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Resilience Essay

Writing an essay on the theme of resilience can prove to be a challenging yet rewarding task. The
concept of resilience is broad and multifaceted, encompassing various aspects of human experience,
psychology, and society. As a writer, delving into this subject requires a nuanced understanding of
resilience in different contexts, such as personal, societal, or even ecological.

One of the difficulties lies in capturing the essence of resilience, which involves the ability to bounce
back from adversity, navigate challenges, and adapt to change. Expressing the complexity of this
concept requires a careful balance between personal anecdotes, research findings, and broader
reflections on the resilience of communities and individuals.

Furthermore, crafting a compelling essay on resilience involves the challenge of avoiding clichés and
superficial insights. It's important to go beyond the obvious and explore the deeper layers of what it
means to be resilient. This requires thorough research, critical thinking, and a willingness to engage
with diverse perspectives on the topic.

Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure while addressing the multifaceted nature of resilience
can be a hurdle. The essay should flow seamlessly from one idea to the next, creating a narrative that
not only informs but also engages the reader. Striking the right balance between academic rigor and
accessibility is key, ensuring that the essay remains accessible to a wide audience without sacrificing

In conclusion, while writing an essay on resilience is a formidable task, it offers an opportunity for
personal growth and reflection. It challenges the writer to explore the depths of human strength,
adaptability, and perseverance. By overcoming the challenges of this writing endeavor, the writer not
only communicates the significance of resilience but also embodies it in the process.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essays or need assistance in navigating the intricacies of
resilience or any other topic, various resources are available to help. Services
can provide support in crafting essays that meet your specific requirements and academic standards.
Resilience Essay Resilience Essay
Clostridium Difficile Case Study
Introduction Clostridium difficile was initially thought to be part of the normal flora
and C. difficile infections were miss identified as Staphylococcus aureus or Candida
albicans. The C. difficile toxin was later identified in 1977 after a clinical trial using
clindamycin caused patients to have diarrhea. The next year, in 1978, antibioticuse was
quickly discovered as the major risk factor (Brymer, 2007). Clostridia belong to the
phylum Firmicutes and comprise a heterogeneous group consisting of at least 12
lineages. Morphological and phenotypic properties that have traditionally been used to
define the genus include the formation of endospores, anaerobic energy metabolism, an
inability to reduce sulfate to sulfide, and a Gram positive cell wall structure. Clostridia
usually form spores only under anaerobic conditions, they grow better anaerobically than
in air (Stevens,2015). Clostridium difficileinfection is the most common infectious cause
of diarrhea in the Intensive Care Unit.
Causal Agent ... Show more content on ...
difficile is a member of the domain Bacteria which consist of prokaryotic
microorgaisms. C. difficile taxonomy is phylum Firmicutes, class Clostridia, order
Clostridiales, family Peptostreptococcaceae, and species difficile (Brymer, 2007). C.
difficile is a spore forming, gram positive, anaerobic bacillus. Most strains are motile
because of flagella. C. difficile has its resilience toward heat, environmental conditions
and most disinfectants. Once a surface has been contaminated with spores of C.
difficile they can live for months. Some risk factors for C. difficile are GI surgery,
antimicrobial exposure, old age, immunocompromised conditions, serious illness, and
long length of stay in any healthcare setting. There are three levels of C. difficile. It can
be mild, severe, or
Analysis the Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket

The grasshopper and the bell cricket is a short story, written by Yasunari Kawabata,
written in a narrative perspective of someone watching children searching for insects
using colored and decorated lanterns. I would like to think that the author is trying to
symbolize life, and that it is not only one path to go. We are all aiming for acceptance
and to fit in to the society, but this story tells us that

The author, who put himself as narrator, describes how he walks through the halls of the
university and approaches the upper school and its playground, and he seems to get so
emotionally attached that he cannot take another turn. I turned right so as not to ... Show
more content on ...
Even the narrator comments I felt slightly jealous of the boy, and sheepish . When the
boy gives away the grasshopper to a girl, who was one of many who wanted it, the girl
shouted out Oh! It s not a grasshopper. It s a bell cricket.

I read an analysis on this short story on a blog, called Generation , and I agree with his
thoughts behind the symbolism of the transformation of the bell cricket from the boy
to the girl, he states that it could be translated into the development of love and how,
as rare as it is in the wild, one can captivate with a simple giving gesture. The narrator
goes on to explain the rarity of such a find; even if you have the wit to look by yourself
in a bush away from the other children, there are not many bell crickets in the world.

I agree on the romantic messages behind this story, but I would also like to think that it
describes, as I mentioned in the beginning of the analysis, life in general with the hunting
of acceptation, that it is not only one way to go. It does not matter what color or
decorations your lantern is, a multi colored is just as beautiful.

[ 1 ]. The grasshopper and the Bell Cricket , http://generationswine

/05/grasshopper and bell cricket.html,
The Importance Of Professionalism In Pharmacy, At The...
Having professional etiquette is one of the most important factors that contribute to a
successful healthcare career. Professionalism within health care includes values to
promote the good of every patient in a compassionate, caring and respectful manner. In
the article, At the Pharmacy, Chekhov instructs pharmacists as to what they should not
do in regards to lack of empathy, attention, and interaction towards the patient, which
ultimately leads to the deterioration of the patient s health. In fact, the pharmacist
should be concerned about the patient s worries, and create an environment where
care, trust, and effective communication is used to address the patient s concerns, as
well as ensure the efficient delivery of prescriptions. The pharmaceutical practice has
gone beyond the role of medicine dispensary and has acquired a significant role in the
field of healthcare itself. Pharmacists are not only experts in medicine but unique
among other professionals because of their accessibility as healthcare providers. They
are more involved in educating patients on the proper use and consistency of
medications, solving different problems and seeking new challenges day to day. I enjoy
helping people and want to become an advocate for improving the quality of life of my
future patients as a whole, which leads me to continue pursuing a career as a Pharmacist.
It is also worthwhile remembering Chekhov s assertion that, Science and medicine may
change over the years, but the
Persuasive Speech On Spotting Scope
They say that there s a right tool for every job. In the case of spotting scopes, their job
is to provide close up visual access to anything on land while staying a safe distance
away. Something of a cross between binoculars and a telescope, spotting scopes have uses
from nature photography, bird watching, and even hunting.

While a telescope is usually used at night to observe the stars, a spotting scope is meant
only to be used during the day. When comparing a spotting scope to a telescope or a set
of binoculars, there are some important distinctions, such as the size and the level of

Today I ll be discussing the best spotting scopes as well as how to choose the right one
for your needs. Whether you need a scope for spotting ... Show more content on ...
Simply put, the larger the aperture, the more light comes in. If you want a beautiful,
clear, bright image, choose a scope with a sufficiently large aperture. Since spotting
scopes are meant to be used during the daytime, a large aperture will help you capture
the best image possible, even if the sky is overcast or darker than usual.

If you are using the scope for hunting, a bright image will help you identify your prey
much easier, making you more efficient in your process.

Because spotting scopes are meant to be used outdoors, many times this means that they
are brought into rough terrain. If you plan on carrying your scope into the wilderness,
you have to be prepared for any eventuality, including severe weather. Make sure that
your spotting scope is as weather proof as possible, and hopefully, it can withstand drops
or bumps without damaging the internal components.

In addition to the scope itself, make sure the tripod you use is just as rugged and
dependable. You don t want to have your scope fall over because of a weak tripod, so
make sure the unit and all accessories are hardened against the weather as much as


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