Privilege Essay

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Privilege Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of privilege can be both challenging and enlightening. The difficulty
lies not only in the complexity of the subject matter but also in navigating the nuances and
sensitivities associated with privilege. The concept of privilege encompasses various dimensions,
including race, gender, socioeconomic status, and more, making it a multifaceted and intricate topic
to explore.

One challenge is striking the right balance between acknowledging the existence of privilege and
avoiding a tone that could come across as accusatory or dismissive. It requires a delicate approach to
convey the importance of understanding privilege without alienating the audience or diminishing the
experiences of others.

Researching the historical and societal context of privilege adds another layer of complexity.
Unraveling the systemic structures that contribute to privilege requires a comprehensive examination
of literature, statistics, and real-life examples. This thorough investigation is essential to providing a
well-rounded and informed perspective in the essay.

Moreover, articulating personal reflections or anecdotes can be challenging, as it involves

introspection and self-awareness. Writers may need to confront their own biases and assumptions,
adding a layer of emotional complexity to the writing process. Balancing the personal and the
objective aspects of the essay is crucial to create a piece that is both authentic and analytical.

In conclusion, writing an essay on privilege demands a careful navigation of a complex and

emotionally charged topic. It requires a nuanced understanding of the subject matter, thoughtful
research, and a skillful balance between personal reflection and objective analysis. Despite its
challenges, exploring privilege in-depth can lead to valuable insights and contribute to a more
profound understanding of social dynamics.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, a resource like can
provide valuable support and guidance. Professional services can help refine ideas, offer constructive
feedback, and ensure that the final product is polished and impactful.
Privilege Essay Privilege Essay
Sex Offenders And Sexual Offenders Essay
Prisoners who have been convicted of a sexual offence make up approximately 20% of
prison population in New Zealand (Nadesu, 2011). In 2005, there were 703 in total
apprehensions of sexual assaults committed against children 16 years and under in New
Zealand. Since then there has been a rise with total of 1029 apprehensions recorded in
2014 (New Zealand Family ViolenceClearinghouse, 2015), thus may be a reason as to
why there has been such interest around child sexual offenders in criminology.
Furthermore, sexual offending tends to be seen as an attribute in an individual that is
unchangeable, with this there is potential that some may see child sex offenders in a
more unfavourable light when being compared to a murder. Considering the statement
above, it is also believed that sexual offenders are more likely to re offend than other
type of offenders because this type of violence is abnormal and untreatable. However,
this is not the case, sexually offenders are less likely to re offend then many other types
of offenders (Thakker Gannon, 2010). This essay will be based on understanding aspects
around the attitudes, treatment, and rehabilitation of malechild sexual offenders, based
around New Zealand specific data about how communities and the Criminal Justice
System treat male child sexual offenders. Therefore, with the help of literature and
statistics, the main focus points of this essay will be around the underlying attitudes and
statistical data surrounding child sex
Understand Health And Safety In Social
Understand health and safety in social care settings.

1.1 legislation relating to general health and safety in a social care setting would be
Health and safety at work act,
Manual handling operations regulations,
Control of substances hazardous to health regulations
Health and safety first aid regulations,
Management of health and safety at work regulations.

1.2 The main points of the policies and procedures are to ensure everyone follows the
same guidelines, is safe and to minimise the chance of accidents.
1.3 The main health and safety responsibilities of

The social care worker

To participate in health and safety training.
To report any potential and actual hazards and risks to the employer.
Be responsible for their ... Show more content on ...
gloves and hair nets should also be worn in a kitchen and before any contact with food.
plasters must be worn over any cuts.

5.1 The legislation that relates to moving and handling is ...

The manual handling operations regulations 1992.
Provision and use of work equipment regulations 1998
lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1992

5.2 principles for safe moving and handling

ensuring there are enough staff available to lift or handle someone safetly.
to ensure the appropriate equipment is available and used correctly.
to ensure a pain free and dignified transfer.
5.3 6.1 moving and handling tasks must only be carried out following training because of
the risk of injury to the client or the staff if equipment is not used correctly or the
procedures followed.
6.2 you must always follow an individuals care plan and engage with them with
assisting with mobility to ensure they are as relaxed as possible, not frightend. You
must tell them step by step what is happeneing or going to happen. All equipment must
be used as directed by care plan to ensure the client is safe and as pain free as possible
whilst moving them, use of the correct equipment will also prevent any further injuries to
the client and also to the staff doing the move.

7.1 hazardous substances that may be found in the social care setting would include..
The Strongest Man Upon the Earth Is He Who Stands Most...
According to Henrik Ibsen, The strongest man upon the earth is he who stands most
alone. In other words, what this quote means is that the strongest man is the most
independent; individuals who do not need to rely on others to survive. Individuals who
stand alone are the ones who realize the strength within themselves and become
powerful characters. This quote is valid because individuals who like to take actions on
their own and at their own pace become the most successful. Two works of literature that
support the validity of this statement are The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger and
The Color of Water, by James McBride.

The Color of Water, is a memoir, set in a variety of settings; from Suffolk, Virginia, to
Wilmington, ... Show more content on ...
For example, he was shipped to school and when he would get expelled; his parents
paid no mind and sent him to another school. He lived away from his family for a
great part of his life and because of being independent at such an early age; he later on
endeared a mental breakdown and ended up in an asylum. However, being independent
made Holden realize that he has a problem and that if he would not have gone to the
asylum and seeked help from professions, then he would not have been able to become
a stronger and more successful individual. Ultimately, The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D.
Salinger, and The Color of Water, by James McBride, both support the validity of the
quote, The strongest man upon the earth is he who stands most alone, said by author
Henrik Ibsen. As life goes on, individuals will learn and realize that isolating yourself
will not get you anywhere in life; it will only hurt you. You can be in control of your
own destiny and you will gain perspective on your life. Both protagonists, Holden
Caulfield and Ruth McBride, teach us that to ensure a prominent future, you need to
overcome obstacles in all situations. This will better you as a person and will offer you
a sense of what happens in the real world. Being independent allows you to see the
world from a different perspective and no matter what life throws at you; you can get up
from the ground, start again, and begin leading

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