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Land Law Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Land Law" can be a challenging endeavor that requires a deep
understanding of legal principles, statutes, and case law related to land ownership and property
rights. This topic is inherently complex, involving intricate legal frameworks that vary across
jurisdictions, adding an additional layer of difficulty.

To compose a comprehensive essay, one must delve into the historical evolution of land law,
examining its roots and the factors influencing its development. Analyzing relevant court decisions
and legislative changes is essential to present a well-rounded argument. Understanding the nuances
of property transactions, easements, covenants, and the broader legal implications of land use adds
complexity to the task.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of land law, involving elements of contract law, tort law,
and equity, demands a holistic approach. Legal research skills are crucial, as the essay should be
grounded in authoritative sources to provide a robust foundation for the arguments presented.

Organizing thoughts coherently and articulating complex legal concepts in a clear and concise
manner is a skill that writers must master. Addressing counterarguments and anticipating potential
legal ambiguities adds an additional layer of sophistication to the task.

In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of land law to produce a well-crafted essay is undoubtedly a
formidable challenge. It demands a combination of legal expertise, analytical thinking, and effective
communication skills. For those seeking assistance or looking to explore similar essays, resources are
available at .
Land Law Essays Land Law Essays
Use and Abuse of Benzodiazepines
Use and abuse of Benzodiazepines
Sedative hypnotics, including benzodiazepines, are a group of drugs used to treat the
symptoms of anxiety, panic disorders, and insomnia.
Benzodiazepines are one of the most prescribed drugs which have abuse potential.

There must be special attention toward the patient s addiction history before these agents
are prescribed. An understanding of the toxicity and side effects of benzodiazepines,
abuse patterns and alternative anxiolytic and hypnotic agents may help clinicians to be
safe from issues of medico legal case.

Mechanism of action
It acts by following ways

Benzodiazepine receptors are linked mainly to γ amino butyric acid (GABA) receptors,
which sensitize benzodiazepine receptors to the neurotransmitter GABA, the most
prominent inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.
Enhance the affinity of the recognition site for GABA by inducing conformational
changes that make GABA binding more efficacious.
Activation of the benzodiazepine GABA chloride ionophor complex is responsible for
producing the therapeutic anxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines and for mediating many
of the side effects and, possibly, dependence and withdrawal from these drugs.

Clinical use
Following are the use of benzodiazepines
Amnesia before or after surgery
Anxiety disorders
Generalized anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Phobias (social, simple)
Post traumatic stress disorder
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Functional Hypothalamic Essay
Stress Induced Anovulation

Functional Hypothalamic (FHA) is a reproductive disorder in which secondary

amenorrhea occurs, due to decreased Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) pulse
secretions. It is characterized by hypercortisolism, hypogonadism, lower leptin levels,
and dysregulated thyroid function (Berga and Loucks 2007). There are three types of
FHA categorized as either weight loss related, psychological stress related, or exercise
related amenorrhea. In each, higher than normal levels of cortisol caused diminished
functional activity of the ovaries, leading to deficiency in estrogen.
GnRH is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus, and stimulates the anterior pituitary
gland to secrete follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ... Show more content on ...
CBT is a better treatment alternative to pharmacological treatments because it targets the
underlying cause of the disorder by reducing allostatic load through teaching stress
management skills, and prevents other health conditions linked to chronic stress such as
cardiovascular disease (Michopoulos, Mancini, Loucks, Berga, 2013). Additionally, it
prevents potential side effects of HRT and ovulation, and can foster better overall
wellbeing and parenting skills of potential mothers. Given that there is a direct
relationship between the psychogenic stress, increased cortisol and neuroendocrine
imbalance, and negative health outcomes, it is important for physicians to be cognizant
of the psychological, emotional, and social stressors of their patients, as they might
directly cause their conditions, or may interfere with the patients ability to comply with
their treatments, and recover. Since there may be many other illnesses that are directly
influenced by stress, more research should be done on how stress interacts with other
illness. Physicians should emphasize the importance of mental health and stress
management techniques on patients health
Body Integrity Identity Disorder
1. Introduction

Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID, also known as apotemnophilia and xenomelia)
is a rare condition in which the person experiences a strong feeling of overcompleteness
with four limbs, causing an intense desire for amputation (1,2). Instead of a wish for
amputation there may also be a desire to paralysis (3). These individuals do not suffer
from delusions or psychosis, and fully understand the bizarre nature of their desire (2,4).
At this time BIID is not included in the ICD 11 or DSM 5, causing this condition to be
unknown by psychiatrists, neurologist and surgeons. Therefore there is no effective
pharmacological or psychotherapeutic treatment option available (2). Only the requested
amputation itself seems effective, but for ethical reasons those amputations are not
preformed in regular healthcare (3). As a result BIID individuals often avoid
healthcare and express their desire by pretending to be disabled or, in extreme cases,
by eventually performing self amputation (4 7). The lifelong desire of an individual to
be physically disabled may be considered incomprehensible by many. However, for
BIID individuals the strong sense that their anatomical self as an able bodied person is
inappropriate and that they were meant to go through life as a disabled person is
constantly present and cannot be suppressed (3). This feeling becomes manifest in early
childhood and remains throughout life (5). Although this phenomenon is very rare and
prevalence rates
Job Search Inventory
Enrollment in program would begin with taking the Job Search Attitude Inventory.
Every new woman taking residence in the home would take the job search inventory to
address her attitudes about looking for employment. Results of the inventory would
allow her to consider areas for improvement in her work skills and empower her to take
more time to be self directed in looking for work options. This short, straightforward
method of assessment would identify women who are willing and able to seek
employment. Completion of the exam takes 20 minutes and provides a useful measure of
the attitude of job seekers. Self esteem is a strong factor in motivational thoughts and
actions within a job search. Counseling sessions (group and individual) after completion
of the exam will allow each individuals to tap into quantitative results. Wonderlic Basic
Skills test would be administered... Show more content on ...
378). According to Wood Hays (2013), StrengthsFinder 2.0 includes 177 paired
descriptors. Each question presents a pair of self descriptive phrases configured in a
scale that represents the poles of a continuum (pg. 378). The client taking the
assessment will receive their top five strengths out of 32 strengths identified by this
assessment, which meets the second goal of this program. This assessment is based off
of positive psychology ideals and aims to empower users by emphasizes and teaching
them to utilize the strengths they possess. While this assessment isn t meant to be used
to make career decisions or diagnosis (Wood Hays, 2013, pg. 378), it would be helpful
for our clients to understand their personal strengths and how they can relate that to their
career and professional sphere of influence. This assessment will empower our clients to
focus on what they do well instead of potential ideals that have been imposed on them by
societal influences about the
American Red Cross Organization
American Red Cross Organization
One agency that has trouble had an impact on me and the people around me is the
American Red Cross Organization. While I was in the military I received news that
my grandmother was terribly ill and that I needed to go home as soon as possible. I
was stationed in Germany at the time so it was not as easy as just jumping into my car
and driving back to Florida. My mother called the American Red Cross gave them my
social and my unit. In less than 12 hours the American Red Cross Organization had
informed me of the news processed my leave forms through my unit and paid for my
plane ticket and they even found dog sitters for me. In less than 12 hours, I was at the
airport awaiting my flight. They took care of everything that I needed in order to make
it home without a single bit of chaos. The American Red Cross Organization was
founded in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1881 by Clara Barton. The traditional purpose
of the organization included giving relief to and serving as a medium of communication
between members of the American armed forces and their families and providing nation
and international disaster relief and mitigation. Anytime there is a disaster in the United
... Show more content on ...
It depends solely on volunteers and the donations that it receives in order to complete
their missions. While I was in the military I volunteered a once or twice for the
American Red Cross Organization, but it wasn t really till I learned how much they
do through my own personal experience. I always just thought of the American Red
Cross Organization as an agency that just collected blood and was just passing out
flyers. This agency is like the hidden people behind the scenes. Once I saw how much
they can do for you, I made it a point to help volunteer any chance that I got. I mean my
life was changed by just a normal person like people who just decided to help out that
Three Little Pigs
SOMERSET PA (AP) A. Wolf took the stand today in his own defense. This shocked
and stunned the media who predicted that he would not testify in the brutal double
murder trial. A. Wolf is accused of killing (and eating) The First Little Pig, and The
Second Little Pig. This criminal trial is expected to be followed by a civil trial to be
brought by the surviving Third Little Pig. The case has been characterized as a media

His testimony is transcribed below:

Everybody knows the story of the Three Little Pigs. Or at least they think they do. But I
ll let you in on a little secret. Nobody knows the real story, because nobody has ever
heard my side of the story. I m Alexander T. Wolf. You can call me Al. I don t know how
this ... Show more content on ...
And right in the middle of the pile of straw was the First Little Pig dead as a doornail.
He had been home the whole time. It seemed like a shame to leave a perfectly good
ham dinner lying there in the straw. So I ate it up. Think of it as a cheeseburger just
lying there. I was feeling a little better. But I still didn t have my cup of sugar . So I
went to the next neighbor s house. This neighbor was the First Little Pig s brother. He
was a little smarter, but not much. He has built his house of sticks. I rang the bell on
the stick house. Nobody answered. I called, Mr. Pig, Mr. Pig, are you in? He yelled back.
Go away wolf. You can t come in. I m shaving the hairs on my shinny chin chin.

I had just grabbed the doorknob when I felt another sneeze coming on. I huffed. And I
snuffed. And I tried to cover my mouth, but I sneezed a great sneeze.

And you are not going to believe this, but the guy s house fell down just like his
brother s. When the dust cleared, there was the Second Little Pig dead as a doornail.
Wolf s honor. Now you know food will spoil if you just leave it out in the open. So I did
the only thing there was to do. I had dinner again. Think of it as a second helping. I
was getting awfully full. But my cold was feeling a little better. And I still didn t have
that cup of sugarr for my dear old granny s birthday cake. So I went to the next house.
This guy was the First and Second Little Pig s brother. He must have
Asian Wedding Cake Essay
Asian wedding cake:

Weddings are an integral part of all cultures. The customs and traditions of the different
culture vary from each other. Similarly Western weddings are quite different from the
Asian weddings. A wedding cake is a very significant tradition of the Western weddings.
Although not so significant, but the tradition of wedding cakes at Asian wedding is
increasingly becoming popular. As such the Asian wedding cakes are baked in exquisite
designs and delicious taste.
Meaning: The phrase Asian wedding cakes is a comprehensive term meaning cakes of
different countries or cultures in Asia, like Japanese wedding cakes, Chinese wedding
cakes, Indian wedding cakes, Korean wedding cakes and so on. The diversities of the
wedding ... Show more content on ...
Cheese, spices, walnuts, chocolate chips and chocolate mousse are often used for filling.
Fondant is almost necessary for all designer cakes because this can be molded in
numerous shapes. Fountain Royal Icing, Vegan Icing and marzipan beautify the cakes and
add to the scrumptious taste.
Style and decoration: The Asian wedding cakes are baked in various designs and
decorated with beautiful accessories to lend an artistic touch to the cakes.
There are cake toppers and cake favors used for this purpose. A Japanese cake topper like
large bride and groom Ceramic doll or Sock monkey cake topper , an Indian cake topper
like a typical Indian bride and groom figurine or a crystal coconut tree, a Chinese cake
topper like a typical Chinese bride and groom in red dress holding each other , a Korean
cake topper like a crystal wedding duck look really gorgeous on a wedding cake. There
are also cake toppers like Traditional Asian Double Happiness topper which can be used
for any Asian wedding.
Cake favors which reflect Asian art and culture are also important for Asian weddings.
Some examples can be cited here: White happiness napkins, a bright red or pink candle
with a double happiness symbol, mizuhiki craft cords, Bamboo place card holder, a
Laughing Buddha, foil kanji stickers, foldable fans, wooden sake cups and handmade
cherry blossoms are typical cake favors. Besides these, one can also gift small wrapped
candies, bracelets, key

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