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Girl Jamaica Kincaid Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid can be quite challenging due to the complex
themes and stylistic elements present in the text. Kincaid's writing is known for its concise yet
powerful narrative style, often delving into themes of gender, identity, colonialism, and familial
relationships. Analyzing and interpreting these themes requires a deep understanding of the text and
its socio-cultural context.

Moreover, Kincaid employs a unique narrative structure in "Girl," utilizing a stream-of-consciousness

technique that can be difficult to navigate for some readers. Deciphering the underlying messages
and the significance of each element in the text requires careful attention to detail and critical
thinking skills.

Additionally, crafting an essay on this topic involves conducting thorough research to provide
context for Kincaid's work, including her background, influences, and the historical context of the
setting. Integrating secondary sources and literary criticism adds depth to the analysis but also
requires the ability to synthesize various perspectives cohesively.

Furthermore, discussing sensitive topics such as gender roles, cultural expectations, and the effects of
colonialism requires a nuanced approach to ensure the essay is both insightful and respectful.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid demands a combination of literary

analysis, cultural understanding, critical thinking, and research skills. It is a task that necessitates
dedication, patience, and a thorough engagement with the text and its broader implications.

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Girl Jamaica Kincaid Essay Girl Jamaica Kincaid Essay
The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Gilgamesh Essay
While the women in the Epic of Gilgamesh may not be the primary focus of the epic,
which instead recounts more of Gilgamesh s own trials and travails, they still play quite
vital roles in their interactions with both Enkidu and Gilgamesh. Women such as
Shamhat, Ninsun, and Ishtar in The Epic of Gilgamesh are often portrayed with a
particular emphasis on their intrinsic connections to civilization and in the case of
Shamhat and Ninsun, in terms of their motherly characteristics as well which serves as
their primary influence over men. When taken into account with Gilgamesh s
overarching quest for immortality, this inherent connection that women have with
civilization, and particularly so through their roles as mothers of not just a single
character, but in general of the entire progeny of civilization itself, lends to the notion
that women themselves are the very progenitors of civilization who will ultimately
uphold Gilgamesh s own quest for immortality. One of the first women of particular
importance and influence to appear in the epic is Shamhat the harlot. Shamhat is initially
introduced to the wild man Enkiduas a means to tame him, as [her allure is a match] for
even the mighty (The Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet I.141). This characterization of Shamhat,
with a particular emphasis on the power of her allure and sexuality, puts forth the
preliminary notion that the primary source of a woman s power and influence stems
from her sexuality. Moreover, Enkidu s acceptance of
Analysis Of The Poem Lycidas By Paul J. Alpes
The traditional pastoral poems follow a creative style that romanticize rural life and
landscapes, which drifted away from industrialization. The quintessential pastoral poems
have been described by Paul J. Alpes as a double longing after innocence and happiness;
that it is based on philosophical antithesis of Art and Nature; that its universal idea is the
Golden Age; that its fundamental motive is hostility to urban life. (10). Some literary
critics have made the assertion that Milton s poem Lycidasfollows the traditional pastoral
conventions, for instance, Samuel Johnson recognized the poem as a traditional pastoral
because it depicted an idealized life of rural leisure. Moreover, he claims that Milton s
pastoral poem is easy,... Show more content on ...
The speaker challenges the customary idyllic landscape like the laurels and myrtles
by destructively picking the flowers and berries off the trees, instead of the speaker
being grounded in nature like the other speakers in traditional pastoral poems, he
destroys it. Furthermore, Milton turns the pastoral into one of mourning because the
speaker s compulsion for disturbing nature before season due all stems from the death
of Lycidas who died in his prime . As the poem continues, the speaker explains the
romanticized pastoral landscape where he and Lycidas were once shepherds: For
were nursed upon the self same hill, / Fed the same flock, by the fountain, shade, and
rill. Together both, ere the high lawns appeared (23 25). These lines display how the
speaker can reach nostalgia with these pastoral fantasies that distance him away from
reality. However, the speaker soon leaves the romantic when he laments about Lycidas:
And old Damoetas loved to hear our song. / But O the heavy change, now thou art
gone, (36 37). The speaker being able to come back to reality demonstrates how the
Milton is unable to emphasize the traditional romantic pastoral setting of peace and joy
because of the emotional anguish the speaker has. Furthermore, Milton alludes to the fact
that one must remove themselves from an idealized world for them to grieve properly.
The amount of control that the speaker had over his decision to leave his pastoral
fantasy is
How Does Carbon Compound In Alcohol Affect The
Vick Hung
Draft 1

How does carbon compound in a alcohol affect the energy release from the combustion
of the alcohol


In Organic Chemistry unit of our Chemistry class, our teacher taught us about the
different types of alcohols, and the different characteristics of them. On my own time
with personal interest, I learned more about alcohol, and noticed potential in these
substance. The presence of alcohol could be found in many places, from food and
ingredient in the kitchen, to bio fuel in technologies.
A most commonly used alcohol is ethanol. ethanol has been in our lives for a long time.
It is used in cleaning, and is also introduced to industrial usage. Ethanol is also blend into
gasoline to reduce air pollution in combustion ... Show more content on
although both the lines showed a gradual increase, all the calculated values are lower
then those of the Physical and Thermochemical Data except for hexan 1 ol. but

Conclusion overall, the investigation showed a positive correlation between the increase
of carbon number in the linear alcohol homologous series, and the increase in enthalpy of
combustion, which supports my hypothesis. Thus with the investigation of this
experiment, it is to be concluded that, ignoring the cost of production, the more carbon in
a alcohol, the more energy is released from the combustion of the molecule with oxygen.


Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Disarmament
Throughout the history of humanity, humans have always fought with each other to
survive and possibly thrive from the resources and land obtained from the defeated
peoples. Furthermore, these conflicts have grown to be more costlier over the centuries
because of technological advances, such as tanks and machine guns. Some of these
technological advances have led to a lesser and lesser chance of a conflict breaking out
because of the concern of the costs outweighing the benefits of committing to war; also
known as deterrence. The most well known example of this concept is nuclear arms
deterrence. With this idea, nine countries around the world employ this form of
deterrence because they want to protect themselves, but what happens if it presents more
of threat in the foreseeable future? Additionally, this form of deterrence has been known
to fail, and many countries see nuclear arms as a bigger threat showing that nuclear
weaponsis a threat to mankind; therefore, disarmament will be the best strategy to
utilize. This concept of nuclear disarmament is known commonly as Nuclear Zero and
I agree completely with the idea and Professor Sagan s side of the argument because it
prevents the threat of nuclear catastrophe and allows for the global community to work
towards a goal of true peace. When the concept of second strike capability is used to
explain why nuclear deterrence works, the concept is used only on the basis that an
enemy country is threatening to use its own
Essay on Bullying in Schools
Cowardice asks the question: is it safe?
Expediency asks the question: is it politic?
Vanity asks the question: is it popular?
But conscience asks the question: is it right?
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic,
nor popular but one must take it because it is right.
Martin Luther King

Bullying in Schools

Typically, bullying is thought of as aggressive behavior on the part of one child,

directed toward another; however, playful tussling or normal childhood conflicts can be
characterized the same way, resulting in mislabeling and misunderstanding of the
Bullying is verbal or physical behavior designed to disturb someone less powerful
(Santrock ... Show more content on ...
Bullying is one form of violence that seems to have increased in recent years,
although it is not clear if the increase reflects more incidents of bullying at school or
perhaps greater awareness of bullying as a problem ( What Is Bullying? )
A 2005 US Department of Justice study showed that the percentage of students bullied
typically decreases with age, but has been increasing in past years

Long term effects of bullying

Bullying has been shown to have severe and sometimes lasting effects, going on to
shape both the bullies and the victims adult personalities.
9 to 12 year old victims of bullying are prone to headaches, sleeping issues, abdominal
pain and depression.
Students involved in bullying, on either end, are more likely to suffer from depression,
and eventually attempt suicide, than their peers who were not involved in bullying. A
longitudinal study of male students who were bullied as children showed their self
esteem was lower, and the rate of depression was higher, while adults who were bullies
as children were far more likely to be convicted of criminal behavior than their non
bullying peers (Santrock 373).
For more information on the long term effects of bullying, visit Santrock s
Adolescence Learning Center.

What are the

Essay On John Wilkes Booth
Essay One
Ashlie Clark
U.S. History
Prof. Kearney
Due: September 7th, 2017
The First U.S. President to Ever be Assassinated Many people view Abraham Lincoln as
the best president our country has ever had and I for one, agree. Lincoln dedicated his
life to this country, spending most of his political life campaigning against slavery, letting
the country know that he was against everything it stood for. However, upon Abraham
Lincolns inauguration, our nation divided itself. The election signaled the secession of
seven southern states which lead to the creation of the Confederate States followed by
the Civil War. As the war came close to the end in 1865, there was an uproar among
southerners who blamed Lincoln for ruining their nation by ... Show more content on ...
Abraham Lincolns election was such a heavily debated topic through the nation that
Lincoln became an obvious political target for Southern sympathizers. Lincoln even
reportedly had a spot on his desk labeled assassination that was designated for death
threats that came in through the mail. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln was assigned a body
guard, however this was nowhere near the kind of security our presidents have in today s
During Abraham Lincolns pre inaugural tour from Springfield to Washington, there was
an incident which took place towards the end of the tour. Lincoln was informed by
several different people that there was a plan in place to ambush and assassinate him in
Baltimore, Maryland (John Wilkes Booths hometown). This plan was supposed to take
place before he had the chance to make it to Washington to be elected. Lincoln decided
to take the advice of his friends, even though he wasn t completely sure that there really
was a plan to murder him, and chose not to take the planned route. Instead, he decided to
take an alternate route that went around Baltimore rather than through it, at night, while
wearing a disguise. Alternating his course, put him in Washington early the following
morning. However, after doing this, Lincoln felt rather embarrassed that he had to hide
in the shadows and dodge people in order to stay safe. He pondered these events for
quite some time and eventually vowed to himself that he wouldn t hide from his enemies
Circus Posters of P.T. Barnum and The Ringling Brothers
Before there was the Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey and their Greatest Show on
Earth there was just P.T. Barnum and the Ringling brothers each with their own traveling
circus. Barnum s circus was originally known as P.T. Barnum s Grand Traveling
Museum, Menagerie, Caravan and Circus, which was unveiled as the largest American
circusin 1870 and quickly became a hit (Barnum s Timeline). Then in 1881 Barnum,
James Bailey, and James Hutchinson partnered up to create P.T. Barnum s Greatest Show
on Earth The Great London Circus, which later became Barnum Bailey s Greatest Show
on Earth in 1888 (P.T. Barnum). Sixteen years after Barnum s death in 1891, the Ringling
brothers bought out their competition, but the two shows continued to... Show more
content on ...
Furthermore, the largest display text of the Barnum poster has been treated much
differently than that of the Ringling poster. The Barnum poster advertises the
performer Lulu s human cannonball type act, so the fact that the text The Only and
Original is curved and shaped in such a way that it seems to somewhat resemble a
cannon with the barrel pointed towards the full body illustration of Lulu is most likely
not a coincidence. Additionally, the typeface of the LuLu text is fancier with its
decorative serifs and swirly tails than the other typefaces on that poster and on the
Ringling poster. The two posters both employ serif and sans serif typestyles but the
Ringling poster uses a slab serif while the Barnum poster has a more decorative style
serif. Moreover, the serif type on the Ringling poster has a bulkier, rounder, slightly
casual appearance to it while the Barnum poster s serif type appears more angular and
rigid with a more formal appearance. The sans serif type on the bottom of the
Ringling poster has that same slightly round and informal feel to it that the poster s
serif typestyle has, much like the way that the angular rigidness of the Barnum poster s
serif typeface is echoed in the choice of sans serif typestyle. In addition, the smaller
display text at the top of the Barnum poster has a light gray drop shadow to set it apart
from the other black text around the poster and to grab the viewer s attention away from
the colored type and image.

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