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Problem Solving Essay Examples

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Problem Solving Essay Examples" poses a unique set of
challenges that demand a combination of critical thinking, analytical skills, and effective
communication. The difficulty lies in navigating through a vast array of potential problems and
solutions to select a relevant and compelling example. Identifying a problem that is not only
significant but also allows for a nuanced exploration can be a daunting task. Once a problem is
chosen, articulating its complexities and implications requires a careful balance to avoid
oversimplification or excessive detail.

Furthermore, the process of constructing a coherent essay involves not only presenting the problem
but also delving into potential solutions. Evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of different
approaches adds an additional layer of complexity. It demands a thorough examination of various
perspectives, research, and real-world examples to support the proposed solutions.

The challenge intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between being persuasive and
maintaining objectivity. Crafting a compelling argument without succumbing to bias is a delicate art,
requiring meticulous attention to evidence and reasoning. Additionally, ensuring a logical flow
throughout the essay, from the introduction to the conclusion, is essential for a coherent and
impactful piece.

Moreover, the task becomes more intricate when considering the need to engage the reader.
Transforming complex problem-solving concepts into accessible language and relatable examples
requires a skillful blend of clarity and creativity. Achieving a connection with the audience and
conveying the urgency of the issue is crucial for the essay's overall effectiveness.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Problem Solving Essay Examples" demands a multifaceted

approach. It necessitates the ability to select a relevant and compelling problem, analyze it from
various angles, propose practical solutions, maintain objectivity, and engage the reader effectively.
While the process may be challenging, it provides an opportunity for intellectual growth and the
development of essential skills.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar writing tasks, a variety of resources are
available. Services like offer support in generating well-researched and articulate
essays on a range of topics, providing valuable aid in navigating the complexities of academic
Problem Solving Essay ExamplesProblem Solving Essay Examples
Floating Holiday Memo
This memo is regarding the use of Floating Holidays by exempt staff. Effective
January 1, 2017 there will be some changes to the use of Floating Holidays. As noted in
the Employee Policy Handbook at the beginning each calendar quarter (January 1, April
1, July 1, and October 1) all eligible staff are credited one (1) floating holiday, which can
be taken at any time during the quarter. New employees hired on or before the 15th of
the second month in the quarter will be eligible for the floating holiday for that quarter.

Current policy and practice:

Exempt employees are given the option to carry over (1) Floating Holiday per quarter,
if not used. In the next quarter, it must be used or it will be it forfeited. Exempt
employees are not paid
Marketing Plan for an Existing Business
Executive Summary

Dragonfly Designs already offers custom made items and now we would like to
expand our product lines and offer do it yourself items. Our existing location can be
renovated to add the space needed for this service. We would also like to build a new
facility with a larger work area for the do it yourself projects and kilns in the back area.
The back area would be large enough to hold the inventory for both store locations. To
accomplish these objectives, land needs to be found and purchased for the new facility.
Bank financing is necessary for the building of this new facility but not needed for the
renovations at our existing location. Dragonfly Designs would also like to begin
delivering our own goods locally. We ... Show more content on ...
To ensure proper handling when shipping, we will start making local deliveries
ourselves. We also plan to open an area in our shop to offer different art classes and do
it yourself project options. We plan to buy some of the artwork made there by local
artists and sell it in the showroom. We would like to start this service within the next 60
days. These goals will allow us to obtain the total revenue increase of 25% this year we
are aiming for.

Core Competency

There is only one store within a 60 mile radius that handles stained glass and there is no
place that handles porcelain designs locally. To be competitive on the Internet, price is
key in getting customers to purchase from us. A user friendly website also helps in
increasing purchase orders. Our original designs and made to order products help to
ensure satisfaction. Our shipping program is a big draw for consumers. Since the
shipping is included in the price of the product, many consumers choose us over the

Situation Analysis

Internal Focus

We have several strengths within our company. There are not many other businesses of
our type in this area. Our pricing can be higher since our product is custom made for the
individual. We have low overhead and do not need much space to manufacture our
products. Our company is also able to handle repairs in our own shop. Our artists are all
skilled craftsmen from various backgrounds and they bring their individual tastes to
2001 A Space Odyssey Movie Analysis
The trailer for Stanley Kubrick s 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in anticipation
of the movie s debut on April 6, 1968. Kubrick began working on the movie in 1964 in
collaboration with science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke (SOURCE). The two
worked together to form the movie s screenplay, Clarke also began working on the
novel titled 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick, who was just 39 years old at the time,
was beginning to gain popularity after directing movies such as Lolita and Dr.
Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (CITE). His
increasing popularity paired with the movie s intrinsic appeals to the rise of technology
and the Space Race effectively captivated the 1960 s American public. Throughout the
trailer, there are displays of striking visuals such as spaceships gliding through a star
speckled black backdrop and astronauts walking on the moon s gray, barren landscape.
Although the most prominent aspect of the trailer is its setting in space, the characters
actions in space are also awfully intriguing. They are flying spaceships, walking on the
moon, investigating alien monoliths, whirling off uncontrollably into nothingness, and
arguing with the ship s computer. The introduction to this computer, formally called the
H A L 9000 Computer or simply HAL , occurs about halfway through the trailer
(TheStanleyKubricks). The serene classical music that the trailer started off with quickly
begins to sound more sinister and frightening, then
The Most Dangerous Game Analysis
Underestimation and cruel actions lead to many things. In The Most Dangerous
Game, author Richard Connell reveals a conflict between main characters, General
Zaroff and Rainsford. Rainsford was to play the most dangerous game, created by
Zaroff, because the only way to survive, is to win it, otherwise death is the only other
option. As demonstrated through the use of personification, symbolism, and repetition
in the story, it conveys that one should understand to never underestimate another
person and remember that there will always be a consequence for the wicked things
that one has done. Sarcasm and trickery from one person, can cause another person s
skills to emerge. One way to understand why one shouldn t underestimate someone and
to be beware that the outcome of the corrupted actions that has done is unthinkable, is
shown through the use of symbolism and personification. About halfway through their
game, Rainsford managed to survive and take down one of the vicious hounds
through a trap. The general was playing him! The General was saving him for another
day s sport! The Cossack was the cat; he was the mouse..... he heard the sharp scream
of pain as the pointed stakes found their mark. He leaped up from his place of
concealment. Then he cowered back. Three feet from the pit a man was standing, with
an electric torch in his hand. You ve done well, Rainsford, the voice of the general
called. Your Burmese tiger pit has claimed one of my best dogs. Again you score. I

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