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Ferdinando the bull

Once upon a time in Spain there was a little bull called

Ferdinando. All the other bulls that lived with him ran,

They jumped and bumped each other, but Ferdinando didn't do it.

He liked to sit quietly and smell the flowers. Had a

favorite place in the meadow, under a cork oak. It was his

favorite tree and the little bull spent the day in the shade smelling

flowers.Sometimes his mother, who was a cow, worried about him.

I thought that Ferdinando felt alone.

-Why don't you run and play jumping and bumping each other?

other bulls? -was saying.

But Ferdinando shook his head and responded:

-I prefer to stay here where I can sit quietly

smell the flowers

His mother realized that he did not feel alone and how he was a

understanding mother, although she was a cow, let her stay

under the cork oak and was happy.

As the years passed, Ferdinando grew and grew until

become a big and strong bull.

The other bulls that had grown up with him on the prairie

They spent the day fighting. They attacked each other and gave each other

gored. What they wanted most was to be chosen to fight in

Madrid bullfightsBut Ferdinando didn't want that. He still liked to sit quietly under his cork oak to
smell the flowers. One day five men arrived with very strange hats to choose the biggest, fastest
and bravest bull for the Madrid bullfights. The other bulls ran from here to there snorting and
charging, jumping and leaping so that men would believe that they were very strong and
brave....and they were chosen. Ferdinando knew that they were not going to choose him and in
reality he did not It cared. So he went to sit under the shade of his favorite cork oak. But he didn't
notice and instead of sitting on grass, sat on a bee.What would you do if you were a bee and a bull
sat on you,

You'd bite him, right? Well that's exactly what this one did.


-Caramba! How painful! Ferdinando jumped and bellowed. Ran

in circles huffing, puffing, lunging and kicking the

earth like crazy.

The five men saw it and shouted with joy. That was

the biggest and bravest bull of all. He was the best for

Madrid bullfights! Then, they took him away in a cart to

the day of the run.What a great day! The flags were flying, the music was playing…and all

The beautiful ladies wore flowers in their hair.

They all paraded into the arena of the bullring.

First the banderilleros came out with some pointed sticks

decorated with ribbons to prick the bull and enrage it. Afterwards

The picadors came out, mounted on very skinny horses, carrying

long dances to sting the bull and make it even more angry.

Then the matador came out, the most arrogant of all. It was believed

very handsome and greeted all the ladies with the air of a great gentleman.

He had a red cape and a sword, and he was the one who had to hit the

bull the final thrust.Finally, the bull came out. And can't you guess who it was?


They announced him as Ferdinando the Fierce. All the

banderilleros and picadors were frightened, and the matador

He was paralyzed with fear.

Ferdinando ran to the center of the arena and everyone screamed and

They applauded because they thought he was going to fight fiercely,

snort and attack half the world.

But Ferdinando did not do it. When he reached the center of the

sand and saw the flowers that the matador still had in his hands, all

The most he did was sit and smell them quietly.

No matter how much they provoked him, he did not want to charge or gore. HE

He sat in the middle of the sand smelling the flowers. The

banderilleros were furious and the picadors were even more

furious. The matador was so angry that he started crying

because he couldn't anger him with his cloak and sword.

So they had no choice but to take Ferdinando

back to his house. And as they say, it is still there, below

of his favorite cork oak, quietly smelling the flowers.



Answer: Ferdinand not only teaches us

the terrible cruelty that bullfighting hides, but also shows us various values, such as friendship, the
ability to forgive, empathy, understanding and the spirit

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