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Anormalous Color Vision

Protanopia Deutanopia Tritanopia

Wavelength // For protanope & deutanope:
hue • Good wavelength
discrimination discrimination on 490 nm region
• Poor wavelength
discrimination on long-wavelength
• Wavelength beyond 545 nm
are not able to discriminate because
monochromatic in this region of
spectrum (related to graph cone)
• Discrimination reduces rapidly
for longer and shorter wavelength For tritanope:
• Good wavelength
discrimination at long
wavelength (around 570 nm)
• poor wavelength
discrimination at 495 nm

Saturation For protanope & deutanope: For tritanope:

discrimination • Deuteranopic function • Neutral point is about 569
intersect abscissa at 498 nm nm
• Protanopic function intersect at
492 nm
• These particular wavelength
appear white (refer as neutral point)
• Dichromates often report green
traffic light appear whitish, because
it is metamers for dichromat neutral

• Only has 2 peaks in the • Onlyl has 2 peaks in the

spectrum snesitivity spectral sensitivity
• Peak at longer wavelength • Peak at medium wavelength is
is missing (loss of missing (loss of chlorolabe)

For protanopia & deutanopia:
• Beyond 545 nm , only one cone photopigment, they only behave as
monochromats for this stimuli.
• Can discriminate between stimuli if they are differ in luminance
• E.g. 575 nm stimulus appears brighter than 600 nm because has
greater luminance, these stimulus is indistinguishable if equated

• Displacement of deuteranopic lumiosity function is minimal, so we

conclude that M-cone (green=deutan) play less important in
generating normal photopic luminance function.
• Protanope is difficult to see red objects
Protanomaly Deutanomaly Tritanomaly
// hue

• Best discrimination between • Best discrimination between

• Abnormal wavelength
490-500 nm & around 580 490-500 nm & around 610
nm nm
• Displace upward, less • Displaced upward, less
sensitive sensitive

Saturation For protanope & deutanope: • Abnormal saturation

discriminatio discrimination
n • Have more problem
with desaturated color, often
confused with grey color
• See almost all colors
are desatured, especially in
blue-green region
• Not touch the neutral
point, because no missing

• Luminosity function same general features as dichromats, but have a

lesser degree.
• Protanomalous trichromats displace towards short wavelength, but
less than protanope. When luminance increases, red color appears
• Deuteranomalous trichromats displace minimal towards long
wavelength, but less than deuteranope, is considered as normal
photopic luminance function
Color labelling
For normal CV:
• Best wavelength discrimination is 490 nm & 590 nm

For protanope & deutanope:

• Diagram is divided into 2 regions, which is blue region and long-
wavelength “variable” region
• These 2 regions are seperated by neutral point wavelength “white”
• “Variable” regions are monochromatic, and can only discriminated by
brightness cues
Protanope ends prior to others because missing of erythrolabe (unable to
perceive long wavelength), have dificulty in seeing red tail and brake light &
red traffic light
For protanomalous & deutanomalous trichromat:
• Display wavelength discrimination considerably superior 优于 to that of dichromats, but less developed than 但不如 that of
normal trichromat

Anomalous CV
- Normal CV can differentiate 150 wavelengths of colors
- Protan defect can differentiate 17 wavelengths of colors
- Deutan defect can differentiate 150 wavelengths of colors
- Tritan defect have restricted visual field because S-cone mostly in periphery of retina
Achromatopsia – rare conditions where patient manifests monochromatic vision
Typical achromatopsia (rod monochromatism) Atypical achromatopsia
• Vision is like scotopic vision • Rarely occurs
• Mediated by rod at low luminnace levels • Rod monochromacy (incomplete autosomal recessive
• Signs & symptoms: achromatopsia)
o Poor VA (around 6/60) o VA vary from 6/18 to 6/60
o No // poor color discrimination o Photophobia
o Nystagmus (dancing eye, can reduce after age 20) o Pendular nystgamus
o Eccentric fixation o Has some retinal fundus change
o Photophobia Protan-like Deutan-like
o History of consanguinity (marriage with near - Reduced sensitivity to - Less severe defect
relatives) red - Wavelength peak at
o Visual field defects (central scotoma – cone at - Wavelength peak at 570 nm
fovea) 540 nm - Deutan defect with
o Accompanied by myopia & strabismmus - Protan defect with CV CV tests
o Abnormaility in fundas (pigmentsation at fovea // tests - Has some color
no foveal reflex) - Can name few colors discrimination in
o Densitometry in photopic conditions phototic conditions
o Shows Stiles Crawford effect - like a dichromat - Blue mechanism is
o Fall all Ihihara Plates - blue mechanism still still operatating

• Blue monochromacy (X-chromosomal recessive

incomplete achromatopsia)
o Appears as if rods functional at low luminance
levels & blue cones functional at high luminance
o Wavelength curve peak at 440 nm in photopic
o L-cone and M-cone are absent of malfunctioning
o S-cone are normal
o Signs & symptoms
▪ Poor VA (6/18-6/60)
▪ No CV in dark but in photopic conditions
▪ No nystagmus
▪ Photophobia
▪ Has fundus changes

• Cone monochromacy
o Extremely rare condition
o VA is normal, manifest monochromatic color
o Has normal rods & cones
o Involve a defect in post-receptoral processing of
color information (cortical defect)
o Signs & symptoms:
▪ No color vision
▪ Good VA
▪ No nystagmus
▪ No photophobia
▪ No scotoma
▪ Normal dark adaptation curve
▪ Fundua looks normal

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