Pervious Concrete

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Pervious Concrete Also known as No fines, gap graded le eee Pea eg ttc) Introduction Pilate aU Eee Me Blea Ba memes ae Meme UM Lele Lo for concrete flatwork applications that allows water from precipitation and other sources to pass directly through, thereby reducing the runoff froma site and allowing groundwater recharge The high porosity is attained by a highly interconnected void content. Pe tea Uru uid clade) Aedes he cas av) See ee AS eee eer RY emo ead aggregate) and has-enough cementitious paste to coat the coarse Eset CMa ee Re cage a ucts ha meg] ele * This concrete is being used as paving material to solve or reduce the Ce) Gum lem Vuela cote Cul oe ETC RU Lolo (eli b f problems ecu ace ec uncmtoclicl eel eaten t many low impact development techniques used by builders to cece acme LLIN v impervious concrete > Soe > > Joker on you Peogh tomeany vou gong 2 wot me! to reoch the soll under pared areas Pomvionts cing tothe vant sutace area | | And of coves, fs much easier fo grew mithin tia material which gives micro 1 creat wheve water anc om ‘exgonimt tme to break tem down mo much le lose chemical Betore may eater me goundwater a ———E * Amixture of Cement, Corse aggregate and with or without ciate m Controlled amounts of water and cementitious material are used to create a paste that forms a thick coating around aggregate particles without flowing off during mixing and placing. * Typical pervious concrete pavements has a 15-20% void structures. It is consequently lightweight, with density of 1600 to 1900 kg/m? Pera * It depends on the properties and proportions of the materials used, and on the compaction procedures used in placement. In place densities on the order of 1600 kg/m? to 2000 kg/m? are common, which is in the upper range of lightweight concretes. Sees * It depends on the materials and placing operations. Typical flow rates for water through pervious concrete are 120 L /m42/min, or * 0.2 cm/s to 320 L /m42/min, or 0.54 cm/s. Sele ca a) * Pervious concrete mixtures can develop compressive strengths in the range 3.5 MPa to 28 MPa, which is suitable for a wide range of applications. Typical values are about 17 MPa. * It generally ranges between about 1 MPa and 3.8 MPa * factors influence the flexural strength are * degree of compaction, * Porosity, * the aggregate: cement (A/C) ratio, «Drying shrinkage of pervious concrete develops sooner, but is much less than conventional concrete. (0.002, roughly half to that of conventional concrete mixtures) “Roughly 50% to 80% of shrinkage occurs in the first 10 days, compared to 20% to 30% in the same period for conventional concrete. *Because of this lower shrinkage and the surface texture, many pervious concretes are made without contro! joints and allowed to crack randomly. Freeze-thaw resistance: It depends on the saturation level of the voids in the concrete at the time of freezing. deterioration of concrete exposed to freeze-thaw 1) random cracking 2) surface scaling 3) joint deterioration due to cracking Snow-covered pervious ‘concrete clears quicker, possibly because its voids allow the snow ta thaw more quickly that it would on conventional pavements. Sulphate resistance: The open structure of pervious concrete makes it more susceptible to acid and sulphate attack over a larger area than in conventional concrete. Abrasion resistance: Because of the rougher surface texture and open structure of pervious concrete, abrasion and raveling of aggregate particles can be a problem. This is one reason why applications such as highways generally are not suitable for pervious concretes. Mix design and placement bale Slane Cee ace cg au babies adel | amo sabia Senor Cementitious materials Narrowly graded aggregate {gravel/crushed stone) w/c ratio Cementitious materials/Aggregate ratio Fine aggregate ; coarse aggregate ratio Polypropylene fibres (optional when no fine aggregate is present) 270-415 1190 - 1480 0.25 - 0.34 (with chemical admixtures) 0.34 - 0.40 (without chemical admixtures) 1:0.21=0.25 Oto1:1 0.1% by volume or 0.9 kg/m? A pervious pavement mixture should be discharge completely within one hour after initial mixing. The use of retarding chemicals admixtures or hydration- Piel) Fala Pele lube le MEA -eaccp le Mol tent i-t aise come male ela Colao) ko Cement may be replaced by about 10-30% of fly ash, 20-50% ie) Elsa ieaar loci |-elnemey omy] (em Unt Addition of the fine aggregate will decrease the porosity and increase strength. Sub-base preparation and forms should be double checked, prior to placement. Placement should be continuous and spreading should be fT] len Tear Tal eRe MU A meee UMC Lee eee commonly used, although manual screeds can cause tears in area loa ma Mh ee eel ee aL Consolidation is generally accomplished by rolling over the concrete with a steel roller, which compacts the concrete to the height of the forms. Because of rapid hardening and high evaporation rates, delays in consolidation can cause problems. Placement and strike off using vibrating screed Lr Cole UC Reena Same U Ln loe-Tare Mel iu re (mci a) ade Teo wel uatcr-lall 4 Role Lia (ele concrete. Strength is a function of the degree of compaction, and compaction of pervious concrete is difficult to reproduce in cylinders A unit weight test is usually used for quality assurance, with acceptable values dependent on the mix design, but generally between 1600 kg/m? and 2000 kg/m? * After seven days, core samples can be taken and measured for thickness.and unit weight as quality assurance and acceptance tests. A typical testing rate is three cores for each vets Compression testing for strength is not recommended, because of the dependence of compressive strength on compaction. Etna le elm eae moog ae ie alm eee primarily of prevention of clogging of the void structure. Cleaning options may include power blowing and pressure washing. Pressure washing of a clogged pervious concrete pavement has restored 80% to 90% of the permeability in some cases. rade ee mmole Meo NCS Leg become fully saturated. Saturation of installed pervious cel agitoe bite Bele alee Me) ata meel eae) ona thick layer of 200 to 600 mm of open-graded stone base. Reduces storm water runoff. Eliminates need for detention ponds and other costly storm MTT an ale Te ee Replenishes water tables and aquifers. Allows for more efficient land development. reece miller elas mie loreal mn elem Prevents warm and polluted water from entering streams. Mitigates surface pollutants. Light reflectivity is higher than with asphalt surfaces, reducing any heat island effect. etc... Runoff from adjacent areas onto pervious concrete needs to be prevented. The parking areas are generally limited to auto parking and occasional trucks. Tee eae eel easel eke Leelee Vhs—0 eolgragei CMI iar ls) (Maes -1aua(r ls) ieee me) elelelela) significantly reduces permeability. ere em es VM Uicige Real mec | cocmlencs lcci cR ice malt ry Elenco Applications SUE an vor

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