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Natural Calamities Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of natural calamities presents a multifaceted challenge that requires a
delicate balance of informative content, empathy, and a call to action. The complexity arises from
the need to explore various dimensions, encompassing scientific aspects, societal impacts, and
environmental repercussions.

Addressing the scientific facet demands a profound understanding of geological and meteorological
phenomena, which may involve delving into seismology, meteorology, and climatology. This requires
meticulous research and an ability to present complex concepts in a comprehensible manner for a
diverse audience.

On a more human level, discussing the societal impacts of natural calamities involves delving into the
emotional toll they take on individuals and communities. This requires a sensitive approach,
recognizing the loss, trauma, and displacement experienced by those affected. Balancing facts with
empathy is a delicate task, ensuring that the essay doesn't become too clinical or detached.

Furthermore, addressing the environmental repercussions demands a grasp of ecological principles

and an understanding of the long-term effects on ecosystems. This requires a synthesis of scientific
data and an ability to communicate these effects in a manner that resonates with a broader audience.

In addition, the essay should ideally conclude with a call to action, advocating for preparedness,
sustainable practices, and global cooperation to mitigate the impact of natural calamities. This aspect
adds a layer of responsibility, urging the writer to not merely inform but also inspire and engage the

In essence, writing an essay on natural calamities necessitates a nuanced approach that weaves
together scientific knowledge, empathetic storytelling, and a sense of responsibility. It requires a
writer to navigate through various disciplines while maintaining clarity and relevance. Achieving this
balance is a formidable task, demanding extensive research, thoughtful reflection, and adept
communication skills.

For those finding this task overwhelming, there are resources available to assist in essay writing.
Services like offer a platform where one can order essays on various topics,
ensuring that the complexity of crafting a well-rounded essay is taken care of by professionals.
Natural Calamities Essay Natural Calamities Essay
Gap Year Disadvantages
While beneficial to students in certain circumstances, a gap year s success ultimately
depends on background elements like socioeconomic status. Students taking a gap year
must possess a structured plan and must actively seek productive ways to explore their
passions to dully utilize it to their benefit.
Often enough, a student s background will determine his or her effectiveness in a gap year
. While students at prestigious universities like Harvard exhibit higher GPAs, one should
note that for students of low socioeconomic status taking a gap year puts them at a
sizable disadvantage compared to peers who enter college right away (Hoder; Figure
H). The seemingly contradictory nature of this data would imply gap years require
certain conditions for success. One must factor that places like Harvard typically have
students of higher socioeconomic status due to the nature of the school, meaning the
experiences of a wealthier person in his or her gap year would differ with the
experience of a lower income student. Therefore, a gap year could yield benefits but
only with the right resources available. Lining up with this, students who take a gap
year typically come from higher income households (figure I). In figure C for example,
the lesser degrees for gap year students stem from using one or more gap years instead
of just one year, since the previously mentioned data implied most higher income
students will take off a single gap year and not more. Inversely, poorer students
Genius and Madness in Christopher Smart’s My Cat Jeoffry...
Genius and Madness in Christopher Smart s My Cat Jeoffry

A series of verses commencing with the word for , Christopher Smart s My Cat Jeoffry is
surprisingly modernistic and intriguing. Written while Smart was confined in a mental
asylum for incessant praying, the aphoristic poem praises the cat Jeoffry, a faithful
servant to God. Unrestricted by rigid poetic structures, My Cat Jeoffry is nevertheless
organized and coherent, ablaze with a current of religious fervour. It is impossible to
know if the poem was inspired by genius or by madness, but it is infused with sanity and
truth. While the poem is about a cat s devotion to God through its daily actions, Smart s
My Cat Jeoffry also serves as a lesson to humankind. ... Show more content on ...
Is Smart perhaps inserting his characteristic wit into My Cat Jeoffry and alluding to John
Wesley s (1703 1791) dictum cleanliness is next to godliness ?

Superior to other animals due to the dexterity of his movements (40, 71), Jeoffry is
able to serve God asleep and awake, as emphasized in Smart s parallel lines For there
is nothing sweeter than his peace when at rest./For there is nothing brisker than his life
when in motion (44 45). Jeoffry s abilities to influence those around him is also brought
into light in the parallel lines For he is hated by the hypocrite and miser./For the former
is afraid of detection./For the latter refuses the charge (57 59).

Jeoffry, even when his day s work is done (23), continues to work in God s grace by
keeping the Devil at bay with his electrical skin glaring eyes (25). This use of diction
seems absurd, and one wonders if Smart is not fooling his audience all along. Echoing
William Blake s The Tiger and his Four Fold Vision by the vivid descriptions of his
Angel Tiger (29), Smart hints that there exist multiple layers in My Cat Jeoffry .
Without a doubt, Jeoffry s life can be paralleled to that of humankind. However, what
kind of person does Smart speak of? Is Smart truly praising those who are devoted to
God, or is he criticizing those who are over zealous in their devotions?

Given the knowledge of Smart s background,

Jessica Valenti s The Purity Myths
Jessica Valenti s 2009 novel, The Purity Myth, explains how America s obsession with
virginity is hurting young women, by citing and explaining just some of the infinite
excuses behind this theory. As a writer, Jessica Valenti has written multiple other books
regarding women, double standards, and the essentials of feminism. In other books like
Full Frontal Feminism (2007), and Yes Means Yes (2008), Valenti has a strong
reputation to stand up for women and women s rights. In her newest novel, Sex
Object: a Memoir (2016), Valenti tells accounts of how male sexuality is not seen as
vulgar as women s. The Purity Myth in particular seeks to be read by anyone looking to
educate themselves on women s rights, the topic of women in politics, and insight on
what it s like to be a woman, both sexually and casually, as well as those looking to
acknowledge these controversies and problems facing... Show more content on ...
This illustration on the cover foretells the topic of the book and is explained, not
directly, but as an analogy of the book topic. Many people use this analogy of a
woman s worth being that of a delicate flower. In the 1950 s and 60 s, catholic schools,
exclusively for girls, would hand out a small pin to each student of a golden rose. The
card this pin came on had a simple explanation. Each time [you sin] a petal falls off
this irreplaceable rose; don t let your future husband marry a bare stem. Personally,
when I had found one of these pins at a thrift store for fifty cents, I assumed it was just
a regular pin that would decorate one of jean jackets. However, when I looked further
into it, I was quite shocked at the history of this small pin. I now wear it proudly as a
metaphor of what it s like to be a young woman
Essay on Roundup
If you read Wall Street s reports, they don t talk of soya bean as originating in China.
They don t talk of soya bean as soya bean. They talk of Monsanto soya. Monsanto soya
is protected by a patent. It has a patent number. It is therefore treated as a creation of
Monsanto, a product of Monsanto s intelligence and innovation. Vandana Shiva
(Barsamian, 1997)


Monsanto is a Saint Louis Chemical manufacturer that is a major player in the weed
killing business. Monsanto has quite a portentous past. They developed and produced the
notorious defoliant Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War, they invented the
controversial recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), and they were the
inventors and world s main producer of ... Show more content on ...
Important Issues

Are we using too much Roundup?

Is Roundup safe enough to be using in the mass quantities it is being used for?
Should we continue to support Monsanto by purchasing their product while they are
pushing Roundup Ready Soybeans a crop system that is no tastier, no healthier, and no
cheaper than the way Soybeans have been grown in the past?

Roundup Ready Soybeans

Monsanto s Roundup Ready Soybean (RRS) is a genetically engineered variety of

soybeans, which contains gene sequences from a cauliflower mosaic virus (CMV), a
petunia, and a bacterium (Agrobacterium sp.) (Greenpeace, 1997). The two bacterial
genes, in short, provide for resistance against Roundup, resulting in a crop of soybeans
that can be sprayed with Roundup to protect it from weeds, while not injuring it. In
1996, U.S. farmers harvested about 1.2 million acres of Roundup Ready Soybeans, and
although this crop represented only about 2 percent of U.S. soybeans, it will be mixed
with conventional soybeans unlabeled to become part of as much as 60 percent of all
processed foods that contain some soy based ingredient (Bruno, 1997). In the United
States, most consumers are likely to have already ingested small amounts of transgenic
soy in such common food as margarine, chocolate, baby food, and
Describe The Chemical Process In Making Americium
Chemical process in making americium:
The most popular type of smoke alarm is an ionization chamber smoke alarm. These
contain 0.28 micrograms of the radioactive isotope americium 241, in the form of
americium dioxide. Americium is a synthetic element, so it must be produced in a
nuclear reactor. Americium is made from plutonium 241, yet this needs to also be made
in a nuclear reactor. Uranium 238 in a nuclear reactor it is hit with a neutron, which
makes uranium 239. Uranium 239 has a half life of 23.5 minutes, the uranium goes
through beta decay becomes neptunium 239. This neptunium will then form plutonium
239 via beta decay over two days, this is then bombarded with two neutrons to become
plutonium 241. Plutonium 241 has a half life of ... Show more content on
It has become a social (as well as a government) expectation to have them installed in
your home. Smoke alarms save lives; without a smoke alarm you are 4 times more
likely to die in the event of a fire. The americium inside the alarm is an alpha and low
energy gamma emitter. Alpha radiation can be stopped by a piece of paper or a few
centimetres of air, meaning you could stand under a raw sample of americium and not
be in any danger. Yet, gamma radiation has the wavelength near that of an atomic
nuclei (10 Pico meters) meaning that they penetrated far more easily. These rays are
weak enough not to do any harm, yet are the major factor to the radiation from a
smoke alarm. It has become a misconception that smoke alarms are a threat to health
because of their radioactivity. The radiation emitted from a smoke alarm annually is 9
50 nano sieverts, eating banana releases the equivalent of 100 nano sieverts, the
average background radiation in Australia is 2000000 nano sieverts, to put how little
radiation is absorbed from a smoke alarm. The real problem is only when americium is
internalised into the body, because it is an alpha emitter. It poses a threat to health
because even though the alpha particles themselves are harmless, the speeds they travel
give them the ability to break bonds and ionize atoms, thus causing cancer. When in the
body 90% stays in you and the rest is excreted, it goes to the liver, bones and ovaries or
testicles where it has the possibility to cause cancer or birth
The Lightning Thief By Percy Jackson And The Olympians...
Hercules A true hero isn t measured by the size of his strength, but by the size of his
heart. The Lightning Thief is the first novel in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Novels. It was the first young adult novel written by Rick Riordan. Percy jackson and
the Olympians tells the story of modern day twelve year old Percy who finds out that
he is a demigod, son of Greek God Poseidon and a mortal woman. The Lightning Thief
was published in 2005 by Miramax Books, and thus Disney Hyperion imprint. The
book sold over 1.2 million copies in four years, it appeared on The New York Times
children s best Seller list and listed as Young Adults Library Services Association s
Best Book for Young Adults followed by other awards. It was soon later adapted into
the film Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. The film was released
in the United States on February 12, 2010. The movie sequel Sea Of Monsters was
later released on August 7, 2013. When i first read The Lightning Thief in my 9th
grade year of high school, I felt like i connected with the character Percy on a personal
level. Like him we both feel the need to set out on adventure, also very quick at
thinking in dire situations, intelligent and careful for others. Like me Percy is used to
being the outsider, the loner, and the quiet one. Percy grew up not knowing his father,
and i can sorta relate to that with my father being in and out from time to time.My 10th
grade year in Euclid was when i first
Ancient Nose Religion
Asses the relevance of Loki within the Ancient Norse Pantheon.

No individual is more influential in the Ancient Norse religion than Loki. Considered
an outsider to the Æsir he was instrumental in both the rise of the gods and their defeat.
He is the most mysterious character in the religion and little is known of his origin, he
was rarely prayed to yet is an extremely prevalent persona in records of the religious
beliefs of the people.
To properly evaluate the relevance of Loki within Ancient Nose religion is important to
understand his origins. Within the tales of the Norse gods little is mentioned about Loki
and how he came to be considered one of the gods. There is mention of a blood oath
sworn between Odin the ruler of the gods and Loki ... Show more content on ...
The second half of the tales of the Ancient Norse gods represent Loki in a negative
light by showing his change into an enemy of the gods. There is much debate
surrounding this change and when it occurred. Some state it was his natural path due
to his giant heritage, as his parents were considered enemies to the gods he would also
naturally become an enemy to the gods. Others consider the change to occur after
Loki loses a bet with the dwarfs and as payment has his lips sewn shut while the gods
look on and laugh. This is considered by some to be the moment Loki begins to hate
the gods as they did not offer to help him and instead mocked him. However Loki s
role in the death of Balder is universally considered to mark the end of the gods. Balder
was the most love of all the gods and in an attempt to protect him forever his mother
Frigg asked all things on all the worlds to swear never to harm Balder. Loki on hearing
of this discovered the one thing that had not sworn an oath to not harm Balder and
tricked Baldre s brother Hod into killing Balder. Thus the Asgardians lose there most
beloved family member and Loki loses his place within the Asgardian court. Hence we
see Loki s role in the religion turn from ally into the enemy who will eventually bring
about the downfall of the gods. After Loki kills Balder he then insults

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