Depression Essay Conclusion

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Depression Essay Conclusion

Writing an essay conclusion on the topic of depression can be quite challenging. Firstly, because
depression is a complex and sensitive subject that requires a deep understanding of psychology,
sociology, and even neurobiology. It's not just about summarizing points; it's about leaving a lasting
impression on the reader while providing closure to the arguments presented.

Crafting a conclusion demands a delicate balance between summarizing key points discussed in the
essay, providing insights or reflections that tie everything together, and leaving the reader with
something to ponder. Moreover, when dealing with a topic as profound as depression, it's crucial to
offer a sense of hope or encouragement, even if the subject matter is inherently bleak.

Another layer of difficulty arises from the emotional weight of the topic itself. Depression is not just
an abstract concept; it's a lived experience for many people. Therefore, writing about it requires
empathy, sensitivity, and a nuanced approach to avoid trivializing or oversimplifying the experiences
of those who struggle with it.

Furthermore, crafting a conclusion entails ensuring coherence with the rest of the essay while also
introducing a fresh perspective or a thought-provoking idea. It's about striking the right tone—neither
too optimistic nor too pessimistic—and leaving the reader with a sense of resolution or insight.

In conclusion, writing an essay conclusion on the topic of depression is a challenging task that
requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, empathy, sensitivity, and the ability to provide
closure while leaving a lasting impact on the reader.

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Nuclear Energy Is Not Equal To Future
Nowadays, a growing trend in many countries to use nuclear energy as their mainly
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While the radioactive waste is generated, it will cause many problems, bringing some
kinds of influence. If the radioactive waste does not stored properly, it will bring a real
detrimental outcome for our environment. It is because that nuclear waste will leak
radiations if the place people used to store those waste is inappropriate. Actually,
radioactive waste comes from various kinds of different sources, and can be divided
into three vary extent levels, which are the low level, intermediate level, or high level
waste. Hospitals, laboratories, and industry are the places low level waste which
includes paper, rags, clothing, and filters containing small amounts of short lived
radioactive isotopes produced. The low level waste makes up 90% of the volume of
radiation waste, however, those waste only has 1% of the radioactivity. Intermediate
level waste is consist of resins and chemical sludge. As for the high level waste, while it
only contributes 3% of the volume of all disposed radioactive material, however, it
accounts for more than 95% of the radioactivity (Oelkers par. 1). For nuclear power,
various environmental problems are mainly consist of radioactive waste. According to
Wolfson s work, the impact of the radiation waste will last for a long time, even
thousands of years, and it will also cause a great number of different kinds of accidents
and the decommissioning of old nuclear plants . Actually, the radioactive

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