learn
about morals through this story, as everyone possesses his or her own opinion, but rather
should reconsider what they value is right and wrong. The exploration of colour in The
Lady with The Dog proves insightful in understanding the author s perspective towards
morale of actions, even though Chekhov does not entertain the reader with an absolute
verdict. Colour is in the art and the art is literature; what this exploration reveals is only
just one shade of the
Slaves Influence On American Music
Slaves influenced early Jamaican music; slaves brought the sound of drums, rattles and
conch shells. Slaves during this time had a lot to express and music was an outlet to
allow other to feel the pain and strife they were going through during these times. Three
developments of culture that are influential to Jamaican are: traditions, beliefs and
cognitive language, Traditions bring the customs beliefs passed down for a generation to
another. Music and traditions had a major influence of information was being passed
from one generation to another. Many up and coming artist, some underground artist
used music a main form of communication within their families and culture tribes. In
Jamaica there are so many beliefs and cultures music was a way
The Pros And Cons Of Moderate Drinking
In the U.S only two out of every 1,000 situations involving underage drinking result in
a charge ( 3). Underage drinking and other drinking laws that are in place
are widely overlooked by authority, however, laws on alcohol are not tailored to
include the benefits of young adults learning drinking responsibility and the pro/cons of
moderate drinking. We have always been told that the sooner you learn something the
better, it s easier to teach from an early age. Why is it any different with drinking?
Teaching moderate drinking skills and responsibility will help with a lot of the negative
effects caused by over drinking. However, most people don t know what the definition of
moderate drinking really is. According to The National... Show more content on ...
An estimated 38 million adults drink too much causing damage to their health,
sometimes without even knowing it. Additionally, alcohol accounts for 88,000 deaths a
year and 1 out of 3 violent crimes involve alcohol in the United States (Hello doctor 6).
One of the biggest issues with drinking is the fact that DUI s are responsible for 39% of
fatal car accidents. Also that according to the NCADD (National Council on Alcoholism
and Drug Dependence) up to 80% of DUI offenders will risk driving with a suspended
licence. Drinking can also be detrimental to your health, in a study consisting of
320,000+ women those who drank more than moderately saw a 41% increase in their
chances for breast cancer (Hello Doctor 6). Drinking more than the moderate standard
can also cause cancer of the liver, colon, and even the esophagus. Alcohol is damaging
to your liver mainly because your liver has to break down the parts which are toxic
and damaging. Drinking more than the recommended amount can cause liver scarring,
and in america there are thousands of people walking around unaware they have
cirrhosis and won t know till it s too late. While drinking can have a lot of negative
effects, by keeping to moderation and being responsible in making choices when alcohol
is involved all of these negatives can be
Power And Power In The Stepford Wives By Ira Levis
ING103N 20603
April 10, 2015


Power is not something that only very top people want, it is something that everybody
wants. At least, this what society makes us think. But what power really means? It is
the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.
In the movie The Stepford Wives(2004), gaining power through genders which can be
also call as gender oppression is explained very well with a mocking perspective. The
origin of The Stepford Wives is a novel by Ira Levis and it was first filmed in 1975 which
is a horror movie. The funny version of The Stepford Wives came out in 2004 by Frank
Oz. This paper focuses on the concept ... Show more content on ...
They both have done and faced with gender oppression. That s why this movie is an
important representer of gender oppression on both sides. Furthermore, joking way of
its, is not the only thing that diverse this Stepford Wives movie from others. There is
also gay couple in the movie and there is still gender oppression. This gives another
perspective to the issue that it is not actually all about the gender but the who has the
more power in the relationship is also a matter of

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