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Best Essay Writers

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Best Essay Writers" is a challenging endeavor that requires a
delicate balance of research, analysis, and subjective evaluation. The difficulty lies not only in
objectively assessing the talents of various writers but also in navigating the vast landscape of
literary achievement. Selecting the best essay writers involves delving into diverse genres, time
periods, and cultural backgrounds, making it a multifaceted task.

To begin with, one must meticulously research the vast array of literary figures who have contributed
significantly to the world of essay writing. This involves exploring historical and contemporary
writers, each with their unique styles, perspectives, and thematic focuses. The evaluation process
becomes intricate as one tries to discern the nuanced qualities that set exceptional essayists apart
from the rest. It requires a keen eye for detail and an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of
language, rhetoric, and argumentation.

Furthermore, the subjectivity inherent in determining the "best" essay writers adds another layer of
complexity. Different readers may have varying preferences, and the criteria for excellence can differ
widely. What one person considers a masterful use of language and thought may not resonate as
strongly with another. This inherent subjectivity requires the essay writer to carefully navigate the
fine line between personal bias and an objective assessment of the writers' merits.

In addition, the ever-evolving nature of literature poses a challenge in keeping the essay relevant and
up-to-date. As new voices emerge and perspectives shift, the definition of the "best" essay writers
can undergo subtle or profound changes. Staying abreast of contemporary developments while
paying homage to the classical masters demands a thorough and dynamic approach.

Despite these challenges, writing an essay on this topic can be a rewarding intellectual exercise. It
encourages a deep exploration of literary history, a nuanced understanding of various writing styles,
and an appreciation for the subjective nature of literary criticism. It is an opportunity to engage with
the rich tapestry of human expression through the written word.

For those who find themselves daunted by the complexity of this task or simply seek assistance in
tackling such essays, it's worth noting that help is readily available. Similar essays and a plethora of
writing services can be accessed on platforms like . These resources can offer
support to those navigating the intricate world of essay composition, providing valuable insights,
guidance, and even professionally crafted essays tailored to specific needs.
Best Essay Writers Best Essay Writers
The Southern Border
For many Americans, the issue along the southern border brings up emotional
responses. Personal preferences take over and instead of debating the issue, name
calling and over generalization perseus. Liberals say that the right is racist and anti
immigration in all instances while Conservatives say the left wishes for masses of
undocumented immigrants to flood into America and use up all of the tax payer s
money. Neither of these accusations hold any truth. Many Conservatives wish for a way
for people to enter legally and a better screening process for the type of people they want
in the country. On the other hand, many liberals hold this same stance. The only
difference in these plans is how to enact them. Should the United Statesround up... Show
more content on ...
Many claims located in the text either do not represent the whole truth or contain
overgeneralized solutions. As an example, one passage says how Republicans are
attempting to militarize the border and lobbying for for less support of protected
animal sanctuaries whose locations range all along the border with US and Mexico.
The main act he claims that did these two situations is the Border Security Act of 2006.
A quick Google search of the votes casted on that act shows how 53 democrat congress
people and 31 democratic senators supported it. The 53 supporting democrats in
congress might not show strong bipartisan support, but the 31 supporting democrats in
the Senate who sided with the Republicans does show this. These facts show how not
just the Republicans wish for border security, but also some democrats in congress and
most of them in the Senate desired it. Clifford also claims that since the 1990s, since the
first part of the barrier became erected, the wall has claimed more than 6000 lives. At first
the number polarized people, but to see the number further one must concentrate and ask
questions about it. One must ask if the number contains drug smugglers, illegal coyotajes,
or other criminals entering the United States. These types of people should not be let into
the US under any circumstance and the border fence assists in
Essay about Mirrors Don’t Lie in Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. s...
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. s The Lie Mirrors Don t Lie

In The Lie by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Eli Remenzel is a thirteen year old boy on his way
to The Whitehill Preparatory School with his parents. Little do they know that Eli is
keeping a big secret from them: he didn t get accepted to the school. As the story
unfolds Eli finally cracks under the pressure of the lie as the headmaster informs his
parents that he wasn t accepted at Whitehill. What happens next is a disaster. As I was
reading the story I noticed a lot of qualities in the different characters that are traits I see
in myself. Eli, his mother Sylvia, and his father Doctor Remenzel all have different
characteristics that reflect me. These ... Show more content on ...
I really dislike this trait in myself, so when I read it in Eli I took an immediate disliking
to his character in trying to suppress my own feelings about myself. But this is not the
only flaw I noticed about myself from the story.

Eli s mother Sylvia and I also have a lot in common. Through out the entire story she was
enraptured in talking about how many Remenzels had attended the Whitehill School and
what contributions they had made to it. She stated during one part of the drive to the

I look through this catalog, and I see all the buildings named after Remenzels, look
through the back and see all the hundreds of dollars given by Remenzels for
scholarships, and I just can t help thinking people named Remenzel are entitled to ask for
a little something extra.

She was, infact, so enthralled by this information and talking of the school that she
failed to notice the strange and awkward behavior of her son. Again, it took reading the
story a few times to understand that this is another unattractive quality that I possess. I
have the ability to become overly involved in things and I forget to pay attention and
listen to the people around me. What particularly stood out in my mind and made me
aware of this similarity was Sylvia s excessive repetition of the word I. To me it
represents her attention only being focused on what she
Argument For The Guideline Of Hadley V. Baxendale
The present day argument for the guideline of Hadley v. Baxendale. 1. Least cost
hypothesis: The primary contention for the standard Hadley v. Baxendale depends on
slightest expense one structure, this contention depends on the impact of the
rule of Hadley v. Baxendale on pre contract conduct. The vivifying guideline of Hadley v.
Baxendale is that the expense of the untoward outcome of a course of managing ought to
be borne by that gathering .But the proprietor plant, as the court noted could have stayed
away from it basically by having an extra shaft. Another type of the minimum cost
contention is that purchasers may act hastily amid the period after break happens, by
neglecting to take ease measures that would minimize the misfortune since they trust that
the misfortune will fall on the seller. (Posner) In short , minimum cost hypothesis does
not legitimize the rule of Hadley v. Baxendale in light of the fact that in the period before
rupture a buyer will improve his behavior for reasons of self respect, and in the time of
after break the purpose of the minimum cost contention is better caught by the rule of
harm relief. 2. The hypothesis of effective rupture: Another contention that is utilized to
legitimize this guideline depends on the hypothesis of the productive breach. It suggests
that discontinuity of agreement must be sustained or even empowered when the
common increase coming about... Show more content on ...
Baxendale Case Brief Summary . N.p., 2016. Web. 27 Apr. 2016. 2. Hadley
V Baxendale . E N.p., 2016. Web. 27 Apr. 2016. 3. Hadley V
Baxendale . Wikipedia. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2016. 4.
N.p., 2016. Web. 5 May 2016. 5. Georgia State Fair . Sci Am 10.1 (1854): 2 2. Web. 6.
Hadley V. Baxendale | Case briefs . N.p., 2016. Web. 5 May 2016. 7.
Eisenberg, Melvin Aron. The Principle Of Hadley V. Baxendale . California Law Review
80.3 (1992): 563.
The Dilemmas Of Public Education And Public School...
The greatly discussed dilemma of having a child be taught in a public school setting
versus a homeschool setting has been evaluated by parents since the idea was first
introduced in the 1970 s. Public schooling had been the standard method of teaching
since it is a requirement for states to provide public, free educationfor children in grades
K 12. However, the backlash against the system began when two educational theorists
and supporters of schoolreform, John Holt and Raymond Moore, started to question both
the techniques and the products of public schools. Some parents went on to support the
ideas of them and began to teach their children in the environment of their own homes
for several different reasons. Some included moral or religious reasons, a desire for high
educational achievement, dissatisfaction with public schools instructional program, or
concerns about drugs and peer pressure in a public school environment. Child
development specialists believe that homeschooled children are isolated from the
outside world, therefore making them socially handicapped. If being exposed to this
type of education on an elementary school level, the child can suffer from the lack of
fundamental development of effective social skills needed for a lifetime ahead of them.
It is believed that by restricting children from the real world and its many problems
through home schooling, they may never get the chance to learn both life lessons and
social interaction skills on their own
Kansas State University Scholarship Essay
During the year of 2014 there were an estimated 112,600 architects employed and
approximately 20% were self employed. Architects have a high competition for jobs
and job positions are estimated to increase seven percent each year (U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics). Degrees for this field of study can be found at many colleges
including Kansas State University. Kansas State is a great college that is full of
opportunities for scholarships and has a wide variety of clubs and degrees. There are
three major steps in becoming an architect. The first step is earning a degree the lowest of
which and the lowest degree required is a bachelor s. In Kansas State a bachelor s degree
is not offered. The main focus is a master s degree that can be earned in five years. The
second step is... Show more content on ...
This club is designed to show the achievement, leadership, citizenship, and service to
others of the members. Being selected is a very high achievement and is very difficult.
The first step is filling out an application. Once this is done students are selected to be
interviewed. Then only so many students are selected from the students interviewed
(Kansas State). This club is similar to the NHS program in high school. There is also
a bowling team at Kansas State. There is no fee required to join. The club is designed
to bring people together and to meet new people (Kansas State). This club allows
members to take their mind off of studying and get a break. While students aren t
studying and aren t spending time in a club they are probably working. Fast food
restaurants are usually always an option. A few well known fast food stops in Manhattan
are KFC, Burger King, and McDonald s. KFC starting pay average for a cashier is $8.28
an hour and $8.33 for cooks. The average pay at McDonald s for crew members is $8.32,
and $8.53 for cashiers. The crew members at Burger King make an average of $8.12 an
hour for crew members, and the cashier makes
Lead Exposure Essay
Lead is a naturally occurring element we find in the earth crust, but even with its
natural status, it s highly dangerous to humans when exposed improperly. The reason I
put lead as number one on my list is because of its use in tons of mainstream products
all throughout the world. Sure, chlordane in pesticides is also a very harmful substance,
but it s not used in as many common products that led is. According to an article written
by Dr. Edward Group, founder of the Global Healing Center, the toxic medal that is lead
can not only impact the way the body operates, but also completely shut down different
organs leading to death (Group). Group explains that lead exposure can affect the
kidneys, liver, reproductive system, and the nervous system.... Show more content on ...
Chloroform is a clear, natural occurring, sweet tasting liquid medal that can be
extremely deadly. Even though Chloroform is a natural occurring element, most
chloroform is manmade. Chloroform can be found in household cleaning products,
swimming pools, and even in small amounts in water. Chloroform can form by mixing
alcohol and bleach, or just breaking down any type of chlorine based substance ( How
to Make Chloroform... ). Chloroform is ok if only exposed to small amounts, but if
over exposed to it the chemical can be extremely dangerous. Some of the main ways
people are exposed to chloroform is: contaminated water, household cleaning products,
and even swimming in a pool. The effects of chloroform vary based on how it was
exposed, how long it was exposed for, and individual health. Directly after being
exposed to chloroform through the air, some common side effects are: dizziness,
feeling tired, and having headaches. If expose for too long some much more severe
impacts occur such as: cancer, kidney failure, liver failure, and infections in blood
flow ( Chloroform ). Chloroform isn t the most known substance, and its long term
effects on humans aren t even really well documented so there is very little we know
about what it does to animals. We do know, just like humans, animals have several
organ problems resulting from direct over exposure to chloroform such as kidney
failure, heart disease, and blood problems ( Medical Discoveries ). According to, most

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