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Essay Works

Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Works" presents a unique challenge that goes beyond the
usual complexities associated with essay writing. This task requires a deep introspection into the very
nature of essays, their purpose, and the intricacies involved in constructing a coherent and
compelling piece. The difficulty lies not only in the technical aspects of essay composition but also in
navigating the abstract realm of ideas and conveying them effectively.

Crafting an essay about essays demands a meta-awareness that requires one to analyze the intricacies
of structure, argumentation, and style while simultaneously applying these elements to the very piece
being written. It's a paradoxical exercise where the writer must embody the principles they are
expounding upon. This self-reflexivity adds an extra layer of complexity, as the author becomes both
the subject and the object of examination.

Moreover, the challenge is amplified by the need to strike a balance between informative content and
engaging prose. The risk of slipping into a purely theoretical discussion without practical application
or, conversely, becoming too anecdotal without theoretical underpinning, makes the task even more

Navigating the fine line between originality and cliché also poses a challenge. It's easy to fall into the
trap of using generic statements about the importance of essays without offering a fresh perspective.
Conversely, delving too deep into avant-garde ideas may alienate the reader who is expecting a more
conventional approach.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Works" is a task that demands a high level of
self-awareness, intellectual acuity, and the ability to seamlessly blend theory with practice. It is an
exercise that pushes the boundaries of conventional essay writing, requiring the writer to embody the
very principles they are discussing. The difficulty lies not just in the technical aspects of composition
but in the delicate dance between self-reflection, originality, and engagement.

If you find yourself struggling with such a task, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar
essays and a wealth of academic support can be obtained through platforms like ,
where experienced writers can provide guidance and expertise in navigating the complexities of
essay writing.
Essay Works Essay Works
A Pregnant Woman With Cancer
A pregnant woman diagnosed with cancer is a very rare case in medicine. Nonetheless,
this case still presents itself in the field of medicine. Approximately, 1 in 1000 pregnant
women are affected by cancer ( Cancer During Pregnancy ). Conflicts that pin maternal
health versus fetal health have come to an attention grabbing point in our society. The
pregnant woman legally has the right to accept treatment that will harm the unborn child.
Still, it becomes a moral issue whether she owes it to her unborn child to refuse treatment
in order to avoid fetal harm and deliver a healthy child. For the sake of argument, this
paper will predominantly deal with pregnant cancer patients faced with the dilemma
between refusing chemotherapy which may... Show more content on ...
By saving one human life, another is harmed or even terminated. This is obviously not
a simple problem. Many nuances come into play. There is a chance that if of both the
mother and the baby to live happy and normal lives after the chemo. The doctor s
morals come into play; will the doctor directly harm another human life in order to
save another or will the doctor exercise his medical paternalism to force chemotherapy
onto the pregnant women in order to save her life? How aggressive the cancer is and
whether, if left alone, the mother can deliver the baby prematurely in order to ensure
the baby s safety before undergoing chemotherapy. Will the cancer, if left untreated,
spread to the baby and directly affect the baby s development? As one can see, this is a
very tedious and complicated problem and it is not one that has a correct answer. This
is a moral question about how the world ought to be. Personal beliefs and practices play
a huge role in each individual s answer to this difficult question.
To start, knowing the background of the situation is critical to understanding the
argument. In 1973, Roe vs. Wade was the Supreme Court case that made abortion under
certain circumstances legal in the United States ( History of Abortion in the U.S. ). This
also meant that women in the US could now make choices such as those stated out
above. The judges determined that the unborn child was not a human with rights, but a
clump of cells that was part of the
Identity Is An Unstable Performance Of Oneself
Identity is a construct observed and demonstrated by individuals through acts of
interpersonal communication. Erving Goffman, the famous sociologist, concluded that
identity is an unstable performance of oneself, rather than an innate psychological
feature that presents itself naturally. He argued individuals must create a social image,
or a front, in order to portray to others who they are, or who they want to be seen as in
order to obtain desirable responses, as he also concluded that identity is a type of
information that is not naturally accessible to one s audience. It is both consciously and
unconsciously remade by an individual during his/her interactions with certain people
and environments, and is displayed through several factors, such as one s mannerisms,
appearance, the setting signs provided, and how they tend to idealize themselves. There
is also an intentional goal to keep one s identity consistent and maintained, so that a
situation is kept appropriate, in terms of societal, or a specific audience s expectations. I
examined and applied these concepts in my own experience observing two subjects, a
close friend of mine, and an advisor at MCPHS University s writing center, to recognize
and understand their identity and motives while conversing with me. During my meeting
with an advisor at the writing center, reviewing and critiquing an assignment of mine, I
analyzed her signals of identity communication that were given off and
Lavey San Francisco Analysis
Satanism is a topic that has been misunderstood for many generations. Lavey is someone
who started to do a church of satanism in San Francisco. There has been many problems
involving if Lavey, the maker of the church, should actually even have the church present
in San Francisco. People were against this due to the stereotypes and criticism they would
get from the Christians, who would mainly criticize the satanic church views on beliefs
and religion. In reality the church of Satan does not only worship Satan, it can focus on
your own beliefs in religion. Lavey gets his conflicts signing the petition for gaining the
public church of Satan from the catholic churchand Christians. Lavey went into a
compromise and talked with the meyer of San Francisco to get permission to gain the
church in the city that way he can have it shared with the public. The christians were
against with that idea, but Lavey tries to prove that it wasn t really necessary towards
discriminating the world and worshiping Satan like how the Christians think. It focuses
mainly on benefiting themselves without causing any harm towards others who can
oppose them.

Having religious freedom was part of the 1st amendment. Lavey took that for granted that
way he can have the power to obtain the church of Satan in San Francisco. There was a
turning point in the ... Show more content on ...
Satanism has nothing to do with dogma or beliefs systems fighting against one another. It
has to do with you and your beliefs and the ones that count (
/index.htm). The members of the church of satn explain that thee religion has nothing to
do with any involvement of actually worshipping satan himself but moe of rebelling and
believing in
Colloquialism In Los Angeles
The ten people I chose to include in this study are composed of eighteen to twenty year
old women of multiple ethnicities who are either from Los Angeles or attend the
University of California, Los Angeles. This is so that the results are not varied due to
demographics other than ethnicity and so that the colloquialisms will not vary by
region; they will be specific to one area. This use of colloquialisms across the people
characterizes them as a linguistic group specific to Los Angeles making them a
community of practice of people who are members of Los Angeles, share the slang used
in the Los Angeles area, and are a part of the same network in regards to undergraduate
collegestudents. Since the way that I chose to collect data was through a series of
recorded interview questions, I prefaced every participant with a brief explanation of my
experiment and collected two consent forms detailing the process and the fact that
participation is completely voluntary. They can... Show more content on
Since the study required a platonic and romantic interest in men, most of my questions
were centered on personal dynamics and interactions with friends, romantic or potential
partners, and men they encounter in everyday life. In the responses given, I was looking
for causations for why all of the women I interviewed said that they were not trusting of
their partner or potential partners and presumed that it was a direct result of hearing their
friends and other men speak about women negatively that influenced how they carry
themselves in relationships. I ended up with answers to my ten interview questions for
ten women all about a page long when transcribed. Shortly after giving the interviews, I
spent time listening to the recordings and choosing which samples best described the
overall results of the study and then chose one from the
Literary Devices In Hills Like White Elephant
Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist who was credited with having a major
impact on the fictional writings of the 20th century. His writings have influenced many
people through his life experiences seen throughout many of his stories. In Hills like
White Elephants Hemmingway uses multiple literary devices throughout the story.
Three of these devices are imagery, symbolism, and a metaphor. Hemmingway uses
imagery in his story when he calls his girlfriend a jig. A jig is a device use to trick
someone just like the man feels happened to him. The American feels that the woman is
using the baby as a jig for them to stay together. By having the two different stances on
decision it creates a conflict that is going to make one have to give in and accept the
others option. According to Howard Hannum, Jig expresses all too well what the girl had
meant to the American. This statement is true because she is trying her best to stay away
from talking about abortion even though it is clear that the American wants her to get one.
... Show more content on ...
Symbolism is the use of a symbol to represent something else. Hemmingway uses
colors as a way to symbolize the happiness one feels and the bitterness of another.
According to Lewis weeks color symbol involving black of licorice and the whiteness
of the hills suggests the contrast between sorrow and joy (75). This shows how in the
story the woman feels happy that she is pregnant but at the same time is upset due to
the fact that the American wants her to get the procedure done. Hemmingway also uses
color symbolism when talking about the setting of the story. He says, The hills across
the valley of Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and
the station was between two lines of rails in the sun (Hemmingway
Dig Deep Beyond Lean In By Sandberg Summary
Garcia 1
Kevin Garcia
Professor Caputo
ENG 099
13 October 2016 Taking risks worth it ? The stereotype of a woman is very strong, and
men view it commonly the same way every other corporate woking person, or high
class man views it, just a housewife who stays home to take care of the house, and not
work to be independent. Sheryl Sandberg tell the story how women should Lean In into
actions they are not comfortable with, while bell hooks explains why Sandberg s
explanations are useless. Sandberg s ... Show more content on ...
You have to take opportunities and make an opportunity fit for you, rather than the
other way around. The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have.
When you have to Lean In to grab certain opportunities, doing actions in a workplace
that makes you feel uncomfortable, just to grab a better position from what you had
before, like having the confidence to grab the most challenging position at work, or
majoring in a career where mostly men studied. I agree with Sandberg s quote, women
now have the chance to grab more of a better position at work to make more money,
and prove to people that you can do it. While reading the story I also came across this
quote, Sandberg quoted Women need to shift from thinking I m not ready to do that to
thinking I want to do that and I ll learn by doing it. Society was thought as men doing
everything for their family, only the wife stays home, only to take care of the kids, or a
women needs a man to live their life, and depend on them. Sandberg explains that the
mentality of a women needs to change from thinking the certain simple things they can
achieve are impossible, the mentality of a women needs to change by attending actions
where people don t see much womans doing, Sandberg uses examples like CEO
positions, like not many woman are CEO of a corporation, there isn t much of a woman
figure for them to look
Ap English Essay After Twenty Years
If you were to meet a friend after not seeing them for twenty years, would you
recognize them? Do you think they might have changed from when you last met? In
the short story After Twenty Years by O. Henry, this very concept is tested. Two best
friends had moved apart, one moving to the west as the other stayed in New York. Both
men, true to their word, showed up at ten o‟clock at the restaurant where Bob and
Jimmy had last seen each other. Although one of the two didn‟t reveal who he truly was
until the end of the story, there is a twist. When you, or anyone in general, are faced with
a certain decision where you could lose a friendship, being loyal isn‟t always the proper
choice. Making the right decisions, even through our better judgments,... Show more
content on ...
he asked, doubtfully. His actions were suspicious and it turns out that he wasn t really
Jimmy. Nearly every second of everyday, people all over the world have a choice;
something in their self conscience that tells them whether something is right or wrong.
We as human being are judged, even under our best wishes, and, for the most part, are
discriminated against by our actions. It depends on what we believe, but making the
correct decision, in your point of view, could be different from the next person. Some
would say that Jimmy should not have turned Bob in, seeing as they were best friends
and Bob had described him as loyal. Others would say that Jimmy did the honorable
thing by not performing the arrest himself. Another example from After Twenty Years is
when they came into this glare...gazed upon each other‟s faces.... „You‟re not Jimmy
Wells,‟ he snapped. „Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a
man‟s nose from a Roman to a pug.‟ „It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one.‟
This long but helpful quote indicates that over a period of time, there are certain changes
a person

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