Color Vision Test

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Color Vision Tests

Plates Test
Pseudoisochromatic • Distinguish figure from background (colors constitute the backgorund fall on commoon dichromatic
plate (PIC plate) confusion line)
• Advantages:
o Easy and quick
o Inexpensive to purchase
• Disadvantages:
o Can’t distinguish between dichromats and anomalous trichromats
o Lack of plates for blue-yellow defects
• At spesific distances, without touching the plates
• Viewed at right angles to surface
• Examples:
o Ishihara Plates
o SPP 1&2 (Standard Pseudoisochromatic Plates 1&2)
o AO HRR Plates (New American Optical Hardy, Rand & Rittler)
o Farnsworth Plates
o Dvorine Color Blindness Book
o Tokyo Medical Collage (TMC) Plates
o Hahn Isochromatic Color Vision Test
o Color Blindness Quick Test Chart
o Cambridge Color Test (CCT) *software
o Color Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test *software

Ishihara tests • 16 plates, 24 plates, 38 plates

• Screening test for red-green defects only
• Testing distance 75cm, binocularly
• Fail = fail to identify 4 plates
• All correct = blue-yellow defect // normal vision
• Based on principal of confusion line
• Design:
o Demonstrate plate
o Vanishing plate – visible to normal; no figure for CV defects
o Transformation plate – a number seen by normal is differ from CV defects
o Hidden digits – no figure for normal; got figure for CV defects
o Diagnostic plate – one figure for deutans, one figure for protans, both seen by normal

SPP • Detection & classification with congenital CV defects

• Testing for red-green defects only
• Testing distance 75cm
• Design:
o Plates 1-4 for demonstration
o Plates 5-19 for evaluation

SPP2 • Testing for acquired blue-yellow defect

• Give special testing for acquired red-green defects
• Design:
o Plates 1-2 for demonstration
o Plates 3-11 for BY defects
o Plates 8-12 for RG defects

Tritan album • Diagnosis blue-yellow dychromatopsia

• 6 PIC plates
• Has Munsell values N4, N5 & N6
• Fail = unable to read 1 or more plates from 1-5
• Design:
o Plate 0 for demonstrate
o Plates 1-5 evaluation

AO HRR plates • Diagnosis protan, deutan & tritan defect & grading severity
• 24 plates with paired vanishing plates
• Contain geometrical shape, shape in neutral color on a background matrix of grey dots
• Paediatric testing of congenital CV deficiency
• Disadvantages: can’t distinguish dichromats & severe anomolous trichromats
• Design:
o 4 introductory plates (I to IV)
o 6 screening plates (1-2 BY, 3-6 RG)
o 10 grading severity of protan & deutan plates (7-16 RG)
o 4 grading severity of tritan plates (17-20 BY)
• Grading:
o BY
▪ 17 – mild
▪ 17-18 – medium
▪ 19-20 – strong
o RG
▪ 7-11 – mild
▪ 12-14 – medium
▪ 15-16 – strong
Dvorine Color • Testing for red-green deficiency
Blindness Book • Diagnosis for protan & deutan & classifies severity
• tests
• 23 plates
• Design:
o 1 demonstation plate
o 14 numerical test plates
o 8 plates for “path tracing” with paediatric & illiterate pt
• Use medium & low-saturation colors

Tokyo Medical • Hand-printed colors arranged in a rectangular matrix

Collage (TMC) • Color dots approx 4mm in diameter
Plates • Have qualitative plates to differentiate protan & deutan
• Quantitative plates to differentiate severity:
o Grade I – mild
o Grade II – moderate
o Grade III – severe
• All plates have oranges hues of different saturations & background is yellow-green
• Accuracy 91% for protan & 97% for deutan
PIC F2 Farnsworth • Detect tritanopia
Plates • Normal can see both square, irrespective of age, green appears clearer
• Tritan can’t see blue square
• Protan or deutan can’t see green square
• Not accurate to detect tritans & deutans; better for protans

Hahn Isochromatic • Screening, classfying type & estimating grade of CV deficiency

Color Vision Test • Mild, medium and strong color deficiency
• Design:
o 1-12 for screening
o 13-21 for diagnosis using number & “winding lines”

Color Blindness • Screening red-green defect

Quick Test Chart • Used in conjunction with HRR Plates for further definitive screening
• One-plate quick test chart with 2 geometric symbols which can be used with almost all ages &
literacy levels

Protan & Deutan Tritan

Ishihara Test
Dvorine Color Blindness Book
Tritan Album
TMC Plates
Hahn Isochromatic Color Vision Test
Color Blindness Quick Test Chart
PIC F2 Farnsworth Plates

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