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Sample Descriptive Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Sample Descriptive Essays" presents a unique set of challenges,
as it requires a delicate balance of creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to effectively convey
vivid imagery through words. The difficulty lies not only in the need to generate compelling content
but also in ensuring that the descriptive elements are rich enough to captivate the reader's

One of the primary hurdles is the demand for a heightened sense of observation. The writer must
immerse themselves in the chosen subject matter, whether it's an object, a place, or an experience,
and meticulously capture its essence. This demands a keen eye for detail and a mastery of language
to transform mundane observations into an engaging narrative.

Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding clichés and generic descriptions. Striking a balance
between providing a unique perspective and adhering to established conventions is a tightrope walk.
The essay must offer a fresh and original take on the chosen topic, steering clear of overused phrases
that can dilute the impact of the descriptive elements.

Crafting a seamless flow is another aspect that adds to the complexity. Transitioning between
different descriptive elements without losing coherence requires a skillful use of language and a deep
understanding of narrative structure. The essay should read like a cohesive story, with each
paragraph seamlessly connecting to the next.

Additionally, managing the length of the essay can be a challenge. Descriptive writing often tempts
writers to indulge in lengthy descriptions, risking reader fatigue. Striking a balance between
providing sufficient detail and maintaining brevity is crucial to keep the reader engaged.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Sample Descriptive Essays" demands a high level of

craftsmanship. The writer must navigate the intricate landscape of observation, creativity, language
use, and structure to create a compelling and immersive narrative. Success in this endeavor requires a
dedication to detail, a flair for language, and an understanding of the delicate art of descriptive

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges, a variety of resources are
available. Professional writing services, such as , offer support in creating custom
essays tailored to specific requirements. These services can be valuable for individuals looking to
enhance their writing skills or seeking expert guidance in producing high-quality essays.
Sample Descriptive Essays Sample Descriptive Essays
Lack of Diversity in Management Coaching in Sports Essay...
In recent history it has been evident that some of the most popularize sports in America
have been dominated and overran by African American and other minority athletes. In
turn when the coaching and management positions in sports are analyzed and broken
down, the number of minority coaches and managers in sport are almost non existent
and have been since those sports organization became established. In 2006 Blacks
made up about 14% of the population, 12% of all college enrollments, and nearly 24%
of all collegiate scholarship athletes. In some major sports, such as basketball and
football, blacks make up a great percentage of athletes participating. In 2005 over 55%
of all collegiate athletes on football scholarships were Blacks and... Show more content
on ...
This is an issue that has become to be expected in both collegiate and professional
sports (Anonymous, 36 37). It may not be thought about much but there are some
racial games that are played. Although the Rooney Rule has at least given minority
head coaches a chance to potentially get hired because they actually get a chance to
get an interview, many still see it as just a rule put into place to make it seem like
everything is equal and to save face from scrutiny about racial issues in sport. In 2003,
Mike Millen the president of the Detroit Lions was fined for not interviewing a minority.
He was not fined for intentionally not interviewing minority coaches, he actually
contacted five different minority coaches and each of them turned the request for an
interview down. Each of them felt like the job was already Steve Mariucci and felt like
they were just being interviewed just so that the Detroit Lions could fill their obligation
to interview a minority coach. The problem not only lies with collegiate and professional
sports organizations and the issue of not interviewing and hiring more minority coaches
and managers but also stems from this minorities feeling that they don t have a fair shot
at the position. Some minorities looking for a head coaching position also have negative
feelings towards getting called up for an interview just because of rule that was put into
place that forces teams to do this. Some feel like if the Rooney Rule wasn t in
Bariatric Surgery, Or Weight Loss Surgery
Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is a procedure performed on those who are
obese in order to help them lose weight. The procedure works to reduce the size of the
patient s stomach, which results in weight loss and a healthier life. Restricting the size
of the stomach causes malabsorption of nutrients, which is normally bad, but for an
obese person it is the first step to losing weight. This paper gives a brief history of
bariatric surgery, along with a description of how it works; it s uses, and complications.
The paper then transitions into the future of bariatric surgery as well as recent
advancements to better the procedure. Finally, the paper discusses the societal and
ethical implications of bariatric surgery.... Show more content on ...
Most bariatric procedures that are performed today use minimally invasive techniques.
A brief history of bariatric surgery is discussed followed by an in depth description of
the various techniques used. Complications, such as the 10% of patients who have
unpleasant experiences, and the future of bariatric surgery will also be investigated in
depth. Societal and ethical implications are discussed as well. Bariatric surgery can be
very helpful to those who are obese, and a great gateway to getting those people back in
History of Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is a very unique procedure in the
medical field because with one operation, a person can be cured of numerous life
changing diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea,
headaches, venous stasis disease, various types of cancer, liver disease, arthritis, and
much more. Bariatric surgery is the only sure and effective method to weight loss in
obese patients. The first weight loss operation was performed by Kremen and associates
in1954 at the University of Minnesota. Since then, many different types of bariatric
surgeries have been created. Payne DeWind developed the first variation of bariatric
surgery, the Jejuno colic Shunt, in 1963, but it quickly failed as patients experienced
major complications. In 1967, Dr. Edward Mason, a physician at the University
The Birds By Daphne Du Maurier
Survival. As a famous saying goes, Sometimes even to live can be an act of courage.
Survival is not something most Americans think of first thing in the morning. For some
humans in the world, surviving is the most difficult task to complete in their daily life;
one reason being poverty. For Nat Hocken, it isn t poverty that made it difficult for him
to survive; it is birds. Birds are known to have a predominantly positive connotation such
as innocence, beauty, gentleness, nobility, and good omen. In the story The Birds, the
author Daphne Du Mauriercreates birds that are evil, violent, ferocious, and savage
creatures that are apparently hungry for humans. Nat, living on a small farm, being
physically disabled has to survive on his... Show more content on ...
Nat also had come to recognize the fact that if the government did try to help, it
wouldn t be any use for them. The government would first help its major population in
the cities; not the ones that live in some small rural farm. As a final point, Nat was a
critical thinker. Maurier says, he decided they must sleep in the kitchen... keep up the
fire...bring down their mattresses. He had everything planned beforehand and was
always planning his next step. Nat even calculated the times when it was the most
dangerous times to go out and when it wasn t. His wisdom was the reason his family
survived for such a long period of time.
Secondly, Nat was a very observant man. Maurier says that every day at work Nat at
midday would pause his work and watch the birds (Maurier 51). An average person
could have an hour long conversation with a friend in the coffee shop, but 5 minutes
later can t remember what shirt they were wearing. This isn t a memory problem; it s
the same reason a person forgets why they just walked into the kitchen. Humans have
been accustomed to not notice such trivial things. Nat was different because he would
notice these small things. Maurier said, Jim s body laid in the yard... cows trampled
on...door...shut and bolted...close to telephone (Maurier 79) Here in front of Nat lays a
dead body that has been trampled on by cows, but he is able to pick out little details like
the door being tightly

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