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Argumentative Essay Articles

Writing an essay on the topic of "Argumentative Essay Articles" can pose a significant challenge,
requiring a thoughtful approach, comprehensive research, and effective argumentation skills. Crafting
a compelling argumentative essay involves not only expressing one's own viewpoint but also
anticipating and addressing counterarguments. This demands a thorough understanding of the chosen
topic, as well as the ability to critically analyze various perspectives.

Research plays a crucial role in the difficulty level of such essays. It requires extensive exploration of
credible sources, scholarly articles, and relevant literature to support the arguments presented. This
process can be time-consuming and requires a keen eye for detail to sift through information and
extract the most pertinent data.

Structuring the essay is another aspect that adds to the complexity. Organizing ideas logically,
ensuring a smooth flow of arguments, and maintaining coherence throughout the essay are essential
components of effective writing. It's important to strike a balance between presenting evidence,
analyzing it, and drawing well-supported conclusions.

Additionally, the challenge lies in finding a unique angle or perspective on the topic to make the
essay stand out. Originality and creativity are valued, and synthesizing information in a way that
adds value to the existing discourse requires both skill and effort.

In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on the topic of "Argumentative Essay Articles"

demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. It's not
merely about expressing an opinion but about constructing a compelling argument supported by
evidence. For those seeking assistance with such tasks, there are resources available. Similar essays
and more can be ordered on , where professional writers can provide support and
guidance in navigating the challenges of academic writing.
Argumentative Essay Articles Argumentative Essay Articles
Motherhood and Work among Canadian Women
Running Head: UNCLEAR PUBLIC STATUS Canadian Motherhood in the Early
20th Century Name of Student School Motherhood and Work among Canadian
Women A recent survey found the impact of motherhood on women s work as
unstable across generations and that those with children as less likely to begin work
or return to it than those who are childless or with only one child (Pacaut et al, 2012).
The finding was drawn from retrospective data obtained from Statistics Canada s 2001
General Social Survey on family history. It used the responses of 24,310 individuals
older than 15 years old in 10 Canadian provinces, excluding Yukon, the Northwest
Territories and Nunavut. The data collected and analyzed were on their work and family
histories, their marriages and families. These data allowed an analysis of the women s
conjugal and parental situations and their entry and exit from the labor market
throughout their lifespan. These were women born between 1937 and 1976 (Pacaut et
al). Past researches either supported or opposed the perceived incompatibility between
motherhood and employment (Pacaut et al, 2012). This study revealed an increase in
work interruption among women who began working before having children. It also
showed a big decline in the gap that separates women with children and those without.
The study concluded that changing attitudes towards mothers work did not appear to
ease the balance of work and motherhood. These attitudes include the availability of
For The Year Ended 30 June 2015 And June 2016, Wesfarmers
For the year ended 30 June 2015 and June 2016, Wesfarmers current assets were
consistently at 0.93 times larger than it current liabilities, this is 0.05 times higher than
the industry average of 0.88 as shown in Appendix V Wesfarmers Ltd Industry
Averages. Thus, Wesfarmers current ratio is not out of line with the current ratios of
many of the company s in its industry. This gives the indication that Wesfarmers should
not have any trouble paying its debts for the next twelve (12) months, as its current
liabilities are less than its current assets. However, for the year ended 30 June 2015 and
June 2016, Woolworths is 0.05 times below the industry average as seen in Appendix B,
Figure... This indicated that Woolworths is out of line with... Show more content on ...
In addition, Wesfarmers are remaining just above the industry averages, more work will
have to be done if they want to be number one in the retailing industry in Australia.
Financial ratios reflects the level of the company s profit relative to sales (Titan, 2012, p.
151). In other words, this is a company s capability of generating profits from its
operations. Profitability is one of four building blocks for analysing financial statements
and company performance as a whole. The balance sheet contains assets that the business
owns and which is used in the business for the purpose of generating profit (Jessop,
2017). See Appendix A, figure II. To determine profitability for Wesfarmers, we will look
at the Net Profit Margin, Return on Investment and the Return on Equity using DuPont
Net Profit Margin
The Net Profit Margin expresses the net after tax profits of an organisation as a
percentage of sales (Titan, 2012, p. 155). The net profit margin for Wesfarmers and
Woolworths is computed as follows in Table III below:
Formula Net Income Sales

Table III
Wesfarmers Woolworths
2015 201620152016
0.039 or 3.9%

0.006 or 0.6%0.036 or 3.6%0.021 or 2.1%

For the year ended 30 June 2015 Wesfarmers made AUD $0.039 of each sales dollar, and
for June 2016 they made AUD $0.006 of each sales dollar, this is converted into profits,
after taxes. With this in
Censorship Freedom Of The Internet
Censorship the Freedom of the Internet? The government controls much of what we
can and can t do, and also how and when we do it. For instance taxes , we all have to
pay a certain amount to the government on a specific day where the IRS and their
officials can determine how much we have to pay. The state control our cars through
smog checks and how fast we can drive on the roads through tickets and fines. When
the government has all of this control over us, should we give them more power? A
power to control what is allowed to be posted or entered into one of the greatest
informational tools in the history of mankind? The answer is simply no; they should
not be allowed that power. In the wise words of Benjamin Franklin those who surrender
freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one If we give the
government the power to censor the internet, we have lost the right for freedom of speech
, expression, and other ability s that we will lose having big brother hold our hand as
we navigate through the massive index that is know as the internet. The Internet is a
great tool and essential in every day lives but it can also be a very dangerous thing if
you are not careful. But the same thing goes for every other tool such as a hammer or a
nail gun. Everything just has to be used properly in the way that is intended by each
individual user in the way that the creator wanted the website/anything to use it. No one
should be told they can t post or upload
The Israelites From Genesis 2-3
The passage from Genesis 1 9 that drew my interest most was the first story of creation
in Genesis 1. This creation story implies that God created all of the universe in an
orderly manner, and he was proud of what he had made, especially human beings. I
imagine the Israelites, the community that received this story from the Priestly Sources,
heard it as a confirmation that the Godthey worshipped was the correct one. The
Israelites were probably accustomed to the creation story from Genesis 2 3 by the time
this story was written. Although the Genesis 2 3 story tells about how their God created
the universe and humans, there is not as much mentioning of how this God looked upon
his creation with favor as he does in Genesis 1. At the end of the
Successful Dating Research Paper
Successful dating advice for men. The reason behind dating, is to get to know someone
better. You also open up the possibility of developing this into something long term. As
a male, a lot of responsibility is placed upon you to deliver the right date and conduct
yourself appropriately for it to be a success. Whatever your sexual orientation, if you are
leading the event you have a certain obligation to get it right. You have already met the
person, so remind yourself about the conversations you have had together. Think about
what they told concerning their interests, this a clue to the things you may have in
common. When and where: A thumping night club on a Saturday night, is really not
appropriate for a first date. If you are both into clubbing that doesn t mean you have to
rule it out... Show more content on ...
For a nice pleasant day out at the weekend, a walk through a central park is certainly
enchanting. Walking together outdoors in pleasant weather, gives you a chance to
talk and be close to nature. Booking into that same restaurant won t suffice, be
creative. It s important that you enjoy the occasion too, but don t be selfish or
complacent. Notification and details: Call and notify them as to when and where you
are going. Negotiate a day and time, or make a suggestion. It sounds obvious, but give
them a little advance notice. Calling someone a few hours before, is not cool. Give
them an indication of what to wear. If the event is going to be a surprise, give them a
hint. No one wants to turn up in formal wear, if they are going to the racing track. Be
charming: When you first see your date, compliment them. Even though they are the
sexiest man or woman in town, it s still good to let them know. A little boost from you,
will help them feel more confident. It will also give you extra points for being so
charming. Needless to say, you should be well groomed yourself. This could bag you a
Medical Experiments During Ww2
Throughout WW2, the Nazis conducted many experiments on prisoners in the
concentration camps. The experiments were extremely brutal to the persons being
experimented on. Many of these doctors used their authority to justify the means of their
research . There are various different experiments that were conducted for supposed
benefit to the German army. Experiments conducted by Nazis were inhumane and
traumatizing to those lucky enough to survive. Although the experiments done on
humans during WW2 were absurd, there are some factors that were beneficial. Some of
the data recorded by the Nazis is used in many scientists works today. For example, Nazi
hypothermia studies, for instance, have been cited in the medical literature for decades,
and recently several scientists have sought to use the data in their own work (Tyson).
Another compelling argument regarding the injustices done to the prisoners revolves
around the Nuremberg trials. After the war, the Nuremberg trials were held for the
purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice (Nuremberg Trials). Laws were also
made after the Holocaust to protect human test subjects of future experiments. On the
contrary to the dreadful things done to the prisoners, few relevant points are presented as
positive outcomes.... Show more content on ...
Commonly, doctors are thought of as the saviors of mankind, the healers, and caretakers
of our utter existence (Medical experiments...), suggesting that they are responsible for
life and death of patients. Trust is a crucial factor that must be present between doctor and
patient. However, it is denounced that The Nazi doctors violated the trust placed in them
by humanity. The most painful truth is for the most part the doctors escaped their crimes
against humanity and lived a life, unlike their victims (Medical experiments..), thus
emphasizing the horrors that the nazi doctors put their patients
Book Burning Research Paper
Book Burning Essay

The book that i think should be saved from the fire is Soul Surfer . Bethany hamilton is
a kind loving person. I think that it should be saved because it shows how to never give
up on anything that happens. If someone is having a hard time or something really bad
has happened never give up. Bethany loves surfing and has surfed ever since she was a
little kid and one day it just so happened that she went out to surf with her best friend
and her dad and brother. They went out pretty far. And she was just sitting on her
stomach on a surfboard. Then this shark came up and bit more than half of her arm off.
So her best friends brother went to the truck and broke the window to get the phone and
call 911 and Bethany s mom, to

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